Group 7-day waking average?

Well, i had a text today saying i've got an appointment for my diabetes review at the GP surgery next Monday. It will be the first review i've had in 2 years and the first one since being discharged by the DSN. I'm assuming Monday will be just the usual height, weight, blood test as they can't really talk to me about anything else without the HbA1C. Dreading what they'll say about my weight though as it has gone up, although in my defence i did lose 5 stone before diagnosis and i haven't put it all back on.
I should have posted earlier at 4am but I got caught up looking for an item on Amazon after doing the blood test.

Still, BG 4.6 this morning. Pulse seems low again at 47 but I feel fine.

Bought some more wood yesterday. Today I build a utility room shelf thing. The tiny utility room (such a posh name !) used to be our entire kitchen. How we managed before is quite beyond me, but we did.

Have a great day everyone whatever you are doing, or not doing.
6.2 today. Back to work with a bang yesterday. Took nearly 2 hours to get computer up and running with everything I need on it, they have had a change of systems last week, what a headache. Then had a new registrar in for some training before I even started on the work. 3 GPS have Covid and a couple of receptionists so not feeling particularly safe. Was ready to go home by 9am. Today is another day, hey ho.
Have a good day all x
And here’s me thinking I’d be first on! Has everyone got seasonal insomnia today?
Anyhoo, a very early good morning to one and all. 5.7 today. Been awake since 3.40 when I registered 4.4 on the Libre, Mr Eggy said I should have a JB, I said no, half an hour later I was 5.5! I’m always right!

Lots on my mind, as per this time of year. But I’ve also got another awful task today, received my annual letter/ card form a friend down south. Her husband has been diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma, she hasn’t said which one, but he’s had six chemo sessions which they’d hoped would put him in remission. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been any change. He’s 61. We all went to school together, like Mr Eggy and I, they started “ courting” at 15. Ended up living in the same street when we married and had our eldest daughters within days of each other. They moved away in 1986 and we’ve only seen each other a handful of times since, but we always write at Christmas. So, another letter/ card to write where the words are hard to find. :(

Busy day ahead, shopping and prepping meals, as I start my new “ job” tomorrow at the vaccination clinic. I’ve to be there at 8.40 so they can show me what’s what. Blimey, haven’t had to be anywhere that early for four and a half years! It’ll be dark when I set off. I’ll just walk, it’s about 50 minutes. Quite excited I’m able to give something back but also a little nervous. 🙄

See you tomorrow, have a good day. 🙂
* * edited. I have re read that and it sounds like my friend has more than one hubby! I meant I didn’t know what type of lymphoma.
An undeserved 5.7 and glad to see it. Overspent my carbs budget yesterday - combination of dark skies, cold, wet, and (lets be honest) greed promoted by all those images of Christmas food. The more I think about it the more I feel that Ramadan is a more sensible way of marking a religious festival - not sure what stuffed turkey, marzipan and mince pies have to do with Christianity. Foully black morning here - hope it is better with you all - only 10 days to wait and the daylight hours begin to lengthen.
I've got a count-down to the solstice on my screen top...
Morning everyone.
7.3 today.
I got sloppy yesterday. It was the old "I deserve a reward" thing. Need to find a way of eating sensibly without it feeling like a discipline/punishment. Its absolutely not that I feel hungry; I just want to eat. Uggggh!
And of course, I'm the only person in the history of our species who has ever felt that way ...
Ho hum.
Good morning everyone!
Extremely happy with todays waking number of 5.3
Morning all.
17.5 on waking.
Heading into town first thing to pick up prescription and supplies. Slightly apprehensive with the changes and will yell loudly in general if I run into issues I'm sure 🙄.
Kids been briefed about hypo risk and shown how to do a bg test and told what to do. Obviously hoping they don't have to.
Feeling a bit out of sorts with my bg screaming at me all weekend so will be glad to have it come down.
(will update my signature when I am back home with correct medication and dosage - think its gliclazide)

Right, off to shower, make some boiled eggs for brekkie and get organised.
Have a fabby day everyone x
Morning all. Woke to a 4 dropping fast, 1 JB and 30 mins later was a massive 13!!! Eh? How did that happen? Finger prick showed 9.7, phew! Not great but better.
@eggyg, good for you. Good luck.
Have a good day everyone.
Morning all.🙂 4.4 here.

(((Hugs))) to you and your friend @eggyg. Such sad news.

We got back from holiday on Sunday to a freezing cold house and no gas - eek! The pipes are being replaced in our area, so they’d switched us off without talking to us first...not a great policy IMHO. 😳Anyhoo, problem solved yesterday and house nice n toastie today, phew.:D

My fav emoji has disappeared!
5.7 this morning. Weather better than BBC prophesized. Refuse to believe meteorology is scientifically based when the BBC and the Met Office so frequently disagree. Quite sure they are out on the roof, fingering their seaweed, and muttering arcane gibberish...
Morning all, 5.7 here, seems a popular number this morning.
Got a 'Teleclinic appointment' with the hospital this morning, i.e, they ring and have a chat and if anything needs following up they then book you in for a real appointment. I’m only seen by the hospital to get my Libre prescribed, so it’s a good way of checking in without me having to trek to the far side of Oxford.

7.8 for me today xx
GP appointment today at 09:20

08:15 the phone rings and it’s the GP
This is the zero bedside manner so I just cut to the chase and give him a run through of what’s been going on. Prescription for tranquillisers which I probably won’t take but makes him feel he’s doing his job.

Asked about whether he’d seen the request from Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority for complete medical records to be sent over and he said it’s not showing on my records. Was requested 6th Dec and there’s a deadline. He’ll chase it up.

All in all it was fine. Brief. Perfunctory. I’ll check the consultation notes in a bit and correct them if necessary (usually is!) but done.
5.1 for me earlier. 🙂

6.3 this morning, so it isn't stuck on 6.8 after all ha ha!
Off to the hospital this afternoon for son's l-o-n-g awaited physio to start, "only" 22 months since his last op, cast came off 3 weeks later as Covid struck and, yes, he got it followed by his dad and then myself. Two telephone consultations with his consultant until he finally got to see him this year in July. He got discharged as the op was a bigger success than anticipated, but was told he needed physio to get him walking correctly. Physio said he'd hear from them by the end of that week .... move on until December and a telephone consultation finally happened, but they can't assess him for what exercises he needs to do until they actually see the problems - so, at very long last, today's the day! I can feel a Subway visit coming on whilst we are there, I will try and resist!!!
Have a good day all 🙂