Group 7-day waking average?

what are the pumps on offer to you? xx
She showed me the T-slim, the Medtronic 780 and the Omnipod. She also directed me to the DTN diabetes education website to find out more. From a practical point of view, I like the Omni cos there’s no tubing and cos the remote control looks big enuff to be able to read without a magnifying glass LOL.

There are colour choices @SB2015? o_O
First up I think.

Good morning all. Wow the weather has changed pretty quickly. Very dark out there. Very cold out there. Thankfully it's not raining out there. Very Autumnal.

4.9 BG this morning. Happy with that.

My pulse has increasingly been below the 'danger' level recently (<55bpm). This morning it was 54 bpm. But I suspect my meter as the omron often reads higher. No other effects too. Should I buy a new oxy meter. Does anyone else have a problem with their oxy meter giving duff pulse readings. It can't be all that hard to produce an accurate pulse counter, surely,

I had to get a C19 test. I had returned to our local church recently as I desperately needed some human interaction and I wanted to get back into playing my keyboard. All went well for a few weeks too. Then the inevitable happened. Two of the 'leaders' had tested positive for C19. Anyway, I got a test done the day after being notified by them ( very responsible of them) and the test came back the next day as negative. Big sigh of relief and a decision to stay away until things are truly resolved C19 wise. I must say I was shocked and dismayed that they had got C19 positive tests, but not overly surprised. But I was surprised at how upset I became over it all. Of course I couldn't tell my wife as she would have really reacted badly to it all sadly.

How is anything ever going to go back to 'normal'. Should it?

Oh well, out for some longer exercise today. I ended up nibbling stuff over the last few days through stress (I think) and put on a little weight. I will sort that out in short order.

I may buy some new pots and pans today. Our present ones which we have had forever have metal handles that often get very hot and can burn!!! Silly design. Saw some the other day in our local Sainsburys that do not have metal handles and I thought that it was about time I changed things, especially as we now cook more. Man, I can be very slow at times!!!
Morning all 6.6 today and up bright and early as off to hospital again. Will be a long day and hope to come home happy.
Have a good day all x
Morning all. :D 5.9 here.

Hope they don’t tire you out with their poking n prodding @SueEK.

It’s v grey n wintery here this morning. The beach beckons - there’s a couple of puppy newbies on our morning walk...awwww, so cuuuute. I hope we see them this morning.:D
3.7 but finding that i am testing less and putting health monitoring further back in my mind so just living not constantly testing bg/bp etc.
Morning all. 6.9 today, no sniggering on the back row you lot! 😉

Damp morning but not as breezy as yesterday. No plans again, I might catch up with Strictly whilst ironing. I missed it Saturday as had a late tea after visiting family, and I’ll miss it this week as we’re having a dinner party, Greek night, without the plate smashing! Got lots of plans and will probably spend three days shopping and prepping for it. First guests since the pandemic struck last year. Looking forward to it, I’m a feeder!

@Gwynn Mr Eggy got a message last night from a friend he was out with on Friday, he’s got Covid, he started feeling ill on Saturday. We’re going to do a LF in a day or two, definitely before our dinner party. Fingers crossed we’re ok. As you say, when will it end?

@SueEK good luck today, all fingers and toes crossed you’re got some petrol! Oh, and you have a successful appointment of course.🙂

@Bloden sounds like a great appointment.
2.9 on the Libre after I woke up with it reading "LO" an hour and a half earlier! Finger prick said 4.1 at that time so not even hypo at all but I decided to placate it with 1 Lift tablet. Anyway that sensor has just ended and I'm in the warm up period for the new one but I have a huge amount of time in the red again last night according to my graph and my TIR is showing a whopping 11% below target 😱 and just 4% above. Just as well we don't have to totally rely on these things. They are fantastic when they work well but frustrating when they don't! The worry is that I am starting to get a bit blaze about the low readings it gives during the night and the temptation early this morning was to go back to sleep and ignore it because it has been "crying wolf" too many times, rather than reach for my BG kit and test.

@SueEK Hope you have a smooth journey and a positive result from your check up.

@Bloden So pleased you had a positive experience with your appointment and exciting that you have been given the nod for a pump but so sad that your previous appointments have been so stressful and demoralizing. A health care professional should never be making their patients feel so dejected. That really is shocking! I hope this consultant remains in post for a long time to come to oversee your care.
There are colour choices @SB2015?
The Dana came in Lime green which tempted me!!!
I saw someone with a cover on her Omnipod recently and she has different colours for different outfits.

