Group 7-day waking average?

6.6 today and going out for brekkie. My favourite dr at work gave me a lovely big cuddle yesterday when I popped in which was so sweet. Going to my friends tonight for a ‘girlie night’, not going out just having a few drinks and a catch up so looking forward to that.
@ColinUK congrats on your HS
@freesia hope you manage to get a lovely long lie in tomorrow xx
Enjoy your day all xx
Good morning everyone. Exhausted already having just painted the newly built kitchen cupboard/shelf things at 6am.

Tested before that and it was 4.6. I seem to be getting consistently lower readings now. Nearer the 4.5 mark.

Out for a walk after breakfast. Need the fresh air. The paint was a bit smelly and pungent. No doubt I will get it in the neck from my wife when she wakes up. Maybe I will go fo a very very long walk ! 🙂

I bought her a decent new set of pots and pans which turned up yesterday. She was very happy with them.

So, generally, a good few days. Hooray.

Lets hope the weekend is a good one.

Still haven't put up the new kitchen side light. Not quite sure how to do it yet....
Morning all. An almost unheard of, for me, 7.9. Something is definitely going on, I don’t usually get fluctuating figures, even when ailing for something. TBF I don’t ail much, so can only blame the Pfizer booster. I’ve even had a half unit correction on top of my 1:5 breakfast ratio. Won’t mess with my basal tonight as I’ll be having a wee drink or 6 tonight and eating throughout the evening. We’re having meze, so just grazing all night basically.

Must dash, lots to do although I got the worst over with yesterday, dishwasher was on three times!

Have a super Saturday all.
Congratulations @ColinUK on your elusive HS. Well done.
@freesia enjoy your “ wig bashing”!
@SueEK enjoy your girlie night. 🙂
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Good morning all, been to Greece for an amazing holiday and my sensor survived hours of swimming. Success!

I got my Hb1AC test back yesterday and it was 36 so happy with that. I woke up with 4.7 and a higher number with blood. This sensor is reading lots lower but that's ok.

I wish you all a good day.
Looks like I’m first today. And with a rarely spotted 5.2!
According to my calculations yesterday I had roughly 32g of carbs including a piece of utterly delicious Willies Cacoa chocolate. Breakfast was mooshed avocado and egg on a couple of pieces of LivLif bread, basically a green salad with a few olives, cherry tomatoes and a grating of vintage Gouda over the top, dinner was homemade kinda chilli with cauli rice plus 10g of the delicious chocolate.
BG ranged over the day yesterday from 5.3 - 6.7 so firmly in the green all day long.

No work today so contemplating another Parkrun this morning but it’s so cold out there today the birds are shivering to keep warm!
Congratulations on the HS and having such an amazing day. Enjoy your Parkrun.
@New-journey congrats on your brilliant result, well done. X
Congratulation on the HS @ColinUK 🙂 and well done to @New-journey on that great A1c test result.🙂
4.9 for me this am. 🙂

Morning All
A late start for me today.
congratulations @ColinUK on the elusive number.
A 7.0 for me this morning, which does not tell the truth, of the problem

Yesterday I was 8.1 on waking climbing through the day. Lunch 9.5. Dinner 14.5. To 15.1 before driving to the Swimming Pool.
52 lengths later, BG was 8.8
By bed at midnight plus it was 7.6.
total carbs yesterday 197 and 1216 calories

may least I’ve got meetings Monday with diabetes team
Morning all, 5.4 here. Off home this morning, so just about to embark on a flurry of bed stripping, packing etc. Could be a wet journey though.
I did my training on line, @eggyg , (on something like Zoom, or Teams etc) I'm sure they emailed all the forms at the same time, for us to sign and return, and told us which one to hand in to our GP to get the prescription, so it was straight way . That’s another story, though. I duly printed it and put it in the prescription box at our surgery, and ….nothing. Checked online, and it had been put in the ,acute' section, rather than 'repeats' but not issued. Rang to enquire, was told, oh, the doctors don’t like to put anything new straight onto a repeat, that’s why it’s in the 'acute' list. Oh right, I said, but it hasn’t been issued. 'Oh' said the receptionist with amazement in her voice. ‘Did you want one?' ..Well duh!
Thanks for that Robin. Hopefully it’ll go a bit more smoothly than your experience.
Morning all, 4.2 here. Must have been the flurry of washing I did yesterday when we got home, having checked the weather forecast for today. (Or more likely the couple of glasses of red wine last night). Must have been windy while we were away, the runner bean canes had completely blown over. Still producing plenty of beans though!

8.5 here

Server was down at Lidl yesterday so Bruce couldn't use the screenshot of the Lidl Plus card, gutted as I had a £10 off coupon from the previous month that ran out yesterday xx

8.5 here

Server was down at Lidl yesterday so Bruce couldn't use the screenshot of the Lidl Plus card, gutted as I had a £10 off coupon from the previous month that ran out yesterday xx
Oh bum!!
7.8 for me after dinner last night at the Chequers Inn Lytchett Matravers a local country pub. I just couldn't resist the 16oz rump steak on offer and paid for it with a bedtime reading of 10.8......... A bit wild and wooly out there today, might take a stroll down to the sea and check out the big waves with this storm, we're forecast to get 40-50mph gales today so a bit bracing down there.
@ColinUK congats on the HS, I can only wish for readings that low.
6.6 after a really bad day eating wise this is the best I have had in weeks, lost a1lb so only 2 of the holiday gain to lose now, and 7 in total to where I want to be.

@ColinUK - congrats on your HS, which Parkrun do you go to and is it paths, my local one is on grass which puts me off, as well as would mean I was running 4 days in a row which might be a bit much for me.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Server was down at Lidl yesterday so Bruce couldn't use the screenshot of the Lidl Plus card, gutted as I had a £10 off coupon from the previous month that ran out yesterday xx
Contact their customer services. It was their fault not yours, so you shouldn't be penalised. 🙂
Contact their customer services. It was their fault not yours, so you shouldn't be penalised. 🙂
I did last night along with screenshots of my active coupons and a picture of the paper receipt, hopefully they'll do the right thing and add it back on! As was also £67odd towards this months coupon plus missed out on xx