Group 7-day waking average?

Oh I’m like that. I try and get afternoon appointments because I can’t sleep if it’s morning. Think it goes back to my school days I never got much sleep for fear of having to go to school. I hope you get a nap x
It is the afternoon, I have contamination OCD which you can imagine is 100 times worse right now with a global pandemic on the go so I cant stand people having to come in the house, touch things etc, no nap but hopefully I'll get some sleep tonight xx
Morning all. :D 7.1 here.

That’s shocking @ColinUK. o_Oo_O Shame you didn’t get a pic of her number plate. What’s the distance you have to give a bike by law in the UK? I know it’s a meter and a half in Spain. I’d buy a camera if I were you, and make sure it’s clearly displayed (even if it’s a fake 😉) on handlebars or helmet. That woman should be banned from driving. Glad to hear you’re okay.

Hope the engineer is in n out in a flash @Kaylz.
I know it's a car door and a half width ways but not sure about length. ooh matron 😉
7.3 today, is it Pfizer booster to blame or the beans on toast I had hmmm!!
No luck with skirts, has everyone been panic buying them? eBay it is then.
My consultants registrar rang me yesterday, there is no graft apparently, the fat pad was used to line the urethra, sounds revolting- anyhow consultant and senior radiologist are having a meeting on Monday to decide whether to give it more time, actually figure out what is going on or whether further surgery is needed. Because of the nature of the op and the complexity of my particular surgery they don’t have a huge amount of results to refer to but I do have faith in my consultant, he is the best with this sort of surgery so I’m grateful for that. Signed off from work another 2.5 weeks, thank goodness I work for the NHS and get full sick pay for six months.
@ColinUK thats dreadful, glad you are ok, I agree that a camera would be a good investment x
@Kaylz hope the engineer is in and out in a jiffy once and for all and you don’t need to worry further xx
Have a good afternoon all xx
6.1 This morning and it's good to see whatever the issue was this morning has been resolved.
In the office today and I cycled here, experiencing the first ever example I've personally had of a car driver frankly trying to run me down.
I was sitting in a queue of traffic waiting to turn right at traffic lights and apparently I was "delaying" this particular driver and "ruined her day". As I said I was sitting in a queue of traffic at traffic lights waiting for the lights to change. She made contact with the rear wheel of the bike and gently pushed me forwards into the oncoming traffic. Or tried to anyway. Of course she overtook me as soon as she could but then just sat in a queue of traffic further down the road and I sailed past in the cycle lane. She then caught up with me again at the next traffic lights and veered right over the cycle lane screaming at me about something.
Clearly she was venting all of her anti-cycle rage at me because I was the one who dared be in front of her this morning.
I wished her a peaceful and joyous day as I cycled off down a cycle path cutting through a park leaving her in a queue of traffic entering a one-way system.

I was a bit shaken but I'm ok now. And I'm resisting the obvious "shaken not stirred" pun.
Some motorists just seem to think they own the road & my youngest brother who used to ride a motorbike around London, where he lives, had some near misses when, despite all the high vis gear etc , motorists just don’t look out for others on bikes! After a very bad collision where he broke his leg & fractured his skull he gave it up & sold it to get a car! 😡
A camera would be a good investment perhaps but where does the tripod go and wouldn't the cape thing limit visibility a bit much?!
Ahah! Lightbulb emoji! Was up to 10:47 BS 9.9 when late LR went in, had 18 units NR around 11:25 waited, 11:41 BS 12.2 startled me a bit & thought DP may be counter productive but, just now 11:58 BS 10.3. Will wait a bit longer & see what happens? Never left it this long after bolusing before: still don’t know if DP will raise it again or if it will fall a bit more! In the past, that’s out the window for now though with changing goalposts, insulin on it own without food dosen’t stop the DP rise & only food does that, with insulin of course! Still gathering new information & my fingers are just having to suck up the pain! 🙄
Another Ahah! 12:12 BS 9.3 it’s definitely not rising anymore! So, will keep testing & try your advice @rebrascora of waiting until it drops to 8 before I eat!

