Group 7-day waking average?

Oops! Did it twice!

Odd experience this afternoon though. In John Lewis with a friend and I felt like I about to faint. It’s happened before but I’ve not mentioned it to the doctor. This time I will.
Legs shaking and not able really to stand without holding on to something for support. Vision blurs momentarily then clears again. Heart races but settles just as quickly as it comes on. It’s seconds but feels like minutes.
After it’s passed I’m as right as rain.
I’ve checked BG many times today and it’s been between 7.1 and 5.3 all day. Blood pressure I’ve just taken and is 120/78 with a pulse of 72.
Maybe a touch dehydrated I guess but nothing else out of the ordinary.

As I said I’m going to mention it to the gp and see what they say but the look on the face of my friend was a shocker. He thought I was having either a stroke or a heart attack. I wasn’t having either I’m pleased to say.

Any thoughts?
Oops! Did it twice!

Odd experience this afternoon though. In John Lewis with a friend and I felt like I about to faint. It’s happened before but I’ve not mentioned it to the doctor. This time I will.
Legs shaking and not able really to stand without holding on to something for support. Vision blurs momentarily then clears again. Heart races but settles just as quickly as it comes on. It’s seconds but feels like minutes.
After it’s passed I’m as right as rain.
I’ve checked BG many times today and it’s been between 7.1 and 5.3 all day. Blood pressure I’ve just taken and is 120/78 with a pulse of 72.
Maybe a touch dehydrated I guess but nothing else out of the ordinary.

As I said I’m going to mention it to the gp and see what they say but the look on the face of my friend was a shocker. He thought I was having either a stroke or a heart attack. I wasn’t having either I’m pleased to say.

Any thoughts?

I did similar but actually fell to floor. Was taken to A&E as I’d banged and cut head. ( no sense no feeling)
Eventually they said it was a sudden lowering of blood pressure caused probably by dehydration.
Same effect if you suddenly stand and go slightly dizzy for a few seconds. I can’t remember the technical term but was told nothing to worry about and it happens on odd occasions in people.
@ColinUK could it have been anxiety related?
Good morning. Wow, i'm first up!! 8.6 for me on this wet dark morning.
Damn! Beaten to it! A nice round 6 for me today. Exactly the same as I went to bed on last night, I did have a 13grm snack though.
Been awake since 4.15! Aching all over, is it my booster jab I wonder? Did have a 5.5 mile walk yesterday but that’s quite normal for us. Hmmm…..I’ll just take some painkillers. It’s also raining very hard and it’s very windy, our old wooden sash windows were doing some rattling. That didn’t help so got up.

Not much happening today, Mr Eggy doing nursery run later. I’m making a fish pie.

@ColinUK any ear problems? That could put you off balance, but if you felt “ funny” too it would definitely be dehydration. Had you had a big meal? I’m a fainter, always have been, a big meal can do it to me.
@SueEK hope your booster went ok.
Have a good day folks, I think the summer’s over. 🙂
Woke at 4am. Decided to have a lie in regardless of whether my BGs might climb with a dawn effect. Sooo dark, cold, wet and windy out there too. Nice warm bed.

Two hours later I got up. BG 4.3 !!!! Eh? Still that's ok.

Spent all day yesterday waiting for a delivery that never materialised. Some replacement doors for the kitchen cupboards that went faulty !!! I will have to ring them today and see what went wrong. My guess is that they don't actually deliver on Sundays. No big deal anyway.

Felt a bit miserable when I first got up at 6am. Unusual for me. Too much miserable news yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that, etc. It does get to me. Is this a really miserable world or is it just that the news reports increasingly hyped up bad news. However... There IS good news and there ARE good people. We just rarely hear about them.

Thank goodness for this forum and the great people here.

I feel better already.

Nearly breakfast time too. A few meds first...

Somehow, in spite of the rain, I need to get out and exercise.
Good morning 5.6 today (yesterday was 7.2)

have a great day everybody
7.7 again this morning, oh well it will come down again I am sure. first day back at work after 2 weeks off, just doing this then going to log on.

Have a good day and week everyone.
Damn! Beaten to it! A nice round 6 for me today. Exactly the same as I went to bed on last night, I did have a 13grm snack though.
Been awake since 4.15! Aching all over, is it my booster jab I wonder? Did have a 5.5 mile walk yesterday but that’s quite normal for us. Hmmm…..I’ll just take some painkillers. It’s also raining very hard and it’s very windy, our old wooden sash windows were doing some rattling. That didn’t help so got up.

Not much happening today, Mr Eggy doing nursery run later. I’m making a fish pie.

@ColinUK any ear problems? That could put you off balance, but if you felt “ funny” too it would definitely be dehydration. Had you had a big meal? I’m a fainter, always have been, a big meal can do it to me.
@SueEK hope your booster went ok.
Have a good day folks, I think the summer’s over. 🙂
Very light brunch. Eggs and salmon. Coffee. That’s all. And no ear problems.
Morning folks. :D 4.0 for me.

You’re right @eggyg summer’s over. I had to put my wellies on to put the rubbish out this morning. Boo hoo.

I’ve got an appointment at pump clinic today (and enuff petrol in the tank to get there 🙂). I’ve no idea what to expect. I’m not even sure I want a pump, but I DO want to lower my pesky A1c (stuck on around 8% for ten years). Here goes nothing.
A late start again for me today
BG 8.3 at 07:50. This followed a 9.8 at bedtime but don’t think pancreas did much yesterday as levels went up gradually through the day.
Wait for having to stave off hypos as it may wake up and Chuck a Bucketful into the system making up for its Sunday day of rest.
Have a good day.
6.7 today and arm aching after booster. Hoping it’s ok tomorrow as driving to London for next hospital appointment, hoping it’s a better outcome than last time. Hubby at present queuing somewhere for fuel for the trip.
miserable weather here and police all over because of labour conference. Have a good day x
8.2 for me today. Bright sunshine and blue skies after the storm last night in Poole.

6.0 for me

All those in the town that turned the road manic trying to get fuel the other day best go and invest in a canoe as looking out the window to see the scheme flooded that's what they'll be needing seen as most roads out involve country roads that generally flood when it's like this

@Bloden good luck, do let us know how you get on, I have to admit I'd only be interested in a patch pump but I'm in no hurry xx
5.3 for me earlier despite pigging out last night on some Bitsa Wispa. 🙂

Morning all, 6.4 here. Needed a couple of biscuits before bed, and a jelly baby about an hour later, despite halving overnight basal. Don’t want to reduce it further, as I shoot upwards in the morning. It’ll settle down soon, it’s always the same when I have a change of routine.