Group 7-day waking average?

Just seen this one in a comparison chart - v nice indeed. o_O :D I’m working my way thru a set of introductory webinars at the mo, but I’ll no doubt have lots of questions for you at some point. Thanks, Sue. By the way, why didn’t you opt for a patch pump?
I didn’t like the idea of a ‘lump’ stuck to me, and preferred that idea of just wasting the tubing and keeping to the single pump. I also liked the fact that I did not have to access it at all during the day when I was on the Combo. Having seen @helli ’s medtrum I may rethink, although I would definitely want one that offers a recognised system of closed loop. (Rather than DIY). I don’t find the tubing to be an issue and it enables me to put my cannula in a variety of places, and tuck my pump away so that it is not noticed.

i have never used a patch pump so not sure what that would be like. I had knocked off a Libre around the time of choosing my second pump so assumed I would have the same issue with a patch, but things are much smaller now

I shall not bother to ¡look for a good couple of years now as I have over three years before my spect swap. Things are changing so quickly now so who knows what will be available then.

I look forward to hearing what you choose,
Afternoon, folks.🙂

Gosh I’m feeling good. 5.1 when I opened my eyes at the crack of dawn, i.e 9.45. In time for the chiropodist, so my feet feel perfect, then the hairdresser came to give Mrs B the ability to defy age with a cut and colour, and give me a No.2 buzz cut, after which I had a beard trim, shave and shower. Now I feel like a new man. Don’t need a new woman.😉

I’m quite proud of that 5.1, and reasonable straight line overnight. Made some delicious creamy strawberry ice cream yesterday, so a couple of sccops of that after the chicken tikka masala went down rather well. Curry and ice cream, and 5.1 in the morning. I think I’m getting the hang of this Diabetes lark. (I remember saying that 25 years ago, and regularly ever since 🙄) Won’t tell you how much insulin that took, I don’t want everyone panic buying at the pharmacy.

I’ve spent the afternoon searching the Internet for a rain poncho that will be suitable for mand the Whill Model C electric wheelchair. The folk who sold it to me don’t have one, and I need one for the Rovers. It’s a non standard shape, so it’s problematic, so I can’t go if it’s raining to protect £4000 of electric wizardry. I also need one for Christmas- we’ll be spending Christmas Day in a property with no downstairs loo, so a rain poncho is a classic cover up for a gents portable urinal. (Not to be done at the dinner table, mind. Back garden for preference). If I master the technique, it’ll save queuing up for the disabled loos at the Rovers, without getting arrested.😎

It’s good fun being challenged by disablement. Mind you, my situation is much improved by money, and I’m fully aware of that. Though that came through work, not inheritance or sitting in a boardroom exploiting other workers. Like the folk who govern us.

Have a good evening, and don’t forget - when teetotallers wake up in the morning, that’s the best they’re going to feel all day.
Sorry to disappoint you betting folk.
Was busy this morning following breakfast so didn’t manage to test till lunch. 13:36. BG 6.9.
A cheese and brown roll followed by an orange and black coffee. 61 carbs and 427 cal.
That put me to sleep so at 17:30. BG was 8.1 before dinner. Good that I hadn’t tested as It was probably HIGH.
Had insulin but will give it 45 mins before having dinner.
1/2 chicken breast. Small jacket. 100g peas. 100g carrots 50g stuffing. Cup gravy. A small Apple. Cup of coffee and pint water. 66 carbs and 550 cal.
Where will it go?
Afternoon, folks.🙂

Gosh I’m feeling good. 5.1 when I opened my eyes at the crack of dawn, i.e 9.45. In time for the chiropodist, so my feet feel perfect, then the hairdresser came to give Mrs B the ability to defy age with a cut and colour, and give me a No.2 buzz cut, after which I had a beard trim, shave and shower. Now I feel like a new man. Don’t need a new woman.😉

I’m quite proud of that 5.1, and reasonable straight line overnight. Made some delicious creamy strawberry ice cream yesterday, so a couple of sccops of that after the chicken tikka masala went down rather well. Curry and ice cream, and 5.1 in the morning. I think I’m getting the hang of this Diabetes lark. (I remember saying that 25 years ago, and regularly ever since 🙄) Won’t tell you how much insulin that took, I don’t want everyone panic buying at the pharmacy.

I’ve spent the afternoon searching the Internet for a rain poncho that will be suitable for mand the Whill Model C electric wheelchair. The folk who sold it to me don’t have one, and I need one for the Rovers. It’s a non standard shape, so it’s problematic, so I can’t go if it’s raining to protect £4000 of electric wizardry. I also need one for Christmas- we’ll be spending Christmas Day in a property with no downstairs loo, so a rain poncho is a classic cover up for a gents portable urinal. (Not to be done at the dinner table, mind. Back garden for preference). If I master the technique, it’ll save queuing up for the disabled loos at the Rovers, without getting arrested.😎

It’s good fun being challenged by disablement. Mind you, my situation is much improved by money, and I’m fully aware of that. Though that came through work, not inheritance or sitting in a boardroom exploiting other workers. Like the folk who govern us.

