Group 7-day waking average?

No, it's not just you @rebrascora I tried to use it last week and had the same problem. In the end I phoned Reception and asked for an email address which she gave me. The email goes to Admin, but if you put FAO and the person's name title or e.g. Diabetes Nurse then they forward it on.

Despite being told I have access to my medical records and being used as a guinea pig for the surgery to get their system sorted out I still do not have access to test results. Had tests done on Monday, if they aren't there by Friday I shall be emailing them to get it sorted out.

You know Chol can be too low! I know they want PWD "under 3" but at that level you don't have sufficient chol to build healthy brain cells, or any other cells for that matter because cholesterol is the building block for every cell in your body. Google Zoe Harcombe, Malcolm Kendrick and Uffe Ravnskof.
They gave you an email address??!!
Morning world 😎
7.2 today.
Plus, taking my mum (94) for birthday lunch today. What could possibly go wrong?
No need to reply 🙂
Morning everyone.
In the 11s and 10s all day yesterday just eating cold meat, salad and boiled eggs all day. Finally dropped to 7.8 between dinner and bedtime so thought yay...
until this morning
Up at 3.15am (went to sleep early last night) with a 10.5 and just rechecked to find a 12 (not had breakfast yet, just coffee but about to eat and take meds). Can my body just blummin behave itself. 🙄

Totally thought doctors was this friday but its actually next wed (derp me). Will keep tabs on levels and call if they get out of hand between now and wednesday.

In other news, great nephew made an appearance late yesterday afternoon so super excited to meet him. Could do with some baby snuggles and that new baby smell 🙂

Have a great day everyone x
@Gwynn and @DuncanLord congrats to you both on your HS’s.
@Nikki53 hope the birthday meal goes well
7.3 for me today. At long last got blood results. HbA1c is up 2 to 50, am surprised it’s not considerably more.
Have a good day all x
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9.5 for me, as predicted my Libre ended itself last night, it had been reading considerably lower than bloods then did it's stuck on 2.9 thing then when it said glucose reading unavailable try again in 10 minutes from previous experience I knew the next attempt would tell me it had ended 🙄 xx
Good morning everybody 🙂
At 8:11am it was 11.6 and above target for me - 15u tresiba & 1.5u correction done.

I'm off out in a bit to meet the girls from work because it's one of their birthdays today. I'm thinking I will have a sausage butty and a pot of yorkshire tea.

Hope everybody has a great day 🙂 xx
@Pattidevans my basal insulin is now 23.5 and it was 22.5
That doesn’t necessarily make it right for you @Lily123. Basals need adjustment from time to time, but you should be held absolutely steady by your basal if you do not eat. That’s why basal testing from time to time is important. It’s rare that ratios change.
08:45 BS 8.1

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Already slurped my breakfast of chicken & vegetable soup then, checked my mail & still no booster letter which is rather worrisome as it was posted last Friday 3rd. But, maybe today’s post isn’t here yet as it’s been known to be as late as 4pm? :confused:

My trip down memory lane continues & I’m now into season 2 of Lois & Clark in ‘94/95 & the start of Windows ’95, the start of the internet & email but, mobiles are still quite chunky! 🙄 It’s also my favourite season as it’s post Lex Luthor & the dating season between the two of them: season 3 is the engagement; 4 is married life!😛
Well good morning on this grey day people.

4.8 this morning. Had the left-over gnocchi for dinner last night and bolussed 30/70. Interestingly it just moved the spike up sooner. Next time I am tempted to make this delicious meal I shall resist.

Congratulations to @Gwynn and @DuncanLord in the HS.

Congrats too to @gll on the arrival of great nephew.

Commiserations to @Kaylz on another Libre failure.

FWIW people who take proton-pump inhibitors (such as omeprazole) are also likely to have B12 deficiency. I have pernicious anaemia and B12 deficiency. Then again I have a whole raft of auto-immune conditions. B12 deficiency can have some very nasty symptoms.
4.8 this morning. Had the left-over gnocchi for dinner last night and bolussed 30/70. Interestingly it just moved the spike up sooner. Next time I am tempted to make this delicious meal I shall resist.
That's not the right attitude Patti! You of all people should know it is a question of "more experiments needed", especially if it was delicious. I managed a success with my final mince pie from a box of 12..... There's dedication for you!! .... and there were some Himalayan experiences along the way, but that final pie peaked no higher than 8.5. Yes! Unfortunately by next year, I will have forgotten what the secret to success was and have to start the experiment all over again!

