Group 7-day waking average?

I was diagnosed with Type 1 at 64 and 17-18 Stones. True at the start they said T2 but then had antibody test and well the rest is history.
However my GP and the nurses at the GP practice still question me and say I’m mistaken when I say T1 as my age according to them is all wrong.
The consultant and Diabetes Centre at Broomfield Hospital agree with the blood test, which they had done due to family history. The nurse who sent me for test said, it’s probably T2 but due to your mother being T1 from early age we will check. They rang me a fortnight later saying the blood test shows antibodies in abundance.
So even if you fit the profile for T2 ????????????
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Late reporting in, was running behind this morning for work but finished now until 4th Jan, hurray! Picked grandson up in the way back from work, been to Sains and done lunch and waiting for pastry to warm up a little before making mince pies. I do absolutely nothing myself, shop bought pastry and jar of mincemeat, easy peasy apart from the fact my thermostat on my oven has had it, I just have to guess if I think something is cooked. Going to buy a new one in the new year as it’s had it really.
@eggyg hope you get your result really soon x
Hope your day is going well.x
For Christmas cooking would one of those meat thermometers work until you can get new oven.
I’m only guessing but it might help.
<3 just love everyone on here for the support.

8.9 this morning. Clearly my body does what it wants, when it wants and this morning it wanted to behave (or I ate so little yesterday that it was able to idle overnight 🙄).
Had a slice of cold meat when I woke up just to firmly tell my body that I'm good, no help needed. Will tackle a proper brekkie in a couple hours when meds are due and until then, there is coffee 🙂

Another trip into town today, pickup prescription and get dragged around whatever shops my daughter wants to go to but I don't need to buy anything else (in theory but you know how that is).

Hope all who are feeling poorly have a better day today and hoping santa brings negative LFT and PCR results for those who are waiting 😉
Morning all.5.4 and NEGATIVE!!! :D Just literally found out at 6 o’clock. What a relief that it is “just” a cold. Christmas is back on. Got all five grandchildren coming today for a party and sleepover, mad, me? :confused: Had a half decent night, no night sweats and no painkillers needed at 3am. Still have a nasty cough and feel all weak and wobbly so the kids will have to be gentle with me. Like that’s going to happen! First one coming at 8.30, unfortunately Mummy and Daddy are at a funeral at 9.15. A 24 year old friend who died last week just weeks after being diagnosed with a very aggressive brain tumour. Puts things in perspective doesn’t it?:( Three more at 9.30 while mum goes to work, and last, but not least, eldest coming when she eventually gets up, puts her lashes on and does her hair and makeup!:D She’s a good help with baby Zara so I’ll message her soon and give her the good news and she may get here sometime before teatime!

Well, I must dash, party and Christmas to organise, I didn’t dare do anything yesterday incase it was wasted. The fridge is groaning with food as Mr Eggy went shopping yesterday, he did good.

Merry Christmas everyone. Two more sleeps.🙂
Eggyg: Brilliant news. Just get better now. Phew!

BG for me this morning 4.9. Back to the 4's. Quite happy with that.

Thinking today about cooking tomorrow (cakes and stuff?)

I have my 3 weekly eye op check this morning at 11:30am. It should go fine as the sight in mybleft eye is now considerably better.
Morning all, 6.6 here. I was 6.9 at bedtime and 4.4 at 2am, my usual pattern, but I only seem to need 2 units of levemir overnight at the moment instead of my usual 3.
First Christmas guest arrived yesterday…my daughter’s cat. Well, daughter came as well, but she’s still at work, so will be going off this morning. Daughter brought one modest bag of clothes and some wrapped presents (not that I was peeking) Cat brought an entire car bootful of equipment, worse than going anywhere with a baby, at least they don’t need scratching posts and litter trays (though come to think, they might be useful).
So glad your Christmas is back on @eggyg , and hope you feel better quickly.
7.6 today and surprisingly mild weather wise. Hair being done today and visit to the chemist.
@eggyg excellent news, I would say take it easy and rest before Christmas Day but sounds like there’s not much chance of that.
@Michael12421 hope all goes well at the hospital and that you have some good news xx
@DuncanLord fortunately I’m not cooking over Christmas. I do have a meat thermometer and also an oven thermometer to ensure we don’t get food poisoning lol.
Hope everyone has a good day and good luck if you have to go out food shopping x
Morning all. 6.2 for me.
@eggyg I'm so glad its negative though make sure you do get some rest and get well amid all the festivities.
@SueEK enjoy your hair being done. Relax.
@Michael12421 good luck with your appointment.
Just having a quick breakfast then off to ASDA to get the last bits. Wish me luck!
@eggyg that is good news. :D
4.6 for me this morning.


