Group 7-day waking average?

That's pretty close! I'm assuming you pop round for tea and a scone from time to time as you're neighbours?
Nae tea, coffee for me so you best have plenty when I pop down for a visit 😛 xx
Nope! You mentioned you're in Scottishland and as that's north of Watford it's basically frozen tundra for 10 months of the year!
Noooo, anywhere North of Salisbury/Shaftesbury is waaayyy too cold for me....
Balmoral is 51 miles from where I am, na the majority of the forum are English, I get excited when a new Scot pops in haha xx
Had to google where Balmoral is. Aberdeenshire! Pretty far from here. Castle viewing is sold out till October 9 th I gave my national trust membership up too much walking.
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Nae tea, coffee for me so you best have plenty when I pop down for a visit 😛 xx
I'll get fresh beans in especially for you 🙂 xx
Lovely cooker, easy to clean under. Too expensive @£1400
It's even more expensive in one of the fancy colours lol
And yes it's far out of my price range!
Yay! 🙂 I think I pretty much got a handle on breakfast now: had 3 meals today of which 2 were breakfast & one lunch in between; slept a few hours after lunch!o_O🙄

Figured out, after the previous fact finding missions, that pre bolusing only works for about 15 minutes: any longer than that without food & I go up very steeply: faster & more steeply than not bolusing at all! Lightbulb emoji! This means I either have to inject NR right away & go make breakfast in 15 minutes, takes about that for tea & toast & wait a bit if just grabbing yoghurt from the fridge, or eat half an oatcake & some NR if I’m not or not sure about eating right away: can inject more NR for breakfast when I do eat it up to 2.5 hours after, not too sure about any longer, before I start to rise, again more steeply if still without food! 😱 The only thing is I’m finding the old dose of half my breakfast dose for half an oatcake is now too much & bringing me down to the low 4’s so, not much wriggle room before breakfast: reduced it down by -2 & 18 units is more or less it; may still need a slight tweak? I’m definitely peaking at 2 hours now JUST above 10, at 10.2, which I think should settle down a bit further now I’ve got it figured out & be in target range, or thereabouts by the 4 hour mark?🙄 Fingers Crossed emoji!

So, just got up after a short nap for breakfast, again, 19:06 BS 5.2! BONUS of a House Special! :D Exactly 90 minutes after NR, still testing peaking time, 20:39 BS 8.4 &, again exactly 2 hours after, BS 10.2 I’ll take that!🙂

Will stay up a bit more for 10pm LR at least or around 23:40 to see where I end up at after the 4 hours of active NR are up? Just one more test: 10pm if I’m tired; around 23:40 if not? Then, I’m going to bed for hopefully a full night’s sleep & get up in the morning for a normal day & back in line with my normal pattern & you lovely lot; MY day being about the same as YOUR day? :D😉

I’ve only tested lunch, as yet, but, it seems to be behaving the same as before with pretty much no pre bolusing & I think dinner would be the same? 🙄

Hopefully, barring FEELING hypo, I can give my poor abused fingers a bit of an easier time & just test before & 2 hours after eating now? 🙄 A Phew! emoji with a drop of sweat over one eye!:D

A Very Good Night to you all! 😉

Edited to add:- Oops! 😳 Forgot to put in the time for exactly 2 hours after NR 21:08 BS 10.2 Numpty!🙄:D😉
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Are you offering to rub their truncheons together or something?!
Remember with diabetes we are allowed to have a prick in our fingers any time and anywhere we want. Lol
What sort of costumes do they usually go for? Are they easy to spot?
It’s far better to catch the wild haggis’s by getting them to roll down the mountain rather than just shooting the timorous beastie
Looks like I’m first today. And with a rarely spotted 5.2!
According to my calculations yesterday I had roughly 32g of carbs including a piece of utterly delicious Willies Cacoa chocolate. Breakfast was mooshed avocado and egg on a couple of pieces of LivLif bread, basically a green salad with a few olives, cherry tomatoes and a grating of vintage Gouda over the top, dinner was homemade kinda chilli with cauli rice plus 10g of the delicious chocolate.
BG ranged over the day yesterday from 5.3 - 6.7 so firmly in the green all day long.

No work today so contemplating another Parkrun this morning but it’s so cold out there today the birds are shivering to keep warm!
Ooohhh! The elusive HS for @ColinUK ? 😛 Congratulations!:D

Drat it! 🙄 05:35 BS 5.1! Overshot by a wee smidge!🙄:D

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Right! Inhalers & pills will go in now but, not LR yet, 10am, then, NR straight after that & some breakfast! 🙂

Incidentally, I finished on 23:03 BS 6.0 just shy of 4 hours after, 3 hours & 51 minutes, which is borderline where I like to be before bed! So, stayed up a bit more just to check if I go lower? Seemed anxiously long to me 23:14 BS 6.2 Phew! I thought & turned in! BUT, I couldn’t drop off right away & had a sudden urge to eat so, tested 00:34 BS 3.9! Whoah! Didn’t even feel it, apart from the craving for food: that’s all the scraping the bottom readings I’ve had these past few days, then; better watch out for that as my hypo awareness has now gone! Ah well! That means more testing, then; my fingers will just have to suck it up again! 😱 Ate 2 Belvita breakfast biscuits & 2 oatcakes with peanut butter & for the first time tried it the American way with strawberry jam: had been wondering about trying out that peanut butter & jelly combo for some time now & got some jam along with a new jar of no sugar peanut butter in my tesco shopping this week; it’s YUMMY! A bit much but, again I had a bit of a struggle to stop myself eating EVEN more! Then, gave myself a guessed bolus of 45 NR: sheer instinct coupled with previous knowledge of how much 1 breakfast biscuit spikes me: not the best thing to have gone for, maybe but, it was fast & to hand! And then, finally turned in & slept like a baby! So, very relieved, actually, I guessed correctly!:D Need to watch for that drop now after 4 hours before I go to bed now?🙄
Just, guzzled down my yoghurt pretty fast again & had a bit of a think! Uhhmm! With all the little sleeps I’ve had mostly a couple of hours after eating I’ve woken up to those drops around just after the 4 hours mark & got those scraping the bottom readings! So, THAT’S what was happening? My body was tired, preparing to sleep & my BS dropped! So, it’s something to watch out for & have a snack before sleeping &/or aim for a higher before bed reading? Maybe around 8 instead of 6? 🙄 For a Hmm? emoji!🙄
Good morning everyone. I was really looking forward to a lie in this morning but it was not to be. Libre warning woke me at 6am, 2 JBs were chewed and i dozed back off. I then woke again at 6.50, scanned as i felt low and i was showing 3.6!! Finger prick confirmed. So now i'm up and treating and too awake to go back to bed.

Having hair cut today and the grey covered.

Congrats on the HS @ColinUK