Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning All
@Gwynn I hope your day improves.

A 7.1 for me today, which isn’t too bad considering yesterday. I let sugar levels rise as I knew I was doing a pool swim in the evening and as it’s a new regimen of insulin I played it (very ) safe with extra carbs.
Friday 8th October.

08:03. BG 6.7
08:04. Weight. 94.6 Kg
08:30. Insulin. 2 units. NovoRapid
08:45. Breakfast. 40g Porridge Oats Banana Slice Wholemeal Toast coffee Pint cordial
(61 carbs. 362 cal)
13:10. BG 9.8
13:15. Insulin 2 units NovoRapid
13:30. Lunch. 2slices toast. Slice cheese.
1/4 can peaches Banana in 100g Natural
Yoghurt Coffee Pint Cordial.
(64 carbs 756 cal)
17:45. BG. 11.7
17:55. Insulin. 2 units. NovoRapid
18:10. Dinner. Holland’s meat and potato pie. …………………..150g Mash potatoes. 100g ……………………peas. Cup Gravy. 2 digestive biscuits in 100g Natural yoghurt. Cup coffee. Pint water.
(105 Carbs. 764 cal)
19:25. BG (pre driving). 13.8
2.0:14. BG (pre swimming) 16.4
2.0:17. Snack pre swim. Banana. 23 carbs 89 cal
2.0:26. Exercise. Pool Swim. 62 lengths. 1550 meters in 60:54 mins. Active Kcal 943. Total Kcal 1067
21:30 BG 10.8 after Exercise and pre drive
23:38. Pre bed. BG 9.8
23:39. Insulin 6 units Lantus
23:40. Cholesterol Tablet.

Total carbs for Day. 253
Total cals for Day. 1971


The dietitian was also asking if I could use a UK database for carb counting rather than an American one as it’s more accurate.
I have the book Carbs &Cals but could do with an App. Does anyone know one that is easy to use and works well.
Sorry for the lengthy post.
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I have to try to calm my screaming, crying wife down as best I can. So I cannot go out.

I have had 36 years of accusations. Some so unbelievably crazy that even an idiot could see how nonsensical they are. Its got worse over the years. Its not her fault. She is very mentally ill. I am her only 'friend'. But she attacks me verbally constantly. It is horribly hard. But I have a lot of sympathy for her and her plight. She was ok at first but has got progressively worse over the years, sadly.

I will let you know how things turn out. Right now we may have just passed the peak of pain for today. Not sure. She is still crying her eyes out in the bathroom and won't / can't listen to a word I say whrn I try to talk to her.

Its just pure anger, frustration, fear pouring out of her right now.

I hate her illness. She thinks that I hate her but nothing could be further from the truth. I really do love her but I do hate her illness.

If it gets any worse I will try to ring the mental health emergency team. But if I do I know it will cause terrible trouble.
8.5 this morning and a very dodgy stomach, so maybe that is why.

@ColinUK - sorry to hear about yesterday, hope park run was good today.

@Dxxoo - sorry to hear mum is in hospital

@Gwynn - sending you hugs.
We're have a terrible day here sadly.

My wife eventually emerged and started accusing me of all sorts of things. It was ghastly. Anger spitting from her. Wore non of her accusations hadcany merit. They never do. Ever.

This is not good
This is one of those posts it’s really hard to like but it’s one I want to support you with nevertheless.
I can’t imagine the stress that the mental health causes and I hope that you are getting support yourself.
I have to try to calm my screaming, crying wife down as best I can. So I cannot go out.

I have had 36 years of accusations. Some so unbelievably crazy that even an idiot could see how nonsensical they are. Its got worse over the years. Its not her fault. She is very mentally ill. I am her only 'friend'. But she attacks me verbally constantly. It is horribly hard. But I have a lot of sympathy for her and her plight. She was ok at first but has got progressively worse over the years, sadly.

I will let you know how things turn out. Right now we may have just passed the peak of pain for today. Not sure. She is still crying her eyes out in the bathroom and won't / can't listen to a word I say whrn I try to talk to her.

