Group 7-day waking average?

@rebrascora I'm running very slowly!
That doesn't matter at all. It is the fact that you are getting out there and doing it and not always in the best of weather. That takes a lot of mental effort, especially in the early days and since you have owned that body confidence is an issue, all the more respect.
That doesn't matter at all. It is the fact that you are getting out there and doing it and not always in the best of weather. That takes a lot of mental effort, especially in the early days and since you have owned that body confidence is an issue, all the more respect.
Thank you. xx
I am the slowest running in our running group. I just plod on and celebrate when I get a PB. @ColinUK - we are still getting out there. That is what counts.
I'm intending to run again Thursday and then hit the Park Run again on Saturday (and it's forecast to be mild and dry for both).
Then it's probably a quick trip to Decathlon to get a few bits of colder weather gear, probably a wind and water resistant top.
I at the moment only got the pens so just measured in units. Spoke to them this morning but seeing as they only had measurements for bed and breakfast not really enough data. Got to ring tomorrow to get more info. Will ask then or the GP for 1/2 unit pens.
The Lantus I took at bedtime last night (about 11:30pm) but that might alter.
The NovoRapid is taken 15 mins before meal , as I was told yesterday.
thanks for all your help and I hope you get your body clock right. Are you sure you’ve not had a secret holiday and are just suffers from jet lag which messes up your body clock. Lol
Are you sure you’ve not had a secret holiday and are just suffers from jet lag which messes up your body clock. Lol
I haven't had a holiday in many, many years, so I think I would remember if that had happened!
I used to work rotating shifts and I still struggle to maintain a normal day/night regime for any length or time although I had been doing quite well recently. Normally I don't go to bed until very late or early hours, so this crashing at 8pm is quite novel, but getting up at 3.30am is definitely weird. Horses were happy enough to see me though and I missed the worst of the rain to get out for my walk.... ie it was raining but not stotting down.

I will be surprised if you get anywhere with your GP with regard to half unit pens. That sort of thing usually needs to be authorized by a DSN as your prescription will have to change from penfills to cartridges.
I was a bit concerned that you might have been taking the Lantus at the time you used to take your evening dose of mixed insulin, which might have given you a spike of activity in the depths of the night, but bedtime injection should hopefully be giving you it's profile peak at a time when DP is kicking in..... as long as you don't start going to bed at 8pm like me!!
😡 guys, I'm feeling very frustrated with Abbott at the moment, this sensor worked near perfectly for it's first week then day 8 it started going to pot, just been issued with my 10th replacement out of 15 sensors! To top it off I'm having to be VERY careful opening my test strip pot as the hinge nearly snapped straight across this morning and is only holding on by a thread! :( xx
😡 guys, I'm feeling very frustrated with Abbott at the moment, this sensor worked near perfectly for it's first week then day 8 it started going to pot, just been issued with my 10th replacement out of 15 sensors! To top it off I'm having to be VERY careful opening my test strip pot as the hinge nearly snapped straight across this morning and is only holding on by a thread! :( xx
Oh no! Can't believe you have another one on it's way out. Must confess, I had a bit of a concern with mine this morning so I have been having to do a few finger pricks to keep an eye on it. Hope you managed to get through to Abbott easily and got another replacement without difficulty. You must be on first name terms with all their customer service staff by now 🙄. It's no joke though is it! I can understand you being well chewed off and losing a lot of confidence in the system.

The pot lid is just another irritation (probably one of those "final straws" for you though) Not a big deal in the scheme of things but no doubt with your sore hands, makes things just that bit more challenging when you could do with things being easier. Really hope you have a change of luck soon
Oh no! Can't believe you have another one on it's way out. Must confess, I had a bit of a concern with mine this morning so I have been having to do a few finger pricks to keep an eye on it. Hope you managed to get through to Abbott easily and got another replacement without difficulty. You must be on first name terms with all their customer service staff by now 🙄. It's no joke though is it! I can understand you being well chewed off and losing a lot of confidence in the system.

The pot lid is just another irritation (probably one of those "final straws" for you though) Not a big deal in the scheme of things but no doubt with your sore hands, makes things just that bit more challenging when you could do with things being easier. Really hope you have a change of luck soon
I never have problems getting through to them, only on the phone 9 minutes 37 seconds this afternoon and yes replacement issued no problem, surprisingly I've never spoken to the same agent twice lol, I hope my luck changes soon too! xx
I must admit messenger being down was very inconvenient for me too as we have a family group, me, Mr Eggy, three daughters and two eldest grandchildren. There’s never a day we don’t message and it felt odd not being able to just “chat” with them last night about something daft. I very nearly resorted to that old fashioned method called texting, do you remember that! 🙄 😛
Haha only just 😛 Did find it weird that my friend was texting me, normally it’s either my sister wishing me goodnight, the pharmacy or delivery stuff. It’s weird how even texting is a thing of the pasto_O
I'm doing a @Lanny. My body clock has got out of synch. It started the day before yesterday when I crashed just after 8pm and then woke up at 3.30am and had clearly had enough sleep. Then climbed into bed yesterday about 6pm after grueling dentist appointment for a couple of hours and woke at 11pm. Mucked out and fed horses at 3,30am and then went for a walk. Not much view at 4.30am and whilst it was wet, it wasn't hammering down. Then came home had an Options hot choc shot myself my Levemir an hour early and climbed into bed and had another few hours. Woke up to a massive crack of thunder and the rain drumming loudly on the roof. (So pleased I walked earlier)
Anyway, my reading was 4.6 on waking but rapidly dropped to 3.7 before I got out of bed according to Libre but finger prick said 4.4. Injected Fiasp for breakfast but levels continued to drop instead of rise like they usually do when I get up, so I have yet another red mark on my graph! Cut my evening Levemir to 4.5 last night on a whim and probably just as well.