8.0 today

Going to apply a new sensor tonight which will hopefully be decent and last until at least Boxing day is over with, of not I'm close to giving up even though my fingers are sore and a mess xx
Morning All
A 5.7 this morning, so stayed level ish overnight.
Stay safe.
09:06 BS 8.6

OW! OW! OW! 😱 I’m in a LOT of pain & didn’t get much sleep!:( My right shoulder has swollen up overnight & I feel like a creaking, rusty Tin Man whenever I move! I think I’ll try some ice this morning!:confused:

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Maybe overdid the NR reduction for dinner but, then again, I’m in pain & that puts up my BS! Thank goodness I was given the choice of shoulder & I chose the right uninjured one as opposed to the left one! Small mercies! 🙄
Visitor number 1 of 5. Our little Christmas pudding, with baby Zara! 😉
Only four staying over as Zara is full of cold too and mummy thinks it’s too much for us if she wakes through the night coughing. I’m ok with that, four’s more than enough.😱


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Good morning

@eggyg - so pleased to hear you got a negative result. Hope all those grandchildren behave, I had two yesterday and I was tired.

@Michael12421 - hope everything goes well at the hospital.

7.2 this morning, but I was only going to eat one of the luxury chocolates I got as a secret Santa present at the bakeclub Christmas meal, but you can all guess what happened once I opened the box. Last working day for me until 4th January. Although tomorrow will hardly be a rest as I need to vaccum the house, make chocolate orange fondants for those who don't eat Christmas pudding and make mince pies,I made the mnicemeat a few weeks ago so that as been maturing nicely, and shortcrust pastry doesn't take long to make, not making any of that fancy filo stuff like @ColinUK did. I am cooking Christmas Day, but only 6 adults and 2 children this year, as my daughter is going out to eat Christmas day with her in laws.
I have a nice 1 1/2 hrs at Yoga this evening to relax me so that is good.

Have a good day everyone.
5.3 for me after a really bad night. Carless today as yesterday the DVLA kindly sent me a reminder that my MOT was due on 25 December. Do they do it on purpose? If so they are outwitted by v. helpful local garage and kindly neighbour who followed me to rural garage and brought me home (a mere round trip of 15 miles...) Another neighbour delivering eggs today - the only thing I am short of as pantry, freezer and veg beds stocked until mid-January. Not many faclities or entertainment venues in this locality but a splendid local community and I know which I prefer.
Okay got a 7.1 this morning, BUT that could be to my own Dawn Phenomenon of waking up hungry and reaching for a wee pack of skinny mini choc chip cookies, or the wee naughties I had at the bring and share lunch (several tasters were had!) - or I could just blame the booster jab of Moderna and the paracetamol I had to take last night - not sore, was just painful to lie on.
Had hysterics when I saw my COPD nurse for my booster, she had to ask some questions first, fine no problem, but it was when she asked if I could possibly be pregnant that I cracked up - at my age (67), and a hysterectomy nigh on 25 years ago and hubby had the snip prior to that! I said we had all bases covered. Gee, can't remember the last time I was asked that question, but it sure tickled me, I was still laughing when she stuck the needle in. Coffee morning/secret santa/bring and share lunch was very good - and then... then I finished my "outing" by popping along to a nearby family centre to see a pair of reindeer who were visiting - oh my - such beautiful creatures. Caribous, the only species where the female grows antlers too - I learned something new!