Group 7-day waking average?


9.1 for me xx
Morning all. 6.4.

Another early morning, been awake since 5 again! Mind buzzing about various things, mostly last night’s announcement. When is it going to end? Now I’m worried, all our daughters were out Saturday night at Christmas parties, as we were, but I’m not concerned about us, we’ve had a good life and whilst I’d rather not pop my clogs just yet, I’d rather it was us than the kids. So, I’ve decided to see if I can volunteer to help out at the vaccination clinics, crowd control, car parking attendant, making cuppas for staff, tidying up, anything really, except doing the vaccinations of course, I’d pass out! I’m DB checked, I drive, I’m flexible, I’m fit ( ish), my only concern is would they reject me as I’m classed as “ extremely clinically vulnerable”? I feel I need to do something this time as I couldn’t previously as I was shielding. I’m triple jabbed now and don’t feel quite as vulnerable anymore. But, where do I start? Think I’ll put an anonymous post on a local Facebook page to see if it’s feasible.

Busy day today, didn’t do anything much yesterday, we ( that’s the royal we, Mr Eggy was responsible) got the tree up. It was lovely walking into the living room and seeing it this morning and the smell of pine is gorgeous. It’s a pity you become nose blind after a few days. Washing to do, bed to change as I didn’t get it done before we went away as I usually do. I’ve written the vast majority of my cards, just a handful left to do and deliver/ post. Presents to wrap, still a couple to buy, and just a general tidy up of the house. Quiet week, apart from osteopath on Thursday so I’m hoping all Christmas prep, apart from food shop gets done by the weekend. Because next week is really busy, school holidays = childcare! 😱

Have a Happy Monday. Only 12 more sleeps.:D
When I had my second Covid jab in May I had to catch buses to centre plus walk about a mile.
When I got there I was only just on time but tested outside and found I was going a bit low. 4.8. Was shown in to lady to answer questions.
First thing I did was apologise that I’d have to eat a banana as diabetic. She just smiled and showed me her phone connected to an insulin pump.
Good luck.
Morning All
A 6.6 for me today following a better attempt at a basal test last night.
18:35. BG 6.0
Phone call from an old friend
19:15. 9 units NovoRapid
19;35. Dinner. 107 carbs
23:46 4hrs 30 mins after bolus. BG 8.0
23:50. 7 units Lantus
03:17. BG 7.3
Then asleep till now. Missed the 05:00 alarm. Yawn.
So from 8.0 to 6.6 drop overnight with no food good?
Let’s see what the folk say today.
Stay safe.
6.8 for the third morning running, but also 6.8 for the last two bedtime readings ... is it stuck?? lol I shall test after food later, just to be sure and/or use the control solution for peace of mind!
Wrapping up completed apart from a couple of bits for our dog's Christmas and birthday, provided I don't hit on a forgotten bag or box of gifts (it has happened before, way after the day has been and gone!).
Grocery shopping with the daughter later this morning, chance of rain but mild. Quite busy this coming week with one thing and another.
Have a good Monday 🙂
19:15. 9 units NovoRapid
19;35. Dinner. 107 carbs
23:46 4hrs 30 mins after bolus. BG 8.0
23:50. 7 units Lantus
03:17. BG 7.3
Then asleep till now. Missed the 05:00 alarm. Yawn.
So from 8.0 to 6.6 drop overnight with no food good?
Novorapid should have been out of your system by the time you went to bed. It looks as though your Lantus dose might be a tad too high... I don't think you can get half unit Lantus pens, but the cartridges can be used in a Humapen which does come in half units IIRC. @Lucyr might know. I think she told me this years ago when I was on MDI. On the other hand the drop isn't that bad and you didn't go hypo.

I wonder what comments others have. @rebrascora ?
Good morning

7.4 this morning after completely losing the plot over the weekend, was very busy forgot to get on here and post, ate what I wanted including a load of Lindt chocolates that were meant to go in with someone's Christmas present, and generally not doing well, have another throat infection/cough, lateral flow tests are negative.