@stackingcups So dreadfully sorry to hear about your family bereavement. Life can be so cruel sometimes! Your poor Mum must be devastated.
So pleased you are finding the Tresiba is working well for you though, particularly when you now have other things on your mind. Hope that continues to be the case.

@MeeTooTeeTwo Congratulations Dez on achieving the elusive number yesterday.

@DuncanLord So pleased you are now on a basal/bolus system and the 4 units of Lantus look to have been about right judging by that bedtime to morning result. When are you taking the Lantus? Timing can be quite important with that basal.
It will take time to work out your ratios with the NovoRapid, especially when you are still needing so little, so whilst it gives you plenty of time to practice your carb counting, I doubt you will need to be adjusting those doses much when you are needing so little insulin. Did they give you a half unit pen? If not you would be wise to ask for them as you will need to be able to make small adjustments when you are on such small doses.... both for NR and Lantus..... so do make it a priority to ask about that. The half unit pens are also reusable so environmentally better and you just get cartridges to put in them which take up less space in the fridge. They also usually come with a timer in the end which tells you how many units your last injection was and how long ago...... for those "did I, didn't I??" moments when injecting is so second nature that you can't quite remember if you did?

@ColinUK I am so impressed that you are running so much. Hope it is helping you physically as well as mentally.

@Telemóveis Great that you are getting back into running and that your Dad is encouraging you. Will he run with you?
Not this time as he’s planning to be a marshal (?) but obviously will still be there to support. Will help me train though bc he knows all the good running routes 🙂
my morning tests usually between 5.0 to 8.5 today's is 7.0
Hi and welcome to the thread.
Hope to see you posting regularly and perhaps learn more about you and your interests.
5.1 for me this morning then proper irritating very low day at work between 3.8 and 4.4 for 2 and a bit hours. Really couldn't sort it. I was sick of Harribo by the end of it. No idea why. Only now at a 7.4 after chip shop chips!

Frustrating with the sensors @Kaylz. Wonder what it is with them. Is it all the same batch do you know ?? Or I wonder if they’ve been compromised hear or cold wise. It’s like diabetes in general ….. the whole who knows thing?! Hope you get it sorted.
Frustrating with the sensors @Kaylz. Wonder what it is with them. Is it all the same batch do you know ?? Or I wonder if they’ve been compromised hear or cold wise. It’s like diabetes in general ….. the whole who knows thing?! Hope you get it sorted.
The serial numbers I personally have been having issues with are 3MH005 and 3MH007 and these are the ones being reported by a lot of people, some of mine have been prescription sensors buy most have been replacements from Abbott, since I received them they have been stores exactly the same as the ones when I was on Libre 1, i havent touched a prescription one in a long time hence why I now have 6 and 4 due in a couple of weeks (serial prescription so get most of my supplies automatically every 2 months), seriously losing faith in them though and wish I could afford to self fund dexcom instead xx
05/20/21 18:30 BS 5.4 😱 Surprised but, quickly worked out why! I had 1 Belvita breakfast biscuit for half a dinner earlier with 16 NR which is too much: had that 2 days ago for another half meal with the same bolus & was lower than expected too but, was still on higher LR then; dithered about 14 or 16 & went with the higher NR dose as I was going even lower with LR!

I didn’t feel hungry upon waking & compromised with my usual DP busting routine by only having a quarter oatcake & no bolus just to see what happens? Sometimes all I needed was just that & it’s stopped it rising & sometimes it hasn’t worked! 🙄

Stomach started it’s seismic eruptions & I knew I was ready for breakfast 19:20 BS 6.5 Uhm! Didn’t work this time! Bunged in 38 units NR & had ramen noodles, just for a change of all the quick & easy tea & sandwiches the last 4/5 days, & noticed, incidentally, that I finished my breakfast 10 minutes faster at 34 minutes after NR; I just linger longer over three cups of tea & sandwiches to finish at 44 minutes after! 🙄:D A nice brew is to be savoured!😛😉

Now at more or less 4 hours after, 3 hours & 38 minutes, for 11pm LR my BS is still at 10.2 so, I still know that 70 LR earlier wasn’t enough & I stuck in 72 which would hold me there now! That’s obviously too high so, a correction of NR is needed but, how much? I’d already mentioned that my usual correction factor was too much about a week ago now & these last 5 days of going low I haven’t had a chance yet of figuring it out so, went very conservative with a simple aiming for 6, for safety instead of 5, 10-6=4, easy maths, & stuck in 4 units of NR! o_O Now I’ll see how THAT goes over the next few hours?🙄

A Very Good Morning, coming up for you NORMAL lot, & Have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Going to catch up on GBBO now which I missed earlier! Let’s see IF someone else can muscle in on the two clear front runners of the first 2 episodes? No names for spoilers in case some of you haven’t watched yet! 🙄
2.7 for me this morning (finger prick was 3.6, so not as bad as it looked). I clearly over cooked the Levemir last night again!! The daytime dose is spot on and I had a whole series of readings yesterday afternoon/evening in the 6s and 7s with no lunch (so a sort of basal test but only because I didn't need any lunch) I just can't get the night time one right and it seems to vary so much more that the daytime dose, so I am always one step behind
Anyway, I woke up just after 3am and felt awake and ready to start the day so I seem to be developing a rather antisocial sleep routine! Very unlike me to have any routine at all, so at least I know it won't last!

Hope everyone is sleeping peacefully and wakes up with good readings.