Group 7-day waking average?

Went for a run this morning. Didn’t check distance as it was a totally free run - just shoes on and go. Stop when I’ve had enough - rest- go again etc

BG when I returned was 5.5
747’s and other things but “turning left” was always first or business apart from when it was upstairs or the really cramped one with the pointy nose.
I bet you’ve got some stories to tell!

I remember the tale of the first class passenger who was a right pain in the neck. Constantly being disruptive and rude to stewardesses etc then they developed a cough so the stewardess brought her a tray with one knife on it and said “For your throat madam”.

I asked if it was possible to hold a flight up once because I wanted to shower and change from office clothes before boarding - coach and business were boarded and they just kept plying 1st with the delights of the lounge until I was ready to board. We took off about 15-20 mins late I think.

Different times, different world, different me.
Cor, you'd never get away with delaying a plane these days, though I understand they now have showers on board. Actually on the VC10s and 707s if you boarded at the front then F/c was to the right.

I like the one where a very snooty pain of a pax asked the stewardess "What is the staff situation in London". The stewardess responded "I am sure you will have no difficulty finding a position madam". Yes, lots of stories... lots of famous people who were eccentric and strange.... I was quite overwhelmed to meet Ringo Starr until I realised he was actually mad as a box of frogs! I was terrified of Bob Marley and the Wailers when they boarded, thinking "here comes trouble", but they were absolutely delightful and gave the crew tickets to their concert in Jamaica.
Good morning people

A bit late posting today but managed to get an appointment with the chiropractor almost as soon as I woke up.... so been there and hopefully he's put paid to the last of the irritating trapped nerve in my neck. Anyway 8.8 this morning - disappointing but not unexpected after well over-treating a hypo yesterday afternoon that left me high for the rest of the day. Went to bed on 13.4. Probably partly the fault of the Ciabatta and Stilton and Fig bake. Had an extended bolus on the pump so didn't correct.

Congratulations to @TinaD @MeeTooTeeTwo and @DuncanLord for the HS!

@Gwynn please accept my condolences on the passing of your brother. Not a nice way to learn about it.
The Good Wife
Have you seen all of them? We watch it on Alibi and I have to say I'm not so keen on it now after series 5 xx
Didn't get the chance to pop in earlier, but got a 7.1 this morning, bit higher than I like but am still feeling under the weather, plus had one of those wake up at 3.00am and can't get back to sleep nights - grrr! Went shopping with daughter and granddaughter, felt a bit dizzy from time to time. I'm still thinking it could have been that awful meal at the carvery as my stomach just hasn't felt right either - silly them emailed me a survey of my visit - bet they're wishing they hadn't!!! lol
Going to catch up a bit then take a nap.
Unfortunately got the munchies this afternoon so it will probably destroy the good BG readings.
Just seen the section on mince pies and remember @rebrascora attempting to describe how to manage these high sugar/ carb things.
Possibly cut down on the pastry by not putting the top on them.
Just a question though. Would a nice pie without the top be called a ‘topless tart’?
Just a question though. Would a nice pie without the top be called a ‘topless tart’?
Naughty!! 😱 (wiggling eyebrows emoji)
Mine were fully clothed Lidl mince pies, I'll have you know (primly looks over reading glasses emoji) and the secret for me was to inject about 1.5 more units than they should need (according to the carbs on the box), wait until Libre showed my levels to be 5 and dropping and then eat slowly with a good dollop of cream cheese or cream after zapping in the microwave with a capful of rum poured under the lid. Obviously I can't speak for how that would work for you.
Congratulations to @TinaD @DuncanLord and @MeeTooTeeTwo on your HS! Well done.
long it would be. I replied I wasn’t certain. His reply said it was ridiculous he had to queue as he had to get to work and he never queued like this for the first two. I told him Boris hadn’t decreed 1 million vaccinations had to be done everyday back then, and as a volunteer I resented being spoken to like that! He soon shut up! I may be little but I’m feisty!
Good for you @eggyg!! Some people are so rude!!
Morning all.
7.5 today.
Nothing in the diary today, so the shower is going to have to be cleaned ... And the desk tidied ...
Good morning everyone.

5.1 BG this morning. A near miss.

Nothing planned for today


Just been out for a short walk. Short because it was so cold on the breezy beach. 45 mins only. I would have gone further except for the cold. Nice to be back home is the warm with a hot mug of coffee with double cream (10g). I shall leave the normal tea with skimmed milk, but I do have some green tea to try. Never tried it before...

