Group 7-day waking average?

A very disappointing 8 this morning and there’s no reason for it as my carbs weren’t high yesterday. I was so happy going to sleep as my weight loss record showed I had lost 10% of my body weight and I never noticed it as I weighin on a Saturday. I suppose the higher reading is just the way Diabetes type 2 goes. Just realised what’s did this. I had M & S salmon with a honey glaze , a stir fry. I only bought it because it was reduced. It’s now off the menu!
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5.6 here. My levels started rising dramatically at bedtime again so it looks like maybe my kebab the night before wasn't responsible for the Mount Everest on my graph. Anyway I took a correction at bedtime and increased my basal and it topped out at 11.9 but unfortunately I ended up hypo at 5.43am, which 2 Lift tablets fixed to get my waking reading. Finding my evening Levemir dose really difficult to get right just now and looks like I maybe need to inject it earlier to hopefully counteract that rise that is happening at bedtime.

@Flower Hope you enjoy the match and don't get too wet.

@stackingcups Delighted that you are getting better results. Long may it continue.

@Telemóveis Congrats on your bowling PBs. Great that you are getting out and having some fun with your Dad.

@freesia Sorry to hear a hypo snuck up on you this morning. Very inconvenient but nothing you can do about it! Roll on the weekend!
5.6 for me this morning. 🙂
I think I’m beginning to act my age. 😳 Yesterday I ordered a pair of those Velcro touch fasten slippers. :D
What next, I wonder? A pair of long johns and a thermal vest from Damart? 😱


8.4 here

Envy those that haven't needed their heating on yet! Ours has been on at least an hour a day for the last week! xx
Back again, 3 days with no test strips. Today it's 6.4. Warmish day but a bit cloudy, belted down in the night, real stairrods on Poole.
@Kaylz , I just turned on the underfloor heating in the bathroom, nice when barefoot having a shower, but I was determined to stick it out until October. No central heating needed here yet.......
Heating is on this morning, but of course my desk is right by a huge single glazed sash window and nowhere near the radiator so I'll be wearing a jumper or two today no doubt.

6.1 this morning for me.

And No Time to Die is great! It's not too long and it harks back to old Bond films, finished storylines and still moves the whole franchise forward at the same time. Go see it at the cinema if possible!
@Barfly Scotland is generally colder though lol so we need heating quite a lot, better when the downstairs neighbours uses theirs as it can heat ours quite nicely in the evening lol xx
No heating here yet. Going to see if I can stick it out for at least another week, maybe two depending upon the weather and do my bit for the environment as well as my electric bill!
Just a quick update. Yes, our heating was on for an hour this morning. The house WAS cold.

Just completed the undercoat on the 2 kitchen shelf things. They look so much better for it.

I WILL go out for a walk a bit later on, despite the tougher weather.

Hmm I have some more hacking to do in the kitchen too to fit up the new light. Not quite sure what to do yet.

Typical me. I either do something or I spend hours, days, months, thinking it out and doing nothing before I start. It means that when I do start something my wife knows that I will finish it. Like rennovating the house. It took me 3 years to complete but once I had started...

Anyway, the sun is sort of out now...
I put the heating on last night.

A 5.8 for me at 06:18 this morning. The rain cleared through around 08:00 and looks like a day of sunshine and showers until more heavy rain arrives tomorrow. I guess Autumn has arrived.

Wishing everyone a great October
Beaten to todays start line by Lanny ! Oh well at 4:30am BG 5.3. So close (again)

Well, i got off my backside yesterday, in the end, and built the 2 kitchen cupboards/shelves. Only one big snag. The wood shop where I buy the wood didn't have the thickness of wood I had expected. I had to do some quick recalculations and got one measurement wrong. Thankfully, it was for an extra, experimental piece, so all was well. They do need painting but the paint (if I have any left) is in the shed and right now its too dark and tipping it down to go get the paint.

Today, if I can work out stuff, I will fit a new kitchen 'side' light, now thats getting darker. With just the main light on I still find it difficult to see what I am doing with my shaddow being cast over the work surface by the main light!!!

I didn't go for a walk yesterday as it rained all day. But I exercised a lot by making the cupboards/shelves and lost a little weight in the process. I am now just under my goal weight.

This morning some of my muscles ache a bit so I must have been working them harder. I guess it made up for my not going for a walk!

If I can sort it out I will shove an image of the 2 cupboard/shelves ( they need painting), just in situ to see if they are going to work out. They will. They don't look like much, but to me they are a great achievement, so I am happy. More importantly, my wife was really happy with them too but now wants me to make one more for another part of the kitchen!!! That'll teach me to do a reasonable job!!

Today, delivery from Sainsburys, and a delivery of some well needed pots and pans too from Pro Cook (our 30 year old ones really should be replaced ( I suddenly realised the other day - ok, I'm a bit slow. After all I am a male! 🙂 )

Have a great day

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So jealous of that range style cooker. I would love one of them but am restricted to a 60cm gap in a very tiny kitchen.
as well as my electric bill!
We're usually about £100 in good with the gas at this time of year, this year we're nowhere near that as it was using more when it was leaking for goodness knows how long so I'm having to give more money to ensure we can stay warm this winter xx
6.8 for me this morning after eating 2 rolls for my dinner last night, seems whether or not I eat carbs at the moment makes no difference as my readings were higher on my low carb days.

Managed to get to the shopping centre to get my new cake tin yesterday and got petrol without queuing.

Today I have the pleasure of a PCR Test as my friend who I ran with on Sunday has just tested positive, I did a LFT this morning which was negative, but need to follow the procedure as I am due to have a blood test on Wednesday and see a gynecologist on 11th.

No heating on here yet, we don't have any gas to our house so no central heating only night storage heaters which are very expensive to run and not very controllable, so until I am cold when wearing a sweatshirt they stay off.

Have a good day everyone.
No heating on here yet, we don't have any gas to our house so no central heating only night storage heaters which are very expensive to run and not very controllable, so until I am cold when wearing a sweatshirt they stay off.
We're oil here.
@Barfly Scotland is generally colder though lol so we need heating quite a lot, better when the downstairs neighbours uses theirs as it can heat ours quite nicely in the evening lol xx
It's surprising what can come up through the floor boards, my neighbour said her elderly mum was feeling periodically very odd and they discovered when the police raided that the tenants in the flat below were growing cannabis.
Finally got on with forgotten passwords etc
Last night at bed BG had risen to 13.5. Oops
Ketones fortunately were 0.3
This morning on waking I was 8.1 so at least it dropped back.
At least I’ve a meeting with Diabetes Nurses and diatitions on Monday.
have a good day everyone.