Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 7.1 here, had a rush of blood to the head last night and put my night time basal back up (daytime is still down a unit) on the grounds that I'd had a thick pastry topped pie and expected it to keep on giving overnight, and the weather’s turned cooler. Wrong decision, I was hypo at 2am, when I was so cross that I had an extra couple of jelly babies I probably didn’t need.
How is your new sensor measuring up @Kaylz ?
Bedtime last night FP 9.3, Scan 9.5, before breakfast FP 7.2, Scan 7.9 but it isn't the accuracy that concerns me most, it's how long it will last before it tells me to replace it lol xx
Bedtime last night FP 9.3, Scan 9.5, before breakfast FP 7.2, Scan 7.9 but it isn't the accuracy that concerns me most, it's how long it will last before it tells me to replace it lol xx
Yes, I appreciate that, but doesn't matter if it lasts the full journey if it gives inaccurate readings during that time. At least you are getting highly compatible results so far. Really hope this one can start to restore your faith in the system.
Morning all. 12.8 today grumble grumble. Tresiba wasn't in stock yesterday so starting that today, interested to see if it has any effect on my overall numbers.

Having to keep a food diary for the new DSN this week and it's really stressing me out. Bracing myself for being told off, but also preparing to tell her off for treating me as type 2 too. All fun and games.
8.4 this morning :confused: safe to say my BG control has nosedived off a cliff

Having said that, mentally I’m feeling good, back on track with friends, started working on my weight to hopefully build up my BMI, let’s see what happens 🙂

Wishing everyone a good Tuesday 🙂
Yes, I appreciate that, but doesn't matter if it lasts the full journey if it gives inaccurate readings during that time. At least you are getting highly compatible results so far. Really hope this one can start to restore your faith in the system.
They've only become inaccurate before they are away to give up though so it's almost a warning sign to me now xx
6.1 this morning.
BG was all over the place yesterday with I suspect is the aftermath of what happened Sunday. It was also probably to blame for me feeling like utter crap all day yesterday too. Slept better last night (better for me anyway) and a nice gentle day planned today as I’m not working today. A little housework, a huge salad for lunch I think and then a stint on the exercise bike whilst watching Spectre definitely and maybe Skyfall as well. Tickets are booked for No Time to Die and I’m looking forward to going to the cinema again!
We really want to see No Time To Die but I’m not 100% certain about going to the cinema yet.
Don’t discount metal handled pots and pans right away because lots of them are designed to stay cool. Mine are all metal handled and on the hob they’re fine to handle but like molten iron if you pop them in the oven!
I prefer a metal handled pan, yes some get hot but I use a cloth of oven glove. I like that you can put them in the oven. Top tip: lay a cloth or oven glove over the handle when you first take it out of the oven. Saves a lot of scars and swearing!
We really want to see No Time To Die but I’m not 100% certain about going to the cinema yet.
The cinemas are doing a great trade on the Bond film that’s for sure. Took a lot of work to find two seats for any evening performance available for the whole of the first week. Gave up on anything in the West End and opted for a local cinema instead. Even then there were very few seats left in any showing from Wednesday midnight they to next Tuesday!
I think I am ready to go to the cinema again..... I went to the theatre for the first time the week before last and felt reasonably comfortable and it was such a treat to do something normal, even if it wasn't quite "normal". Everyone wore masks going in but most removed them once they were in their seats which I thought was odd. My friend and I remained masked. It was a matinee performance too so not a full house which made it easier and also meant the queues for the loos were not extensive. Not sure I would go to a packed cinema though, so I will probably wait until the first rush of enthusiasm has died before I go to see Bond. Sad that it is Daniel Craig's last one. I think he has brought back more of the real essence of Bond.
7.8 so despite healthy eating it is being stubborn in coming down, which is annoying but stressing will only make it worse.

Oh well onwards n hopefully downwards with these numbers, I ran and did yoga yesterday and today I will walk to my mum's which is only 25 mins away on foot, then some yoga before bed.

