Group 7-day waking average?

19.0. Really glad I have gp phone consult this morning already booked to discuss it all. Had some sliced pork to tell my body I'm awake and not going to starve and to plz stop "helping".

Also entirely annoyed I said no to that mince pie now, doesn't seem to matter either way if I do or don't, have come to the conclusion that my meter hates me and it should indeed be dumped into trifle 🙄
5.5 for me this morning. 🙂

I eat all the wrong things in the run up to Christmas.
It starts innocently enough, mixing chocolate and Rice Krispies, but before you know it I’m adding raisins and marshmallows – it’s a rocky road.

9.something here

Reported sensor yesterday morning and was issued with a replacement which was apparently shipped very early this morning! xx
Good morning all. Oh my....what a night and a morning so far. Had a couple of small hypos yesterday, one straight after tea. Then overnight had a massive high spike 14.5 going up fast!! Treated that then woke to an alarm at 4am telling me i was going low, had a JB to stop the drop. I woke again at 8 to find i'd been hypo for a long time!! 2 rounds of treatment later its finally gone up, but now gone way to high....i just can't win o_O .

@eggyg i hope you're feeling a bit better today.
@ColinUK keep testing and stay safe
6.2 this morning, what a surprise as I fell asleep early last night, then woke up so got up and made the pinwheels (using wholemeal wraps) to take to the bring and share lunch at coffee morning today. Of course it is chef's prerogative to eat the end bits isn't it - smoked salmon and Phili, pork & egg with Phili and red leicester and, my favourite, extra tasty chicken, Phili and cranberry - didn't get back to bed until 3.00am.
Busy day with coffee morning, Covid booster halfway through, pick up meds from chemist afterwards, back to coffee morning to eat - and it is blinking freezing, no higher than 3c today - eek!
Must finish getting ready - have a good day folks 🙂
it is blinking freezing, no higher than 3c today - eek!
We're at -1c at the moment and high today will be 0c lol xx
Morning All
Hope everyone is well, ( or recovering ).
A late start today, body didn’t want to go to sleep last night. A 6.5 on waking.
Starting day with Toast and coffee instead of porridge and banana. Well it can only go wrong but got to get used to bolus low amounts on account of Xmas snacks. ( That’s my excuse ).
Keep safe
Morning all.

Late waking @ 09:20 to 8.7 which is odd as I was 6.1 at 06:00. Don’t usually have DP as my pump rates are adjusted for it. Oh well!

Having read that the rate of Covid round here is waaay below the national averages and in fact lower than it was earlier in the year, we’ve decided to go to the tour of the local gin distillery with the friends as arranged. Hic!

Fingers crossed for @eggyg and @ColinUK that tests are negative.

@gll are they sure you are T2? Sounds like LADA to me with those high numbers.
11:10 BS 6.0 🙂

Yesterday was a LONG day & I got through it with little catnaps of an hour here & there! 🙄 All the Christmas food stuff came apart from black peppercorns & a substitution of stuffing, thank goodness I ticked that box, but, I got SOME at least: I’m fully into getting the Ashley Jensen, AKA Agatha Raisin, ad for Waitrose;”Stuffing. I ate the stuffing: ALL of it”!:D😎😛😉

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Can’t hang about too much as I need to eat breakfast & then out of the house again this week for my booster jab! 🙄
Morning everybody 🙂
At 07:56 it was 6.8 for me which is withing my target range. 15.0 units of tresiba done.

Have a great day everybody 🙂

Day 3 of my school holidays and I've been a very good girl 🙂
Phew! Finally after trying & trying I got through to book my taxi for 12:30 for my booster jab at 12:45! Others getting their booster jabs too? :D Phew! Emoji!

Picked up my mail & there’s a lovely card from my nephew & niece in law, nice: love also from their two daughters; made me feel OLD as they’re my grandnieces! 🙄:D😉

Finally I get to wolf down my breakfast sausage muffin! 😛
Well! Just back from booster jab AND, of course it’s cold, wet & windy: all 3 times of the vaccine it’s been WET; ended up with a few days of sniffles getting wet under the umbrella as the wind blows iti in underneath from waiting for taxis as it’s always busy from everybody else getting theirs too! 🙄😱 BUT, it’s done now! Phew! Emoji! Let’s hope with the Pitizer booster, as opposed to the previous 2 AZ vaccine, I don’t get a reaction further down the line but, on the lookout & will keep a closer eye for lower BS as well these next few days?:confused:
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Late reporting in, was running behind this morning for work but finished now until 4th Jan, hurray! Picked grandson up in the way back from work, been to Sains and done lunch and waiting for pastry to warm up a little before making mince pies. I do absolutely nothing myself, shop bought pastry and jar of mincemeat, easy peasy apart from the fact my thermostat on my oven has had it, I just have to guess if I think something is cooked. Going to buy a new one in the new year as it’s had it really.
@eggyg hope you get your result really soon x
Hope your day is going well.x
Well! Just back from booster jab AND, of course it’s cold, wet & windy: all 3 times of the vaccine it’s been WET; ended up with a few days of sniffles getting wet under the umbrella as the wind blows iti in underneath from waiting for taxis as it’s always busy from everybody else getting theirs too! 🙄😱 BUT, it’s done now! Phew! Emoji! Let’s hope with the Pitizer booster, as opposed to the previous 2 AZ vaccine, I don’t get a reaction further down the line but, on the lookout & will keep a closer eye for lower BS as well these next few days?:confused:
I found my BG levels rose after the Booster. Almost Mount Everest on chart. DSN said it was due to body building antibodies and raised my basal for a week?
If it was that then it was the DF.
I LOVE stuffing 😛 but, have always HATED mince pies! A Green Puking emoji! Years ago in first year home economics class I thought it was minced beef pies we were making: never heard of or seen mincemeat before & HATED it ever since; don’t like hot cross buns either! Another Green Puking emoji!:D