Its just pure anger, frustration, fear pouring out of her right now.

I hate her illness. She thinks that I hate her but nothing could be further from the truth. I really do love her but I do hate her illness.

If it gets any worse I will try to ring the mental health emergency team. But if I do I know it will cause terrible trouble.
What’s the trouble that calling the crisis team will unleash?
@Gwynn pretty much ditto to what Colin says. So sad for everyone, sending hugs to you xx
Good morning All
@Gwynn I hope your day improves.

A 7.1 for me today, which isn’t too bad considering yesterday. I let sugar levels rise as I knew I was doing a pool swim in the evening and as it’s a new regimen of insulin I played it (very ) safe with extra carbs.
Friday 8th October.

08:03. BG 6.7
08:04. Weight. 94.6 Kg
08:30. Insulin. 2 units. NovoRapid
08:45. Breakfast. 40g Porridge Oats Banana Slice Wholemeal Toast coffee Pint cordial
(61 carbs. 362 cal)
13:10. BG 9.8
13:15. Insulin 2 units NovoRapid
13:30. Lunch. 2slices toast. Slice cheese.
1/4 can peaches Banana in 100g Natural
Yoghurt Coffee Pint Cordial.
(64 carbs 756 cal)
17:45. BG. 11.7
17:55. Insulin. 2 units. NovoRapid
18:10. Dinner. Holland’s meat and potato pie. …………………..150g Mash potatoes. 100g ……………………peas. Cup Gravy. 2 digestive biscuits in 100g Natural yoghurt. Cup coffee. Pint water.
(105 Carbs. 764 cal)
19:25. BG (pre driving). 13.8
2.0:14. BG (pre swimming) 16.4
2.0:17. Snack pre swim. Banana. 23 carbs 89 cal
2.0:26. Exercise. Pool Swim. 62 lengths. 1550 meters in 60:54 mins. Active Kcal 943. Total Kcal 1067
21:30 BG 10.8 after Exercise and pre drive
23:38. Pre bed. BG 9.8
23:39. Insulin 6 units Lantus
23:40. Cholesterol Tablet.

Total carbs for Day. 253
Total cals for Day. 1971

View attachment 18752

The dietitian was also asking if I could use a UK database for carb counting rather than an American one as it’s more accurate.
I have the book Carbs &Cals but could do with an App. Does anyone know one that is easy to use and works well.
Sorry for the lengthy post.
There’s an app from the Carbs & Cal folks.
Park Run results are in.
17th in my age group again.
294th out of 319
34:59 down from 38:38 last week!

I’m curious to see how long it’ll take me to get below 30 mins.

Was wet underfoot today and the route is mainly tarmac but some bits are called “mud corner” for good reason. Start/finish is in the middle of a slight dip which evidently gets quite muddy too.

Was fun though tough today for sure.
Does anyone know one that is easy to use and works well.
Duncan I used this one a few years ago and found it quite useful
Although it calls itself fat secret I found it quite good with UK brands and products.
If I remember correctly you could just scan the barcodes to get the carb/calories/etc content.

We're have a terrible day here sadly.

My wife eventually emerged and started accusing me of all sorts of things. It was ghastly. Anger spitting from her. Wore non of her accusations hadcany merit. They never do. Ever.

This is not good

So very sorry you are having an even harder time than normal @Gwynn
I have to try to calm my screaming, crying wife down as best I can. So I cannot go out.

I have had 36 years of accusations. Some so unbelievably crazy that even an idiot could see how nonsensical they are. Its got worse over the years. Its not her fault. She is very mentally ill. I am her only 'friend'. But she attacks me verbally constantly. It is horribly hard. But I have a lot of sympathy for her and her plight. She was ok at first but has got progressively worse over the years, sadly.

I will let you know how things turn out. Right now we may have just passed the peak of pain for today. Not sure. She is still crying her eyes out in the bathroom and won't / can't listen to a word I say whrn I try to talk to her.

Its just pure anger, frustration, fear pouring out of her right now.

