Group 7-day waking average?

Low carb? Either you have been attending the Boris' lectures on delivering accurate statements or you have a magic wand as well as a rolling pin. Mind you I am 100% convinced that there are neither carbs nor cals in panforte...just hoping Mr Pancreas falls for it.
Lower carb than otherwise usual.
Standard almond shortcrust and mix of alcohol sugars.

Re the pan forte - has it been cut? If not then cut it and remove a slice. That gives the calories and carbs an escape route.
Been a little bit AWOL - life, read work, has been madness! Anyway 2 and a bit weeks off now in the very generous for holidays none normal world of teaching. I suspect there maybe some working from home to come too in the new year looking at the covid numbers.

4.4 this morning little lower than I like. Putting it down to the stress of eye injection yesterday - good way to start the holidays! Feels a tiny improvement already.

Enjoy strictly those that watch. Have a good rest of the day.
Well, i tried a proper pizza tonight for the first time since diagnosis. I got a shop bought one and used the carbs amount on the back of the box. I split the carbs, i thought i was doing things right. But....after the second dose levels kept going up...and up... I feel headachy and sluggish, levels not going down, up to 14.4 (finger prick 12.8 atm) and needing 2u correction. Oh well, i enjoyed eating it but its not worth it for how i feel now...
Well good morning one and all.
Bit of a shock reading this morning for me after yesterday feasting on smoked salmon and cream cheese beigel, three mince pies, half a freshly baked cholla, two pints of beer and almost zero sleep.
I honestly thought I’d clock in a 7+ this morning but nope - 5.8
Did Park Run and scoffed the beigel afterwards and bought the cholla at the same time. Met up with the estranged friend in the afternoon for a walk and coffee etc and we talked a lot and ate mince pies. (We’re at least civil and respectful to each other and the friendship is salvageable but it won’t be the same as it was before. That’s not a bad thing but it’s going to take some effort on both of our parts to figure out the new landscape and boundaries etc.)
Came home and scoffed the half a cholla so an atrociously carb laden day. Popped to a local inn frequented by other gentlemen of the homosexualist persuasion a little later and had a couple of beers.

I guess logging 20,000 steps must have balanced out some of the carbs.

Just caught up on Strictly and it was the obvious fav who won and although they did well I was rooting for the other finalist who just blew me away with their show dance.

C’est tout from me for now. Catch up with you all later I’m sure! x
4.6 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning folks.🙂 6.4 here.

Got my booster today - been advised to take a book because of possible queues, something along the lines of War and Peace or maybe a trilogy 😉(I hope I don’t have to wait THAT long!).
Morning folks.🙂 6.4 here.

Got my booster today - been advised to take a book because of possible queues, something along the lines of War and Peace or maybe a trilogy 😉(I hope I don’t have to wait THAT long!).
I don’t know why they don’t just line up say 100 people at a time and just do them all at once with a very long needle.
Good morning everyone.

BG 4.6 this morning. Seems stable and happy in the mid 4's in the mornings.

Not sure what to do with today. Its very foggy, cold and dark out there right now at 8am!!! No way am I going on the beach for exercise in this. Did it once before and it was just too scary and freezing!!!

Still not decided whether we are going to have turkey on Christmas day. Probably will. Hmmm keeping the calories and Carbs down over Christmas is going to be a bit of a challenge I think. But I mustn't put the weight back on!!! We got some Garlic ball thingies from M&S. Looked great on the package. Looked odd and feeble out of the package. Looked and tasted great once cooked. We haven't bought a fancy cake.....yet.... 🙂

Ordered three bins for the utility room the other day. Expected delivery 29th Dec. They turned up yesterday!! It is difficult to know when to ensure I am in for deliveries when they say when something will be delivered and then actually deliver at a completely random earlier date. Still, not complaining.

Ordered the last Christmas present yesterday evening. My wife chatted all day about wanting a pasta maker thing. Oh well, the deed is done now. It should arrive before Christmas.

Had my booster weeks ago. No bad after effects. A slight sore arm.

Watched Big Bake Holiday yesterday on ITV. What a great programme and what incredible cakes!!

Have a great day today whatever you do or don't do.
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Morning! 8.3

8.4 today

@ColinUK I was also rooting for John to win xx
6.6 for me today. Had grandson overnight, he’s very good but a challenge hiding 4 elves in places we haven’t already hidden them!! Carols in the road tonight with drinkies, not sure if I’ll partake or not.
Strictly was brilliant.
Have a good day all xx
Afternoon! I’ve had a much needed lie in and was rewarded with a 5.6.

I’m full of cold, I’m hoping it’s just a cold, sneezing for England, snotty, headache, cough. Oh dear! Think I’ll do a LF later. Still managed a 7.5 mile walk yesterday to deliver cards and do a bit of shopping. Thought it would clear my head, it didn’t, but it sent me hurtling towards hypoland, AGAIN, at 5pm. Another early tea. That was fine, needed to be finished and tidied up by 7 for Strictly. It was a great show, I would have been happy with either couple to win.

Staying home today, we have a delivery coming, and I really need to do some sorting out in the house as volunteering tomorrow and Tuesday, just half days ( I hope). Also got a random letter on Friday asking me to make an appointment to see a phlebotomist for routine diabetes blood tests. I don’t usually get my review until April, can only think the hospital diabetes team have requested them as I have an appointment in January to see how I’m getting on with the Libre. I rang up late Friday afternoon and my appointment is 8.30 TOMORROW! Is no one going to the GP surgery anymore? :confused:

I’m feeling very grateful today as it’s my 14th Operversary, today in 2007 they whipped out most of my pancreas and all of my spleen. And I’m still here bothering you lot everyday! 😛

Have a great day. 🙂
Morning all. 5.8 for me. I've decided not to have bought pizza again. Levels spiked to 14s despite split bolus and a 2ucorrection followed by a sudden drop and an alarm every 2 hours as dropping below mid 4s.

Strictly was fab. Both were amazing dancers. I preferred John's showdance though Rose's was beautiful. Both were winners though really.
Morning All
A 7.6 this morning, and got to sort out eating and sleeping as starting a ‘days’ work at 23:50. Could either be absolutely correct or horribly wrong tomorrow.
Have a great day.
Good morning. Late on parade again but it was midnight by the time I got back from my sister's as the fog was horrendous driving home and then I had GGs to feed when I got back. Strictly was fab though and whilst I was a little disappointed with the dances the judges chose for them (particularly Rose and Gio's quickstep as I really wanted to see that Argentine Tango again) I did enjoy it and either would have been worthy winners. Thought Janette and Alijaz's (sp?) dance to Ed Sheeran was absolutely spectacular and they have to be my favourite professional couple. Those lifts were just "WOW!"

Anyway, to business.... 7.2 when the alarm went off to inject my Levemir.... Had to very reluctantly get up and get a replacement cartridge as I didn't have quite enough, so that put me up to 8.2 within a matter of 10 mins, so also injected a unit of Fiasp and went back to sleep and then woke up an hour and a half later on 5.6.... So take your pick.... Personally I prefer the 5.6. :D

Jabbed 2 units of Levemir last night (ie +2) as I didn't do as much exercise yesterday and I ate a very big meal albeit low carb which usually means I need some basal to cover the later release from protein and fat. 3 units probably would have been ideal with hindsight but didn't want to risk 3 consecutive nocturnal hypos on my Libre graph.

@DuncanLord Good luck with your nightshift. Is it a one off? That may be a little tricky but at least when you are piloting rather that driving you can experiment and figure out a strategy to manage your levels and food with relative safety.