Group 7-day waking average?

9.5 for me this morning but that was partly intentional as I had 2 hypos last night, so wanted to bump it up a bit.... ideally not that high, but better than low again.

@mage 1 I have also been for my flu jab this morning. Hoping it doesn't bump my levels up. No word on Covid booster yet. I imagine it will be November ish and they will get the flu jabs sorted first. All incredibly well organized, as my surgery always are. 2 nurses standing at stations in the waiting room area, with appropriately high work top, so no bending down. Girl on door with hand gel and advising of procedure. Receptionist took name and directed you to whichever nurse had you on her list, uncover shoulder, jabbed and walk out the other door. Hardly had time for any crack with my nurse, who is the diabetes trained nurse at the surgery. She was interested to see my Libre arm strap as hadn't seen one before. Anyway, I would be surprised if I was in the building more than 60 seconds, probably less. Very efficient indeed and no waiting outside at all.... just a steady stream of people going in and coming out all nicely socially distanced.

@ColinUK Delighted to see you get an House Special this morning, especially as we have had a dearth on the thread for over a week I think, which might be a record in itself.

@New-journey Many congratulations on a tremendous HbA1c result. The stuff of dreams! Wow! Seriously green with envy here. So pleased you had a lovely holiday too.

@Lanny Good to read that you are finding a modification of pre bolusing that works for you. Yes, sleeping can lower your levels and not just night time sleeping. Any nap or "catch up" over 2 hours will usually do it to me.
6.6 after a really bad day eating wise this is the best I have had in weeks, lost a1lb so only 2 of the holiday gain to lose now, and 7 in total to where I want to be.

@ColinUK - congrats on your HS, which Parkrun do you go to and is it paths, my local one is on grass which puts me off, as well as would mean I was running 4 days in a row which might be a bit much for me.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Highbury Fields. It’s relatively flat (although when I mentioned it was flat some of the experienced folks said it really wasn’t. To me it is!) and it’s very easy for me to get to.
Friendly bunch 🙂

Forgot to say it’s mostly paths but some are a little muddy.
Following post earlier this morning BG after breakfast is rising yet again. Now 13.8 and Ketones good at 0.3.
breakfast was only 40 g porridge with medium banana and a slice of whole grain toast. Coffee and 1/2 pint cordial. 61 carbs and. 361 calories.
left message for diabetes team as think insulin required needs to go up to compensate.
hopefully they may come back otherwise I have a meeting with them on Monday. Not to discuss this in particular but with them and the dietitian to look at food and type 1.
Any clues where I’m going today. The App is going mad with everything climbing towards the red.
Park run results through. Nice easy pace… 38:38
Finished 290/310
17th in my age group
Age graded way off the bottom of the chart so there’s scope for improvement methinks!

Someone very seasoned ran the last lap with me and I appreciated him doing so even though he’d finished already so I did similar for half a lap with the last place runner so they didn’t cross the line alone. She was on her 48th Park Run and was easily top end of 80s!

Learnt where bags go this week and it was drizzling so all in all a good experience and lovely exercise too!
Hi all A nice 5.0 after a Thai meal with friends last night. Nice quiet relaxing day today - much needed.

parkrun @ColinUK much respect! Well done.

@freesia 15 school days!!! So close
@freesia and @Bexlee that's our schools off as of yesterday, back on the 18th xx
Greetings everyone, was busy this morning so only just got online, was 5.3 this morning 🙂

Was worried that a McDonalds breakfast (2 bacon rolls and a tea) had gone wrong bc 1st finger prick test showed 13.5 😳 but 2nd attempt was a lot more reasonable 8.7🙂

Wishing everyone a great weekend :D Also sending congrats to @New-journey on that HbA1c and @ColinUK on HS and Parkrun result - hoping to get back into running myself once I feel confident enough
Park run results through. Nice easy pace… 38:38
Finished 290/310
17th in my age group
Age graded way off the bottom of the chart so there’s scope for improvement methinks!

Someone very seasoned ran the last lap with me and I appreciated him doing so even though he’d finished already so I did similar for half a lap with the last place runner so they didn’t cross the line alone. She was on her 48th Park Run and was easily top end of 80s!

Learnt where bags go this week and it was drizzling so all in all a good experience and lovely exercise too!
You have also got my respect for doing the Park Run and more so for being a total gent in going on further to keep the lady company who was finishing last. What a great sport! Well done!
You have also got my respect for doing the Park Run and more so for being a total gent in going on further to keep the lady company who was finishing last. What a great sport! Well done!
Thank you.
It was literally a case of paying back. A 78 year old gent did my last lap with me after he’d finished so it seems like it’s the done thing 🙂
@Telemóveis what’s the confidence issue about? Is it the diabetes or something else?

I’m really not confident with my body so to be in a bunch of people who really couldn’t give a fig what I looked like was really empowering.
I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be with new people after so long in lockdown and WFH as well.
15 school days
It seems such a long time until its counted in days.

I'm having one of those days today, several small hypos and not being able to get level up enough before its dropping again. I wonder if its the stresses of the last few weeks? A good excuse to laze on the sofa anyway.

@Kaylz, do yours have a very long half term until Christmas or do they break up earlier than down south? I think we finish somewhere around 21st December(?).

@colin, you have my utmost respect for doing a park run in this weather....actually in any weather! Well done.
It seems such a long time until its counted in days.

I'm having one of those days today, several small hypos and not being able to get level up enough before its dropping again. I wonder if its the stresses of the last few weeks? A good excuse to laze on the sofa anyway.

@Kaylz, do yours have a very long half term until Christmas or do they break up earlier than down south? I think we finish somewhere around 21st December(?).

@colin, you have my utmost respect for doing a park run in this weather....actually in any weather! Well done.
Thanks but it was dry this morning. Chilly yes but dry.
@Kaylz, do yours have a very long half term until Christmas or do they break up earlier than down south? I think we finish somewhere around 21st December(?)
They are off the 1st and 2nd December for In Service days, the 3rd for St Andrew's day (apparently) and then they come off the 22nd xx
My sister's kids in Edinburgh always went back mid August, and I think schools still do, so the half term before the mid Oct break is also very long.
Yeah they went back the 11th August in Angus this year xx
What a day. Several small hypos through the day, struggled to get levels above 5 then suddenly, at 5.30pm, they shot up to 13!! Finger prick showed 10. Sensor carried on going up to 17.5 over the hour, finger prick was 13.6!! Its finally coming back down but i shall be watching this sensor the next few days. 4 out is too much i think. If it keeps that up, it will be a call to Abbott.

Hows your sensor doing?xx
@freesia I wouldn't worry about it being 4mmols out when levels are that high as long as it is pretty close when you are in range and levels stable. It clearly got the general trend right. The important thing is to double check with a finger prick when you get a very high reading to calculate your correction by and when low of course. Hope those levels come down and stabilize before bedtime. Your diabetes is certainly not giving you a day off and goodness knows you could do with one. Hope tomorrow is better for you and you manage a good night's sleep.
7.8 this morning. Upped my dose of tresiba tonight.

I injected into my right arm for the first time last night and it was fine. Did my left arm this evening and it stung, left a lasting sting and bled! Is it bad luck? Did I do something wrong? My arms have plenty of fat upon them! Lol