Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone 🙂

We wobbled hard last night :(😳Went from 4.5 to 14.0 (ashamed to say there was a lot of 😡) and crashed back down to 4.3 this morning...

Until that moment though, yesterday went well, helping mum all day and rejoined friends for Discord night 🙂

Wishing everyone a pleasant day 🙂
10:10 BS 5.6 :D

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Finally caved in & bought the latest Felix Francis book “Iced” despite the audiobook STILL not out as I’ve already re heard & re read alongside it “Howl’s Moving Castle” 3 times the last few days & want to read something else! 🙄 I mean I LOVE HMC: my favourite book to travel with in the old days before the kindle & the paperback has been with me to Austria, Egypt, Italy & several trips to GB & Scotland for various family weddings etc; restricting myself to one book & I always like to read that one!😛 But, JUST a bit too much of it at present & dying to read the new Felix Francis. It’s had mixed reviews on amazon that didn’t put me off & I think he’s become every bit as good as his dad was albeit in a slightly different style!😛 Started reading it last night before bed & it’s pretty good so far!:D Some of the audiobooks have been a hit or a miss depending on who is reading it & if Martin Jarvis reads it when/if it comes out later I may buy it? I don’t like Tony Britton as he’s too droll!
Morning all and 5.4 for me.

Indoor sorting today and trying to book an appointment with the vampires for haematology next week. I much preferred when they just had a walk in

Review with diabetes consultant tomorrow provided it isn't cancelled. According to libre current TIR is 97% which I am rather pleased with 2% over and 1% under.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. Back on the site after a stressful week last week. We were unanimously approved by panel to be the baby's formal foster parents which was nerve wracking but ultimately a good outcome. Up until now we have been emergency foster carers. Hopefully in a month we should get a special guardianship order which will make us his legal guardians. If not it will be the end of November. I was working in London last Thursday and have to go up to London again on Wednesday.

With everything going on I failed to notice that I was running out of test strips so it was a 4.6 at 05:04 yesterday and now waiting for Amazon to deliver some more later today.

Have a great week everyone
3.3 on the Libre this morning for me with a flatfish line on the graph but finger prick check gave me 6.7 and 7.2.... I double checked before I set foot out of bed just to be sure for my bolus as I know I wasn't lying on Libre ie compression low. Injected 5 units of Fiasp and my 22 of Levemir and an hour later it was still saying 3.2 with a flat line graph but BG (finger prick actually 5.8). I am into the last 24 hrs of this sensor so don't think I'd be justified in reporting it but it is frustrating, It has consistently read lower than finger prick by about 1.5mmols up until now, which has made a right mess of my TIR stats as I refuse to eat carbs when my levels are in the 5s just because the Libre says I am in the red.
It is eventually rising now after having breakfast but I suspect that it is still significantly below actual BG levels. Hoping next sensor is back to normal service.

@khskel Fantastic TIR stats. Very jealous!

@Kaylz How is your new sensor shaping up? I assume you are double checking with finger pricks after all the problems you have had recently.

@stackingcups Have you started the Tresiba yet or is that result still with the Lantus? Fingers crossed you have reached a tipping point and levels start to respond to the insulin.

@DuncanLord Curious as to why you have such a miserable breakfast (plain porridge with water) each morning when it sounds like you don't enjoy it? There should be no reason why you can't have milk or cream or yoghurt in it and some berries and/or seeds etc to make it more tasty and pleasant to eat.
@rebrascora this was still with lantus. I'd previously been in the 10s and occasional 9 with the lantus but my body is just rebelling against or for some reason. Starting tresiba tonight, assuming the pharmacy has it in stock.
It may be that your own insulin production is just slowly spluttering to a halt and you are needing more injected insulin to make up for that, rather than your body "rebelling against it" You are not using high doses at the moment so I don't think that it is insulin resistance.
Morning all. Back on the site after a stressful week last week. We were unanimously approved by panel to be the baby's formal foster parents which was nerve wracking but ultimately a good outcome. Up until now we have been emergency foster carers. Hopefully in a month we should get a special guardianship order which will make us his legal guardians. If not it will be the end of November. I was working in London last Thursday and have to go up to London again on Wednesday.

With everything going on I failed to notice that I was running out of test strips so it was a 4.6 at 05:04 yesterday and now waiting for Amazon to deliver some more later today.

