Group 7-day waking average?

Morning FINALLY! lol

7.0 for me

Very little sleep last night, too anxious about the gas engineer coming for the annual service today, I really hate what this has done to me :( xx
Oh I’m like that. I try and get afternoon appointments because I can’t sleep if it’s morning. Think it goes back to my school days I never got much sleep for fear of having to go to school. I hope you get a nap x
4.7 for me this morning but it took a lot of insulin through the night to bring it down from the Everest that a Chicken Tikka kebab created last night. OK I ate late but I injected 5 units for it and gave it nearly 30 mins before eating which I thought was reasonable for a pitta. Surely there can't be much carbs in the tikka coating (no sauce, just dry chicken pieces) and salad and garlic mayo. Thought I had cracked it when my levels were a nice 6.3 at bedtime but woke up at 4am on 15.3!! 3.5 units went in and a large glass of water then another 2units 2.5 hours later when I got up to go to the loo and have another glass of water, when I was still on 12.6. Naughty me, stacking corrections 😱 but I am pretty confident doing that and Libre enables me to keep an eye on things and I knew I had been conservative with the first correction. Anyway, much as it was nice to experiment and be spontaneous with food.... Ian brought it from the "chippy" as the Indian we had planned was closed when he got there..... I won't be repeating that again as it just wasn't worth the BG upheaval.
I wonder if my body is so used to breaking down protein that it continued to do that on top of the carbs. Having said that, I had less than half the massive portion of chicken they serve so will be experimenting with the leftovers later today. Will be interesting to see how much insulin I need for it without any pitta.
6.1 This morning and it's good to see whatever the issue was this morning has been resolved.
In the office today and I cycled here, experiencing the first ever example I've personally had of a car driver frankly trying to run me down.
I was sitting in a queue of traffic waiting to turn right at traffic lights and apparently I was "delaying" this particular driver and "ruined her day". As I said I was sitting in a queue of traffic at traffic lights waiting for the lights to change. She made contact with the rear wheel of the bike and gently pushed me forwards into the oncoming traffic. Or tried to anyway. Of course she overtook me as soon as she could but then just sat in a queue of traffic further down the road and I sailed past in the cycle lane. She then caught up with me again at the next traffic lights and veered right over the cycle lane screaming at me about something.
Clearly she was venting all of her anti-cycle rage at me because I was the one who dared be in front of her this morning.
I wished her a peaceful and joyous day as I cycled off down a cycle path cutting through a park leaving her in a queue of traffic entering a one-way system.

I was a bit shaken but I'm ok now. And I'm resisting the obvious "shaken not stirred" pun.
6.8, the lowest it has been for a while, yet I ate a cornetto last night. All my initial hospital appointments/tests are now booked, so one thing less to worry about.
I was going to pop down to my local shopping centre in my lunch break to pick up a new baking tin, but protesters have glued themselves to the M25 again at the junction near me, so that will have to wait until tomorrow now, as no time between finishing work and yoga to go, and shop will be shut by the time yoga finishes.

ON a good note, I met my 75k running challenge for Sept I managed 81K which was good considering I missed 4 running sessions while on holiday.

Have a good day everyone.
I dont want to make this political but I’ve no time for these protestors. They forget their ancestors had to work down mines to put food in bellies. That’s enough from me. I only had eye test. Otherwise I don’t have a nurse or hospital appointments. I’m just seeing doctor December for blood test. Otherwise I’m very much on my own and slimming world .
LOL first on here at 9.43.😎

Couldn’t get on here earlier to post my near miss reading of 5.1. 🙂

Anyways, last night as I was nodding off to the Land of Nod, I was interrupted by the cat kerfuffling about on the landing. When I went to see what was what, I discovered Poppy had cornered a big spider. Mrs Dez is an arachnophobe, so I always have my trusty but humane spider hoover at hand for such occasions. After taking it outside and releasing it to start a new life somewhere else, I got back to bed.

Again, just as I was sinking into the arms of Morpheus, the same thing happened. This trapped specimen must have been the previous one’s father/mother/big brother/minder for it was humungous. 😱 It was obviously too large to be hoovered up, so I had to resort to the traditional method of pint glass and placemat. This one too was deposited outdoors and told to go forth and multiply next-door.

Thankfully that was the last episode, and I finally managed some uninterrupted shuteye.