I have the Medtronic 780. (Which only came in black, although some cannulas come in colours)
I am self funding the sensors and using the pump as a closed loop system is such a game changer for me.
I spoke to some people on T-slim and there seem to be pros and cons for each. Nothing is perfect and it is a case of making whichever one you choose work for you. If you want any info about 780 fire away.
Morning All
A 7.1 for me today following 7.5 last night.
Total carbs for yesterday were 125 and calories 1119.
Had a busy day yesterday.
On phoning DVLA. Yes I got through, eventually and was told that they scanned onto the system, my July application for return of PSV license on Saturday. How long they now take to deal with it is anyone’s guess? One of my colleagues reckon it was due to Welsh Sheep Sh……ing Season ending on Friday. I’m no sure as isn’t it a little like DFS sales. One ends Monday and next one starts Tuesday.
Then it was phoning Citizans Advice. They reckon I can get universal credit so talked me through how to apply.
Next up was diabetic Nurse. She looked at figures and surprised me. Leave insulin 2 units per Am and Pm ( M3) for moment but increase carbs so eating fairly normally. Yes BG levels rise but this can be balanced by more insulin and then when enough can change insulin and basal bolus.
So this morning for breakfast 35 porridge oats banana mixed in. Cup coffee and a pint of cordial ( tropical). 42 carbs and 223 calories. Can only wait and see what happens. I’ve got new guessing game or betting on figures. Anyone want to join the betting on my BG. (I could make a fortune as the book maker always wins. ). Lol
First up I think.

Good morning all. Wow the weather has changed pretty quickly. Very dark out there. Very cold out there. Thankfully it's not raining out there. Very Autumnal.

4.9 BG this morning. Happy with that.

My pulse has increasingly been below the 'danger' level recently (<55bpm). This morning it was 54 bpm. But I suspect my meter as the omron often reads higher. No other effects too. Should I buy a new oxy meter. Does anyone else have a problem with their oxy meter giving duff pulse readings. It can't be all that hard to produce an accurate pulse counter, surely,

I had to get a C19 test. I had returned to our local church recently as I desperately needed some human interaction and I wanted to get back into playing my keyboard. All went well for a few weeks too. Then the inevitable happened. Two of the 'leaders' had tested positive for C19. Anyway, I got a test done the day after being notified by them ( very responsible of them) and the test came back the next day as negative. Big sigh of relief and a decision to stay away until things are truly resolved C19 wise. I must say I was shocked and dismayed that they had got C19 positive tests, but not overly surprised. But I was surprised at how upset I became over it all. Of course I couldn't tell my wife as she would have really reacted badly to it all sadly.

How is anything ever going to go back to 'normal'. Should it?

Oh well, out for some longer exercise today. I ended up nibbling stuff over the last few days through stress (I think) and put on a little weight. I will sort that out in short order.

I may buy some new pots and pans today. Our present ones which we have had forever have metal handles that often get very hot and can burn!!! Silly design. Saw some the other day in our local Sainsburys that do not have metal handles and I thought that it was about time I changed things, especially as we now cook more. Man, I can be very slow at times!!!
Don’t discount metal handled pots and pans right away because lots of them are designed to stay cool. Mine are all metal handled and on the hob they’re fine to handle but like molten iron if you pop them in the oven!
I'm back to 9.6 but that's still no medication so I guess an improvement after breakfast it will lower to about 6.5. So as long as I eat it seems to lower. In the night it was 14.3 so I forget that one except I'd like it to stop as it wakes me up.. was going to say something else but TMI
5.6 this morning for me. 🙂 Good result after last night's once in a while pasta treat. :D

6.1 this morning.
BG was all over the place yesterday with I suspect is the aftermath of what happened Sunday. It was also probably to blame for me feeling like utter crap all day yesterday too. Slept better last night (better for me anyway) and a nice gentle day planned today as I’m not working today. A little housework, a huge salad for lunch I think and then a stint on the exercise bike whilst watching Spectre definitely and maybe Skyfall as well. Tickets are booked for No Time to Die and I’m looking forward to going to the cinema again!
I'm back to 9.6 but that's still no medication so I guess an improvement after breakfast it will lower to about 6.5. So as long as I eat it seems to lower. In the night it was 14.3 so I forget that one except I'd like it to stop as it wakes me up.. was going to say something else but TMI
Say what you want to say! Nothing is TMI on this forum.
@DuncanLord So pleased the DSN has encouraged you to up your carb intake. Yes, it will likely cause your levels to go higher but that is because you will need more insulin. You have been trying to suppress your levels by severely restricting your diet and doing exercise.... ie trying to manage your Type 1 like a Type 2 and were stuck in a Catch 22 situation. My "guess" is that you might go as high as 15 or perhaps higher (not putting money on it though) but that is OK. It just means you need more insulin and hopefully that means they will swap you onto a basal/bolus system. That will take time to understand and get to grips with and ideally you need to do that before you get your license back, so the sooner your levels go higher and your insulin needs increase, the better in my opinion. The last thing you need is to be hitting the road with a bus load of people and trying to get to grips with a new insulin regime at the same time.

7.2 for me

@SueEK good luck today, I hope you get the result you are hoping for

@DuncanLord I'm going to go for a 13.4 xx
Well I haven't had any Fiasp this morning with levels being low when I got up and no breakfast yet and FOTF has taken me up to 7.7 (finger prick) and the first reading on this new sensor just gave me 8.1, which is close enough so hopefully this sensor is going to be better. How is your new sensor measuring up @Kaylz ?