Have a great week everyone
Congratulations Adrian, I hope the rest of the process is smooth for you all. Big hugs to you and your family x
Morning all. Back on the site after a stressful week last week. We were unanimously approved by panel to be the baby's formal foster parents which was nerve wracking but ultimately a good outcome. Up until now we have been emergency foster carers. Hopefully in a month we should get a special guardianship order which will make us his legal guardians. If not it will be the end of November.
Hi Adrian, I don't know your full situation but just wanted to give you a wave hello from a Special Guardian. My daughter (originally my niece) has been with us since she was 11months old and just turned 14 at the weekend. It's been a hell of a ride but with a brilliant result. Good luck!
40 g of porridge made with water. Along with a cup of Black coffee adds 22 carbs and 150 cal.
Generally causes a jump in BG by about 4 points after 2 hours. But never know as pancreas may toss in its bucket load or it might do nothing.
If I add extra to make it taste nice where may BG’s end up?
@Kaylz How is your new sensor shaping up? I assume you are double checking with finger pricks after all the problems you have had recently.
I've never bolused from the Libre so always still prick before eating, before breakfast both were 6.0 and dinner time Libre was 0.1mmol out, lets see how long it lasts before becoming further and further out then finally ending xx
@DuncanLord I'm afraid none of us can give you an answer to that, we all react differently, this is one reason why a lot of us have said you'd be better off on a basal/bolus regime as you'd be able to adjust the insulin to what you WANT to eat, honestly if I were you that's ultimately what I'd go to my DSN and say as you are stuck in a strict eating regime which isn't a good place to be especially when you don't have to be xx
40 g of porridge made with water. Along with a cup of Black coffee adds 22 carbs and 150 cal.
Generally causes a jump in BG by about 4 points after 2 hours. But never know as pancreas may toss in its bucket load or it might do nothing.
If I add extra to make it taste nice where may BG’s end up?
What is the point in eating if you don't enjoy it though other than to soak up some of the insulin you are injecting? You don't need to live like that. Why not have 35g oats and some of those things I suggested to make it taste nice like a few berries and some cream... still make it with water but then add a bit of cream and a few berries and maybe some mixed seeds and I can assure you it will make all the difference flavour wise without making a difference to the carbs. We all spike after meals though, even non diabetics. It just seems like you are being far too hard on yourself imposing such a breakfast every morning which it sounds like you really don't enjoy.... and who would!
10:10 BS 5.6 :D

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Finally caved in & bought the latest Felix Francis book “Iced” despite the audiobook STILL not out as I’ve already re heard & re read alongside it “Howl’s Moving Castle” 3 times the last few days & want to read something else! 🙄 I mean I LOVE HMC: my favourite book to travel with in the old days before the kindle & the paperback has been with me to Austria, Egypt, Italy & several trips to GB & Scotland for various family weddings etc; restricting myself to one book & I always like to read that one!😛 But, JUST a bit too much of it at present & dying to read the new Felix Francis. It’s had mixed reviews on amazon that didn’t put me off & I think he’s become every bit as good as his dad was albeit in a slightly different style!😛 Started reading it last night before bed & it’s pretty good so far!:D Some of the audiobooks have been a hit or a miss depending on who is reading it & if Martin Jarvis reads it when/if it comes out later I may buy it? I don’t like Tony Britton as he’s too droll!
I don't think it will be Tony Britton, as he died end of 2019!!

I love Martin Jarvis, especially reading the William books.
40 g of porridge made with water. Along with a cup of Black coffee adds 22 carbs and 150 cal.
Generally causes a jump in BG by about 4 points after 2 hours. But never know as pancreas may toss in its bucket load or it might do nothing.
If I add extra to make it taste nice where may BG’s end up?
Seeds and nuts and berries are lower carb than oats, cream virtually zero carb, so replacing some of the oats with those should improve BGs, not make them worse. Worth trying?

I agree that eating should be a pleasure, not a chore.
@Bloden good luck, do let us know how you get on, I have to admit I'd only be interested in a patch pump but I'm in no hurry xx
Well, what a lovely bunch of people. 🙂 Had a session with the DSN first. She did a finger-prick A1c...drum roll...58 (down from 64 in June, and last 10 years). o_O🙂:DThen the consultant joined us on Teams (self-isolating) - what a nice, kind, friendly, down-to-earth person. I explained why I want to switch to a pump, she said I sounded like an ideal candidate and gave the go-ahead. Then we had a look at some pumps.

I used to sit in the car and cry after appointments cos my endo was such a shouty b***h. She left me so demoralized, I couldn’t even begin to self-manage well and with confidence. If it wasn’t for this forum...😱

I like the look of the Omnipod too @Kaylz. Why would you prefer it over the others?
Well, what a lovely bunch of people. 🙂 Had a session with the DSN first. She did a finger-prick A1c...drum roll...58 (down from 64 in June, and last 10 years). o_O🙂:DThen the consultant joined us on Teams (self-isolating) - what a nice, kind, friendly, down-to-earth person. I explained why I want to switch to a pump, she said I sounded like an ideal candidate and gave the go-ahead. Then we had a look at some pumps.

I used to sit in the car and cry after appointments cos my endo was such a shouty b***h. She left me so demoralized, I couldn’t even begin to self-manage well and with confidence. If it wasn’t for this forum...😱

I like the look of the Omnipod too @Kaylz. Why would you prefer it over the others?
Woo! Congrats on the lower A1c, I had loads of the finger prick ones at the beginning cause it was so low they wanted to keep a close eye on it, I think the machine they use is awesome lol, so glad you have gotten a great team, it makes it much easier and better, mine are great especially my consultant

For me there are 2 reasons, I don't really fancy being attached to tubing 24/7 and also I can jump around in my bed a lot if I can't sleep so I'd fear the tubing got tangled, ripped out etc, what are the pumps on offer to you? xx
That sounds like a proper appointment @Bloden , and great to hear that you can now have a pump.
It is worth asking what pumps are available from your clinic as most limit the choice to those for which the DsNs have had training. Then you could ask for feedback from here as there will be loads of experience to access.

There are also comparison lists (@Pattidevans has posted a list before) , but it comes down to do you want patch or tubes, linkable to sensors using diy or approved systems, cannulas and the glue, …. the colour!!!

I look forward to hearing what you choose.