I got a database error. Happy you didn’t kill it. Natures fly killers!
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6.1 This morning and it's good to see whatever the issue was this morning has been resolved.
In the office today and I cycled here, experiencing the first ever example I've personally had of a car driver frankly trying to run me down.
I was sitting in a queue of traffic waiting to turn right at traffic lights and apparently I was "delaying" this particular driver and "ruined her day". As I said I was sitting in a queue of traffic at traffic lights waiting for the lights to change. She made contact with the rear wheel of the bike and gently pushed me forwards into the oncoming traffic. Or tried to anyway. Of course she overtook me as soon as she could but then just sat in a queue of traffic further down the road and I sailed past in the cycle lane. She then caught up with me again at the next traffic lights and veered right over the cycle lane screaming at me about something.
Clearly she was venting all of her anti-cycle rage at me because I was the one who dared be in front of her this morning.
I wished her a peaceful and joyous day as I cycled off down a cycle path cutting through a park leaving her in a queue of traffic entering a one-way system.

I was a bit shaken but I'm ok now. And I'm resisting the obvious "shaken not stirred" pun.
Glad you are ok
6.1 This morning and it's good to see whatever the issue was this morning has been resolved.
In the office today and I cycled here, experiencing the first ever example I've personally had of a car driver frankly trying to run me down.
I was sitting in a queue of traffic waiting to turn right at traffic lights and apparently I was "delaying" this particular driver and "ruined her day". As I said I was sitting in a queue of traffic at traffic lights waiting for the lights to change. She made contact with the rear wheel of the bike and gently pushed me forwards into the oncoming traffic. Or tried to anyway. Of course she overtook me as soon as she could but then just sat in a queue of traffic further down the road and I sailed past in the cycle lane. She then caught up with me again at the next traffic lights and veered right over the cycle lane screaming at me about something.
Clearly she was venting all of her anti-cycle rage at me because I was the one who dared be in front of her this morning.
I wished her a peaceful and joyous day as I cycled off down a cycle path cutting through a park leaving her in a queue of traffic entering a one-way system.

I was a bit shaken but I'm ok now. And I'm resisting the obvious "shaken not stirred" pun.
I got database error. Oh I’m so sorry for this bad experience you had this morning. Did you have a cam ? If so you could have taken it to the police. I use a mobility scooter to go everywhere almost. I could write a book about drivers, pedestrians and general public! It’s always my fault. Hope your day gets better
Oh Gosh! @ColinUK That is really shocking! Whatever is the world coming to when people are so aggressive over nothing! I am trying hard to feel sympathy for someone who is clearly under a huge amount of pressure and stress to act in such a way.... but it is difficult. So pleased and relieved that you weren't injured but I can understand it making you feel shaken and perhaps knock your confidence to continue cycling to work. You see so many of these road rage incidents both with cars and bikes but you are so vulnerable on a bike.
FINALLY I can get on the forum this morning! 😱 Couldn’t get on for hours since 4am & kept trying!🙄

I’ve been up several times after little sleeps after eating & been swinging down low in the 4’s mostly, with 5’s twice & only once JUST hypo at 3.9! I’m still learning as my reactions to NR is still a bit odd & the 78 units of LR is the only thing that I’m sure of! Kept swing from high to low & testing a lot; sometimes only half an hour apart as the changes in BS can be as much as 6mmol in that half hour! 😱 I was back to normal doses of NR when I ate & I’m mostly in the 10’s with a few 11’s at the 90 minutes to 2 hours after eating mark but, then drop very fast after the 3/3.5 hours mark & in the 4’s by the 4 hour after mark where I’ve now learnt I start to move back up: ate oatcakes to start with until I nervously tried leaving it once & relieved to see it start climbing slowly half an hour later!o_O It’s like the goalposts have all been shifting & I’m having to learn how to respond to it & testing SO much my fingers are very tender!🙄 But, I’m starting to see a pattern & getting the swings a bit less wide from 10’s to mid 4’s instead of 11’s to 4 at the start & once to 3.9! I’s almost like the swings I get with my few menopausal cycles now but, I’m not having one now OR maybe I’m about to start one; have to wait & see?🙄

I’m not getting much sleep as I’m afraid of dropping too low & going hypo so, 2 or 3 hour naps!

Woke just now 09:53 BS 4.5 after eating about 5 hours ago when before eating was 04:22 BS 5.6 when finally had the confidence, or exhaustion, to sleep about 4 hours without any testing. As I now know it may swing down to the borderline around 4 hours before it starts rising slowly: NR is taking longer to start working 15’s after 1 hour, 11’s after 2 hours & then, hits very fast in the last 3 to 4 hours mark! 🙄 So, in light of that I’m now going to try a little less NR when I eat & as long as I don’t feel hypo will try to leave it until around 2.5 to 3 hours & hopefully end up in the 4.5, where I’m at now, to the 5’s range & out of the scraping the bottom range!

