Group 7-day waking average?

10:10 BS 9.3! 😱 Swung up to the opposite side of the spectrum!🙄 But, with possibly about 4 hours of DP!:confused: Had 2 horrible nightmares in a row: 1st was about being chased by zombies & I twigged that I was dreaming, tried desperately to wake up; obviously didn’t, lost track of time for bit & found myself dreaming about being sucked to death by vampires & eventually woke from that with a serious nightmare hangover at 05:52! Still pitch black before dawn, switched on my bedside lamp trying to shake it off to get back to sleep but, couldn’t!o_O

Can’t go back to sleep now when I feel I COULD as tesco shopping is coming 11:00 to 12:00 but, will try to get some after the shopping?

I cut back even further on yesterday’s dinner bolus & left myself at BS 8.8 before going to bed last night so, hopefully woke, 05:52, a bit higher in the 5’s, didn’t think to test, but, then laid awake for about 4 hours trying to get back to sleep! 🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Still a bit hungover with a headache & blurry eyes but, trying to shake it off! Don’t know what emoji THAT would be but, my eyes are a bit red so this one will do! o_O
Good morning

6.9 this morning, which considering I had already walked about and last night's dinner was sausages in rolls. Work is still a nightmare, but only the rest of this week and 4 days next week to then no more to January.

My little 3 year old granddaughter was admitted to hospital yesterday with pneumonia, she is on oxygen and having fluids via a drip, her mum has said that she has finally started drinking this morning and they have just reduced her oxygen flow so hoping she is improving now, it is just sad as exactly a year ago today my father in law died in that hospital and now we have the worry of Belle being in there on oxygen.

@freesia @eggyg and @Robin - congratulations on your HS today.

@ColinUK - good on you for making filo, it is the one type of pastry I have never attempted, I have had some epic failures even using ready made, I agree with Mary Berry on filo, life is too short. Enjoy the fruit of your labour.

Have a good day everyone.
Colin uk. Very brave. I wouldn't dare try to make filo pastry. My ordinary pastry is a bit brick like.
@freesia I've had that, just keep checking, its a problem with the site
I wasn’t aware of that I’ll keep checking. Thanks x
10.5 for me this morning and that is with numerous stacked corrections (every hour or so) last night.... I even injected another couple of units of Levemir in desperation about 1am.

I've lost control with my eating for the first time since diagnosis with those higher carb meals eating out and leftovers recently and whilst I haven't had anything totally naughty (like half a packet of biscuits) I have picked at things I shouldn't like some of the left over cake trimmings and icing and had to fight not to eat more. Cravings were desperate last night.

Fiasp just isn't interested in working once my levels get above 10. I have now been waiting over 2 hours for 6 units to bring me down low enough to eat breakfast and I am still sitting looking at my bowl of yoghurt, seeds and berries! Currently 7.8 but I'm not eating until I am down into the 5s otherwise I will be back up into double figures. Currently no sign of it heading that way as arrow is level but decimal places are starting to increase so it is drifting upwards again. Increased my Levemir this morning by 2 units as well. Feeling tempted to stack more insulin but will give it a bit longer.... Must get back to my low carb eating as I can't cope with these cravings and high levels are making me feel really anxious and just rubbish. Achieved a "personal worst" 😱 on my Libre for the past 7 days of 80% with 17% above and some of those are in the top band. Still it can only improve!! Just need to be very focused and disciplined for a while to get myself back on track. I feel so much better on a low carb diet and I enjoy it, but just wanted to feel "normal" for a few events. Absolutely not worth the mental impact of uncontrolled BG and the cravings! Lesson learned and another 3 units of Fiasp going in....

