Group 7-day waking average?

4.2 today, got fed up waiting for DN appointment so have arranged private tests again not sure what GP's surgery's are doing, not seeing patients that's for sure.
7.5 after a low carb day, so no idea what is going on.

@ColinUK - pleased your group was of some help, wishing you the best for today.

@SueEK - hope your next appointment is more successful.

Have a good day everyone, dark and gloomy at the moment.
A 6.1 for me at 06:13 this morning. Dull and overcast in West Berks but very mild. I just had a cup of tea in the garden before starting work.
Good Morning All
A 6.7 here this morning, after a 7.0 at bedtime. Although I did have 4 cream crackers for supper with black coffee just to check drop. Might have been a couple too many but have to get used to new regimen.
have a great day.
10.9 for me this morning and high all night despite multiple corrections.
I got so chewed off yesterday with highs and lows and nothing making sense, I abandoned low carb, shot myself what I consider to be mega amounts of insulin (7 units) and got even worse results of course. Nothing really desperately naughty although I did have a cursory glance at a piece of Russian cake sitting on the counter top in the village shop but just got the chicken tikka sandwich in a poppy seed bun and a banana for lunch and then ham with a few chips, sweet potato and leeks with cheese sauce last night. I enjoyed my dinner more than lunch but then I was hypo at lunchtime (one of the reasons I decided to splurge) and for over an hour afterwards, despite hypo treatment first and then eating immediately after injecting. Then in the evening levels just went up and up and up and I stacked 3 corrections within the space of 2 hours that did absolutely nothing, as well as increased my evening basal. I know I don't feel terribly well and stomach is not happy (indigestion), but I'm not desperately ill or anything! I am however getting really sick of having rollercoaster levels. back to my low carbing today as I have been shopping.

@Lisa66 Congrats on your House Special yesterday and hope you have a fab holiday.

@ColinUK Will be thinking of you today. Hope the interviewing team are sensitive and considerate. Sending (((HUGS)))

@SueEK So sorry you had such a long day for no real gain. Surely that sort of procedure could have been done at a local hospital. Hope they were more gentle than your previous experience.

@DuncanLord Did you increase the Lantus as advised by the DSN or did you play it safe? Looks like it is working reasonably well whatever you did. Presumably you are finding the increased NovoRapid an improvement with meals.
I will post some pics if you would like @SueEK don't be expecting Mediterranean skies and seas…we are in the Cotswolds, stonkingly beautiful if only this grey would lift. Here for the Literary festival and general mooching about the area. So pics may just be of beautiful books.

@rebrascora i feel your pain. Levels very up and down recently…frustratingly so…maybe go down the HRT route (tmi?)…we’ll see. Hope your levels improve soon.
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The SOIT officer was so mindful not to cause me any distress this morning that they failed to turn up.

I know things happen, especially in the Police, which can cause the need to reschedule but would it have been too much to let me know I wonder.

Front desk at the station is closed so all you can do is email and call the mobile number the officer has given you. Which I did.
I turned up 15 minutes early and left when they would have been 45 minutes late.

I’ve been in contact with the Met contact Center who repeatedly asked if I wanted to lodge a formal complaint which is furthest from my mind to do. What I’d like to know is that the officer is actually ok though.
I will post some picks if you would like @SueEK don't be expecting Mediterranean skies and seas…we are in the Cotswolds, stonkingly beautiful if only this grey would lift. Here for the Literaary festival and general mooching about the area. So pics may just be if beautiful books.

@rebrascora i feel your pain. Levels very up and down recently…frustratingly so…maybe go down the HRT route (tmi?)…we’ll see. Hope your levels improve soon.
Already on HRT (patches) here and highly recommend them, so not sure i can blame hormones or at least not those ones for this, but then who knows! Upped my Levemir by 2 units this morning as well as increased last night's dose but still had to shoot a 2 unit correction as levels are into double figures and on their way upwards again. Arrggh!
The SOIT officer was so mindful not to cause me any distress this morning that they failed to turn up.

I know things happen, especially in the Police, which can cause the need to reschedule but would it have been too much to let me know I wonder.

Front desk at the station is closed so all you can do is email and call the mobile number the officer has given you. Which I did.
I turned up 15 minutes early and left when they would have been 45 minutes late.

