Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning people 😎

4.9 today 🙂 Quite a few jobs to do this morning plus packing, then hopefully can resume chilling.

Messenger going down was annoying bc I’m in my friend group chat 24/7 😛 Could be worse, could have been YouTube😱

Wishing everyone a pleasant Tuesday 🙂
I’ve got an Amazon Prime dropped Netflix just now will have a look. Prime want £13.99. The trailer is cute. I thought Facebook had blocked me again but it’s down. Blocked for 3 rd time on Twitter. They pick out words and you’re blocked. I’m not giving them my phone number to reactivate.
Disney+ is £7/month and it’s on there.
6.7 this morning.
Did another 5km run yesterday through Regent’s Park which was lovely. And slow!
Rest day today but I’ll be walking to work and back so that’s still 6 miles.
Good morning people 😎

4.9 today 🙂 Quite a few jobs to do this morning plus packing, then hopefully can resume chilling.

Messenger going down was annoying bc I’m in my friend group chat 24/7 😛 Could be worse, could have been YouTube😱

Wishing everyone a pleasant Tuesday 🙂
I must admit messenger being down was very inconvenient for me too as we have a family group, me, Mr Eggy, three daughters and two eldest grandchildren. There’s never a day we don’t message and it felt odd not being able to just “chat” with them last night about something daft. I very nearly resorted to that old fashioned method called texting, do you remember that! 🙄 😛
Morning All
An 8.4 this morning for me. It was 10.0 at bedtime when I tried Lantus 4 units for first time.
perhaps that 10.0 was high due to change in times and types of insulin
Is it enough of a basal layer or does to 1 unit of NovoRapid each mealtimes have to be fitted more to carbs but not given any ratios yet.
I suppose the Diabetes team will give me those figures over the next few weeks.
how does it normally work?
Have a great day.
6.8 today, that's much more like it. Lovely sunny morning here in Poole, but strong winds left over from last night's storm, 45mph according to the Met. office. Funny thing is when I poked my nose outside the front door, there doesn't seem to be a lot of wind, treetops are fairly still. Never mind, plenty of bluster on the BBC this am with the Bojo interview.

8.1 today

@Bloden you reminded me yesterday that I needed to order Tresiba cartridges, planned to do it last night but sadly that site was down too along with the site for mum to pay the rent, will try later lol

@SueEK what kind of skirts are you looking for? And colour/design etc?

@DuncanLord you may have to give them a hard nudge if you want to start carb counting and adjusting yourself, some teams seem in no hurry to get people onto it where others can't wait to, what is it you are wanting to know when you ask "how does it normally work"?
7.4 for me today after totally losing the plot yesterday, had a kind of melt down, didn't feel well all day aching and a bit wheezy/slightly tight chested, so used my inhaler quite a bit, didn't feel well enough to run or go yoga, but then ate chocolate biscuits a bar of chocolate, I haven't binged like that for months, anyway paying the price this morning not only in BG levels.

@stackingcups - so sorry to hear of your loss.
Have you tried the Cotton Traders website? That’s the only place I’ve seen any in any quantity.
No I haven’t but will have a look, thanks.
@stackingcups sorry to hear your news. Best wishes to you, your mum and your family

