Group 7-day waking average?

20:15. 6 units NovoRapid
20:25. Dinner. 75 Carbs. Pollock fillet. 180g smash. 100g mixed vegetables. 100g broccoli. 15g gravy granules. 150g fat free Greek yoghurt. 20g sticky toffee cake. Mug Coffee
21:28. BG 11.3
22:30. BG 11.3
23::10 DiabetesM app said all active insulin used
Hi @DuncanLord It seems that your insulin duration is set at or below 3 hours. ISTR Novorapid lasts much longer than 3 hours, more like 4.5... so you went to bed with some active insulin still in your system, which might explain the subsequent low.
I hope everyone has had a good day.

I just wanted to post this while i had it on my screen. My PB, though i doubt it will last long.
Hi @DuncanLord It seems that your insulin duration is set at or below 3 hours. ISTR Novorapid lasts much longer than 3 hours, more like 4.5... so you went to bed with some active insulin still in your system, which might explain the subsequent low.
It was set at 3 hours in the app.
I thought that the time of active insulin dependent upon the dosage so that if you had more units the time increased. Wrong again Duncan.
So I probably went to bed with active insulin in the system.
Thanks for the assistance but that raises more questions about how mealtimes can fit into work patterns and shift work. Fun fun fun.
It’s a good job I have you forum friends to answer questions or look at results and suggest answers as medical professionals tend to give answers when asked and as a learner we don’t always know the questions to ask.
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Very nice @freesia. Many congratulations!
We all know that personal bests don't last but it gives you a great feeling when they happen, so enjoy your feeling of success and achievement. You deserve it, especially when there are so many frustrating times in between the PBs! 🙄
6.6 and holiday over so back to the rat race :(.
Hope you all have a good day x
Good morning everyone. 4.4 for me. LFT done and now need to get a little juice to stop any drop before i get in the shower...can't be having a hypo and be late for work as there's already too much to do. Roll on Friday!
Have a good day whatever you are doing.
Morning all. 6.4.

Another early morning, been awake since 5 again! Mind buzzing about various things, mostly last night’s announcement. When is it going to end? Now I’m worried, all our daughters were out Saturday night at Christmas parties, as we were, but I’m not concerned about us, we’ve had a good life and whilst I’d rather not pop my clogs just yet, I’d rather it was us than the kids. So, I’ve decided to see if I can volunteer to help out at the vaccination clinics, crowd control, car parking attendant, making cuppas for staff, tidying up, anything really, except doing the vaccinations of course, I’d pass out! I’m DB checked, I drive, I’m flexible, I’m fit ( ish), my only concern is would they reject me as I’m classed as “ extremely clinically vulnerable”? I feel I need to do something this time as I couldn’t previously as I was shielding. I’m triple jabbed now and don’t feel quite as vulnerable anymore. But, where do I start? Think I’ll put an anonymous post on a local Facebook page to see if it’s feasible.

Busy day today, didn’t do anything much yesterday, we ( that’s the royal we, Mr Eggy was responsible) got the tree up. It was lovely walking into the living room and seeing it this morning and the smell of pine is gorgeous. It’s a pity you become nose blind after a few days. Washing to do, bed to change as I didn’t get it done before we went away as I usually do. I’ve written the vast majority of my cards, just a handful left to do and deliver/ post. Presents to wrap, still a couple to buy, and just a general tidy up of the house. Quiet week, apart from osteopath on Thursday so I’m hoping all Christmas prep, apart from food shop gets done by the weekend. Because next week is really busy, school holidays = childcare! 😱

Have a Happy Monday. Only 12 more sleeps.:D


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Good morning 6.1 again today

Have a great day everybody
Good morning everyone! - 7.6
Morning all, 6.2 here and rising. Was a bit lower than I like to go to bed on last night, in the 5s, but still feeling stuffed from evening meal (a lot of meat and cheese) and didn’t fancy eating anything, so decided to dial back basal to one unit(instead of 3) instead, assuming all that protein would go on giving. What could possibly go wrong? Woke with a hypo at 2am after a steady drop, of course. Two jelly babies later, and I stayed steady for the rest of the night, but Dawn is on the warpath now.
Lovely tree, @eggyg , I failed to find a nice one at the farm shop yesterday, will try the local ironmongers later, I got a lovely one there last year.
Welcome back, @Bloden !
Morning everybody 🙂
7:11 BG 6.4. Within target. 15 units tresiba done.

23:35 4.7. Tiny bit below target and below 7-8mmol for bedtime. Bedtime. Had 3x rich tea biscuits 6g carbs. No humalog.
During the evening had 1x shot of baileys. 3x whisky & diet cokes. 1x bag of quavers 10g carbs. 1x roses chocolate.
19:32 6.4. Within target. Before tea. 7.0 units humalog food.
Tea 69g carbs. Tesco roast beef dinner 49g carbs, Muller corner fruit yogurt 20g carbs.
14:34 13.4. Above target. Reason unknown. Before lunch. 7.5 units humalog food. 2.5 units humalog correction.
Lunch 77g carbs. Tuna, mayo & onion sandwich 36g carbs. Batchelors cup a soup vegetable 19g carbs. 2x blue riband biscuits 22g carbs.
9:58 6.9. Within target. Before breakfast. 4.5 units humalog food.
Breakfast 36g carbs. 2x rounds of hovis medium white sliced toast 36g carbs. 1x dairylea cheese triangle 1g of carbs but counted this as 0g carbs.

Hope everybody has a good day 🙂.
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5.6 this a.m. Strange pink suffusing the ambient low cloud: must be dawn. Heavy weather forecast but plan to sally forth and buy the Christmas tree. I cannot bear cut trees so have to seek out one with a root ball or a pot. I shall plant it out on my birthday - I draw the line at starting a New Year with needles all over the floor. Have a good day one and all.
My, my, last up this morning it seems. Sigh. Consistency 0/10

BG 4.5. All good.

My wife likes the new kitchen cupboard/shelf thing even though she doesn't yet know what it is really for. Far more importantly, my daughter, who came for a surprise visit yesterday, thought it was great too (receiving her approval for anything is nigh on impossible). Sadly her husband had locked himeself out of their house so she had to go home suddenly. Sigh.

Today....nothing to do. But then that was true of yesterday and I spent the day rushing about (mostly to the shops getting food for my daughter and her daughter to eat....which they didn't. Sigh)

Have a great day today whatever you do...or don't do
Morning all.

7.9 at 7:30 been awake since 5am with pain in my neck. Pretty convinced now that it’s a trapped nerve. Very glad I’m seeing the chiropractor this afternoon. Will probably have to go on the bus though as I can’t drive with this neck, can hardly move and hubby has to be in because the gas engineer is coming to service the boiler and fit the new hob.

@eggyg lovely tree.
5.7 for me today. 🙂
