Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 8.9 today. Its very dark and i'm very tired today. Meeting a friend later then oldest daughter and son in law round for tea. Will probably be crashed on the sofa by 8pm! Have a good day everyone.
7.9 on this dark morning. Hubby managed to get fuel last night, our local Sainsbury’s petrol station opens at 10pm to 6am so no worries about running low on fuel. Off to London in under an hour for more messing about but this time with the urology team, my life is one long run of excitement at the moment - NOT! Neurology appt yesterday was fine, consultant confirmed it was just a tremor, nothing more so that’s good.
@Kaylz glad to hear you enjoyed your slice of cake xx
Have a good day all x
A very bad 10.7 after a Chinese takeaway last night. Celebrating? it was a year ago I tested positive to C19. But so tired this morning. I tried Cider Apple vinegar last night which is supposed to lower BS levels. I’ll try again tonight to see if I get a better result tomorrow
Have a god day everyone
Morning everyone :D

6.3 today, I’ll take that 🙂 Reducing morning levemir to 5 because 3 hypos in the last 3 days (including a double whammy yesterday:()

Need to finish packing today but otherwise my final day to chill 😎

Wishing everyone a pleasant Thursday 🙂
5.6 for me today. 🙂

And a 6.6 are the scores on the doors for me this morning.

I’ve got up, showered, gone back to bed. Lawyers conference at 11 this morning about the long running legal saga some of you are already aware of. It’s still dragging on. Other side were supposed to finally lodge their defence with the Court earlier this week but haven’t. They asked for a very short extension which were acquiesced to so this is a strategy talk.
Tomorrow is the video recorded interview with the police. Was looking guard to seeing the folks tomorrow but that’s off as they’re going up to Leeds to see my nephew so won’t be around.
I’ve a Survivors U.K. group this evening, so at least that will allow me to vent thoughts around tomorrow. Other than that I may well post something on one of my threads here. Doesn’t really matter if people read it or not but it does help to get it all out.

And @Kaylz I’ll bake you a cake! What would you like? And would you like it in the shape of a BG meter?
6.8 today..Dank dark and misty morn here in Poole. Mind you we are 250mtrs above sea level here at the Talbot Village, so low cloud always slow to lift. Should be a sunny day they say.....
08:02 BS 9.4 I now know what’s been going on as my cycle started yesterday: I haven’t had one in ages; was already thinking it might be one coming up as my BS has been SO erratic! 🙄 I still got a sudden big drop yesterday, from 10 to 4.5, before my cycle showed up an hour later & have reduced LR further to 70. I then, stayed mostly in the 10’s & only went up to the 11’s when I ate, my lower back is killing me & I’m sleeping a lot: not fighting it; just sleep when I feel tired! Also, quite crampy! Not testing as much as it’s pretty steady at 9 to 11 being the smallest swing I’ve had in days! It was a long build up & hopefully it won’t last long so, my BS can stay more stable even if my insulin doses may need to go back up?🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’ll be 50 by the end of next month & was hoping all this palaver was over; CAN this be the last one, please? 🙄
Morning All
Waking at 8.10 ( bedclothes totally dry ) so don’t think I had hypo overnight nor did I wake.
BG 7.5 and feeling good. I’m actually feeling better physically as well as mentally.
we’ll just wait and see what happens as we progress through the day.
Enjoy yourselves.
Morning guys

9.something here after some Lifts to stop the drop when I get out of bed 🙄

Cald een here the day but suppose it is colder anyway if you get up just after 5am! lol

@SueEK good luck today, I'll be thinking about you

@ColinUK sounds good! Errm, I love a simple Victoria cake to be honest haha but I'd probably eat any cake lol xx
6.6 for me today after another day of bad eating, hubby brought back some chocolate orange popcorn which was for the Christmas box which I keep at my mum's so we don't eat it, but guess what, as I go to my mum's on a Tuesday and Thursday it got eaten before it made it round there, was delicious, then sausage and chips for tea. Still not feeling great but all this bad eating isn't helping, going to try some gentle yoga today so see if I can manage that.

@SueEK - hope today's appointment goes well, pleased yesterday's went well and you managed to get some fuel.

@ColinUK - I will have to meet up with you for a coffee one weekend, as we both run and I also love to bake. Hope your group tonight helps and rant away on here because we care about you.

@Kaylz - do you eat fruit cake or only sponge cake?
@Kaylz - do you eat fruit cake or only sponge cake?
I prefer lighter sponge cakes if I'm honest, I've never really eaten fruit cake as my mum isn't a fan xx
A 5.7 for me at 06:16 on a somewhat foggy West Berks morning. Forecast says overcast most of the day with maybe a bit of late afternoon sun. But it does look like it is going to be warmer.

@SueEK Good luck for a positive outcome today.

@ColinUK Stay strong. We are all thinking of you

Have a great day everyone
6.6 for me today after another day of bad eating, hubby brought back some chocolate orange popcorn which was for the Christmas box which I keep at my mum's so we don't eat it, but guess what, as I go to my mum's on a Tuesday and Thursday it got eaten before it made it round there, was delicious, then sausage and chips for tea. Still not feeling great but all this bad eating isn't helping, going to try some gentle yoga today so see if I can manage that.

@SueEK - hope today's appointment goes well, pleased yesterday's went well and you managed to get some fuel.

@ColinUK - I will have to meet up with you for a coffee one weekend, as we both run and I also love to bake. Hope your group tonight helps and rant away on here because we care about you.

@Kaylz - do you eat fruit cake or only sponge cake?
Does my having run three times allow me to think of myself as “a runner” now?

And I’ll meet up with you with pleasure!