Group 7-day waking average?

Evening all! Couldnt get on this morning and haven't had a minute all day, work work work! Anyway it was 5.9 this morning and the last few nights i've had rises around 2am which stay in the 12s or low 13s most of the night before dropping back down to about 7-8 around 6am. Time to up the basal a bit i think now its getting colder.

@MeeTooTeeTwo the spider sounds terrifying. I'm so glad it was at your house not mine, just reading about it gave me shivers. I so scared of them!!

@eggyg sounds like a good haul. I like Peter May and really enjoy CL Taylor. I'm reading a few Rachel Abbot atm.

@Kaylz i can't believe the engineer didn't come and you have to wait longer!

@stackingcups thats a fab reading this morning. Well done.

@SueEK its good you have the best consultant for the job but still frustrating and uncomfortable for you. I hope they sort it out for you.

Well, Friday tomorrow and i can't wait. Its been another extremely long week. This time tomorrow i'll be home, pjs on and starting to relax a bit (hopefully). Hope you've all had a good day today.
A camera would be a good investment perhaps but where does the tripod go and wouldn't the cape thing limit visibility a bit much?!
Put it on top of crash helmet . I can’t fit mine to mobility scooter. I had full headlights behind me and turned to get away from him and turned over. Also too close to me. Hurt my hip and if it hadn't been for allendronic infusions it would have broken. Police and ambulance blamed me but I’m road legal. Some right shts out there
It is the afternoon, I have contamination OCD which you can imagine is 100 times worse right now with a global pandemic on the go so I cant stand people having to come in the house, touch things etc, no nap but hopefully I'll get some sleep tonight xx
Hope you sleep tonight. It must be terrible for you. Hope they’ve gone and you’re ok
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Greetings everyone 🙂

Finally made it here 😛 Not only did the forum have a wobble but our Wi-Fi has been wobbling big time😡

Woke up at 5.3 🙂 Bowling yesterday was fun, sadly still no wins (95 vs 85 and 104 vs 91) but 2 PBs I’ll take that:D

Hoping people have had a good day today and sending hugs and support to those who need it 🙂
Well diabetic chaos has continued
I posted this morning about a 9.3 before breakfast so had my 40g of porridge and a banana plus cup of coffee. 45 carbs and 242 calories
At lunchtime BG was 12.0 so needed something to eat and had a park belly and an egg omelette. 2 carbs and 307 cal.
Just tested before Dinner and my insulin 2 units.
BG. 6.1. Not surprised it’s gone down and yes cheating system but didn’t want to sore into the skies without a parachute. Lol.
Dinner is an individual Holland’s Meat and potato pie. 100g carrot. 100g peas. Gravy. 200 g natural yoghurt. Orange cordial and cup coffee. 83 carbs and 677 calories
Any guesses where we go tonight!
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30/09/21 23:24 BS 8.8 Uhmm! But, it was about 40 minutes late, again, for LR as I finally got a decent amount of sleep & was annoyingly interupted by the alarm, responded very reluctantly eventually & suddenly it’s coming up to half eleven! 🙄

Yesterday’s results are too inconclusive, I think, as I was quite distracted, by multiple postings, & let the DP effect run away with it going too high before I started to do anything about it. It took me until about 1 hour & 15 minutes before I started to eat, after the 8.6 post, & didn’t test again before wolfing down my full fat greek yoghurt for breakfast & it was 1 hour & 22 minutes after NR before I was finished, that’s really fast eating for me as I was starving by then! 😱 I then kept testing about every half hour until the rest of the active NR was up & it took another 2 hours after eating to peak:- 13:12 BS 11.1, 13:59 BS 12.4 not unduly worried as I kind of knew it was too soon for me to peak yet, 14:27 BS 12.7 thought this is about the time I would be peaking & relieved it didn’t go that much higher, 15:15 BS 12.5 A hah! My instinct was right & I’m starting to come down now but, the 4 hours of active NR were more or less up at 3 hours & 53 minutes! Was REALLY TIRED by then & wanted to sleep &, knowing that 78 units of LR will only hold me steady while I slept, it was too high a BS to leave it there so, I worked out what my usual correction would be, 12.5 down to 6 for safety equals roughly 6 for easy maths, & minus 2, for safety again, to inject 10 units of NR before turning in!🙄