I’m behaving the most like a type 1 than 2 that I’ve ever been & it’s new territory for me: just on SO much more insulin because of the resistance of type 2, still, further exacerbated by my intolerance of metaformin! 🙄 & another Lightbulb emoji!
@Lanny Have you considered doing a 2 week free trial of the Libre 2. It would give your finger tips a bit of a rest (you might still need the occasional blood test) and enable you to get a much better insight into what is going on with your levels and perhaps enable you to fine tune things a bit more although we all know just how suddenly the goal posts can and do move. Good to hear pre bolusing is helping but without the Libre you do need to do a lot of testing to keep yourself safe.
12:25 BS 8.6 almost there! Will try being quicker off the mark tomorrow morning, or whenever I get up, for breakfast tomorrow & maybe not have to wait so long as DP on the head start today as I was distracted!

Today is going to be a fact finding mission to see if/how much pre bolusing I need for the other meals! Glasses On & Notebook In Hand emoji! 🙄:D😉

At least I’m no longer a headless chicken! :D

Will eat now as I’ll be there abouts with the time I take to type & post this! THEN, I’ll keep testing after to see the effects on BS? 🙄
Shocker of a day so far!

That’ll be the Danish pastry I had when I got to the office. lol
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Hope you enjoyed it Colin. I had one yesterday (a custard slice which is my favourite, gifted by my partner) but with the benefit of insulin, these things can be managed, although I will definitely not be making a habit of it. I had a serious off piste day with carbs yesterday and whilst it was nice to try things I used to eat, I will be happy to get back to my low carb eating.
Fingers crossed your levels come back down soon.
Hope you enjoyed it Colin. I had one yesterday (a custard slice which is my favourite, gifted by my partner) but with the benefit of insulin, these things can be managed, although I will definitely not be making a habit of it. I had a serious off piste day with carbs yesterday and whilst it was nice to try things I used to eat, I will be happy to get back to my low carb eating.
Fingers crossed your levels come back down soon.
They're coming down, slowly but they are coming down. Nothing bad to eat at the cinema tonight that's for sure!
12:25 BS 8.6 almost there! Will try being quicker off the mark tomorrow morning, or whenever I get up, for breakfast tomorrow & maybe not have to wait so long as DP on the head start today as I was distracted!

Today is going to be a fact finding mission to see if/how much pre bolusing I need for the other meals! Glasses On & Notebook In Hand emoji! 🙄:D😉

At least I’m no longer a headless chicken! :D

Will eat now as I’ll be there abouts with the time I take to type & post this! THEN, I’ll keep testing after to see the effects on BS? 🙄
I jab my bolus as soon as I wake up and for me it takes 40-45mins with Fiasp but was well over an hour with NR. At other times of the day it was only 15-20 mins. This is just me of course and some people can get away with just 5mins prebolus or even none at all.
Pleased to see that pre bolusing is working for you as it made a huge difference to by general feeling of wellbeing, not spiking and then crashing everyday after breakfast.
Now just guzzled down my yoghurt pretty fast & at the 1 hour & 22 minutes after mark so, I would normally be testing after eating around 90 minutes to 2 hours; will give it an hour at least before I test & keep testing until after 4 hours to see what happens? 🙄
I would test at the half hour mark today because there is always the chance you might hypo with waiting so long.... depends how fast your digestive system is. I once went over 2 hours by mistake (and got away with it) but usually about 1hr 15 mins with NR at breakfast did the trick. You do need to be quite focused waiting so long as it is easy to become distracted and forget.
Morning All well it’s now more like lunchtime with the database error
A 9.3 for me on waking after a bedtime of 10.0.
Obviously my pancreas having worked a bit yesterday has decided to have a rest period. Wish it would make its mind up to totally give up.
I did see an NHS advert for organ donation last night. Does anyone want my pancreas? Selling cheap one owner! Lol
@Bloden and @SueEK that was the hope but sadly 20 minutes before the afternoon time window hit they phoned to say the engineer wouldn't be out, he'll come in 2 weeks so got this to go through AGAIN! :( xx
@Bloden and @SueEK that was the hope but sadly 20 minutes before the afternoon time window hit they phoned to say the engineer wouldn't be out, he'll come in 2 weeks so got this to go through AGAIN! :( xx