Group 7-day waking average?

On finger pricking this morning, I was having difficulty getting any blood out so I gave the site an extra sharp squeeze. A tiny little droplet spurted out and landed on my cheek (face that is). :D Never had that before. 😳
A second puncture wound produced 5.5. 🙂

Always a joy when you squeeze extra hard and you get a trio of blood drops and look like your finger has been food for triple fanged vampire!
7.1 today. Felt a bit off yesterday after completing my first ever Park Run! And no I didn’t run anything like the whole 5km, I did a nice combo of walk and jog the whole way though and I’ll certainly be back.
Off out to meet a slightly problematic friend this morning. We’re hitting the farmers market and then a spot of brunch is in order.
He’s problematic because he’s often so wrapped up in his own stuff conversation is quite one sided.
I told him about the sexual assault stuff due example and there was no response at all other than to tell me how tough it was for him at work right now.
He means well but I’m not actually sure if there’s room in my life for him anymore. We’ve not seen each other since the first lockdown so this is an attempt to see if what was once there is even vaguely present or if it’s time to accept that we’re two very different people on two very different paths.
And later on today I’ll sink onto another episode of Foundation and all will be right with the World.

10.6 for me today

Going to apply a Libre tonight after being without for over a week now, please do wish me luck! xx
Morning all, 6.1 here, I halved my basal last night, from 3 to 1.5 units, and it stopped the drop into hypoland. Trouble is, it’s now heading for the stratosphere. I’ve got my breakfast bolus in, and waiting for the rise to flatten before I eat.
I was one of those people queuing for fuel yesterday, even though I normally wouldn’t on pricinple. Actually, not queueing, we passed a petrol station on the way back from a trip to buy fish off the beach in Aldeburgh and realised it didn’t have much of a queue. They were restricting everyone to £20 worth, but that’s given us enough to get back home at the end of our break, and to feel comfortable doing a bit of running about here. I'm sure the crisis will resolve in a few days, but for peace of mind and not ruining our holiday with worry, it was worth it.
Good luck with the sensor, @Kaylz !
Morning all folks. I’ve pottered about that much I’ve forgotten exactly what my number was. Maybe 6.4 or 6.5, it’s all the same really.

Arm very tender after Covid booster, it’s those docs, rough as anything, give me a nurse every time to give injection/ take blood everytime. Otherwise I feel fine, and relieved I’m triple jabbed!

It was lovely to see the farmers’ children yesterday. I swear grandson has grown yet again, everytime I see him he’s grown another inch. He towers over me ( doesn’t take much, 5 ft 2ins and shrinking) and has caught up with his Gags.

Nothing planned today except Amazon has just told me I’m getting a parcel, wasn’t due until tomorrow, I know they think it’s good getting things earlier but not when you have plans. 😳

Have a super Sunday all. 🙂
Morning all, 6.1 here, I halved my basal last night, from 3 to 1.5 units, and it stopped the drop into hypoland. Trouble is, it’s now heading for the stratosphere. I’ve got my breakfast bolus in, and waiting for the rise to flatten before I eat.
I was one of those people queuing for fuel yesterday, even though I normally wouldn’t on pricinple. Actually, not queueing, we passed a petrol station on the way back from a trip to buy fish off the beach in Aldeburgh and realised it didn’t have much of a queue. They were restricting everyone to £20 worth, but that’s given us enough to get back home at the end of our break, and to feel comfortable doing a bit of running about here. I'm sure the crisis will resolve in a few days, but for peace of mind and not ruining our holiday with worry, it was worth it.
Good luck with the sensor, @Kaylz !
We got petrol yesterday no bother from our local BP. We were on the last 60 miles in the tank and needed 50 for yesterday and a possible trip this week to Birmingham for BIL a funeral. So feel quite relieved. I popped down down to the garage later for eggs ( it’s a Spar) and still wasn’t any queues.
09:24 BS 7.1 ALMOST in range but, anything decent I’ll take really after 3 silly mistakes in one day, as it turned out since I’d posted my waking up after a short nap BS on Friday somewhere else: gave me a right giggle late last night before turning in when @Bloden called me on it; KNEW I’d posted it but, not a sign of it here & thought I’d lost my marbles! 😳🙄:D

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Enjoyed Strictly last night & enjoyed Robert Webb’s & Nadia’s dances the most as they made me laugh! 😛:D BUT, it was surreal to see Craig scoring so high on week one & Shirley scoring lower than Craig!o_O

