Group 7-day waking average?

Morning All
Slightly confused by results since posting before Dinner yesterday.
17:30 BG 8.1
17:45 2 units M3
18:15. Dinner. 1/2 chicken breast. Jacket potato. Sage onion stuffing. 100g peas. 100g. Carrots. Cup gravy. Apple. Coffee. Cordial.
66 carbs or 550 cal
20:20. Blood sugar 7.8
22:37. BG ( whist driving back from handing sick note in to work). 8.1.
Yes I know over 2 hour gap but no where safe to stop as main road closed and loads of traffic through the side road.
23:46. BG before bed. 6.4

07:50. Wake up
07:57. BG. 6.9. But probably due to FFoF

Where will it go today?
I agree with @colin, that I am not seeing anything desperately amiss in those readings. They certainly aren't particularly erratic but you might like to see your premeal readings a bit lower. You can't really do much about that on your mixed insulin though and the basal element of it looks right since you went to bed on 6.4 and your waking reading was 6.9. I don't think you could ask for much better than that!.... Unless you are hoping for an House Special of course. 6.9 is an "in range" waking reading so you should be very happy with that and all readings are under 10 and no hypos. What's not to like about them?

Can you explain what about them concerns you?
17.3 this morning.
First day I’ve checked in weeks.
Hi and welcome to the thread.
Well done for taking a reading. I imagine it must be daunting when you haven't for such a while. It is the first step to taking back control though, so hope you can manage to continue. Hopefully you will join us each morning and I look forward to seeing your levels come down as you get back into the swing of managing your diabetes. Onwards and downwards! 😉
Hi and welcome to the thread.
Well done for taking a reading. I imagine it must be daunting when you haven't for such a while. It is the first step to taking back control though, so hope you can manage to continue. Hopefully you will join us each morning and I look forward to seeing your levels come down as you get back into the swing of managing your diabetes. Onwards and downwards! 😉
Hope you don't only want me here in the mornings!!
I agree with @colin, that I am not seeing anything desperately amiss in those readings. They certainly aren't particularly erratic but you might like to see your premeal readings a bit lower. You can't really do much about that on your mixed insulin though and the basal element of it looks right since you went to bed on 6.4 and your waking reading was 6.9. I don't think you could ask for much better than that!.... Unless you are hoping for an House Special of course. 6.9 is an "in range" waking reading so you should be very happy with that and all readings are under 10 and no hypos. What's not to like about them?

Can you explain what about them concerns you?

I know those figures are good but confused as dose of insulin was the same as last few days.
Eating more carbs and the figures didn’t go up as far as they have been doing. Perhaps the pancreas had a wobble and worked for a few hours.
Perhaps it’s that bloody fairy twiddling around? And got it right! Oh dear.
It’s just a case of look at results over more than one or two days.
@SueEK i can't like your post, i just want to give you a really big hug!!! I'm so sorry they were not gentle and i can only imagine how upsetting and frustrating it is for you. I hope you get some good news soon. Take care x
7 exactly for me today so a slight improvement. HbA1c is booked for next week, but that is because I have to have a load of other blood tests and scan before seeing the gynaecologist, I am a bit worried about this as although it is probably nothing serious, I have been referred under the 2 week protocol as my symptoms are the same as when my mum had endometrial cancer, I did have many gynae problems pre-menopause so hoping it is something to do with them.

Anyway yoga and running tonight so going to focus on my health and fitness that I can control.

@mikeyB - love your humour but hope you find a suitable poncho for your needs.
@eggyg - will you just be browsing the book shop or might there be a purchase?

@Bloden - when @khskel mentioned mixer I was thinking Kenwood or Kitchenaid.

Have a great middle of the week day.
I may have pur-chased one or five books! All second hand, so spent less than a tenner. 🙂
Resisting firing the heating up this morning anywhere other than in the bathroom. Gotta have warm towels after all.

