Group 7-day waking average?

@ColinUK , not everyone looks at FB every day, even if they are members. I check it once or twice a day usually, but sometimes go days without looking and often miss posts from friends as they disappear down the timeline and I only scroll down so far... so maybe not everyone has seen it. If anyone is victim blaming they need a bloody good slap! Also, they aren't worth bothering with! I have a friend who more often than not takes what I say the wrong way, usually because she never lets me finish a sentence, or stops listening.. so never actually hears the message... yes, it's hard to take. So I send you lots of HUGS and please know there are people here, not least me, who are here to support you.
@ColinUK I’m sorry to read this. It may possibly be that those that know you simply do not know what to say and may need a few days before they reply to your post. With something that big they will want to say the right thing rather than something ‘off the cuff’ - I hope this is the case.
As for your friend maybe the same applies in that it’s better if you send a card saying what you think is the right thing and hope it is accepted with the kindness in which it is sent.
I hope all goes well at your appointment and remember we are all here to listen and support you. Stay strong xx
@Pattidevans Completely true and adjusting the Novorapid I’m fine with but as the basal is Tresiba just following the guidance of the diabetes team helps
Was 6.3 this morning but forgot to post.

Am struggling a bit with the old mental health. Feel increasingly alone and isolated.
Have reached out to the gp (via eConsult) and just checked and there’s an appointment for me with the abrupt GP tomorrow morning. Of course they haven’t told me of the appointment but it’s on the system.
Not relishing the idea of another lockdown and mandated WFH especially without the routine contact/support of the increasingly estranged friend (who I suspect is having a breakdown).
I’m managing to get out for a run or walk most days and that’s hugely positive but sometimes I do wonder why I’m bothering.

My Survivors UK piece is now live on their website and it’s been pushed out on social media.
I shared it on my own Facebook and tagged a fundraiser onto the post and it’s raised £80 but I wasn’t ready for the pushback, the victim blaming, and frankly the apathy it’s been met by.
People I’ve known all my life who I know have seen the post (thanks to the ability to track engagement) have just been silent. Nothing. And that’s tough to navigate my mind around quite frankly.
I’m not sure what I expected but I didn’t expect silence.

This weekend the electrician is doing his thing with remedial electrics work and fitting the cooker and the way I’m feeling I might just shut up shop next week and bugger off to the folks for the duration of the Christmas break.

I probably won’t but it’s what I feel like doing. If I do though it means running in dull streets rather than Central London and the Parks etc here so that may be a trade off I’m not willing to make.

I’ve got a card sitting waiting for me to write for the estranged friend. I honestly don’t know what to write and fear that whatever I say it’ll be taken the wrong way.
I'm sorry to hear you're struggling at the moment. You've been so strong for so long. By reaching out to the GP, you have recognised that you need some support so good for you. That is a positive start.

The fact that people on facebook are victim blaming is awful and frankly should be defriended asap. They are not worth being given the time to read their posts. You have been brave enough to talk about your experiences and that should be applauded.

Hopefully,the other people in your life who haven't yet responded are just taking their time to think about their responses. It may be that they want to support but are unsure how. Sometimes when people don't know what to say, they don't say anything at all. Its not ideal when you want/need support though.

You are an extremely brave, strong person. Please don't feel alone and isolated. We are all here to listen and support you. We're not the same as close friends and family but we are here when you need to vent or just talk. Good luck with the GP in the morning, i hope it goes well and you get some help and support. Stay strong and take care.
I really value this place and each of you. Thank you all
@SB2015 hope you are having a lovely Birthday xx
Thanks Sue
Just back from a few days away up in Derby.
Had a fabulous time and managed to dodge the storms, eat fabulous meals in local restaurants, and get out and about. A city we had never visited but we loved.
@ColinUK Another one sending (((HUGS))) You are so kind and caring and funny/witty and sensitive but incredibly brave. Be proud of who you are..... You are amazing and don't you forget it or let the haters cause you doubt or get you down. Hope the appointment with the GP goes better than expected but as with Diabetes, sometimes it is people who understand first hand, who are best placed to offer the support and advice you need. Good luck and maybe a week with your folks will help you to reset your mental focus and perspective.
Good morning everyone. Dark, cold, wet here.