AWWW! It was heavenly to get a decent sleep after all the disturbed, anxious, little naps of these past few days! 😛 And only the 10pm alarm annoyed me as I was quite deeply under & was very slow to respond! But, eventually did & I not TOO unhappy with 8.8!🙂

LR in a bit late & now the dilemma of whether I want to sleep again or do I want to eat? It was too soon to know so, I compromised & stuck in a wee correction of 4 units of NR, again knowing 78 units of LR will only hold me steady, & tried going back to sleep! But, my stomach started to rumble & I knew I wanted to eat so, it was about midnight when I got up & decided on 38 units of NR, 40 is usual breakfast dose, if it isn’t yoghurt, minus the 4 I’d already put in & +2 for the higher BS, only time will tell if that’s the right dose? 🙄

Now, going to watch episode 2 of Rupaul’s drag race while I monitor my BS for the next few hours! 🙄
Well, breakfast results are again inconclusive & it’s going to be a tricky one that’ll take me a bit of time to crack: sucking up the pain as the constant testing continues; gathering new knowledge of DP & peaking times for the trickiest meal of them all! 🙄

Didn't test at 00:03, worked out from Insulcheck & the meter time at first test, when I injected 38 NR so, don’t know what 4 NR did for DP & I only did it that way as I really wasn’t sure if I could/would sleep some more & compromised the results a bit! First test around the 90 minutes mark 01:28 BS 16.2 😱 Eek! Suspect a combo of DP &/or not enough NR but, no corrections at all no matter how high it goes as I suspect I may not have peaked yet? 2nd test around the 2 hours mark 01:55 BS 17.1😱😱 Double Eek! Suspected as much & hopefully this IS the peak? 3rd test around the 2 hours & 40 minutes test, a bit late as was distracted by watching Drag Race, 02:35 BS 14.1 Phew! A bit of a longer pause to test where I end up towards the end of the 4 hours of active NR 03:47 BS 10.1 at the 3 hours & 56 minutes mark!:confused: So, so & still needs tweaking! Stuck in a correction of 6 NR: aimed for 6, for safety, with usual correction factor equals 8 units for a 4mmol drop; minus -2 for 6 units, again for safety!🙄

Now, I again don’t know if/how long I’ll stay up for or if I’ll sleep again: if I stay up for more meals I’ll use the normal incremental decreasing doses & test peak times for those but, I suspect that my peaking time is 2 hours now instead of the previous 90 minutes; if I sleep I’ll start again with breakfast dose & I’ll try holding off on eating again after the injection to gather more info? Another Glasses On & Notebook In Hand emoji!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉
Beaten to todays start line by Lanny ! Oh well at 4:30am BG 5.3. So close (again)

Well, i got off my backside yesterday, in the end, and built the 2 kitchen cupboards/shelves. Only one big snag. The wood shop where I buy the wood didn't have the thickness of wood I had expected. I had to do some quick recalculations and got one measurement wrong. Thankfully, it was for an extra, experimental piece, so all was well. They do need painting but the paint (if I have any left) is in the shed and right now its too dark and tipping it down to go get the paint.

Today, if I can work out stuff, I will fit a new kitchen 'side' light, now thats getting darker. With just the main light on I still find it difficult to see what I am doing with my shaddow being cast over the work surface by the main light!!!

I didn't go for a walk yesterday as it rained all day. But I exercised a lot by making the cupboards/shelves and lost a little weight in the process. I am now just under my goal weight.

This morning some of my muscles ache a bit so I must have been working them harder. I guess it made up for my not going for a walk!

If I can sort it out I will shove an image of the 2 cupboard/shelves ( they need painting), just in situ to see if they are going to work out. They will. They don't look like much, but to me they are a great achievement, so I am happy. More importantly, my wife was really happy with them too but now wants me to make one more for another part of the kitchen!!! That'll teach me to do a reasonable job!!

Today, delivery from Sainsburys, and a delivery of some well needed pots and pans too from Pro Cook (our 30 year old ones really should be replaced ( I suddenly realised the other day - ok, I'm a bit slow. After all I am a male! 🙂 )

Have a great day

New Kitchen Cupboard Shelve things 1.jpg
A very early good morning to you all. 7.4 today. Would have posted earlier but didn’t want to usurp @Gwynn! 😉 And I needed fed so have had a small slice of toast already!