Anyway, good morning folks.
Afraid I didn't do so well last night and have 3 red marks on my Libre despite a reduction in Levemir last night. Just as well I restocked my bedside hypo treatments yesterday! Waking reading was 3.7

Many congrats to @Gwynn and particularly @DuncanLord as I think that is your first HS isn't it? Also congrats to @Robin for valuing sleep over claiming a House Special! Think we should give you it anyway, as you did wake up to it even if you dropped off again. Feeling quite a trend setter this morning as I seem to have initiated this run on HSs after a dry spell 😎 Hope no one follows my lead from today and we have a string of hypo results tomorrow! o_O

They gave you an email address??!!
Yes, I was impressed at that, as I asked if that might be an option for getting in touch with the nurse yesterday, when I spoke to the receptionist, but it was a resounding "No, we can't do that"
That's not the right attitude Patti! You of all people should know it is a question of "more experiments needed", especially if it was delicious. I managed a success with my final mince pie from a box of 12..... There's dedication for you!! .... and there were some Himalayan experiences along the way, but that final pie peaked no higher than 8.5. Yes! Unfortunately by next year, I will have forgotten what the secret to success was and have to start the experiment all over again!

Anyway, good morning folks.
Afraid I didn't do so well last night and have 3 red marks on my Libre despite a reduction in Levemir last night. Just as well I restocked my bedside hypo treatments yesterday! Waking reading was 3.7

Many congrats to @Gwynn and particularly @DuncanLord as I think that is your first HS isn't it? Also congrats to @Robin for valuing sleep over claiming a House Special! Think we should give you it anyway, as you did wake up to it even if you dropped off again. Feeling quite a trend setter this morning as I seem to have initiated this run on HSs after a dry spell 😎 Hope no one follows my lead from today and we have a string of hypo results tomorrow! o_O

Yes, I was impressed at that, as I asked if that might be an option for getting in touch with the nurse yesterday, when I spoke to the receptionist, but it was a resounding "No, we can't do that"
We do have an e-mail contact with our surgery and I was astonished that when I e-mailed to inform them that my OH had been admitted as an emergency having seen the doctor only a couple of days before for a urinary issue, I had a phone call only minutes later to ask how he was.
6.8 this morning - that'll be the dumplings in last night's stew I guess or the KitKat.
Never got to coffee morning yesterday, rain and 20+ mph wind kept me indoors all day. I can deal with rain or wind, but not both, and neither are fun when I'm trudging along, even at full whack, on my mobility I played at tracking and watching my mum's Christmas present being delivered 88 miles way - it's the small things lol 🙂
Today looks better weather-wise, which is good, as I'm off for the first of two Christmas lunches at the local carvery, with a few friends today. This will be the taster session before the booked "3 course lunch" next week!! My weight has been stable, that may come tumbling down.... rofl ... or shooting UP more like!
Oh and daughter's car got fixed, new suspension and tyre - that's her Christmas present from hubby! He dropped it back to her house, so she and our granddaughter brought him home and stayed a while 🙂
Have a good day, stay safe, stay warm xx
Late on parade, 9.4 this morning, could be the chocolate buttons, biscuits or icing that I ate yesterday, when will I ever learn that I am diabetic, I know treats are acceptable, but it was like the more I told myself not to eat these things, the more I actually ate.

Sorry haven't had chance to read through everything this morning, so will catch up later.
Afternoon all. Late posting today. Had a hypo yesterday afternoon so got stuck at work, then stayed in the 5s most of the evening. So i had a snack, went to bed on a 7.5 then spent all night in the 12s and 13s 😱 . Finally dropped to 10 at waking and 8.6 by breakfast. Will see what happens today.

Congrats to @Gwynn and @DuncanLord on your HS.
@Pattidevans I should do a basal test.I adjusted the basal dose at the review by the diabetes team
Was 6.3 this morning but forgot to post.

Am struggling a bit with the old mental health. Feel increasingly alone and isolated.
Have reached out to the gp (via eConsult) and just checked and there’s an appointment for me with the abrupt GP tomorrow morning. Of course they haven’t told me of the appointment but it’s on the system.
Not relishing the idea of another lockdown and mandated WFH especially without the routine contact/support of the increasingly estranged friend (who I suspect is having a breakdown).
I’m managing to get out for a run or walk most days and that’s hugely positive but sometimes I do wonder why I’m bothering.

My Survivors UK piece is now live on their website and it’s been pushed out on social media.
I shared it on my own Facebook and tagged a fundraiser onto the post and it’s raised £80 but I wasn’t ready for the pushback, the victim blaming, and frankly the apathy it’s been met by.
People I’ve known all my life who I know have seen the post (thanks to the ability to track engagement) have just been silent. Nothing. And that’s tough to navigate my mind around quite frankly.
I’m not sure what I expected but I didn’t expect silence.

This weekend the electrician is doing his thing with remedial electrics work and fitting the cooker and the way I’m feeling I might just shut up shop next week and bugger off to the folks for the duration of the Christmas break.

I probably won’t but it’s what I feel like doing. If I do though it means running in dull streets rather than Central London and the Parks etc here so that may be a trade off I’m not willing to make.

I’ve got a card sitting waiting for me to write for the estranged friend. I honestly don’t know what to write and fear that whatever I say it’ll be taken the wrong way.