Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 7.9 for me and its the last day at work for 2 weeks. I'm so glad, completely shattered. It was an effort to crawl out of bed this morning and i'm tearful with tiredness. Oh well, i need to put my happy jolly face on for the next few hours then i can come home and sleep. Have a good day everyone.
Morning all 7.2 today. Still rather warm down here in the south. Realised I don’t have a card for my granddaughter so popping out to local shops as need a new vape as well.
Have a good day x
Morning All!
6.6 on the Libre with a vertical upward arrow but only because 2 JBs were kicking in. I supposedly had 2 excursions into the red last night at 2.30am and 6am. Finger pricked both and they were 5.1 and 4.1 but I did treat them both. Bit disappointing for my Libre stats after I managed a day and a half completely in range and I reduced my Levemir by 2 more units (down to just 3units) last night and I had cheese and crackers before bed, so did all the right things and still a bit of a fail. Having said that, I feel sooo much better having got my diet back on track. Cravings have stopped and I feel great and it is such a relief. Didn't need any Fiasp yesterday at all and after a week of multiple corrections every day, that was almost like having a day off from diabetes!!
Morning all, 8.3 here. Was a bit high at bedtime last night,(blame the mince pie) and relied on basal to bring me down overnight, which it unhelpfully didn’t. You can be sure that if I’d gone to bed on normal levels it would have dropped me like a stone.
Morning everyone! - 10.5
5.2 this a.m. as wished for yesterday - has Santa come early? Got the kids presents posted and the wrapping paper put away. Good thing we decided to cancel as son-in-law has just caught C-19 but fortunately isn't too bad. Fingers tightly crossed for the rest of them.
Meanwhile planning my campaign for a solo Christmas. My Mother, who enjoyed misery, used to look about for every program which gave an excuse for remembered grief and accusations of lack of sympathy for her self induced tears. I take a different road- so any suggestions for funny, interesting, thrilling films on Netflix or other downloadable sources would be most welcome as not much I fancy on the TV.
Morning all. :D 7.3 here.

So sorry to hear about your brother @Gwynn.

Must finish the Xmas shopping today. Then a busy weekend planting a hedge, giving Gwennie a haircut (can’t tell which end is which atm 😳 ), and getting my booster. I love being busy!

Nice work @TinaD !!! I like all the old cheezy sing-alongs like The Wizard of Oz, Sound of Music, High Society...I’ll get my coat.
@TinaD Many congrats on your House Special this morning. Good old Santa!
Afraid I can't help with film suggestions as I don't have a TV. I revisit my book case. Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy is always good for a giggle and a bit of nostalgia.
Hope your son in law continues to have a smooth ride with the virus and keeps it to himself.
Morning All
Hope everyone is well.
Total surprise today as my meter came up with a 5.2. Thought the display would not give such a reading.
Well done @TinaD on your HS.
Stay safe.33BC087A-0F23-4A97-ACE9-F005EE0F7E68.jpeg
Morning everybody 🙂

8:03 BG 14.4. Reason is this because I've changed my target range to try and get some hypo awareness back? I've changed it from 5-8mmol to 6-10mmol. 15 units tresiba done. 2.0 units humalog correction.

22:55 BG 12.0. Above target. Reason unknown. Bedtime. Had 2x rich tea biscuits 12g carbs. No humalog.
18:59 BG 8.9. Within target.
Tea 89g carbs. 8.5 units humalog food. 0.5 units humalog correction. Tesco cottage pie. 4x quality street chocolates. 4x pieces of chocolate orange.

Hope everybody has a good day 🙂.
Morning all and TGIF to all you wage slaves. 4.6.
After my Libre low glucose alarm waking me up twice through the night, first time I ignored it, ( don’t try this at home folks, it’s not big and it’s not clever) the second time I had some Kendal Mint cake, still only got it to 4.6 this morning. This is an almost unprecedented waking number for me. I can only blame another hard day at the coal face ie vaccination centre. What was supposed to be a half day for me ended up being another 8 hours. Five of those spent outside on crowd control. I’ve a sore throat today, I’m not very big and so don’t command much presence, so I have to shout. We have to ask everyone three questions. Have you tested positive for Covid in last 28 days? Have you been in contact with anyone in the last seven days who’s tested positive? Do you have any Covid symptoms? I tried to say it to a group at a time to save my voice! It never worked! Vaccine centre closed today. Back open tomorrow but I’m having the weekend off, back in Monday and Tuesday afternoon, I decided going in on a morning it’s harder to get away! It’s actually good fun, most people are very happy to be there and grateful, I did have cause to scold someone yesterday. A big strapping guy, in his 40s, asked how long it would be. I replied I wasn’t certain. His reply said it was ridiculous he had to queue as he had to get to work and he never queued like this for the first two. I told him Boris hadn’t decreed 1 million vaccinations had to be done everyday back then, and as a volunteer I resented being spoken to like that! He soon shut up! I may be little but I’m feisty! 😉

Have a fab Friday folks. It’s nearly Christmassssss! :D

@rebrascora congrats on your HS yesterday. Re herding cats, young people don’t like queuing I don’t think, and most of the visitors to the centre are young. They stand looking on their phones and sort of weave about! The centre is a church in the middle of town and so it’s a busy thoroughfare and we need to keep the pavements clear, it’s quite funny really, they are all over the place! They are usually compliant when I asked them to line up.