I hate her illness. She thinks that I hate her but nothing could be further from the truth. I really do love her but I do hate her illness.

If it gets any worse I will try to ring the mental health emergency team. But if I do I know it will cause terrible trouble.

I totally understand @Gwynn - we are carers to family members who have Dementia. We looked after 3 up until March but sadly one passed away. We never have an easy day - some are just slightly less worse than others. No matter what you do, it's never enough and never appreciated, sadly. As you say, it's not the people, it's the illness and we just have to keep on reminding ourselves of that. One of our family members is delusional and a fantasist and under the care of a psychiatrist and psychologist for additional behavioural problems (as well as Dementia). It's so stressful living on your nerves knowing that the next crisis is always looming. Our experience is that family members are always quick to tell you what you should be doing/what they think you are doing wrong but so fast to vanish whenever something actually needs to be done.

You should be very proud of the love and dedication you give to your wife every single day. Here's hoping tomorrow is a much better day for you both.
Thank you

It has been hell todày sadly
Duncan I used this one a few years ago and found it quite useful
Although it calls itself fat secret I found it quite good with UK brands and products.
If I remember correctly you could just scan the barcodes to get the carb/calories/etc content.

Thanks. I’ve downloaded it and I’ll take a look.
Duncan I used this one a few years ago and found it quite useful
Although it calls itself fat secret I found it quite good with UK brands and products.
If I remember correctly you could just scan the barcodes to get the carb/calories/etc content.

My waist band is my fat counter lol
7:4 this morning. Not been dieting all week. Gained another pound at weigh in but I’m over it all now and back to working on it tomorrow . I’ve been scraping wallpaper and it might be the excercise keeping my BG lower than the amount I’ve eaten. Sugar is my go to when I have
problems. Finally seen the Bond movie
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Well the day turned out to be as bad as it could get, well not quite. My wife was not sectioned again, but nearly. She did calm down....eventually, but it was very unpleasant and difficult getting there.

It is such a shame because other than her mental illness she is a lovely, sweet, kind person who I love very much. But she just changes into a completely different monsterous 'thing'.

It is so sad.

Anyway, up early today. First up!!!!

BG 4.2 hmmm getting lower, still, it was ok yesterday evening at 5.4

Let's hope today turns out to be better.

Not surprisingly my weight dropped like a stone yesterday as I didn't eat anything. Nor did I want to. So it's 54.8Kg today, way below my target weight. I had better eat something today. It should have been one of my lovely pizzas yesterday too. Sigh. I will make up the shortfall today if I can. Hopefully I WILL make the pizza today.
I really feel for you! It must put a terrible stain on you, never quite knowing when the person you so obviously love dearly changes due to such a medical reason. In many ways our diabetes problems pale into insignificance.
Sending hugs if they help.
09/10/21 22:30 BS 10.5 Aw! :( Obviously on an up phase! 🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Couldn’t stay up last evening to watch Strictly live so, no voting! Watched it on iPlayer while munched the remains of my beef bolognese potato topped pie I couldn’t finish off yesterday for dinner: first time I tried it as I had 2 thirds of a jar of bolognese sauce left; mixed reviews, from me, as it’s a bit too sour with potato & tastes SO much nicer with pasta! 🙄 Finished on 04:32 BS 10: testing less & no idea what it was earlier? Then, got a bit distracted posting a couple of long posts in response to a newbie about Chinese food & cooking so, I forgot to post on here until now! Just finished eating lunch now of 3 salmon paste sandwiches with 3 cups of tea with milk & honey: Kingsmill no crusts so, only about half the size of normal Kingsmill with crusts; not as greedy as it seems from my usual 2 sandwiches!🙄:D😉

I REALLY enjoyed John Whaite’s paso last night! 😛 His parnership with Johannes has been great to watch & is only getting better!:D😎
4.5 for me this morning. 🙂
Going out shortly for an early morning walk, as it's not raining (yet)!

8.2 today, serves me right!
@Gwynn I have liked your post for your ongoing metal each and every day and I hope this day is considerably better x
Have a good day all x