Group 7-day waking average?

Thank you. I try to keep going, one day at a time.

I think today will be better as, when I got up at 3am, my wife, (unusually), got up a few minutes later, came downstairs and gave me a gentle kiss kthen she went back to bed). No words. No shouting. No crying. Just a kiss. She has never done that before after a bad episode.

That was a very good sign for today. I can't guarantee it, but I hope she is going to be a lot better today....for her sake as much as for my own.
I hope you don't mind me joining your thread.

Just replaced a lost meter so I can measure again!

5.5 this morning.
Welcome to the thread, everyone is welcome and we share lots of things on here so feel free to join in.
Morning all!

A 5.5 for me today.

An early start, as my youngest’s dog woke at 4am and wouldn’t settle. I made it to 6am before ptoviding breakfast, but I’m a bit bleary!

Sorry to hear that your very difficult situation is continuing. I hope you get some respite, and that your wife can get appropriate care.
I hope you don't mind me joining your thread.

Just replaced a lost meter so I can measure again!

5.5 this morning.

Hope the new meter continues to give you such chipper numbers @Kopiert :D
I hope you don't mind me joining your thread.

Just replaced a lost meter so I can measure again!

5.5 this morning.
You’re more than welcome @Kopiert! :D

Morning all. 😛 6.6 here.

Our new fence is up, so what was once a forgotten patch of jungle is now a shiny new area of the garden. So lots of clearing, levelling, planting, snacking (to ward off those pesky gardening lows) over the next week or so. I just hope the weather behaves.😛
7.1 for me after another Levemir increase last night although I have dialed it back one unit this morning as I had a couple of hypos yesterday, so overall the same daily dose but the day/night ratio adjusted ever so slightly. Fingers crossed I am getting it back under control.

@Gwynn Really hoping that today is better for you both.

@Kopiert Welcome from me too. Look forward to getting to know a little more about you. Nice reading this morning!
6.2 this morning and finally feeling well enough for a run this morning and hoping to make a start on the Halloween cake today and put it in the freezer.

@Gwynn - hope you have a calmer day today.

@Kopiert - welcome.

Have a great Sunday everyone.
7.1 this morning and clearly did some damage to my left knee on the Park Run yesterday.
I think it’s ligament strain and it’s entirely my own fault as it was sending signals that it needed to be cosseted a bit in the way there and all the way round. So I ignored it.
Yesterday afterwards it was so painful I popped a couple of diclophenic (sp?) and did the same before bed. Seems considerably easier today so not needed anything other than a couple of bog standard paracetamol.
No plans today other than see if I can build bridges with my closest friend who happens to be bi polar and who somehow I upset at the start of the week.
Might also polish my CV because I’m bored at work most days.
Morning all. Managed a wee lie in today and a decent 6.4.

Supposed to be a half decent day, dry if nothing else, so have already stripped the bed and it’s in the washer. A trip to Tesco for things I can’t get in the Aldi which is just a short walk away, also hoping to get some petrol as at long last we have a date for Mr Eggy’s brother’s funeral in Birmingham, it’s this Wednesday, almost four weeks since he passed away. We’re staying over on Tuesday as it’s at 10.30am. So glad that’s sorted, it’s been hanging over us along with other worries. It’s exactly one month since we got back from our holiday and all I will say is it’s been a challenging month with one thing or another.

No plans barring washing and shopping. Have a super Sunday everyone. 🙂
Morning all. 5.7 for me. Housework looms today, although i'll do that all day every day over work atm.
@Gwynn i hope your wife has a better day. It must be so hard for you.
Well the day turned out to be as bad as it could get, well not quite. My wife was not sectioned again, but nearly. She did calm down....eventually, but it was very unpleasant and difficult getting there.

It is such a shame because other than her mental illness she is a lovely, sweet, kind person who I love very much. But she just changes into a completely different monsterous 'thing'.

It is so sad.

Anyway, up early today. First up!!!!

BG 4.2 hmmm getting lower, still, it was ok yesterday evening at 5.4

Let's hope today turns out to be better.

Not surprisingly my weight dropped like a stone yesterday as I didn't eat anything. Nor did I want to. So it's 54.8Kg today, way below my target weight. I had better eat something today. It should have been one of my lovely pizzas yesterday too. Sigh. I will make up the shortfall today if I can. Hopefully I WILL make the pizza today.
@Gwynn - I understand to an extent what you are going through. My autistic granddaughter has what is called "PDA" Pathalogical Demand Avoidance. She is a sweet natured and lovely girl of 8 but when she has a meltdown it is horrendous, screaming and yelling, throwing things about.
After a time out she returns to her normal self. The best way to describe it is like a cat. You want them to do something and they will walk away and do the opposite - sheer bloody-mindedness. It's not her fault, her rubbish mother let her fall down 17 stairs while she was doing her emails in the next room.
I hope it gets better for you mate.
GoodMorning 5.9 today (6.2 yesterday)
I haven’t done so much regular testing recently.

I’m still waiting on a date for my next steroid injection (in my ankle)
recently I recieved a copy a letter (from the consultant /surgeon to GP) stating he’s still not happy to operate on my ankle.
He confirmed he’s aware my HbA1c is better, but felt surgery still high risk - fear of infection / not healing etc,
I’m waiting on ankle fusion, previously advised (by a different consultant at the same department) I might be suitable for ankle replacement,
but more recently having seen another consultant and weight bearing X-rays, they previously decided I won’t be suitable for replacemereplacement but will need the ankle joint fused.

I know I need (now more than ever)
to keep on trying to manage this diabetic monster that had previously taken over my body
to keep the weight down, loose some more, but slowly now
(having already lost 10” from my waistline and 8” on my chest)

ultimately I so want to be able to come off medication
and one day put T2 into remission,
I know thats possible but it won’t be easy.

Hope everybod has a great weekend
I’ve a potential customer to see @ 10:30 this morning
other than that chilling today
6.8 for me today. Looking forward to out day with little Abby. For some reason she loves a trip to Southampton, turning into a weekly event. Southampton, is currently home to six ships. Cunard's Queen Victoria and Queen Mary 2 are docked alongside P&O Cruises' Azura, Britannia and Ventura and Marella Explorer It will be pretty busy today.....
Good morning
A late start today but a 6.7 on waking. Think it’s getting better as all readings yesterday were under 10 Only just 7.1 9.7 7.1 and 9.1.
Have a good day.