Have a good evening, and don’t forget - when teetotallers wake up in the morning, that’s the best they’re going to feel all day.

I like the idea of panic buying at the pharmacy!
Will the army deliver insulin and test strips.
Could the disability groups hold the government and NHS to ransom?
The possibilities are endless!
Headlines on Telly and newspapers
Diabetics Fight Back.
I like the idea of panic buying at the pharmacy!
Will the army deliver insulin and test strips.
Could the disability groups hold the government and NHS to ransom?
The possibilities are endless!
I'm ahead of the curve.... already ordered my insulin and it is awaiting collection tomorrow. I ran out a few weeks ago on the Bank Holiday, so I am ordering well in advance after that minor panic incident.
Having seen @helli ’s medtrum I may rethink, although I would definitely want one that offers a recognised system of closed loop. (Rather than DIY).
Medtrum say they provide Closed loop with their baby pump and CGM.
i am very lucky to get the Libre on prescription but would have to get pregnant to qualify for a different CGM. I am not joking - our CCG only fund CGM if you have poor diabetes management or if you are pregnant and neither appeals or feel very permanent.
Moving on from 9 months of discomfort and 18 years of having to share my house with someone else, as I don’t qualify for the Medtrum CGM and can’t justify self funding, I have not investigated the Medtrum close loop option.
About to go to bed now & I’m very relieved to be better today: turned a corner; still under the weather but, noticed a change for the better! 🙂 SOOOHHH! I was indeed fighting something the last 4/5 days!🙄 My heart rate is still a bit faster than the usual 84 at 89/90 BPM but, it FEELS better & I ate smaller meals today so, the hour after eating effect was less: last few days ate 2 larger meals & today I ate 3 smaller ones with shorter intervals of about 3 hours between. Still needed to sleep, to make up for the lack of in the night, during the afternoon after tesco shopping & eating breakfast after: 11:30 & slept till about half four when I woke JUST on cusp 16:40 BS 4.0 & had a JB before a hurried lunch after; a microwaved beef stew instead of cooking 17:10 BS 4.9! Peaked around 19:03 BS 10.4 & SO pleased to see that as I’d been struggling with 12’s & 13’s the last few days!🙂 Then, ate a bit soon I admit having eaten about half what I usually do, 19:24 BS 7.4 & just now 21:40 BS 9.3 even lower so, happy days!:D LR just in now as 10pm alarm went off! Reducing it to 92 from 96 this morning: had gone up to 110 at it’s worse a couple of days ago; NR was EVEN higher at 140 a couple of days ago & now down to 30 for greek yoghurt late this morning, 40 & 36 for lunch & dinner today! Still under the weather but, starting to come out of it!:D With a drop of sweat over one eye for a Phew! Emoji!:D

Missed GBBO & it’s not yet on demand & I’m tired so, will watch it tomorrow!

A Very Good Night to you all & my usual 😉 that I couldn’t manage this morning! A stream of z’s emoji!
Good morning all. Up early. Not tired.

BG 5.3

Sorted a little niggle on the App.

Might order some new pots and pans later on.

Might get some cut wooden board stuff and make 2 kitchen cabinets (sort of). If I do I'll post a picture of the things. It won't be a masterpiece but it will be much needed and 'bespoke'.
Morning all. 7.3 this morning.

Got to be in two places at once this afternoon at work. Not sure how thats possible but hey ho! Someone will make a decision soon.

@Lanny glad to hear you're feeling a little better.
Morning all. A Len Goodman today. SEVEN!! Speaking of which, I’ve caught up with Saturday’s Strictly. I won’t say much, except it was bloomin’ marvellous. as there may still be some who haven’t seen it. I think I may start a separate thread on Off the Subject, like I did last year. I know @mikeyB is a big fan! :D

Mr Eggy has an Opticians’s appointment today, eight weeks he’s waited for it, and of course he lost his specs on holiday and has to rely on his spares, about six years old. I’ll potter about the town whilst he’s in, I might nip to my favourite bookshop for a mooch! 🙄

Nowt else happening but it’s not supposed to rain so that’s good. Have a great day all.🙂
Morning all. :D 8.1 here. I’ve been upgraded to half-unit pens so I’ll be giving myself 9 and a half of Tresiba once my prescription’s ready - hopefully, that’ll sort out my either-too-low or either-too-high fasting BG.