BG 4.3 this morning. Quite low for me but ok

Definitely build the kitchen cabinet today....I think

A bit of a slight wobble with my wife yesterday, thankfully she recovered quite quickly. But the paranoia just jumps out of nowhere when even the slightest thing is out of place. It always saddens me to see her upset over what is, in reality, nothing at all, but to her it is all veryvery real.
Was 6.3 this morning but forgot to post.

Am struggling a bit with the old mental health. Feel increasingly alone and isolated.
Have reached out to the gp (via eConsult) and just checked and there’s an appointment for me with the abrupt GP tomorrow morning. Of course they haven’t told me of the appointment but it’s on the system.
Not relishing the idea of another lockdown and mandated WFH especially without the routine contact/support of the increasingly estranged friend (who I suspect is having a breakdown).
I’m managing to get out for a run or walk most days and that’s hugely positive but sometimes I do wonder why I’m bothering.
I didn't come on the site yesterday so I missed this.

I know how you feel. I was on furlough for a few months, work was terrible in keeping in touch and as a result I slipped into quite a bad depression.

When the PM started talking about WFH again my heart sank and I got that feeling in the pit of my stomach. What I am trying to say is that you are not a lone, particulary here. I wish you well - and keep talking. I hope the doc's visit goes well.
Morning all. 5.7. Overslept and in a rush to get to work. Catch up later.
6.7 today. Meeting up with my daughter today.
Have a good day all x
Morning all. Back to reality and a very nice 5.5. I’ve not had fives for ages on a morning and have now had two. Is it a coincidence that my sensor finished on Wednesday night and I haven’t put a new one on yet? Hmmm…watch this space. I’m putting it on this morning. I’m livid with myself though as I’ve lost my Libre strap. I don’t do losing things, it’s just completely disappeared. Last seen yesterday in the cottage in Hawkshead in my hoodie pocket, which I then took off to put my coat on then carried it to the car! Anyone finding it will wonder what the heck it is!

Baby Zara coming at 10 as I forgot Mummy was having her hair done. So I better get a move on, I’ve a cauliflower soup to make for our lunch. Zara loves it.

Have a fab Friday all. 🙂
@DuncanLord congratulations on the HS yesterday.
@ColinUK big hugs.
Cauliflower soup is delicious! Are you making cauliflower cheese soup or more of a cream of cauliflower soup @eggyg ?
6.3 this morning. Been awake since 2am.

Received a text from the friend last night saying that they loved me and that we’ll work things out and rebuild our friendship.
Of course that was last night and there’s no way to predict what they’ll be thinking today.
@Gwynn I empathise with you re your wife because what’s not helping in this case is BPD with huge swings in mood etc which are entirely unpredictable.
There’s a limit to how much I can be there for someone who does use me as an emotional crutch at times and as an emotional punchbag at others. It’s exhausting and coming on top of everything I’ve had to deal with this year (and will continue to deal with for the foreseeable future) it’s tough.
I’m now I’m dialogue with the criminal injuries compensation authority about my assaults and that’s added a whole heap more stress and bureaucracy I could will do without but I guess it might be beneficial long term. Not that it brings closure or anything but it may bring a cash sum. Eventually.

Zoom meeting today at 9:30 then the GP call and nothing else so I’ll head up to Hampstead for a run and hopefully meet a friend and her dog for coffee.

A depressing 6.3 this a.m. Was feeling a bit low, what with higher BG levels and worry about Christmas with a hyperactive (and grumpy if thwarted) 5 year old, a 6 month old baby and 2 loved but liberally minded vegetarian parents. Then I read ColinUK's current problems and gave myself a salutary mental kick up the backside. Hope things improve for him. Looks a drier day today so hoping to get out for a dog walk and that it prevails for everybody else. The new pc is up and running...

9.1 for me today

Congrats @MeeTooTeeTwo on your HS! xx