One of my sister in law’s, freshly married & moved to the UK, on the other hand had never had stuffing before & didn’t like it: not much herbs used in Chinese cooking; my eldest brother’s secret recipe for the restaurant stuffing, from he who held the curry paddle aka the big boss with the recipes, of pork liver didn’t help! I LOVED our restaurant’s stuffing & it took me YEARS to worm the secret ingredient out of my brother as I just COULD NOT replicate that flavour: who knew that pork liver works VERY well in stuffing; chicken liver at a pinch! :confused: Sounds strange maybe but, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it!o_O🙄:D😉 REALLY! It’s VERY good!😛
Good day to you all! Well the days are getting longer now, which is a pleasant thought, even if it is only by a very minimal amount, mentally it just seems more hopeful and optimistic. I think it is also a bit brighter and colder today and the ground is hard but thai is pleasanter than it being mild but damp and dismal and having to trudge through mud.

Anyway, it was a disappointing 9.4 for me this morning but didn't sleep much at all. I injected 2 units as a correction when I woke up (no breakfast today) and when I checked 2 1/4hrs later it was 10.4, so stuck another couple of units in (stacking I know 😱). A further 2 1/4hrs later I was down to 7.1.... so maybe my Fiasp hasn't totally turned to water after all! Just jabbed myself another 6 units for lunch because I have had enough of pussy footing with it! Had the last of my sausage and lentil ratatouille and think it has just got better with age. Yum! Will be interesting to see if I still need more corrections later.
Anyway, today was our annual Santa run with the horses and carriage. Lads were absolutely full of it and trying to get them harnessed up was, well "trying" if hot slightly dangerous, particularly Zak who was just bouncing even tied up in the stable, but thankfully both good as gold once they were yoked up. Weather was perfect, but my coach horn blowing attempts were hampered by a very cold mouthpiece as my lips almost froze to it. My range of notes definitely improved once I had warmed it up. Decorated the carriage with tinsel and baubles and wore my elf costume and my hair in pigtails and painted on some rosy red cheeks and freckles and a big grin and we were good to go and had everyone who passed us, smiling and waving.

@eggyg Pleased you got some sleep. Hope you feel a bit better as the day goes on and that all important result comes back negative. Fingers crossed for you too @ColinUK
@gll are they sure you are T2? Sounds like LADA to me with those high numbers.
Spoke to surgery today who are putting me back on metformin but slow release (to see if I can tolerate it this time) and to reduce gliclazide to once a day when it is in my system properly.
On metformin things were more stable for me and much less spiky.

When I can get to a healthy BMI and if things still out of whack then I will defo push for them to look into LADA. They are happy for me to phone back if meds aren't right still.
I fit t2 profile (age weight etc) and I can't see them being concerned about other possibilities until at least then unless things shift drastically.

Going to enjoy Christmas (but stick to low carb safe foods as the new norm) and then get back on track with actively working to loose weight and get in the healthy BMI range. Just hoping I don't get side effects on the metformin again over xmas.

BG meter reported 9.7 now and was the same 2 hours ago (from 19) so at least down a lot. Still only had the bit of cold meat for brekkie. Will go get a boiled egg now and see where we are at for dinnertime in a few hours 🙂
That was fast! The BS lowering effect is already happening with my first meal after my booster! 😱 Here I am at 1 hour & 49 minutes after eating a late lunch & I’m 0.1 lower than what I started on so, sucking a mint humbug & keep monitoring while active NR is still in my system for further sweets and/or oatcakes! I had feeling & reduced my tresiba by 2 units this morning but, it takes 2/3 days for full effects of changes! I started at 15:17 BS 7.7 a bit higher than my starting 6.0 & 17:08 BS 7.6! 😱 A rather dicey start & I need to reduce NR more until the reduced tresiba takes effect by which time I may be over the lowering effect anyway! The bit more inconvenience of slow effects of changing tresiba!🙄:confused: