Group 7-day waking average?

Another late good morning from me. 9.6 and rising the first time I woke up so jabbed a 2.5 unit correction of Fiasp and my Levemir and added an extra 2 units as been running high the last 2 days. Went back to sleep and woke up an hour or so later to a better looking 7.6. Thankfully TIR is back up to 90% for the last 7 days but feel like I am having to work quite hard with my management for it and using lots of insulin, but then I haven't had as much exercise the last few days, so need to address that.

@eggyg Phew! So relieved but still very concerned and I really hope you don't wipe yourself out before the big day. Cold is still a virus which will be taking a lot out of your body to fight it. Please make sure to rest when your body tells you to.

@Michael12421 Really hope you get some positive news at the hospital today. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. What culinary delights do you have planned for the festive season. I know you are a good cook and will have something interesting planned.... and a new cooker to cook it in this year!

@TinaD Fingers crossed your car passes it's MOT. I always find that waiting period stressful..... but then both my vehicles are very aged, so you can almost guarantee they will fail on something, it's just a question of how big or small. Great that you have a good local community who look out for each other. Getting rarer these days sadly.
There we are! A couple of hours later with no bolus as I DON’T want to eat, some ice & my BS has gone down a bit 10:43 BS 7.3. Just stay up a bit more for tresiba & pills at 11 ish & I’ll try to sleep through this? :confused: Jabbed me very high up my right arm right at the shoulder & my neck is hurting me too on the right hand side!😱 Can’t actually feel any lumps but, maybe too near the shoulder bone for much room to swell! Thank goodness my big bag of meds & insulin just delivered: said they were VERY busy & it might not get delivered until Friday, or even Monday, & I only had enough to last until Sunday; tried ordering an extra box again but, didn’t get it so, as soon as health centre opens on Wednesday 29th I’ll have to order another box of NR! Got 1.5 boxes of tresiba so, no worries about that but, I HATE being so “hand to mouth” with the NR!😡

Oops! A bit grumpy today & rant is over! 😳

Ah! Bang on 11 as I finish posting so, meds & tresiba in a bit early & I’m going back to bed! Stream of z’s emoji!
Good news @eggyg don't over do it with grandchildren!

Hope all is ok @Michael12421

4.6 and a rapid drop backed up with finger stick.

Need to go and collect meat later other than that nothing planned except finishing my book before I stay John Grishams lasted book. Maybe I should do a few lessons!!

Have a good day
Hi all

6.3 at 8 am. 1 slice of toast (15g) and a traipse round both Tesco and Morrisons later I am 10.4 grrr.... Tesco was OK when we got there, but by the time we left around 40 minutes later it was rammed, as was Morrisons where we had to go to complete the shop as Tesco had run out of some stuff. It wasn't as if we wanted a lot, just some fresh veg, some party nibbles/canapes for us whilst we open our pressies, and some dips for the crudites and crisps we'll put on for our guests when they arrive at 3pm. Hope to dine at 4pm. Dunno what you call that, late lunch or early dinner?

Now have a list as long as my arm for food preparation to be done tomorrow. Meanwhile we are going to a Jazz night with several friends at the local which is all of 50 yards stagger away! Uh... huh... better go dust the furniture around the christmas decorations first!

@eggyg, so pleased to hear it wasn't covid, all the same don't wear yourself out before Christmas day. Baby Zara is just scrumptious!🙂

@TinaD It's lovely to have a great community around you, our village is like that... so glad we moved here from the town.

@Michael12421 fingers crossed for positive news.
Visitor number 1 of 5. Our little Christmas pudding, with baby Zara! 😉
Only four staying over as Zara is full of cold too and mummy thinks it’s too much for us if she wakes through the night coughing. I’m ok with that, four’s more than enough.😱
Super cute pudding!
@Michael12421 Really hope you get some positive news at the hospital today. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. What culinary delights do you have planned for the festive season. I know you are a good cook and will have something interesting planned.... and a new cooker to cook it in this year!

Thanks to everyone who asked. It was a bit chaotic at the hospital. My appointment was for 11.30 nut it was nearer 13.00 when I was seen. They were also doing booster Covid jabs and there 100's of people there. The consultant was not as grumpy as she was on previous occasions and told me that it was not as serious as first thought and asked me to keep the wound she had made dressed and if it got worse to make another appointment. Hmm. I then went to Carrefour and bought a rather nice rib of beef which I will roast and have with Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes and parsnips and perhaps Duchess potatoes as well with green beans. I could not get any Burgundy or Merlot or even a Spanish wine made of Pinot Noir grapes, or even any shallots so the gravy is not going to be great. I can get around the lack of shallots by soaking slices of white onion in milk for a few hours to reduce their strength. My sister sent me a couple of mini Christmas puddings so one of those with creme Chantilly will suffice.
Carrefour had some lovely legs of lamb (as rare as hens teeth in this part of Spain) so I got one of those for a later time.
rather nice rib of beef which I will roast and have with Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes and parsnips and perhaps Duchess potatoes as well with green beans. I could not get any Burgundy or Merlot or even a Spanish wine made of Pinot Noir grapes, or even any shallots so the gravy is not going to be great. I can get around the lack of shallots by soaking slices of white onion in milk for a few hours to reduce their strength. My sister sent me a couple of mini Christmas puddings so one of those with creme Chantilly
Sounds absolutely delicious @Michael12421.
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.1 ohhh so close

Oddly a strange big vehicle has pulled up outside of the house. Lights blaring. Digging up the road. I think they started at around 3am!!

Out to get some bacon in a short while...

Have a great Christmas eve whatever you are doing today
Morning Peeps.

16.4 🙄

Family day today with lots of snacks, hot choc and movies. I hope I have chosen some good alternatives so I can still enjoy the day (meats, cheeses, options hot choc with as much cream as I like :D).
Today is more tricky than tomorrow food wise and I'm trying to not spend the day feeling left out of traditions.
Hopefully gliclazide does it thing this morning properly and smooshes bg down into single digits (its been kind of hit and miss how effectively it works / I respond). Will go for a walk when I'm out dropping off birthday gifts for bro in law to give it extra help since I wont be particularly active otherwise 🙂
Anyway, roll on muppets christmas carol, polar express and whatever else the family wants to watch :D

Hope everyone has a lovely day with whatever you have got on today. ONE MORE SLEEP WOOO 🙂🙂🙂
Good morning 🙂 6.6 for me today 🙂 May all your Christmas wishes come true! 🙂

When I awake on Christmas Day,
I’m hoping that you’ve gone away,
For though I’ve tried to learn to love you,
There’s many a thing I’d place above you!

Diabetes, I know you care,
You never leave me, you’re always there,
But I would cope if you should go,
Just thought that I should let you know…

We’re very close, that much is true -
At every meal, it’s me and you,
And each night – oh how close you keep!
And never leave me while I sleep…

You could leave me a Christmas gift,
Or just leave, and see my spirits lift!
So how about it, if you could,
Just pack your things and go for good!

I wouldn’t miss you, can’t you see?
It’s over between you and me!
You’re not the friend you think you are,
So take a hike, and make it far! :D
Good morning all on this Christmas Eve. 5.8 at 6 am.
Got up early, not just because I have loads to do, but so I can have a bit of peace before the hordes descend requiring their breakfast! Only pastries today, no full English like I usually make them. We’ll be having enough meat tomorrow to last them a week! I’m not having pastries, I’m having eggs.

Have a wonderful and magical Christmas Eve, it’s one of my favourite days even though I’m run ragged from dawn until bedtime. Merry Christmas. One more sleep! :D
Bonjour mes amis!

Took a zopiclone last night after a run of sleepless nights. Went to bed about 22:45 and wide awake at 01:30 ffs. So I’ve huge dark circles under my eyes today now of course.

Off to the folks later today and back home Boxing Day. That’s a little stressful as it’s the first time I’ve slept there in years.
We get on ok but sometimes we can wind each other up a bit ‘tis true. Had wanted a decent sleep as a banker before a couple of nights in not my bed, in not my room, with not my familiar noises etc.

I’m planning on Park Run tomorrow and thankfully my knee seems to be ok today so I’ll pack my running gear.

Got the two Echo Dots for mum and dad yesterday and we never wrap presents (and they’re not expecting anything anyway) so they’re ready to go.

I’m a little trepidatious about navigating food choices whilst at mum and dads and I’m expecting a little pressure when I decline stuff because I’m not hungry or it just didn’t suit. I’ll explain that it’s a balancing act and that to be more relaxed tomorrow I’m being stricter today and that logic may break through but they’re used to friends who are diabetic eating anything and everything as long as it’s sugar free.

Ooh beard trimmer broke yesterday mid trim of course. New one being delivered to mum and dads today so I’ll be able to sort my tonsorial scruffiness out without too much bother I hope!

No set times for today. May wander to M&S and Waitrose to bag a few foodie bargains for NYE (assuming a lockdown) and leave them in the fridge for when I’m back.
Do want to introduce the folks to my new Christmas tradition of watching the Mariah Carey Christmas Special from last year on AppleTV as it’s utterly bonkers perfection!

Will pack my BG monitor but frankly I’m not going to be overly careful about what I eat whilst I’m away but will be mindful I guess. I know by know how I feel when I eat X or Y and a couple of days isn’t really going to matter in the scheme of things.

@eggyg Zara is the cutest pudding I’ve ever seen! (Oh and love those speakers in the background - very nice!)

@Michael12421 When are we all coming to yours for a slap up meal?! What you cook sounds delicious!

Almost forgot to say 6.0 this morning!!

I ate the last of the filo mice pies yesterday. They were far from aesthetically pleasing but they tasted lovely and adding a little chocolate to the filling made a real difference.

On that note, and if I don’t pop in later, hope everyone has a great Christmas and love you all.
I’m incredibly grateful I found this place and even more grateful that I’ve been able to share ups and downs with you all as this year hasn’t been easy.
You’ve all helped in your own ways so thank you each and every one of you.

Merry Christmas to you and yours xx
Morning all, 5.4 here. Was 5.0 at 6am but that was far too early to get up, so I dozed off again and obviously sailed straight past the HS station.
I think that counts as a Christmas Eve Special if you ask me!
Bonjour mes amis!

Took a zopiclone last night after a run of sleepless nights. Went to bed about 22:45 and wide awake at 01:30 ffs. So I’ve huge dark circles under my eyes today now of course.

Off to the folks later today and back home Boxing Day. That’s a little stressful as it’s the first time I’ve slept there in years.
We get on ok but sometimes we can wind each other up a bit ‘tis true. Had wanted a decent sleep as a banker before a couple of nights in not my bed, in not my room, with not my familiar noises etc.

I’m planning on Park Run tomorrow and thankfully my knee seems to be ok today so I’ll pack my running gear.

Got the two Echo Dots for mum and dad yesterday and we never wrap presents (and they’re not expecting anything anyway) so they’re ready to go.

I’m a little trepidatious about navigating food choices whilst at mum and dads and I’m expecting a little pressure when I decline stuff because I’m not hungry or it just didn’t suit. I’ll explain that it’s a balancing act and that to be more relaxed tomorrow I’m being stricter today and that logic may break through but they’re used to friends who are diabetic eating anything and everything as long as it’s sugar free.

Ooh beard trimmer broke yesterday mid trim of course. New one being delivered to mum and dads today so I’ll be able to sort my tonsorial scruffiness out without too much bother I hope!

No set times for today. May wander to M&S and Waitrose to bag a few foodie bargains for NYE (assuming a lockdown) and leave them in the fridge for when I’m back.
Do want to introduce the folks to my new Christmas tradition of watching the Mariah Carey Christmas Special from last year on AppleTV as it’s utterly bonkers perfection!

Will pack my BG monitor but frankly I’m not going to be overly careful about what I eat whilst I’m away but will be mindful I guess. I know by know how I feel when I eat X or Y and a couple of days isn’t really going to matter in the scheme of things.

@eggyg Zara is the cutest pudding I’ve ever seen! (Oh and love those speakers in the background - very nice!)

@Michael12421 When are we all coming to yours for a slap up meal?! What you cook sounds delicious!

Almost forgot to say 6.0 this morning!!

I ate the last of the filo mice pies yesterday. They were far from aesthetically pleasing but they tasted lovely and adding a little chocolate to the filling made a real difference.

On that note, and if I don’t pop in later, hope everyone has a great Christmas and love you all.
I’m incredibly grateful I found this place and even more grateful that I’ve been able to share ups and downs with you all as this year hasn’t been easy.
You’ve all helped in your own ways so thank you each and every one of you.

Merry Christmas to you and yours xx
Ahh..the B&O speakers. Mr Eggy’s pride and joy, along with the Jag and his camera. He has expensive tastes my hubby! We have a matching telly, which I absolutely hate with a passion. When I put the TV on, I want to be able to just push one or two buttons and find the programme I want to watch. Oh no not this one! I’ve told him it’s the first thing to go if he pops his clogs before me! I’m a simple soul and I like a simple life. I don’t need fancy pants stuff. We grew up in adjacent streets on a council estate, working class parents, low income, not much in the way of material things. I’ve not changed much! 😉
Have a great time with the folks, and just enjoy. It’s only once a year.
5.3 for me today. 🙂

@eggyg it’s obvious Mr Eggy has impeccable taste in all things, after all he married you 🙂

Woke to 8.4, dropped to 6.5, took a couple of Lifts as didn't want to drop anymore and was 8.0 when it finally got to time for testing for breakfast, absolutely exhausted after the neighbours antics last night, who the **** hoovers the closey and especially at 10pm!? Then proceeded to go back into the house and spend 45 minutes hoovering there and then ran in and out all night 🙄

Last Christmas present for Bruce due today, it's more of a laugh than anything after his response at the thought of it, also just got a text from Parcelforce to say that my sensor replacement that was issued on Tuesday will be delivered today

Not sure how many will check in tomorrow so doing this today