Group 7-day waking average?

Hi @DuncanLord one of the highs was on waking so there was no exercise there and the other high was before tea and there was no walking or exercise done there either but thanks for having a think about my highs.

Thanks it went back under my control at bedtime 🙂
Sorry looked back. I can’t read, read waking as walking. Lol. Good job I didn’t use a slightly different letter.
Well my fears were correct! My sister jokingly (I think/hope) mentioned that she wants the dress back, so I suggested we share. May wear it again tomorrow night for my other Christmas do, before I have to hand it over!

@DuncanLord..... I read and reread Gill's post thinking I must have skimmed over some vital info or wondered if you were confusing me with Gill, as I am always yomping up the hill. Pleased it was you rather than me having a senior moment on this occasion. I have them all too frequently. I don't want extras. Phew! Putting it down to fatigue after your first day back to work. Looks like you managed your diabetes pretty well on your first day though and I think doing a dummy run even if you don't need to yet with not officially driving, is a really good idea to get into a system for when you are back behind the wheel at work.
Hi there, so this mornings reading was a shocking 8.1 … OMG
which kind of done my head in :(:( and that’s why I didn’t post

so I was quite relieved this evening when my pre evening meal reading was 6.0
despite a mid morning visit to Greggs where I went in for a coffee came out with the coffee a sausage roll & a donut 😱

I’ve been good this evening with a low carb evening meal
spicy chicken and salad (which was absolutely delicious)
My wife wanted to treat me to a breakfast out this weekend
so will see what my waking BS is, then decide

I realise I need to be careful
currently not loosing any weight (however not putt it back on either)

TC everybody
Morning all. 6.6 at 6! It’s the work of the devil! 😉

Been awake since 5, mind whirring about the sympathy card I need to write to my friend who tragically lost her teenage daughter last week. I don’t want to use the usual platitudes, they’re ok for an aged parent, for example, but not for a child. I also don’t want to be a coward and just sign my name. It’s not easy is it? I’ve a few ideas and I’ll jot them down on a scrap of paper first to see how they read. The funeral is on the 21st, the notice said xxxx ( her daughter) requested bright clothes and to get “ mortal” ( drunk) at her wake. So it seems she must have been conscious at one time but must have known she didn’t have long left. It’s all so sad. :(

Anyways, that’s enough sadness. We’re going out tonight with friends for drinks and a meal to celebrate Christmas. We’ve chosen to go to a pub then a restaurant as the Omicron variant, and possibly the Delta variant, obviously don’t frequent such places as we don’t need to wear a mask. Now if we’d decided to go for a game of bowling, followed by a trip to the theatre then the masks would need to remain firmly in place as they are “ hotspots” for the virus! :confused: So we’ll just stay in the pub all night, in fact I think everyone should just live permanently in a pub or a restaurant, safest places in the country!😉

Have a fab Saturday all. 🙂
Was 6.3 this morning but forgot to post.

Am struggling a bit with the old mental health. Feel increasingly alone and isolated.
Have reached out to the gp (via eConsult) and just checked and there’s an appointment for me with the abrupt GP tomorrow morning. Of course they haven’t told me of the appointment but it’s on the system.
Not relishing the idea of another lockdown and mandated WFH especially without the routine contact/support of the increasingly estranged friend (who I suspect is having a breakdown).
I’m managing to get out for a run or walk most days and that’s hugely positive but sometimes I do wonder why I’m bothering.

My Survivors UK piece is now live on their website and it’s been pushed out on social media.
I shared it on my own Facebook and tagged a fundraiser onto the post and it’s raised £80 but I wasn’t ready for the pushback, the victim blaming, and frankly the apathy it’s been met by.
People I’ve known all my life who I know have seen the post (thanks to the ability to track engagement) have just been silent. Nothing. And that’s tough to navigate my mind around quite frankly.
I’m not sure what I expected but I didn’t expect silence.

This weekend the electrician is doing his thing with remedial electrics work and fitting the cooker and the way I’m feeling I might just shut up shop next week and bugger off to the folks for the duration of the Christmas break.

I probably won’t but it’s what I feel like doing. If I do though it means running in dull streets rather than Central London and the Parks etc here so that may be a trade off I’m not willing to make.

I’ve got a card sitting waiting for me to write for the estranged friend. I honestly don’t know what to write and fear that whatever I say it’ll be taken the wrong way.
Mental health is a b*gger (technical term). And the system shouldn't make it worse ... This episode will pass, like all the others. Meantime, hang on.
Morning all. 6.6 at 6! It’s the work of the devil! 😉

Been awake since 5, mind whirring about the sympathy card I need to write to my friend who tragically lost her teenage daughter last week. I don’t want to use the usual platitudes, they’re ok for an aged parent, for example, but not for a child. I also don’t want to be a coward and just sign my name. It’s not easy is it? I’ve a few ideas and I’ll jot them down on a scrap of paper first to see how they read. The funeral is on the 21st, the notice said xxxx ( her daughter) requested bright clothes and to get “ mortal” ( drunk) at her wake. So it seems she must have been conscious at one time but must have known she didn’t have long left. It’s all so sad. :(

Anyways, that’s enough sadness. We’re going out tonight with friends for drinks and a meal to celebrate Christmas. We’ve chosen to go to a pub then a restaurant as the Omicron variant, and possibly the Delta variant, obviously don’t frequent such places as we don’t need to wear a mask. Now if we’d decided to go for a game of bowling, followed by a trip to the theatre then the masks would need to remain firmly in place as they are “ hotspots” for the virus! :confused: So we’ll just stay in the pub all night, in fact I think everyone should just live permanently in a pub or a restaurant, safest places in the country!😉