Work is crazy busy, never mind only 8 more days to work this year and then no more until 4th January, so just got to keep pushing myself on, at least I have now finished all 18 Christmas cakes, so going to start delivering them as we can't sit and eat on our table due to it being covered in boxes. I'll put some pics up on the off topic thread with a warning so people don't have to view cakes if they don't want to.

At least I have some time to now clean up the house and ge presents wrapped only need to get a couple more now so going out with hubby tomorrow evening to get them.

Take care

Novorapid should have been out of your system by the time you went to bed. It looks as though your Lantus dose might be a tad too high... I don't think you can get half unit Lantus pens, but the cartridges can be used in a Humapen which does come in half units IIRC. @Lucyr might know. I think she told me this years ago when I was on MDI. On the other hand the drop isn't that bad and you didn't go hypo.

I wonder what comments others have. @rebrascora ?
Just spoken to DSN Lantus down by a unit to 6 and do a few nights of tests to see where we end up.
Yes the NovoRapid is about 4 hours to 4and a 1/2 in system so that probably explains Sat night.
I was always taught science was an exact set of measurements. This to be honest is guess and see.
No wonder Aliens watching from UFO’s leave us alone. They can’t understand it either.
Just spoken to DSN Lantus down by a unit to 6 and do a few nights of tests to see where we end up.
Yes the NovoRapid is about 4 hours to 4and a 1/2 in system so that probably explains Sat night.
I was always taught science was an exact set of measurements. This to be honest is guess and see.
No wonder Aliens watching from UFO’s leave us alone. They can’t understand it either.
Good luck, let us know how you get on!
I am late on parade so it will have to be a "Good Day" to you all!
6.8 for me but only after a correction earlier and I upped my evening Levemir to 6 units last night. Needing masses of insulin just now but I always get stressed at this time of year and not had enough exercise the last few days, so I guess it all adds up.
I baked with real sugar and flour (and cocoa of course) for the first time since diagnosis last night to make a chocolate cake for my brother in law whose birthday it is today and just finished icing it, but as always my fudge icing wouldn't set and ran everywhere and the top tier kept sliding. I measured everything and followed the recipe exactly (for once) and still failed. Ended up beating icing sugar into it to stiffen it up but then of course I lost the shiny gloss. Must confess I found it really difficult trying not to lick the spoon and failed! (I can totally see why you have been having problems @Grannylorraine ) Also had to have a little taste of the off cuts just to make sure it was good enough for my lovely brother in law. Thankfully, it tastes better than it looks! Just had the tiniest of slivers to check.... honest 🙄 Think I will make some rum truffles with the leftover offcuts and icing and take them with me when I go over for Christmas dinner.... unless it gets cancelled. Just hope I manage to transport the cake without the top layer sliding off!
I am late on parade so it will have to be a "Good Day" to you all!
6.8 for me but only after a correction earlier and I upped my evening Levemir to 6 units last night. Needing masses of insulin just now but I always get stressed at this time of year and not had enough exercise the last few days, so I guess it all adds up.
I baked with real sugar and flour (and cocoa of course) for the first time since diagnosis last night to make a chocolate cake for my brother in law whose birthday it is today and just finished icing it, but as always my fudge icing wouldn't set and ran everywhere and the top tier kept sliding. I measured everything and followed the recipe exactly (for once) and still failed. Ended up beating icing sugar into it to stiffen it up but then of course I lost the shiny gloss. Must confess I found it really difficult trying not to lick the spoon and failed! (I can totally see why you have been having problems @Grannylorraine ) Also had to have a little taste of the off cuts just to make sure it was good enough for my lovely brother in law. Thankfully, it tastes better than it looks! Just had the tiniest of slivers to check.... honest 🙄 Think I will make some rum truffles with the leftover offcuts and icing and take them with me when I go over for Christmas dinner.... unless it gets cancelled. Just hope I manage to transport the cake without the top layer sliding off!
If Christmas dinner is cancelled or You have eaten the rum truffles in the next couple of weeks😛😛😛
Could not sleep last night at all. Ended up awake until 6am.
Restarted metformin before I went to sleep (single tablet) and so far so good apart from a little boated (but I have been asleep for most of the time since then).

