Group 7-day waking average?

Little Miss Numpty feels like a RIGHT idiot: hassling the chemist about my pills ordered over the weekend first; then the health centre because I only have 1 left for tomorrow! Health centre says I should have another box each: I REALLY do; didn’t rummage to the bottom of the big bag of medical stuff on Saturday! 😳

:D:D:D I’ve lost my marbles! o_O:D😉
7.8 today, so staying nice and steady. Thought I might be for it this morning as I had a yum yum and half a sharing bag of crisps last night after really struggling to eat my proper dinner.

Mums moving house today. Her friends are sorting it all out for her so I'm heading out with her in a bit to keep her out of the way.
Morning all and it was 7.9 on the libre for me although 5.8 before breakfast on the finger.

I think this sensor is still bedding in as it didn't get it's customary 24hrs before activation.

Blood test done and prescription collected.

Have a good day everyone.
Just spoken to the Diabetes Team.
Lantus up to 6 units at night.
NovoRapid up to 2 units at Mealtimes.
I knew it needed to rise but still needing constant dosing advice from them. Not confident or experienced enough to do it like some of the group.
Next review day. Friday.
Just spoken to the Diabetes Team.
Lantus up to 6 units at night.
NovoRapid up to 2 units at Mealtimes.
I knew it needed to rise but still needing constant dosing advice from them. Not confident or experienced enough to do it like some of the group.
Next review day. Friday.
It takes time and experience and training/education to learn and you being on a mixed insulin has delayed that learning process in my opinion, so don't feel like you are not capable of managing this, because you absolutely are..... it just takes time to learn how your body works.
It was only after my DAFNE course that I felt confident to adjust my basal insulin and that was 6 months after I started on insulin, so don't expect to hit the ground running. It is very complicated and it is perfectly normal for the DSN to set/adjust your doses in the early days, weeks and months, especially when you are honeymooning, which you clearly are, so it all makes this initial period quite unpredictable.... hence why I was keen for you to get started before going back to driving buses.
@MeeTooTeeTwo Lidl's came to a decision today, they have extended the £10 voucher so have 7 days from today to use it and they also added a £2 voucher to make up for losing out on my discount towards my granola, if I contact them again after the 1st November if I don't reach my total for the Coupon Plus Rewards then they may offer a goodwill gesture, there's not a chance I'll reach the £200 now as it takes 4 weeks of our shopping to achieve it xx
@MeeTooTeeTwo Lidl's came to a decision today, they have extended the £10 voucher so have 7 days from today to use it and they also added a £2 voucher to make up for losing out on my discount towards my granola, if I contact them again after the 1st November if I don't reach my total for the Coupon Plus Rewards then they may offer a goodwill gesture, there's not a chance I'll reach the £200 now as it takes 4 weeks of our shopping to achieve it xx
Result! but as always those offers are way beyond most of us non-super shoppers. 🙂
It takes time and experience and training/education to learn and you being on a mixed insulin has delayed that learning process in my opinion, so don't feel like you are not capable of managing this, because you absolutely are..... it just takes time to learn how your body works.
It was only after my DAFNE course that I felt confident to adjust my basal insulin and that was 6 months after I started on insulin, so don't expect to hit the ground running. It is very complicated and it is perfectly normal for the DSN to set/adjust your doses in the early days, weeks and months, especially when you are honeymooning, which you clearly are, so it all makes this initial period quite unpredictable.... hence why I was keen for you to get started before going back to driving buses.
Thanks Barbara
I knew the basal had to go up, if it was just me I’d have upped it by one unit and seen what happened. The DN said yes but as pancreas has now seem to have stopped we can increase by larger amounts. And she had more idea of the figures.
She did ask me if I could tell if a hypo or a hyper were appearing without testing. I can tell those feelings. So far they are quite happy!
@DuncanLord in my opinion she's brave to suggest an increase of more than 1 unit at a time, most of us only increase by 1 unit at a time (or even half a unit) to see how things pan out over a few days xx
This morning on waking was 9.5 following a bedtime 15.5. It had literally been climbing through the day.
This indicates that your evening Lantus dropped you 6 whole units during the night last night, so I would be a bit reluctant to increase your Lantus at all yet judging by that but I am not privy to all your other readings which hopefully indicate that the DSN's decision is a good one. If your inclination is to just increase it by one rather than 2 units (or none at all and just increase the NovoRapid for now) then I would encourage you to go with your instinct. Good BG management with insulin is partly intuitive so don't entirely dismiss your own views on this. if you follow the advice given by the DSN of increasing by 2 units then it might be wise to set an alarm for through the night, say 2am, just to check.... or are you on Libre 2.... sorry I can't remember. And do make sure to have hypo treatments close to the bed for easy access.
I think you probably have quite a long way to go before your pancreas stops production judging by the small doses you are on but upping the carbs a bit is clearly putting it under pressure and it is starting to splutter.
I think it is standard practice to increase or decrease basal by 10% and see how that goes for a few days but 2 more units is clearly a lot more than 10%. It is your choice. I know I felt quite compelled to follow dosing advice but the more experienced I become, the more I realize that using our own initiative is more important with insulin and erring on the side of caution is always sensible. Being high for one night is better than being too low, especially when your livelihood is involved.
@rebrascora @Kaylz
BG level before Dinner was 14.5 with ketones at 0.1.
In went 2 units of NR and 15 mins later a dinner of 93 carbs. I have a feeling it is going high now, not by using the glucose meter but due to the odd sensation of itchy skin, almost like pins being shot Into me from the inside. ( just something I have picked up on over the last few weeks). I’m not sleepy yet as that’s another sign.
I will keep dextrose tablets by the bedside, as always.
Thanks for your help.