Have a great day whatever you are or are not doing
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7.4 this morning. Not a very good night, up 3 times. Saw my friend last night which was nice. Not sure what I’m doing today.
@Michael12421 are you having a nice lie-in this morning?
Have a good day all x
Morning All
A 6.6 for me today on the meter at 07:05.
Upwards and onwards.
Stay safe.
Morning all. 6.3 today.
Had a strange day yesterday, BGs wise. I’m a creature of habit and have the same thing, carb wise, for breakfast and lunch. So there isn’t any guesstimating. The two days I spent on my feet earlier in the week resulted in almost being in hypoland with ages until teatime and needed JBs. Yesterday by 5pm I was heading that way and I’d never set foot out of the house! I’m never idol but nothing too strenuous was undertaken. I decided rather than chomp on sweet sickly stuff to have an early tea. It was a pasta dish and didn’t take long, I didn’t pre bolus but was down to 4.1 just as we sat down to eat. Decide not to bolus and sort it out later on. Later on never happened! I moved to the dizzy heights of 5.2 two hours later, then 5.6, and was still only 6.6 at bedtime so had a small slice of toast! I woke at 2.30 and was 6.3, exactly what I woke on this morning at 7 o’clock. Am I cured? Have I grown a new pancreas? Or just the after effects of two days “ grafting” for a change? NB I don’t have a lot of pasta, 50grms of dried tagliatelle, about 35 grams of carbs. You watch, I’ll be sky high today. Oh the fickleness of D. 🙄

No big plans today, just housewifey stuff, maybe a walk to deliver some Christmas cards and buy some bread. Looking forward to the Strictly final, I’m so disappointed for AJ, she was my favourite. Rose to win now. Have a super Saturday. Seven more sleeps! :D
No @SueEK , I was up as usual at 5.30 BUT it has taken three and a half hours and 15 strips to get a reading!
An unbelievable 16.1,
I have this trouble with Sanofi strips all of the time and getting really angry about it.
Oh no, what a nightmare. Normally I’m saying hope you get those numbers up but today it’s I hope it doesn’t take too long to come down. Those strips don’t sound good but glad you are ok. Stay warm x
“Morning all. 6.3 today.
Had a strange day yesterday, BGs wise. I’m a creature of habit and have the same thing, carb wise, for breakfast and lunch. So there isn’t any guesstimating. The two days I spent on my feet earlier in the week resulted in almost being in hypoland with ages until teatime and needed JBs. Yesterday by 5pm I was heading that way and I’d never set foot out of the house! I’m never idol but nothing too strenuous was undertaken. I decided rather than chomp on sweet sickly stuff to have an early tea. It was a pasta dish and didn’t take long, I didn’t pre bolus but was down to 4.1 just as we sat down to eat. Decide not to bolus and sort it out later on. Later on never happened! I moved to the dizzy heights of 5.2 two hours later, then 5.6, and was still only 6.6 at bedtime so had a small slice of toast! I woke at 2.30 and was 6.3, exactly what I woke on this morning at 7 o’clock. Am I cured? Have I grown a new pancreas? Or just the after effects of two days “ grafting” for a change? NB I don’t have a lot of pasta, 50grms of dried tagliatelle, about 35 grams of carbs. You watch, I’ll be sky high today. Oh the fickleness of D. 🙄

No big plans today, just housewifey stuff, maybe a walk to deliver some Christmas cards and buy some bread. Looking forward to the Strictly final, I’m so disappointed for AJ, she was my favourite. Rose to win now. Have a super Saturday. Seven more sleeps! :D
That’s a new one, and will have diabetics queuing round the block.
“Voluntary work at Covid Vaccine Centre Cures Diabetes!”
That should get the internet buzzing with plenty of social media.
Greetings this frosty morning!
6.0 when I woke up to jab my Levemir at 6.30am but I had 2 excursions into the red again last night according to Libre. I was only aware of one of them which was treated with 2 JBs and it looks like the second dip came shortly afterwards which I really don't understand unless it was a compression low. I'm usually very careful about not sleeping on my sensor, but who knows. My levels certainly came up quite sharply from it without treatment and it wasn't a significant low so probably the only explanation. Anyway, I am not overly concerned about it as I cut my evening Levemir by another 3 units last night to zero so no real active insulin on board and therefore more of a natural dip. I didn't double check it with a finger prick this time as I half expected it to happen but Libre showed 3.3, so it was likely about 4.3 in reality, which is quite comforting that my hypo awareness will wake me up at that. There was a time when I used to live in terror of nocturnal hypos but the reality is so much less scary and more just resentment that my sleep is disturbed. Of course I do all the right things to try to prevent them and that is a 7unit basal reduction over 3 days (-2,-2,-3) and cheese and biscuits at bedtime, but sometimes they happen despite my best efforts.... and of course Libre exaggerates 🙄 Still feel a lot better than being high all night.
Morning all. :D 5.0 for me.

Well, the numbers for next week’s pre-Xmas family get-together are dwindling - anyone with a social life (ie all my nieces and 1 nephew) has been pinged or has this rate it’ll just be me, mum, OH n the dogs. Thank goodness for Zoom! 😛🙂 (All I want for Xmas IS a social life LOL).
5.7 for me this morning. 🙂