I’ve been in contact with the Met contact Center who repeatedly asked if I wanted to lodge a formal complaint which is furthest from my mind to do. What I’d like to know is that the officer is actually ok though.
Oh no! That is shocking! So sorry they have messed you about..... assuming you got the right day of course.... You do have form!! 😉
Seriously though, that is really bad, especially considering they must know that people need to psych themselves up for this sort of thing and how emotional it is for them to go through it all. Really annoyed and frustrated for you, especially as they didn't have the decency to let you know and just kept you waiting!
I upped the Lantus to the 6 as advised by the DSN. However I had 4 cream crackers last night with coffee just to play safe.
Had a quick conversation with them this morning and as it’s about right, ( my term ) we have kept it as it is over the weekend and review on Monday with benefits of figures.
Did ask them about the course to learn more and they may be thinking about it.
The increase in NR seems to be helping with meals but early days!
A rather depressing 6.1 this a.m. Expected as had exceeded my 20gs over the past few days.Old friend unseen for some years came to lunch - has just been diagnosed - so was force fed low carb! Diabetic nurse rang with HbA1c results :37 which given my steroid dose feels as good a hole in one (well, better really as I cannot stand golf).
Oh no! That is shocking! So sorry they have messed you about..... assuming you got the right day of course.... You do have form!! 😉
Seriously though, that is really bad, especially considering they must know that people need to psych themselves up for this sort of thing and how emotional it is for them to go through it all. Really annoyed and frustrated for you, especially as they didn't have the decency to let you know and just kept you waiting!
I triple checked I wasn’t on the wrong day!
@rebrascora hope you’re feeling a bit better, so many T1’s seem to be struggling at the mo, it all sounds very hard to cope with xx. Thanks for your reply, although no actual gain at the moment, it should hopefully mean that they can exclude either the catheter is at fault or that I have/haven’t healed at my next appointment on Tuesday. This has gone on longer than I had thought it would and have now been absent from work for 10 weeks which makes me feel really bad.
@ColinUK so sorry that the planned video interview didn’t go ahead, I’m sure you must have psyched yourself up for it and felt a huge let down. Stay strong, you are doing a great thing by not letting that horrid man getting away with what he did, we all admire you for that xx
@Lisa66 the Cotswolds are so beautiful, I’m sure you will have a wonderful holiday. We stayed at Bourton on the Water a few years ago, such a pretty place and did the touristy things looking around. Went to Broadway for the day which to me was the prettiest village I’ve ever been to. Have a lovely time xx
@SueEK don't feel bad about being off. Your health has got to come before any job.

@ColinUK i'm so sorry you psyched yourself up only to be let down by the non appearance of the officer. Hopefully you won't have to wait too long for it to be arranged again.
Hello all, need to get back to measuring, will try for tomorrow. Mum in hospital so life on hold. NHS care abysmal imho. Mum left in filth couple of hours today, I'm so stressed I feel I could expire. Staying at sons' house and the neighbour family have all lost stones, turns out they're on keto! :D Very impressed. Have a good day all... gone 3 I must get back to bed...
08/10/21 21:35 BS 7.6 That’s even better! 🙂 But, I DO realise it’s a bit of a pot luck whether I’m in a rise or fall phase here: so, not been testing as much; left myself to enough space to swing safely! 🙄

A Very Good Morning coming up to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Missed the launch of this last Sunday & been watching it on iPlayer all night: The Earthshot Prize launched by Prince William; 5 prizes of £1 million pounds every year from now until 2030 to people/companies that come up with solutions to fix our planet! 😱 WOW! That’s brilliantly ambitious & on an even bigger scale that the prize offered to solve the “Longitude” problem in the 1700’s! The five prizes awarded are for solutions to:- Protect & Restore Nature; Fix Our Climate; Clean Our Air; Revive Our Oceans & Build a Waste Free World. Each of the 5 episodes on iPlayer highlights the problem & introduces the 3 finalists in the running for each of this year’s prizes; presented on 17/10/21 Some I have already a growing awareness of & some have been eye openers! I highly recommend watching it on BBC iPlayer & reading more about it on their website:-

Prince William has been working on this project for two years before gathering a panel to judge & award the prizes then, launching it to the public’s awareness last Sunday 03/10/21 😛😎 & Clapping Hands emoji!