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@DuncanLord what were you before dinner? (sorry by the way you've spoken I should have asked what it was before your lunch rather than dinner) it may not be the basal and may be too low a bolus but you'll start to pick this up soon enough, when I get above 10 my lower legs start to tingle and feel heavy, its a right pain in the bottom lol, I wouldn't worry about the 14.odds as it's better to bring levels down gradually, I myself was 11.odd at tea time (sorry your dinner time), these things happen, mines was due to dropping BG an hour and a half after sandwich and cake so having to take glucose on board 🙄 and yes guys you read that right, I had cake! Salted caramel cake which I thoroughly enjoyed (mum was given it yesterday from us for her birthday)

Sorry for announcing that in a post to you @DuncanLord but all the guys know it's a huge achievement given my eating disorder xx
Salted caramel cake sounds lovely. I haven’t had that for 6 months. Ooh my fantasy about Miss World Standing on the doorstep naked, ( not bothered about her) But as long as she has something sticky sweet covered in custard in her hand.
Sorry!!!!!!!! Lol

Today waking. 9.5
NR. 1 unit
Breakfast porridge Banana coffee. 61 carbs.
Before Lunch. 7.7
NR 2 units
Lunch. Pork steak. Potato. Peas. Gravy. 1/4 can peaches in yoghurt. 46. Carbs
Before Dinner. BG 14.5. Ketones 0.1
2 units NR
Dinner. Pork steaks. Onion. Peas carrots. Mashed potato. Banana in 100g natural yoghurt coffee. 95 carbs.
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Salted caramel cake sounds lovely. I haven’t had that for 6 months. Ooh my fantasy about Miss World Standing on the doorstep naked, ( not bothered about her) But as long as she has something sticky sweet covered in custard in her hand.
Sorry!!!!!!!! Lol

Today waking. 9.5
NR. 1 unit
Breakfast porridge Banana coffee. 61 carbs.
Before Lunch. 7.7
NR 2 units
Lunch. Pork steak. Potato. Peas. Gravy. 1/4 can peaches in yoghurt. 46. Carbs
Before Dinner. BG 14.5. Ketones 0.1
2 units NR
Dinner. Pork steaks. Onion. Peas carrots. Mashed potato. Banana in 100g natural yoghurt coffee. 95 carbs.
Clearly 1 unit NR coped very well with all those carbs at breakfast so 2 units at lunchtime should have coped with a lesser amount of carbs. My feeling is that your basal is running out in the afternoon/evening, but I am not sure increasing it is necessarily the answer as that risks dropping you lower overnight when it appears to be coping quite well, but if your levels are very high at bedtime again, then you will have a reasonable safety range to come down. Judging by those readings alone and it is never good to make any decisions off such a small set of results as from 1 day, I would say that you might benefit from moving the Lantus to first thing in the morning...... but I am not recommending that, just saying that if that trend continues over a number of days with morning and lunchtime levels being reasonable and evening shooting up, changing the Lantus to morning would be what I would try, but do be guided by your DSN along with your own instinct.
@Kaylz Woohoo! Aren't you being adventurous these days. Pleased you enjoyed it. Well done! You have pushed quite a few boundaries recently haven't you!
I splashed some insulin on a sweet mince pie the other day, but sadly I didn't enjoy it anywhere near as much as I expected, despite it being a Lidl one which are normally yummy and my levels went into orbit even though I was extra generous with the insulin.... Box said 37g carbs each which I thought was a bit low but they were quite small. I injected 4.5 units. I have a box of 11 left which will be heading up to Ian's house as I am very disillusioned. That said, my levels are heading into orbit tonight again and all I have had is a small bowl of pea and ham soup, which would normally take 2 units, but I injected 4 intending to have a little treat afterwards..... my little treat has turned out to be 2 more units!!! Starting to think I have a stomach ulcer brewing as I am glugging Gaviscon like a pregnant woman, so maybe that is why my levels are being difficult at the moment.
@DuncanLord while @rebrascora says it should have been enough seen as it was less carbs we have to remember that also not everyone's carb ratio is the same throughout the day, currently for me I need more insulin for luck than I do for breakfast and dinner (see getting used to using you lots format lol), sorry we're probably making things more confusing for you :(

And yes Barbara totally pushing the boundaries, my birthday next month, wonder whether anyone will buy me a cake now haha xx
I normally have breakfast dinner tea and supper but have to refer to it the ‘posh’ way for the hospital in the DiabetesM App.
First up today? And late out of bed too.

BG 4.5 even lower than testerday morning. I wonder why. I will not worry unless it drops to beliw 4.0

Weight is down again too, but then I did get out and exercise a lot yesterday and didn't eat quite as much. Weight maintenance? Hmmm it's harder than I thought it would be, but then I like a challenge.

I will build the new kitchen shelf thing today but my back seems to be playing up this morning. Hmmm.

Tonight tea Panko prawns and mushrooms. Looking forward to it.

Yesterday my wife spent hours in the kitchen and made some real bread and real cake. I had a sliver of each and they were really really good. Well done her.