Group 7-day waking average?


7.5 today, feeling really rough again with this cough, tired, achy, etc. Work is stupidly busy, like everyone has suddenly remembered all the projects they should have done this year and now this unexpected thing called Christmas and the Christmas shutdown is coming up, I mean it is not like we have Christmas every year and that it always falls on the same date. Then they get angry with me when I tell them I do not have the resources to support these projects, and that they did not follow the correct procedure of informing us they had projects coming up so that we could balance leave requests against the work we knew was coming through. Yesterday, I didn't get a lunch break and despite starting an hour early today only just eaten breakfast and that was because hubby brought me back a croissant when he got his paper and I know I shouldn't eat that but not likely to get time to stop at lunchtime and eat anything either.

SOrry haven't had time to catch up on posts in this thread, will d that this evening.
Good morning people...
5.6 this morning and a fairly straight line on the Libre. Time in target has dropped to 79% (probably due to a couple of nasty spikes yesterday) but at least no hypos!

Saw the chiropractor who is just lovely. Yes it was a trapped nerve in my neck, that he has hopefully freed up. He said it would be a bit sore today, but I'm coping with it with the aid of paracetamol. Also had an appointment with the GP (in person at the surgery!!! - She's also lovely) and she has changed my BP med from Amlodipine to Felodipine. Whether this will solve the widely swinging BP we shall have to wait and see.

Got most presents wrapped now, except for two for hubby that I need a couple of things to add to. Will get them on Thurs when we meet friends in Truro for lunch.

Off to make butternut squash and creme fraiche soup.... plus liquidise the leek and potato soup I made last night...

@eggyg I admire you no end, but 8:40???? Eeek! Also, sorry to hear the bad news regaqrding your friend's husband.

@ColinUK hope your GP finally sorts things and sends the records. Glad the oven has worked OK. The gas man came yesterday and installed our new 5 burner hob. I am well pleased with it as it's really solid unlike the flimsy thing the builders installed.

@Gwynn you are lucky to have a utility room. I really miss the one we had before we moved. The kitchen here is about 2/3 of the size of our old utility.
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Good morning. It was 4.6 for me earlier after a nice LONG sleep and no corrections. Must make an effort to get to bed earlier on a regular basis as it makes such a difference to by diabetes. I have had far too many late nights recently, mostly sitting up waiting for corrections to kick in. I have had almost a week of eating more "normal" food and I am going back to my low carb way of eating. I feel better on it and my levels are so much more stable and I have had horrible cravings, wanting more even after I have eaten a big meal. I can feel my feet starting to slip on that slippery slope and I want off it before I lose control.

@eggyg It is a testament to your fantastic personality that you can make a "funny" even in the midst of such sadness. So sorry to hear about your friend's husband. Hoping for the best possible outcome for them. Good luck at your new "job" and good on you for volunteering. I am sure you will brighten the experience for everyone involved as well as no doubt improve the efficiency of the process.
11:11 BS 4.8 which follows yesterday’s trend of 14:11 BS 4.2 I’ve been waking a bit on the low side from too much bolus before going to bed: cut it down a bit more last night & still need further tonight & see if I can wake a bit more comfortably in the 5’s? :confused:

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉
I’m tempted to make my own filo pastry. Someone please talk me out of this madness.

For making mince pie parcel things I hasten to add. I’m not just going to make filo and do nothing with it!
The mincemeat is homemade and as low carb as I can reasonably do (nuts, courgette as apple, few dates, heavy on the spicing) and I’m thinking filo is relatively low carb compared to shortcrust and lots of family are allergic to all sorts of nuts so can’t use almond flour.
@ColinUK I couldn't decide between the laughing emoji or the Wow or the Oh No!
It is starting to sound as though that Dr should have sent men in white coats this morning instead of tranquillizers!
Just how much do you love cleaning the kitchen???
Personally, I like to try to set myself up for success and set challenges that are actually achievable but I admire your ambition.
I am not sure that youth is an advantage. I would guess the best filo pastry makers will be the rather old because they have spent a lifetime perfecting the technique.
But please don't let me discourage you!
i think it was 7.6 desptrite having a ramdom stickers at around 11(oberislly injecting for it).. i tested my blood surger because i was felling a bit odd but i was fine then that stickers was calling me so it would have been rude to ignore it
😱Honestly, I have made most kinds of pastry with reasonable success, but filo was a spectacular fail! It's far more difficult to roll thin enough to use. My Apple strudel was jolly stodgy!

I admire your ambition though and wish you well....😱😱
Morning errr sorry good evening everybody 🙂
7:12 BG 5.6. 15 units of tresiba was done.

23:43 BG 9.9. Tiny bit above target. Bedtime. Couldn't resist my 2x rich tea biscuits 12g carbs.
21:38 7.2. Within target. Random test to see what BG was after my meal out.
20:06 4.3. Entered this test result into my bolus advisor after eating to get bolus advice for meal.
Meal out classic chicken new yorker 25g carbs and which which included 2 chicken breasts 0g carbs. Topped with smoked streaky bacon not included in carb count because I didn't eat it. Melted cheese and bbq sauce 0g carbs because I scraped this off. Served with fries 18g carbs. 2x onion rings 7g carbs. Garden Peas 0g carbs. Half a grilled tomato 0g carbs. 1x gin & diet coke.
19:41 4.3. Tiny bit below target. Before meal test.
19:11 4.9. Tiny bit below target. Did this test as a random test to make sure I wasn't hypo before my meal arrived.

Hope everybody has had a good day today🙂
I’d never get it rolled out to 0.5mm thick without it ending up in holes!
I have a feeling they made the contestants make it on Bake Off this year.
They did, but to me it didn’t look as thin as when I’ve seen 90 year old Greek women making it!
@ColinUK life is too short for stuffing mushrooms and making filo pastry! 😛
Morning all 7.1 today. Was going to meet up with the Brighton area diabetes group tonight but it has now been cancelled due to Covid, shame but understandable. Managed to get hold of some lateral flow tests yesterday as work don’t provide them anymore - amazed that the NHS aren’t being provided with them as before. Checked on the app and apparently there are now none available in a 30 mile radius 😳 Last day of work this week, hooray.
Have a good day all x
And behold…‘twas a Christmas miracle. 5.blooming 2! Woohoo!

Morning folks. I’m well chuffed. Up at crack of a sparrow’s again, but I have a job to do today. Did my ablutions before breakfast, LFT done, negative. I’m not good at them I must say, my eyes watered so much my specs steamed up and I couldn’t see what the heck I was doing! Then the sneezing started and my eyes watered even more! Needs must though.

I’ll love you and leave you. Speak tomorrow. Have a wonderful Wednesday. 10 more sleeps! 🙂


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