@TinaD i can’t help with the Netflix etc bit as I only have “ poor peoples telly” as my neighbour once said about us! But I did laugh at the description of your mother. I really thought you were talking about my mother-in -law! Oh and big congratulations on your HS.
@Grannylorraine so glad your granddaughter is feeling much better. What a relief for you all.
For no apparent reason I couldn't get to sleep until the wee small hours and consequently woke a lot later than usual.
But look what it produced.

:D And congratulations to my fellow specialists @TinaD and @DuncanLord. 🙂
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7.8 today (same as yesterday as completely forgot to check in this thread yesterday!)

Stressed as not finished buying presents yet and running out of time! xx

7.8 today (same as yesterday as completely forgot to check in this thread yesterday!)

Stressed as not finished buying presents yet and running out of time! xx
Don’t get stressed about buying presents!
Adopt my system that’s been working well for the last 40 years.
Xmas shopping starts at 16:00 on Christmas Eve and if not finished by 17:00, well there’s always Boxing Day when there will be price saving due to a Sale.
Totally relieved the stress. Although it could be just a male thing.
Don’t get stressed about buying presents!
Adopt my system that’s been working well for the last 40 years.
Xmas shopping starts at 16:00 on Christmas Eve and if not finished by 17:00, well there’s always Boxing Day when there will be price saving due to a Sale.
Totally relieved the stress. Although it could be just a male thing.
Whilst a great idea 1 - I don't go out and 2 - even if I did there are literally no shops in my town to get anything! Well ok if you just want a smelly gift set but nothing else! 😱 xx
Good morning

@MeeTooTeeTwo @TinaD and @DuncanLord -congratulations on your HS today.

@rebrascora - congratulations on your HS yesterday.

8.2 for me today, but I have totally lost the plot ate chocolate and treated myself to a huge hot chocolate from the Costa machine in our local Tesco Express after yoga last night. Someone please give me a big kick up the backside remind me I am diabetic and had things under control.

Have a good day everyone, looking forward to only having to work 4 days next week.
5.2 this a.m. as wished for yesterday - has Santa come early? Got the kids presents posted and the wrapping paper put away. Good thing we decided to cancel as son-in-law has just caught C-19 but fortunately isn't too bad. Fingers tightly crossed for the rest of them.
Meanwhile planning my campaign for a solo Christmas. My Mother, who enjoyed misery, used to look about for every program which gave an excuse for remembered grief and accusations of lack of sympathy for her self induced tears. I take a different road- so any suggestions for funny, interesting, thrilling films on Netflix or other downloadable sources would be most welcome as not much I fancy on the TV.
We hugely enjoyed the Marvellous Mrs Maisel, 2 series of about 6 episodes.
I flew worldwide i.e. Longhaul. I started on VC10s and 707s then onto Tristars and lastly on 747s. I was mostly on married rosters with my husband when I was on 747s. The early days were brilliant as we went to places where you felt like Michael Palin. Not always great accommodation back then but very adventuresome. I've been to most cities in the USA, lots of South American trips as I spoke Spanish, through the Pacific staying in Hawaii and Fiji, onto Australasia... and all through the African continent, middle east, far east etc. Loved it and did it for nearly 20 years.

I can tell you were flying on 747s as you mention turning left when you got on! Oh the good old days! I don't think it's quite as luxurious these days. Hubby remembers the lounge well, but I was never on 747s when they had one.
747’s and other things but “turning left” was always first or business apart from when it was upstairs or the really cramped one with the pointy nose.
I bet you’ve got some stories to tell!

I remember the tale of the first class passenger who was a right pain in the neck. Constantly being disruptive and rude to stewardesses etc then they developed a cough so the stewardess brought her a tray with one knife on it and said “For your throat madam”.

I asked if it was possible to hold a flight up once because I wanted to shower and change from office clothes before boarding - coach and business were boarded and they just kept plying 1st with the delights of the lounge until I was ready to board. We took off about 15-20 mins late I think.

Different times, different world, different me.
We hugely enjoyed the Marvellous Mrs Maisel, 2 series of about 6 episodes.
Mrs Maisel is good.
Also I’d recommend Hawkeye on Disney+
The Good Wife and The Good Fight are both worth watching and are both available somewhere to stream - I think TGW is on Prime maybe and TGF latest series is on All4.
There’s a really interesting glass blowing competition on Netflix called Blown Away
And if you want to add AppleTV into the mix then there’s Ted Lasso, Foundation, Invasion, Calls
Oh Netflix also has Power of the Dog which is likely to win Oscars
Disney has The Big Leap which so shouldn’t work but it’s better than the U.K. original. Also worthy of a mention on Disney is Only Murders in the Building which sees Steve Martin and Martin Short (together with Nathan Lane) do their thing with an elegantly bonkers plot.