Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everybody. After a sudden rise to 13 going up fast overnight(again!! Which came down really quickly over 5 mibs and finger prick showing 9.3) i have woken to an 8.8 this morning. Goodness knows what is going on with this sensor the last couple of nights.

2 more days left at work, though its party day today. 30 6/7 year olds over excited and bouncing around! Have a good day whatever you are up to.
Morning All
An early start today, due to running a basal test last night. Well an attempt at one!
See photos of App log book and you’ll see readings for whole of yesterday.
I had to pilot another two drivers up to Norwich and back to Stansted.
Started off ok but then needed a couple of snacks before a late lunch.
On way back needed a couple of snacks to keep things fully under control.
At home by about 8:45pm. If I have Dinner then definitely will have active insulin in system plus basal for overnight sleeping. Plus not that hungry.
So miss meal and finish lunchtime snacks. No bolus but watch. Then watch overnight by setting alarms.
At 5:20 and a 5.0 got up and made breakfast.
Is that how I should deal with my moving mealtimes?
Ps. I think I’m now a human pin-cushion.
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Morning! - 12.1
I remember once making “proper” beef Wellington with the pancakes and everything.
I am never, ever, in a million years going to do that again!
I totally agree, I spent a week sourcing mushroom ketchup, I had to mould the pastry around a tin, three times I did that. The birds loved it though! Then all the faffing with mushrooms ( which I don’t even really care for). It was a total b**l ache! 😱
Why do we do it? ‘cos we can! 😛
6.0 on the nose this morning.

Took myself off to see the new Spider-Man film yesterday and it’s great fun. Willem Dafoe is his usual scene stealing self in a strong ensemble cast.
If you fancy it yourselves then go. If I’ve kids or grandkids who like superhero films then take them!
Why do we do it? ‘cos we can! 😛
Why do it? Because we don’t know any better!

Memories flooding back of making real marzipan from scratch once. Seem to recall it took 5 or 6lbs of ground almonds to make about 1lb of marzipan.

It was undeniably delicious but being fresh it went off in days!
That sounds like fun. Chaos and hard work no doubt, but pure joy for the kids. If you could bottle some of that and sent it my way that would be great.
If i could bottle and sell it i'd be a millionaire 🙂 . It would be so good to have even half their energy.
Good morning 6.1 today

currently feeling like I have a head full of tasks and not enough time in the day…
Orthopaedic surgeons secretary called me yesterda, so at least that’s a start hopefully get to see him soon some x-rays done on my ankle and a injection very soon.

wife’s new phone arrived, that was interesting experience setting it up,
think Samsung / Google know to much
My Dad would’ve called it un-necessary technically

Have a lovely day everyone 😎
Morning all. A very respectable 5.8. Not as good as yesterday’s 5.2.Well done to my fellow star House Specialists @Robin and @freesia.

Had my first day of volunteering yesterday. 8.30 to 5.30, apart from a half hour break, I never stopped. Was very busy in the vaccination centre, I was on “ crowd control” for the first four hours. It was like herding cats! Two queues, one for booked appointments and one for walk-ins, which could have been for any of the Covid jabs, different questions needed to be asked of the walk-ins. I felt like a broken record by the time I’d finished. Then after lunch I did more “ herding of cats”, but in the warm inside. Pointing folks in the right direction of the vaccination bays. Nearly everyone in the queue was on their phone and therefore was oblivious to the vaccinators frantically trying to catch their attention! Hence, my presence. My back was killing me by the end of the day, I haven’t had a stand up job since the 90s! I was going to walk home but I buckled and phoned Mr Eggy. Back in today but later, and not for as long, I wanted to see a whole day just to get the feel of the clinic, but don’t think I’ll be doing it again! Unless they are desperate. Felt good though giving something back. And Mr Eggy made the tea! Woohoo!

Hope you all have a great day.🙂

@Grannylorraine hope your wee granddaughter recovers soon, what a worry for you. Big hugs to you all.
Why do it? Because we don’t know any better!

Memories flooding back of making real marzipan from scratch once. Seem to recall it took 5 or 6lbs of ground almonds to make about 1lb of marzipan.

It was undeniably delicious but being fresh it went off in days!
When I was young and enthusiastic ( you’re obviously still at that stage),I once made my own mince meat and cranberry sauce. Another two I have never repeated! I hate mince meat and the cranberry sauce was apparently very bitter, I don’t like that either, and I made such a mess all over my hob! Just a few short years ago for a dinner party I made beef cheeks, marinated for two days in all sorts. Then I wrapped cabbage around them and moulded them into balls, all very Mastercheffy, and pan fried them, they were blooming horrible! Well I thought they were, everyone else liked them. I think sometimes when you spend so long making something you don’t want to eat it! :( At least we can say we tried. Mr Eggy says I’m very trying!😉
5.7 again - come on Mr Pancreas put in a bit of effort, I want an HS for Christmas. Yesterday got a largish carboard box packed with Christmas presents to, hopefully, post today, just waiting on a cuddly toy horse from Amazon for baby grandson. Got to get the next generation equine addicted...
Morning all, 7.2 here. Woke in the small hours with a 4.0, and had a jelly baby just in case, which I obviously didn’t need.
When I went for my booster, @eggy, I had to tap the man in front of me on the shoulder and point out that a vaccinator was frantically waving at him, he wasn’t on his phone, just staring blankly into space.
6.1 today and off to Sainsbury’s.
Have a good day all x
@Grannylorraine hope Belle is feeling a bit better x
Morning all. :D 5.4 here.

Good for you @eggyg! My SIL has been doing 7-hour days as a jabber. Where would we be without folks like you and her...🙂

I hope Belle makes a swift recovery @Grannylorraine - in time for Santa. (((Hugs))) to you and your family.

Post-holiday PCRs came back negative, so off to see my mum today - at last! She wants to go to the beach for a bacon butty and a coffee. She knows all the juicy gossip, so should be fun!
5.3 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all. 5.9 this morning with a nice flat line.

@Grannylorraine thinking of Belle and hoping she is getting better.

@eggyg and @ColinUK try Gordon Ramsey’s version of Beef Wellington it’s easy and turned out really well for me. Though I only used 1 fillet and adapted the recipe accordingly. I have eaten this dish on several different continents in good restaurants but never had the pancake recipe, so felt quite happy making it without. We used to serve it in first class when I was flying. We used to carve it on the first class trolley in front of the passengers. If we were careful there would be lots of lovely leftovers for the crew.

@rebrascora don’t feel down, it’s a fickle disease and never as controllable as we’d like to hope.
Morning All

Thank you all for your concern, I am happy to report that Belle is being discharged, they gradually reduced her oxygen yesterday and as she started drinking they were able to remove the fluid drip as well. Daughter said she saw a real improvement in her yesterday afternoon, she sat up in bed and interacted with the staff and did some painting.

Anyway 8.4 for me,which is probably a combination of worrying about Belle, work stress and maybe the huge hot chocolate I drank after the Carols outside our local church.

I haven't had time to catch up on all the posts so I will do that later, but wanted to thank you all for your kind comments and concern and let you have the update.