Woke up to 12.7 at 1pm after going to sleep on 17.8.

If this weekend has taught me one thing it is lots of little signs I had been ignoring and putting down to migraines or not sleeping well or thinking my blood pressure was raised might have been been blood sugars being high. Even my sleep has been very unsettled again. Everything came back with a vengeance.

The other thing I learned is what my body can cope with along side metformin, it can't cope with so well without it.

Anyways hope everyone is having a great day 🙂
Well, what a day so far. I put an anonymous post on a local FB site. Before 9 o’clock I had a link to NHS volunteering service. I’ve registered on there and they are now checking my ID. I had two messages to PM, one was a pharmacy and one from a NHS vaccination centre. I messaged them and had phone calls back straight away. I’m going into vaccination centre on Wednesday and maybe Thursday. They do about 1200 vaccinations a day at the moment. That’ll raise, it’s mostly to support the staff, I suppose I’ll find out on Wednesday. They’ve added me to WhatsApp group where the volunteers say when they can go in. I’ve been offered a permanent Tuesday, all day, from 4th January in a pharmacy where they do 90 vaccinations per day at the moment rising to 360 from end of January. It’s to look after patients, before and after vaccination. Help staff, making cuppas, tidying up etc. I’ve declared my health issues, that’s fine by them. I’ve to do some online training before I start. They seemed to be thrilled I was joining them. Hope they won’t be disappointed. 😉
I’ve also done three loads of washing, stripped the bed, done all the ironing and just about to wrap some Christmas presents!
Well things changed again.
Tummy been yukky again this afternoon so just had emergency consult on the phone.
Being switched to gliclazide (I think that's what she said) and to stop metformin.
Will pick up script tomorrow and then know the name for sure 😉
Well things changed again.
Tummy been yukky again this afternoon so just had emergency consult on the phone.
Being switched to gliclazide (I think that's what she said) and to stop metformin.
Will pick up script tomorrow and then know the name for sure 😉
Do you get your test strips on prescription? If not and you are getting put on Gliclazide then I'd ask to have strips prescribed as they can cause hypo's and your more likely to obtain them on prescription then xx
Just realised I’d not posted this morning!
Was a 6.0 on the nose today.
Did a pesky little 5km run this morning before arguing with the GP surgery that I hadn’t missed two appointments recently because they’d never told me I had them.
No I didn’t attend them but I didn’t miss them!

I’m this close to changing GP surgeries but it’s a bit of a crap shoot whether a new one will be better or worse than the existing one I guess.

Used the oven properly today and can confirm it works. Roasted a chicken with celeriac mainly (plus an onion, couple of carrots and a parsnip). Smothered the bird in baharat and shoved a lemon in the cavity. Delicious!

Hi Colin

If you intend to change surgeries may I suggest you have a look at the new surgery's website (they should have one) and see if they have a Patient Panel. There should be a way for you to get in touch with someone on the panel and ask what they think of the surgery. You can also use this website to get information on the new surgery as to whether they are any good or not

This is also a great website where you will find patient reviews and ratings.

Good luck!
Novorapid should have been out of your system by the time you went to bed. It looks as though your Lantus dose might be a tad too high... I don't think you can get half unit Lantus pens, but the cartridges can be used in a Humapen which does come in half units IIRC. @Lucyr might know. I think she told me this years ago when I was on MDI. On the other hand the drop isn't that bad and you didn't go hypo.

I wonder what comments others have. @rebrascora ?
You can use lantus in a half unit pen I think? It’s made by Sanofi so I’d assume the junior star which I use for apidra.