There are some cute pink clouds in the sky - made me think of your strawberry ice cream @mikeyB. 😛 So it looks like the bulbs are going into the ground today. And I must finish prepping the kitchen before painting. It’s all go (makes a nice change).:D

How strange they don’t make a rain cover @mikeyB - does the new machine go so fast it dodges the rain drops?😉
Resisting firing the heating up this morning anywhere other than in the bathroom. Gotta have warm towels after all.

6.5 this morning. Rewatched Skyfall last night and it’ll be Spectre tonight in prep for No Time To Die tomorrow. And work today.
Well it was a disappointing 8.1 for me but that was with 2 corrections through the night and 1unit as I climbed into bed and 5 units of Levemir. I'm blaming the kidney beans in my chilli last night although the protein from the meat was no doubt also contributing. My graph shows levels skimming just below and above the 10 and you can hardly see any impact of the first 1.5 unit correction. It won't have helped that I didn't get out for a walk yesterday. Will be upping the Levemir tonight.

@Lanny Good to hear that you are feeling a bit better. Hope you continue to make good progress.
6.6 today and I’m feeling very miserable, if you don’t want to read a moan then best pass on to the next post. After my second cystourethrogram yesterday in London I could have cried. It still hasn’t healed and the leak is still there so nearly 8 weeks on from my op I still have the catheter and now unsure as to whether the graft has worked, I can’t even think about what they may need to do if this is the case. The radiographer was very brusque in her manner and also rough and hurt me, I don’t think she had a clue what I’ve had done and that shoving a tube up next to an insitu catheter where reconstructive surgery has been done is bloody painful, the nurse was really cross. So yet again I have to go back to have it done again in another 2 weeks. I need to go and buy a couple of skirts that are long enough to cover the leg bag which comes about 2 inches below my knee as the ones I have are summer ones and the dresses I have been wearing are also sleeveless summer ones. I have left a message with my consultants nurse asking her to look into these results for me and what this could mean. I’m trying not to worry but to be honest it’s not working. Moan over.
Hope you all have a good day x
7 exactly for me today so a slight improvement. HbA1c is booked for next week, but that is because I have to have a load of other blood tests and scan before seeing the gynaecologist, I am a bit worried about this as although it is probably nothing serious, I have been referred under the 2 week protocol as my symptoms are the same as when my mum had endometrial cancer, I did have many gynae problems pre-menopause so hoping it is something to do with them.

Anyway yoga and running tonight so going to focus on my health and fitness that I can control.

@mikeyB - love your humour but hope you find a suitable poncho for your needs.
@eggyg - will you just be browsing the book shop or might there be a purchase?

@Bloden - when @khskel mentioned mixer I was thinking Kenwood or Kitchenaid.

Have a great middle of the week day.
6.6 today and I’m feeling very miserable, if you don’t want to read a moan then best pass on to the next post. After my second cystourethrogram yesterday in London I could have cried. It still hasn’t healed and the leak is still there so nearly 8 weeks on from my op I still have the catheter and now unsure as to whether the graft has worked, I can’t even think about what they may need to do if this is the case. The radiographer was very brusque in her manner and also rough and hurt me, I don’t think she had a clue what I’ve had done and that shoving a tube up next to an insitu catheter where reconstructive surgery has been done is bloody painful, the nurse was really cross. So yet again I have to go back to have it done again in another 2 weeks. I need to go and buy a couple of skirts that are long enough to cover the leg bag which comes about 2 inches below my knee as the ones I have are summer ones and the dresses I have been wearing are also sleeveless summer ones. I have left a message with my consultants nurse asking her to look into these results for me and what this could mean. I’m trying not to worry but to be honest it’s not working. Moan over.
Hope you all have a good day x
Sorry @SueEK you are going through all this, I couldn't like your post because of what you are going through. I cannot even begin to think how worried and frustrated you must be, and now having to wait again.

Treat yourself to some really nice skirts and dresses, would wide leg trousers be an option for the colder weather.

Sending you hugs and love.
5.5 for me today. 🙂

Morning All
Slightly confused by results since posting before Dinner yesterday.
17:30 BG 8.1
17:45 2 units M3
18:15. Dinner. 1/2 chicken breast. Jacket potato. Sage onion stuffing. 100g peas. 100g. Carrots. Cup gravy. Apple. Coffee. Cordial.
66 carbs or 550 cal
20:20. Blood sugar 7.8
22:37. BG ( whist driving back from handing sick note in to work). 8.1.
Yes I know over 2 hour gap but no where safe to stop as main road closed and loads of traffic through the side road.
23:46. BG before bed. 6.4

07:50. Wake up
07:57. BG. 6.9. But probably due to FFoF

Where will it go today?