Have a good day everyone.
09:26 BS 5.9 🙂 for that! But, I’m starting to get worried as I’ve had an elevated heart rate for 5 nights in a row: hadn’t realised how long it’s been until I sat & counted it up on my fingers since it started on Thursday night; wasn’t as bad as that first night until it was ALMOST as bad last night & I can’t say it was Ventolin as I’ve been wary of taking it!:confused: Just the Clenil! It’s always at night & I’ve noticed it’s worst an hour or two after eating also, rather oddly changes of elevation from sitting up to lying down but, not lying down to getting up!🙄 I’ve checked it & although it felt quite bad last night it wasn’t as high as I feared at 91 BPM & I wonder if I’m fighting something again! It’s playing havoc with my sleep as I slept through most of the day yesterday & the day before that as I couldn’t do sleep much at night! I’m almost afraid to eat now & allowing myself so long without food that my stomach acid is churning in my stomach making me feel nauseous before I eat!:(

Tesco shopping now to wait for 11:00 to 12:00 & if it’s the same again tonight I’ll do the tedious call to see GP tomorrow, maybe end up in A&E again for yet more tests & all that rigamarole which I wouldn’t mind so much if there’s an answer to what’s wrong I HATE being sent home after hours in there with all the stresses, & it is highly stressful to me in there hearing my heart rate going that fast on the monitor DOES NOT help, with nothing that they can find from blood tests etc etc! 😡 for frustration!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! Just about a 🙂 only for you lovely lot & sorry I can’t manage my usual emoji today!😳
8.4 this morning :confused: safe to say my BG control has nosedived off a cliff

Having said that, mentally I’m feeling good, back on track with friends, started working on my weight to hopefully build up my BMI, let’s see what happens 🙂

Wishing everyone a good Tuesday 🙂
So pleased you are feeling able to socialize more. It is important to find balance with living life and BG management. Trying to manage your BG levels too tightly can lead to "burn out" so don't be hard on yourself when your numbers aren't always where you would like them to be and go out and enjoy yourself when you can. 8.4 on a morning isn't a big deal anyway and I am sure you will have it back down into range in a few hours.
When I wake up a bit high like that I inject my bolus insulin and then give it a bit of extra time to work before I eat. I usually wait for it to come down to mid 6s or high 5s before eating otherwise it just goes higher. Not sure if it has been mentioned to you but someone here on the forum suggested not eating when your BG is above 8 ie waiting for it to drop below 8 before you eat and that has been a really helpful tip for me, but everyone is different and finding what works for you is key.
@Lanny So sorry to hear your health is giving you cause for concern again. Hope it settles down without needing a trip to hospital but if you have to go, I hope you get a result. Not knowing what the problem is doesn't help with whatever it is or the anxiety it causes. Fingers crossed emoji for you.
Morning all and it was 5.4 for me.

Managed to get our new mixer configured and talking to the computer last night ably assisted by Culture Clubs sound engineer over face time (our bass player works as a technician for them) so that's good.

Good review with the diabetic consultant and to top it all the local garage had petrol.

Have a good day everyone.
I think I am ready to go to the cinema again..... I went to the theatre for the first time the week before last and felt reasonably comfortable and it was such a treat to do something normal, even if it wasn't quite "normal". Everyone wore masks going in but most removed them once they were in their seats which I thought was odd. My friend and I remained masked. It was a matinee performance too so not a full house which made it easier and also meant the queues for the loos were not extensive. Not sure I would go to a packed cinema though, so I will probably wait until the first rush of enthusiasm has died before I go to see Bond. Sad that it is Daniel Craig's last one. I think he has brought back more of the real essence of Bond.
Think we’ll do a matinee, maybe next week. I think Daniel Craig is the best ever James Bond. Easy on the eye and ( I think) a younger version of Mr Eggy, sort of, when I squint my eyes, in a dark room, without my specs on! 😉
The Dana came in Lime green which tempted me!!!
Just seen this one in a comparison chart - v nice indeed. o_O :D I’m working my way thru a set of introductory webinars at the mo, but I’ll no doubt have lots of questions for you at some point. Thanks, Sue. By the way, why didn’t you opt for a patch pump?
Morning all and it was 5.4 for me.

Managed to get our new mixer configured and talking to the computer last night ably assisted by Culture Clubs sound engineer over face time

I was thinking food processor or cement mixer, then couldn’t work out what on earth Culture Club we’re doing getting involved. 😳😳😛