@eggyg, @Robin and @freesia Many congratulations to the 3 of you on your House Specials this morning. Go Girl Power!
Oh, beautiful area. My dad’s family are from Ceredigion, so got a great big soft spot for it! We’re down in Saundersfoot. Maybe we can meet up once this crazy pandemic is over.
Something to look forward to once Covid is on the run. Saundersfoot area is lovely too and quite handy for the food town of Narberth. When my daughter was little I lived at Princes Gate so we spent a lot of time on the local Pembs beaches.
@Grannylorraine hope the little one improves. x
@rebrascora hope things work themselves out. stupid bodies doing stupid things. Its so hard with all the temptations around x

I gotta say I think I found the one nurse in my practice that I would request to see over anyone else.
She saw what dose gliclazide I was put on to start out with and immediately doubled it saying no matter how good I am with adherence to sensible carbs there's no way it is enough.
Doubled my dose of water tablets but can only start new dose once blood results come back (fri or mon ish)
Also fixed all my repeats out so all were right dose. gliclazide wasn't even on repeat list 😳
She just seemed to be switched on, not judgy, straight talking but very easy to talk to.

Was delayed with the pharmacist being on lunch so did my first unplanned lunch out. Proud of my sensible choice of just some sausage and bacon and a skinny cappuccino. In no way was because my meter was screaming "no epic carbs" at me 🙄

Right, this afternoons job is to do all my wrapping. If I go MIA I've got lost in a sea of paper and sellotape.
@Robin Congrats on the HS.
@Grannylorraine i hope your little granddaughter gets well soon. Let us know how she is.
@rebrascora i hope your levels sort themselves out soon, though your "personal worst" of 80% is still pretty good. I get how you feel though, when mine went haywire a few weeks ago and i just couldn't bring the levels down, i felt a right failure. You'll get yourself sorted and back on track soon i know.
5.8 this morning. And I’m never making filo pastry again!

It’s rolled out very thin and layered up ready to use today. Think I’ll make mince pies and maybe a chicken and celeriac one with left overs.
Well, I don’t want to say I told you so, but I told you so! Good on you for trying though.
I make filo topped chicken pie, a lot lower carb than standard pastry. I just scrunch ( bought) filo pastry sheets on top of filling and egg wash. Very nice.
Well, I don’t want to say I told you so, but I told you so! Good on you for trying though.
I make filo topped chicken pie, a lot lower carb than standard pastry. I just scrunch ( bought) filo pastry sheets on top of filling and egg wash. Very nice.
Elaine, you must be reading Colin's post differently to me. I think it sounds like he had a success, not a failure.... in which case he is a total genius and needs to be on GBBO next season.
Elaine, you must be reading Colin's post differently to me. I think it sounds like he had a success, not a failure.... in which case he is a total genius and needs to be on GBBO next season.
I never said it wasn’t a success, it’s sounds like it was, but it was Colin who said never again! 😉
I once spent two whole days making a beef Wellington, it was delicious but a total nightmare to make. I also said never again! 😛
I never said it wasn’t a success, it’s sounds like it was, but it was Colin who said never again! 😉
I once spent two whole days making a beef Wellington, it was delicious but a total nightmare to make. I also said never again! 😛
I remember once making “proper” beef Wellington with the pancakes and everything.
I am never, ever, in a million years going to do that again!
Good morning everyone.

I have spent way too much this Christmas! 😉 should be fun. Mostly pretty dull kitchen cooking things as my wife is into cooking. I don't have a problem with that. Yum yum. Besides, I enjoy cooking too.

BG 4.7 this morning which is fine.

A bit tired right now but gotta go out after breakfast for at least a meagre 30 minutes of walking. At least it's not raining. A bit cold though. It's a hard life 🙂

Populating the new shelving in the utility room (with pantry stuff) too this morning. I love that I call it that. It's basically a tiny room where I have shoved the washing machine but used to be our kitchen for over 30 years!

Not long until Christmas now. I have an appointment at the opticians on 23rd Dec to check on the healing of my left eye. It seems to be going well. I just hope the appointment isn't cancelled with all the Covid stuff going on.

Have a great day today whatever you are/are not doing.