Edited to correct: Oops! That should be Nina Wadia! 😳
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Morning everyone. 8.2 for me after a small hypo before bed then a high rebound overnight.
Petrol queues all around here. I filled up last Thursday so should be ok for a month, hubby needs to get fuel soon, hopefully the panic buying will have died down. Ridiculous! I love @Bexlee caption yesterday!
Not much planned today apart from ironing and watching Strictly recorded from last night.
@Kaylz good luck with the sensor!
@ColinUK sometimes friendships do run their course. I hope everything is ok one way or another.
@Northener, love the pic
@Robin enjoy your holiday.
Have a good Sunday everyone.
Morning all, 7 for me and booster jab this afternoon. No fuel for love nor money round here and I need some for Tuesday for yet another hospital appointment in London and probably getting stuck on the M25 by Greenpeace protestors again. I’m cheesed off with them, I pay a small amount each month to them and I’ve decided to cancel it as I don’t think blocking motorways does their cause any favours whatsoever. @Robin glad you managed to get some fuel. Strictly was brilliant last night, loved every minute. AJ was brilliant doing the jive but if she doesn’t stop talking I will rapidly go off her.
@freesia hope the meal went well last night and that you have a better week.
@stackingcups sorry to hear about your ongoing period. I dont know your age but I had a similar problem and after years of toing and froing to the GP and hospital I eventually had an ablation, best decision ever. Perhaps you could ask your GP about this.
@ColinUK sad to say but sometimes we have to end or put on pause some friendships, especially when so one sided, I know to my cost and emotional upset how this can effect you - only you will know what to do. Good luck with your day out x
Have a good Sunday all x
Morning All
A 7.0 for me today at 07:45. Late waking,(naughty me).
Porridge oats for breakfast. Yes plain boring 40g of oats and water. What’s life coming to? Missing my Weekend full English more than when I started in March. Oh well time rolls on and weight comes down.
2 hours later 9.8 and App is saying Glucose too variable.
No work as DVLA still can’t even open post. Bills piling up. This Type 1 is like a slow death sentence. What’s the point if life (as known before) stops.
Sorry just feeling really down. Trying to get things in balance. BUT really if this is life for eternity.
Follow advice and what good does it do?
Sorry once again for the rant!
Onwards to cook dinner. Roast chicken. Stuffing and jacket potato already in oven
Bet that will put glucose in red.
7.7 this morning, so going the wrong way after my first day of healthy eating and watching carb intake for two weeks. Been for a run this morning did 8k as both my friends hadn't run for a while so stopped at 6k then went to get coffee so I just did a bit more and met them back at the bench where we sit and chat after running.

@ColinUK - well done on the Parkrun, I have never done one as I run on a Friday morning and then again on a Sunday and don't want to run 3 consecutive days. Re the friend, I have one like that, so whilst I keep in touch with her, if I am not in a good place myself then I don't meet up with her as she will only want to talk about her problems. You do what is best for yourself.

Have a good day everyone.
@SueEK I'm 38. I've had problems like this before, but I'm always just told to lose weight. Hoping to have weight loss surgery soon and then get all the things sorted that they've been putting down to me being a fatty!
I’m certainly no medic but how can being overweight alone cause such problems which must make you continually tired and worn out. I hope you get things sorted very soon.
7.1 today. Felt a bit off yesterday after completing my first ever Park Run! And no I didn’t run anything like the whole 5km, I did a nice combo of walk and jog the whole way though and I’ll certainly be back.
Off out to meet a slightly problematic friend this morning. We’re hitting the farmers market and then a spot of brunch is in order.
He’s problematic because he’s often so wrapped up in his own stuff conversation is quite one sided.
I told him about the sexual assault stuff due example and there was no response at all other than to tell me how tough it was for him at work right now.
He means well but I’m not actually sure if there’s room in my life for him anymore. We’ve not seen each other since the first lockdown so this is an attempt to see if what was once there is even vaguely present or if it’s time to accept that we’re two very different people on two very different paths.
And later on today I’ll sink onto another episode of Foundation and all will be right with the World.
Colin,. You need to persevere with every friend you have. Trust me, as you age it's more difficult than ever to make new friends. After spending most of the last 40 years in Aussie, when we returned my old friends were either dead, moved away or we found that we had very little in common.
Keep trying.
Best regards Tony.
No work as DVLA still can’t even open post
Have you tried contacting your MP? My licence took months to come back. Eventually i emailed my MP telling him the problem and saying that as the DVLA were a gov department and the gov were encouraging us all to get back to work, it beggared belief that they were not making their own departments go back. It was probably coincidence but the following week i had a copy of a letter he had sent to the DVLA and a couple of days later, my licence came through!
hope the meal went well last night and
Thank you. It was a lovely evening. I've always cooked for family but never friends so i was a bit nervous that they would like my cooking. Luckily they did and ate every bit.
Morning All
A 7.0 for me today at 07:45. Late waking,(naughty me).
Porridge oats for breakfast. Yes plain boring 40g of oats and water. What’s life coming to? Missing my Weekend full English more than when I started in March. Oh well time rolls on and weight comes down.
2 hours later 9.8 and App is saying Glucose too variable.
No work as DVLA still can’t even open post. Bills piling up. This Type 1 is like a slow death sentence. What’s the point if life (as known before) stops.
Sorry just feeling really down. Trying to get things in balance. BUT really if this is life for eternity.
Follow advice and what good does it do?
Sorry once again for the rant!
Onwards to cook dinner. Roast chicken. Stuffing and jacket potato already in oven
Bet that will put glucose in red.
Life is sweet at any price.