Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 5.4
Morning all, 5.2 here! Though it was jelly baby assisted at 4.30 and 5am when I seemed to be on a never ending escalator to the basement. Does anybody know where the off switch is for the wind? I’m getting a tad fed up with it.
Morning all. 🙂 6.1 here.

Sounds like you all had a lovely day @Gwynn!

This Franklin fella is pushier than ol’ Eunice - our longish grass has been completely flattened. Someone’s fascia has landed in the garden behind ours, but ev1’s rubbish (bin day) is managing to cling to the ground - so far. We’ll run out of alphabet if we carry on at this rate!

Great work @Robin.

I hope your car’s warm @SueEK.
Congratulations on the HS @Robin !
Morning everyone. New sensor applied yesterday and activated last night took a long time to get going. First it wouldn't scan at all after the 60 mins. That lasted about 20 mins, then when it did scan it said i was hypo for an hour! I wasn't, finger prick showed 6.2. Woke this morning to 5.7, finger prick 4.9 so hopefully its settling now.

Its really windy here, got to keep an eye out as its bin day, it will be blowing off down the road.

Not doing much this morning, got a couple of calls to make but this afternoon have a funeral to go to. Very sad :( .

@Robin Congrats on the HS, nicely done.
@Gwynn i'm glad you had a lovely day yesterday
@SueEK stay safe in these winds even if you're sitting in your car .

Have a good day everyone.
5.5 for me this am. 🙂
Didn't sleep too well last night with all that wind (outside of course). So methinks a little after lunch nap is called for.

P.S. Forgot to say congratulations to @Robin on that magic number. 🙂
Morning all,

5.7 this morning when I woke up around 4:15am with a bad stomach ache - not sure why!

Still, finally managed to get back to sleep and not got much planned for today so could always have a nap if I get tired later which is a bit of a luxury!

Finally my appointment is in 2 days and it sounds weird but I’m actually excited for it (normally I hate medical appointments!) I think it’s because I’ve been struggling for a while and not really been able to get it off my chest and talk to them so it feels good that I’m finally doing that!

Have a good day 🙂
I'm going to say 9.3 because I woke up at around 6 that's what it is then(I'm thinking now that I need that extra half a unit at night illness or not, 10 before back fast(a bit nervous about doing a whole half a unit correction but I have), I'm gone back to usual 4 of morning livermir today because even though I did correct with tea in the evening it was quite a drop(I do need to try and get some background tests done. it was 9.7 when I went to bed so with the extra half a unit it is staying steady overnight it seems)
5.8 this morning, it's blinking chilly and somewhat windy. Shopping with daughter and granddaughter later - no nursery this week as it is half term - it is weird as the schools here have split it into 2 different weeks, not seen that done before - some were off last week. Oh well, c'est la vie.
Time to take my meds and then start to get my act together,
Have a good day and stay safe in this stormy weather.

9.4 for me today xx
Morning all... still blowing a hooley, but there's a lovely blue sky just dotted with little fluffy white clouds.

9.5 this morning with a flat line all night despite temp basal and umpteen corrections before bed. Still testing positive for Covid this morning, but I don't feel ill. Unlike poor hubby who has been in a lot of pain since Saturday night with toothache. He's tested negative throughout so has managed to get a dentist appointment at 10:30. I think it might be an abscess.

CONGRATULATIONS to @Robin on your HS.

@Gwynn glad to hear about your lovely day yesterday!

I'm now getting worried about @rebrascora. Hope all is well.
6.0 this morning.
Hope everyone’s ok and survived the storms again.

7.8 today after a totally ruined weekend. Oh well always next year.

@rebrascora - hope you are ok, we are all worried about you.

@Robin - congrats on your HS
Morning all and 5.6 for me

Started new sensor this morning and being a true Tyke most upset that I missed the first five minutes. I bet that's nearly a ha'ppence worth.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning 5.1.

Congratulations on HS @Robin.

Barbara aka @rebrascora is going through a rough patch at the moment,
anxiety is getting the better of her. I hope you all send her love and {{{HUGS}}}
while she goes through this torment, she`ll return to the forum in due course.
Ted xx
Good morning 5.1.

Congratulations on HS @Robin.

Barbara aka @rebrascora is going through a rough patch at the moment,
anxiety is getting the better of her. I hope you all send her love and {{{HUGS}}}
while she goes through this torment, she`ll return to the forum in due course.
Ted xx
We do send our best wishes, what's important is that she takes care of herself and her mental health. The forum can wait xx
Good morning all! 6'3.

Yesterday I had my first hypo. I was at work, it was a mild one and solved easily. I think the worst part was my manager coming every 2 minutes asking if I can go back to work, stressed me a bit, I have to explain him how that works 🙄
Morning all. A tad blowy here. 😳 After years of me fussing about the wonky 50ft Eucalyptus my new neighbour makes one complaint and now they're coming to remove it. About time! I watched it for half the night, goodness knows how it's still up.

Very happy with 8.8 this morning, two fat ladies yay. :D