I have glad tidings this morning. I unexpectedly received a letter from the hospital Diabetes Team re a group education session to trial the Freestyle Libre. My DSN mentioned in my annual review in May, that she would put me forward as a candidate to hopefully get it on prescription. I hadn’t heard anything at all and just thought the wheels were grinding slowly and wasn’t too concerned, if it happened it did, if it didn’t well so be it. It’s 11th October held locally, in person! I was sent a link to order my trial Libre, which I’ve duly done. I can’t download the App as my ancient IPhone 6s doesn’t support it. (I’m getting a reader instead.) Time for an upgrade maybe? I’ll see if I get it on prescription first.( Not the phone!) What is everyone else’s experience, did you do education part and then got it straight away, or was there another long wait? Don’t want to upgrade my phone yet as I still have 9 months left of my contract and would have to pay it off. I really don’t like getting new phones, it’s taken me over two years to get used to this one! I am excited though, I’ve used the Libre sporadically over the years but just Libre 1.

Busy day today cooking for tomorrow’s Greek night with friends, first I need to go shopping. nipped to Aldi last night to get some bits and pieces, primarily garlic, lemons, Greek yoghurt, feta. Only got yoghurt! I can’t even start anything without garlic or lemons. I couldn’t get lemons in Tesco on Wednesday either, in fact the fruit and veg aisles were positively bare! I’m going to our local butchers/ fishmongers/ veg shop today anyways for squid so fingers crossed for lemons and garlic at least, otherwise Greek night might just turn out to be roast lamb and all the trimmings! AKA Sunday dinner! 😳

Have a fab Friday all, and @Gwynn I’ve got serious stove envy! 🙂
Morning all. Upped basal by half a unit last night but needed a 1u correction an hour before bed as i was a tad still too high after tea. Woke to a 4.7, now up to 6.2.

So glad its Friday. Its been a long week again. Have a good day all.
D is weird, 6.2 after burger and chips last night 😳. Popping into work today to take my new sick certificate in, change of scenery. Going to work out how to set times for central heating since having new boiler, feel we may need it soon. Nothing else exciting happening.
@eggyg good luck with the course and getting the freestyle Libre x
Have a good day all xx
Morning all, 5.4 here. Off home this morning, so just about to embark on a flurry of bed stripping, packing etc. Could be a wet journey though.
I did my training on line, @eggyg , (on something like Zoom, or Teams etc) I'm sure they emailed all the forms at the same time, for us to sign and return, and told us which one to hand in to our GP to get the prescription, so it was straight way . That’s another story, though. I duly printed it and put it in the prescription box at our surgery, and ….nothing. Checked online, and it had been put in the ,acute' section, rather than 'repeats' but not issued. Rang to enquire, was told, oh, the doctors don’t like to put anything new straight onto a repeat, that’s why it’s in the 'acute' list. Oh right, I said, but it hasn’t been issued. 'Oh' said the receptionist with amazement in her voice. ‘Did you want one?' ..Well duh!
There’s no way I’m competing with you early birds to be first on parade LOL! o_O

Morning all. :D 5.1 here.

Well, a busy day today by my standards - Welsh class, then drive to Swansea, cuppa, walk my brother’s dog, and stay the night at my mum’s. And I’ll get to watch tonight’s GBBO’s Extra Slice in peace! :D
Good morning, it’s a new month 7.0 with an added pinch & punch!

I hope you’re all doing alright. I’ve found it really hard to wrestle with my diabetes lately and felt a bit urgh.

Off to buy a waterproof jacket as going to a rugby match tomorrow and my showerproof jacket won’t be up to the job, ooh mustn’t forget a carrier bag to tie around my plaster cast to keep my leg dry. Forget Lila Moss with her pump - this is cutting edge diabetes accessorising! 😱

Hope you have a good day🙂
Well....all ready for work, was just about to scan and leave when i realise i don't feel right. Just as i was finger pricking my low alarm went off (its a bit slow today, i have it set at 4.5 so i can head anything off) and yep, finger prick shows hypo. Now treating and obvs can't drive for 45 min after so will be late in work and spending the day trying to catch up 🙄