Oops! It took me SO long to type this it’s now 40 minutes late for LR so:-

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

And take my LR, pills & inhaler! 🙄

Still a bit frazzled but, beginning to get a clearer picture with a plan in mind! 🙄

Will catch up on this thread later! 😳
Morning, eventually. Bit of a problem logging in today. Thought it was just me. Anyhoo. A high, for me, 7.4. I’ve noticed it creeping up the last few days, no change to diet but am now wondering if it’s my Pfizer booster jab, I had AZ for my other two and didn’t have any problems. I’ll keep an eye on it for a few more days and see what pans out before fiddling with my basal.

Cool, windy and very wet here. Baby Zara coming today, a day early as I’ll be up to my ears cooking tomorrow for Saturday’s dinner party.

Have a great day to those able to post today and if you didn’t and are reading this tomorrow, I hope you had a good day. 😉
Good to know they’re rolling out the boosters. Hope you’re better soon.
@Robin Maybe I need to go for a burger and chips next time which was what Ian had. The G&Ts I had with my kebab certainly did nothing for improving my result!
@SueEK Sending (((HUGS))) and well wishes for some positive news at your next appointment and a much more gentle and considerate clinician. I can't begin to imagine how worried and frustrated you are. I hope the nurse gets back to you soon and is able to give you some hope that it can still resolve without further intervention or what other options are available if it doesn't. For me, it would help to have more info so that I could talk it through and have a plan in my mind. Is there any information on the forum/group you were involved with of other ladies in this post op situation? Really hope you are able to find some reassurance and some nice skirts in the meantime. Autumn is a lovely time of year for wearing long 3/4 length skirts with boots and big snuggly jumpers. Will be interested to see your purchases if you feel inclined to share.
6.6 today and I’m feeling very miserable, if you don’t want to read a moan then best pass on to the next post. After my second cystourethrogram yesterday in London I could have cried. It still hasn’t healed and the leak is still there so nearly 8 weeks on from my op I still have the catheter and now unsure as to whether the graft has worked, I can’t even think about what they may need to do if this is the case. The radiographer was very brusque in her manner and also rough and hurt me, I don’t think she had a clue what I’ve had done and that shoving a tube up next to an insitu catheter where reconstructive surgery has been done is bloody painful, the nurse was really cross. So yet again I have to go back to have it done again in another 2 weeks. I need to go and buy a couple of skirts that are long enough to cover the leg bag which comes about 2 inches below my knee as the ones I have are summer ones and the dresses I have been wearing are also sleeveless summer ones. I have left a message with my consultants nurse asking her to look into these results for me and what this could mean. I’m trying not to worry but to be honest it’s not working. Moan over.
Hope you all have a good day x
M and S have sale on. Online and in store if you’re up to it. Hope you’re feeling better.
NR is taking longer to start working 15’s after 1 hour, 11’s after 2 hours & then, hits very fast in the last 3 to 4 hours mark!
How far in advance do you prebolus @Lanny. Rather than reducing your NR it might be worth just injecting 5 mins earlier and see how that works out and maybe try increasing by another 5 mins if you are still spiking up into the teens at the 1 hour point until you get the sweet spot timing for you.
Sorry if I am "trying to teach my Granny to suck eggs" here. Just know how rubbish I felt when my levels spiked up to mid teens and then plummeted later on a regular basis. Pre-bolusing made such a difference for me in that respect.
AWOL yesterday as I had to get an early train into London for work. It was a stunning venue on the 39th floor of a building in Canary Wharf - fantastic view of the river and the O2

I managed a 5.8 before the train and a 5.0 at 06:07 this morning.

@SueEK so sorry to hear what you are going through. I hope everything works out OK for you.
Morning all. :D 7.1 here.

That’s shocking @ColinUK. o_Oo_O Shame you didn’t get a pic of her number plate. What’s the distance you have to give a bike by law in the UK? I know it’s a meter and a half in Spain. I’d buy a camera if I were you, and make sure it’s clearly displayed (even if it’s a fake 😉) on handlebars or helmet. That woman should be banned from driving. Glad to hear you’re okay.

Hope the engineer is in n out in a flash @Kaylz.
How far in advance do you prebolus @Lanny. Rather than reducing your NR it might be worth just injecting 5 mins earlier and see how that works out and maybe try increasing by another 5 mins if you are still spiking up into the teens at the 1 hour point until you get the sweet spot timing for you.
Sorry if I am "trying to teach my Granny to suck eggs" here. Just know how rubbish I felt when my levels spiked up to mid teens and then plummeted later on a regular basis. Pre-bolusing made such a difference for me in that respect.
I wasn’t prebolusing as I was so low before eating & even left it till after eating at first then, mid meal to bolus.

Now in the mid 9’s maybe because LR was late so, will pre bolus now & wait my usual 15/20 minutes before greek yoghurt for breakfast! I decided not to add a correction & see what happens so, 18 units of NR!