A 4.7 for me at 06:08. A nice morning in West Berks after last night's downpour
@Kaylz am looking for inexpensive mid shin length warmish skirts, only want cheap ones just whilst I have this catheter to cover it, can’t wear my usual leggings, jeans etc. I’ve looked in local charity shops but don’t want to go into Brighton.
Just had call from hospital and they want me to go up on Thursday so yet another long day, neurology appt locally tomorrow or they would have seen me then. Feeling like a real hypochondriac 😳 x
They went through carb counting yesterday although the dietitian said I was probably ahead of her lectures, it was only how to work out totals of a homemade stew etc that I have to work on.
Total carbs in pan divided by size of portion. Easy, in theory, when you put it that way.
The team want me to ring Today if problem or Wednesday if not.
I suppose it will take a few days to get the effect of the ‘new’ insulins over the old mixed Humulin M3.
Thanks for your help.
@Kaylz am looking for inexpensive mid shin length warmish skirts, only want cheap ones just whilst I have this catheter to cover it, can’t wear my usual leggings, jeans etc. I’ve looked in local charity shops but don’t want to go into Brighton.
Just had call from hospital and they want me to go up on Thursday so yet another long day, neurology appt locally tomorrow or they would have seen me then. Feeling like a real hypochondriac 😳 x
M and S have a sale on just now. Good luck at the hospital
They went through carb counting yesterday although the dietitian said I was probably ahead of her lectures, it was only how to work out totals of a homemade stew etc that I have to work on.
Total carbs in pan divided by size of portion. Easy, in theory, when you put it that way.
The team want me to ring Today if problem or Wednesday if not.
I suppose it will take a few days to get the effect of the ‘new’ insulins over the old mixed Humulin M3.
Thanks for your help.
Hope it goes well for you
Yay! :D I think I’m about there today & going off to bed now! LR just in an hour early at 70 just to rule out or confirm that 72 is correct: if I’m a wee bit higher when I wake & stay higher I’ll know for sure! Stayed in range the whole day & stayed up an extra hour & a half longer than yesterday, 15.5 hours, with the least amount of swing: only from 4.7 to 10; big difference from 3.9 to 18.1 at one stage & I’m staying awake longer as I got that swing down! I think that 72 LR is pretty much right & the 4.7 before lunch earlier was because Breakfast NR was a little too much at 40 & will try 38 when I wake? I even managed half a dinner, just now, with half the dinner dose of 16 units, today after only managing to stay awake for yesterday’s lunch & before that only breakfast with oatcakes to head off hypos!🙄:D Apart from that 4.7 I’ve stayed pretty steady between meals at 7 to 7.2 after active bolus so, I know the basal is more or less right! 🙂 Before bed reading is 10:57 BS 7.2 & I’ll see what I wake on later just rule out that I don’t need to lower basal any lower?🙄

I’m off to bed now having changed my LR alarms to 11am & 11pm. A stream of z’s emoji! 🙂
I'm doing a @Lanny. My body clock has got out of synch. It started the day before yesterday when I crashed just after 8pm and then woke up at 3.30am and had clearly had enough sleep. Then climbed into bed yesterday about 6pm after grueling dentist appointment for a couple of hours and woke at 11pm. Mucked out and fed horses at 3,30am and then went for a walk. Not much view at 4.30am and whilst it was wet, it wasn't hammering down. Then came home had an Options hot choc shot myself my Levemir an hour early and climbed into bed and had another few hours. Woke up to a massive crack of thunder and the rain drumming loudly on the roof. (So pleased I walked earlier)
Anyway, my reading was 4.6 on waking but rapidly dropped to 3.7 before I got out of bed according to Libre but finger prick said 4.4. Injected Fiasp for breakfast but levels continued to drop instead of rise like they usually do when I get up, so I have yet another red mark on my graph! Cut my evening Levemir to 4.5 last night on a whim and probably just as well.

@stackingcups So dreadfully sorry to hear about your family bereavement. Life can be so cruel sometimes! Your poor Mum must be devastated.
So pleased you are finding the Tresiba is working well for you though, particularly when you now have other things on your mind. Hope that continues to be the case.

@MeeTooTeeTwo Congratulations Dez on achieving the elusive number yesterday.

@DuncanLord So pleased you are now on a basal/bolus system and the 4 units of Lantus look to have been about right judging by that bedtime to morning result. When are you taking the Lantus? Timing can be quite important with that basal.
It will take time to work out your ratios with the NovoRapid, especially when you are still needing so little, so whilst it gives you plenty of time to practice your carb counting, I doubt you will need to be adjusting those doses much when you are needing so little insulin. Did they give you a half unit pen? If not you would be wise to ask for them as you will need to be able to make small adjustments when you are on such small doses.... both for NR and Lantus..... so do make it a priority to ask about that. The half unit pens are also reusable so environmentally better and you just get cartridges to put in them which take up less space in the fridge. They also usually come with a timer in the end which tells you how many units your last injection was and how long ago...... for those "did I, didn't I??" moments when injecting is so second nature that you can't quite remember if you did?

@ColinUK I am so impressed that you are running so much. Hope it is helping you physically as well as mentally.

@Telemóveis Great that you are getting back into running and that your Dad is encouraging you. Will he run with you?