Group 7-day waking average?

10:21 BS 8.2 & heading in the right direction after yesterday 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉
The sun is shining brightly through the tiny gap in my bedroom curtains this morning & it’s sunny albeit a bit chilly! 😎😛

Great news about little Belle @Grannylorraine :D
@Pattidevans it’s been a long time since I last turned left on a plane. You soon get used to the little luxuries like space and decent food!
I used to do transatlantic routes regularly, so regularly that I was on first name terms with the crews. Loved the level of service you got back then in the lounge too.

What routes did you fly?
6.0 this morning, big surprise as it was 7.6 at bedtime and I was feeling really poorly, I've pretty much done little but sleep since I got home from the carvery - and the less said about that, the better - such a disappointment after the lovely meal last week. In truth the manager was called and there were a lot of complaints made, plus we were split up rather than being able to sit together as in previous years, I could go on. Anyway the manager said she would deduct money off the bill for each complaint, but I don't know the result as I needed to come home with feeling rough. Such a shame. Going to take it easy today.
Enjoy your day xx
Well, I slept in BIG TIME but the result was IMG_20211216_095013888[857].jpgworth it....
You can see where my morning Levemir started to kick in just before 7 (I injected at 6.30am and then dosed back off) and brings my levels gently downwards, which of course it wouldn't have done if I had got up, as FOTF would have kicked in. I dropped my evening Levemir by a couple of units last night after yomping up the hill twice last night with feed buckets and haylage for GGs, That looks to have held me pretty steady but the 2 cheese and biscuits I had before bed were probably unnecessary.
Pleased to report I am back to my low carb high, fat diet and feeling SO MUCH BETTER already. Not hungry and not craving makes such a difference physically and mentally and I slept soundly with no heart pounding in my ears and I stayed in target for the first evening since the 7th Dec. Much happier! Thanks so much for the supportive comments. I am not going to tell you what I did to break the cycle as you would be shocked, but it worked!

@Grannylorraine So relieved to hear Belle is on the road to recovery. That must have been incredibly worrying.

@eggyg You are doing a brilliant job and I do admire your spirit and drive, but your comment about herding cats made me wonder how other countries around the world manage and maybe this is why we are doing better at vaccination than most of the rest of the world.... because we Brits are normally world class at queuing. Clearly this is a social tradition which is starting to dwindle, like so many others.
Well done Barbara on evicting that DF and getting a HS.
The only problem for the rest of us is where has she gone?
Good for you @rebrascora on the House Special.🙂

Well done Barbara on evicting that DF and getting a HS.
The only problem for the rest of us is where has she gone?
For anyone who is unfortunate enough to find her turn up on their doorstep, she apparently has a real aversion to Mascapone cheese! It seems that it works a bit like garlic to a vampire.
Well done Barbara on evicting that DF and getting a HS.
The only problem for the rest of us is where has she gone?

She is probably moonlighting in some Santa grotto or other
Would hate for some poor unsuspecting Type 1 child (and their parents) to get her for Christmas!
Good afternoon everybody 🙂
8:03 BG 7.0. Within new target of 6-10mmol instead of 5-8mmol. 15 units tresiba took.

23:41 8.3. Bedtime. Had 2x rich tea biscuits 12g carbs. Also couldn't resist 1x piece of chocolate orange 5g carbs. Had 1x whisky and diet coke during the evening. No humalog.
19:16 BG 11.1. Reason unknown.
Tea 111g carbs. 11.0 units humalog food. 1.0 unit humalog correction. Homemade beef stew. Tinned potatoes. 2 aunt bessie's dumplings. Muller fruit corner yogurt. 6x pieces of chocolate orange.
@rebrascora congrats on the HS.
@eggyg well done, a long day for you but greatly appreciated by many i'm sure.
@Grannylorraine good news that your grabddaughter is feeling better and will be home soon
@Pattidevans it’s been a long time since I last turned left on a plane. You soon get used to the little luxuries like space and decent food!
I used to do transatlantic routes regularly, so regularly that I was on first name terms with the crews. Loved the level of service you got back then in the lounge too.

What routes did you fly?
I flew worldwide i.e. Longhaul. I started on VC10s and 707s then onto Tristars and lastly on 747s. I was mostly on married rosters with my husband when I was on 747s. The early days were brilliant as we went to places where you felt like Michael Palin. Not always great accommodation back then but very adventuresome. I've been to most cities in the USA, lots of South American trips as I spoke Spanish, through the Pacific staying in Hawaii and Fiji, onto Australasia... and all through the African continent, middle east, far east etc. Loved it and did it for nearly 20 years.

I can tell you were flying on 747s as you mention turning left when you got on! Oh the good old days! I don't think it's quite as luxurious these days. Hubby remembers the lounge well, but I was never on 747s when they had one.
okay so I went to bed at 7pm with a headache and slept for 6+ hours so technically this is a morning reading. Kinda crashed without much for dinner but...
7.3 o_O
yes seven. no one in front of it, just a single little seven :D

Got to do a PCR test later on (no symptoms, just some indirect contact and needing a clear PCR so I can step in and help out with nephews new baby due to other family members testing positive and midwife now demanding any visitors have a negative PCR).
When filling out the home test form, the "are you willing to do an antigen test that will involve finger pricks if asked" question, I have always said no because eww needles. Happily checked yes because I'm a pro now 😎.
Hopefully the results that come in (today?) from other members of the family and are clear and should be a good indication of mine and sons results. 😉
Good morning everyone.

4.7 here and happy with that

Daughter called us yesterday to invite us for Christmas day. Logistically it would have been difficult but on top of that my wife was not keen to share Christmas. Sad. So it will be just the 2 of us Christmas day. Worse, far far turkey too. The cost is staggering but I do like turkey.

Nothing planned for today.

Populating the utility room larder was fun yesterday but I discovered so much junk and out of date foods in some of the cans in the kitchen. So easily done. Cans sometimes just get buried and ignored. Kitchen cupboards now have a better sense of order. Wife has not been bad about it too as I had to move some of her stuff. (She still protects it all with sealing up with tape).

I am in disgrace, I think, I started 'collecting' Christmas presents for my wife and daughter a while ago and the little collection has grown a lot bigger than I expected. Whoops.

Oh, and, have a great day whatever you are or are not doing today

Ps I discovered yesterday, from my brothers wife (in a Christmas card) that he died this year from Covid compkications on top of his extensive diabetic problems. I urge you all to consider getting Covid jabs and boosters (but that is just my personal view)
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7.9 today.
It's slowly creeping up, despite me being really careful with food - my carbs are always below 140gms. Not sure how to get them lower without living on eggs and fish.
I'm hanging on to the idea that increased exercise will tend to raise BG at first.
Good morning 6.9 today
busy morning for mr today, need to be out the house at 7
have a good day all