6.5 this morning. Rewatched Skyfall last night and it’ll be Spectre tonight in prep for No Time To Die tomorrow. And work today.
I see you’re a keen movie fan. I’ve taken out my odeon membership again but I get fed up as during school holidays and the festive season it’s mostly children’s movies showing. They’re letting people cancel after 2 months now rather than a year Which suits me better or can take a break. Recently it’s mostly been horror movies and I’m not keen on them as they’re so unbelievable
LOL first on here at 9.43.😎

Couldn’t get on here earlier to post my near miss reading of 5.1. 🙂

Anyways, last night as I was nodding off to the Land of Nod, I was interrupted by the cat kerfuffling about on the landing. When I went to see what was what, I discovered Poppy had cornered a big spider. Mrs Dez is an arachnophobe, so I always have my trusty but humane spider hoover at hand for such occasions. After taking it outside and releasing it to start a new life somewhere else, I got back to bed.

Again, just as I was sinking into the arms of Morpheus, the same thing happened. This trapped specimen must have been the previous one’s father/mother/big brother/minder for it was humungous. 😱 It was obviously too large to be hoovered up, so I had to resort to the traditional method of pint glass and placemat. This one too was deposited outdoors and told to go forth and multiply next-door.

Thankfully that was the last episode, and I finally managed some uninterrupted shuteye.

Morning, eventually. Bit of a problem logging in today. Thought it was just me. Anyhoo. A high, for me, 7.4. I’ve noticed it creeping up the last few days, no change to diet but am now wondering if it’s my Pfizer booster jab, I had AZ for my other two and didn’t have any problems. I’ll keep an eye on it for a few more days and see what pans out before fiddling with my basal.

Cool, windy and very wet here. Baby Zara coming today, a day early as I’ll be up to my ears cooking tomorrow for Saturday’s dinner party.

Have a great day to those able to post today and if you didn’t and are reading this tomorrow, I hope you had a good day. 😉
6.8, the lowest it has been for a while, yet I ate a cornetto last night. All my initial hospital appointments/tests are now booked, so one thing less to worry about.
I was going to pop down to my local shopping centre in my lunch break to pick up a new baking tin, but protesters have glued themselves to the M25 again at the junction near me, so that will have to wait until tomorrow now, as no time between finishing work and yoga to go, and shop will be shut by the time yoga finishes.

ON a good note, I met my 75k running challenge for Sept I managed 81K which was good considering I missed 4 running sessions while on holiday.

Have a good day everyone.
Typical! The first morning for ages I got a reasonable result, and I couldn’t log in, (nor could any body else, judging by the fact that there weren’t any posts past 1am.)
Anyway, 5.7 here, and no overnight lows, best result of the week. What did I do to achieve that? Had a huge hamburger and bun, and a side of chips, in the pub, guesstimated the insulin as 5 units upfront and 3 when I saw how many chips I’d eaten, all washed down with a couple of gins and tonic. Result!
Yup couldn't get on the forum earlier this morning. I had to find something else to do at 5am. Hmmm.

4.6 this morning. Nowhere near the required and demanded result. I'm thinking of sacking my pancreas!!! 🙂

Got some bits of wood yesterday but didn't make a start on building the cupboards. Maybe today.
Morning FINALLY! lol

7.0 for me

Very little sleep last night, too anxious about the gas engineer coming for the annual service today, I really hate what this has done to me :( xx
Typical! The first morning for ages I got a reasonable result, and I couldn’t log in, (nor could any body else, judging by the fact that there weren’t any posts past 1am.)
Anyway, 5.7 here, and no overnight lows, best result of the week. What did I do to achieve that? Had a huge hamburger and bun, and a side of chips, in the pub, guesstimated the insulin as 5 units upfront and 3 when I saw how many chips I’d eaten, all washed down with a couple of gins and tonic. Result!
I’m going on that diet!
Morning everyone 🙂
8:06am 13.1 for me this morning and 15 units of tresiba done
9:37am before breakfast 15.0 - 36g of carbs - 4.5 units humalog food - 3.0 units humalog correction
6.8 today. Looks like I’m prediabetic with my readings bit early to say but my diet doesn’t vary much from day to day. Really fancied a cake yesterday but didn't have one. 2 reasons now not to take sweet things. Weight and diabetes.
Typical! The first morning for ages I got a reasonable result, and I couldn’t log in, (nor could any body else, judging by the fact that there weren’t any posts past 1am.)
Anyway, 5.7 here, and no overnight lows, best result of the week. What did I do to achieve that? Had a huge hamburger and bun, and a side of chips, in the pub, guesstimated the insulin as 5 units upfront and 3 when I saw how many chips I’d eaten, all washed down with a couple of gins and tonic. Result!