Have a fab Saturday all. 🙂
How about simply "There aren't any words. But I'm with you".
Morning world.
7.2 today.
Coffee with a friend today. She normally serves up chocolate-laden, melt-in-the-mouth cookies ...
Remember me fondly ...
A comforting 5.0 this a.m.
Unless this can be attributed to 3 solid hours of music bawling from the speakers of the newly installed pc; the good news that the old one just needs a new hard drive and the installation of Windows11; the evening rain stopping long enough to get the pony in and the dog out; I am at a loss to explain it. Certainly I ate well, having reinstated a high protein early breakfast rather than extending the night fast, so perhaps it was that. So its 3 fat pork sausages and an egg, before braving the 16 mile drive to the co-op, for today and hope for the same happy result tomorrow.
My sympathy to eggyg - what a terrible task and how heart breaking for the family.
Hope the weekend goes well for everyone.
6.0 on the nose today.
No Park Run as the electrician is coming today at 9am.

In one of those strange quirks where someone has the most apt name ever he's called Noel Sparks.
Good morning 7.0 today
slightly more respectable than yesterday

have a great weekend everybody
whatever excitement or relaxation you have planned 🙂
Good morning everyone.

I was baaaaad yesterday. Made some flapjack and ate way too much of it. Then my wife made some bread. I normally don't touch the stuff, but this time ate way too much of that too. It was soooo good. But I felt and I still feel rather stupid about it. Today is another day, so back on the normal diet.

I was worried I might have blown things up (pancreas wise) but no, BG this morning 4.4

I built/made/crafted the new kitchen cabinet thing yesterday. Whoops I got one measurement wrong on the shelves and had to trim them down. I had measured, remeasured, calculated, recalculated and still managed to get it wrong. Doh! Still, I also managed to fix it. Wife is actually impressed with it too which is surprising for her (she normally worries about anything new) and very pleasing for me.

Nothing much planned for today. I think my stomach is sulking so I will take it gently !!! 🙂

Have a great Saturday whatever you do. Only 2 weeks (ish) until Christmas. My wife is doing rather well out of it too...which is great.
Morning all. 8.3 for me this morning.

@eggyg, its just so sad. I like @Nikki53 suggestion, simple yet says it all. If its a very good friend though you might feel you need to put more. Whatever you decide, it will be the right thing. Enjoy your meal tonight.
@ColinUK i love it when names match the occupations.

I'm having hair cut and coloured this morning then getting set to try and do all of the present wrapping today. Next week will be such a busy one at work and home. Roll on next weekend.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you are planning to do.
6.9 this morning. Spent ages trying to find US dollars yesterday with no luck, will need to go to the main post office today me thinks. Only want a few as part of a Christmas present.
@eggyg sad news indeed, I’m sure you will find the right words!
Have a good day all x
An unusual 6.0 for me. 🙂
Plus a very upset stomach, which may account for it.


A whopping 13.7 today, is it the sore tummy? Is it the sore knees from crawling about the floors with a dust pan and brush to try and clean up as best I can with the tools I have? Is it the stress of being down to my last few test strips for the 2nd weekend in a row? Or is it just because? lol xx
Morning All
Fun time last night, and not the usual Friday fun night.
Having spoken to the nurses at the Diabetes Centre yesterday my ratio for evening meal was changed to 10 carbs / unit minus a unit as over the last few nights I’ve been having to eat before bed to cope with the 7 units of basal Lantus.
18:01. BG 8.7. Might have been a little on the high side
18:05. NovoRapid by calculating 6 units but because 77 carbs and slightly high BG 7 units.
18:25. Dinner. 77 carbs 33 Protein. 7.76 Fats 531 Cals.
Nurses asked if I at some stage could do some readings overnight.
23:28. Bedtime. BG 5.0. ( Well that won’t work overnight)
23:35. 2 slices wholemeal toast. 29.4 carbs
23:40 7 units Lantus
02:32. BG 9.1
04:30. BG 6.9
07:45 Wake up
07:55. BG 6.5
I somehow missed the 06:30 test. Oh dear. What a pity. Oh well never mind!
So yes a 6.5 for me today.

@eggyg A pub sounds like a good safe place to live. If alcohol kills virus beat it from the inside out!

Stay safe everyone
I should've mentioned that I'm down to my last few strips again due to the strips my friend had sent to me being useless as they are American strips, could only happen to me 🙄 xx
Morning everyone 🙂
7:03am waking BG 9.4 - 15 units tresiba done

19:21pm before tea hypo 3.4 reason: unknown - treated with 4x dextrose tablets
19:39pm before tea and also 15 minute hypo check- within target BG 5.4 so injected 4.5 units humalog for 51g carbs
During the evening had 3x shot glasses of baileys and 2x whisky & diet cokes
23:17pm bedtime above target BG 11.0 reason: I'm pretty sure is the baileys - had 2x rich tea biscuits 12g carbs because you should have some carbs before and after alcohol - no humalog
4:07am BG 17.5 so decided to do a correction which was 3.5 units humalog - again I'm sure it was the baileys more than the whisky

I would be delighted to have some feedback

Hope everybody has a good day 🙂
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