Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 6.2 today

I haven’t read through everybody’s posts but hope were all doing OK
have A great day everybody 😎 😎
Slightly disappointing 8.0 this morning. Only thing out of the ordinary for me last night was 70% chocolate instead of 85 and I was on a 7.8 before bed last night.

I’ll hop on the exercise bike for a little bit in a while and that’ll bring it down I’m sure. Also walking to/from the office again today and that’s about 45 mins brisk walk uphill all the way this morning. Lovely slow amble all the way down the hill afterwards of course!

Stepped up routine BG checks just to get back on top of things and help me take control and make more informed mindful decisions.
Morning everyone. 5.4 for me. Exhausted and we're not even halfway through the half term!!
Enjoy your day whatever you are doing.
Morning all from a still darkish North Cumbria and it’s nearly 7.30. 6.7 for me today.

Off to a hospital appointment this morning in West Cumbria, they still eat their young there! Just joking, sort of, I lived there when I was a child. Anyhoo, off to see someone in ENT about my ringing/ whooshing/sensitive to high pitched noise ears, and associated balance issues. Think today is just an hearing test, pity I’ve to drive two hours to get it done, but that’s the way it goes at the minute though. I might pop and see my childhood village on the way home, if there’s anyone left! 😉

Have a great day all. 🙂
Morning all, 5.9 here. Heating has come on again this morning, expect it was cold outside again last night.
Oh, just checked our neighbour's weather station, which he conveniently relays online. 10 degrees, but yesterday it was a foggy 7, brrr.
6.9 today. Unexpected visitor yesterday which was nice. Thinking of popping into work as good friends last day today.
Have a good day x
5.1 today. I just keep yo-yoing on either side of that special number. 🙂

Morning everyone 🙂 6.3 today

Thanks @Bloden my appointment went very well, my DSN did a HbA1c check and it was 43 which is apparently very good. I know that when in hospital it was 100+ but I can’t remember the exact number. I don’t have to go back until December, although I have an appointment with the dietitian today to check carb counting is going well.

Meal out with dad and nan was nice , pizza night tonight which should be interesting BG wise 😉

Wishing everyone a great day 😎

8.something for me, was ages ago so forgotten lol

Well Bruce's present was finally ordered yesterday after the company eventually got back to me, also ordered a book for mum's birthday and a box of Black Magic while I was ordering her 3kg of chocolate limes from the site that sells wholesale to the public, there seems to be some issues with chocolate limes as none of the shops here that usually have bags of them have any and the wholesale website was out of stock of most brands, thankfully Bruce managed to get his hands on a bag at Tesco in the next town so that'll keep her going until the 3kg arrive 🙄 xx
I’m considering registering for a half marathon for DUK in April 2022. I don’t run anywhere at the moment so someone please talk me out of this madness!
Not sure what happened to my post just now. It seemed to just dissapear.

Ahh found it in the wrong topic. I hope that's not a foretaste of how things are going to go today....

And now I can't paste it in here!!!

I have odd days when silly little things constantly go awry.

Anyway BG 4.8 which is excellent.

My feet tingling and numbness continues to reduce which is encouraging. I hope it goes away completely.

Nothing planned for today and the cold wind has picked up too, so I am not sure if I will go out for a walk either. Not keen on 'cold'.

My weight is just under my goal but I am struggling to eat enough without breaking the carb limit which is already raised for weight maintenance to 150g a day. I preder it to be under 100g.
Glad to hear your feet are better. I have the same issue, had it for 2-3 years, and have only just understood it may be down to the diabetes before I was diagnosed. What have you done specifically to alleviate the symptoms?
Cheers, Tony
7.1 today. Beaut day out there cobbers! Off to Weymouth for another of the lovely Jane's "little run out" today.
Well, I have walked up to the yard (steep hill), fed and mucked out and groomed 4 horses and my levels have barely budged and my current reading is 4.9. If the straight line continues, do I assume I have died and I am now existing in some parallel universe where BG levels behave themselves! If so, I like it here! :D
I’m considering registering for a half marathon for DUK in April 2022. I don’t run anywhere at the moment so someone please talk me out of this madness!
What one are you thinking of doing? I am doing the London Landmarks in April, but running for Tommys, was supposed to do it in 2020, but got postponed 3 times, then I couldn't make the 1st August date. If it is a different one I'll come and join you.

7.5 for me this morning, a lovely day out at Southend yesterday, did 26,000 steps walking but also with my evening run.


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Barfly, I am running an experiment after reading someone elses thoughts on neuropathy and they seem to have helped themselves. It might have been on this forum.

I have started taking three new supplements from a company called Biovea

1. Evening Primrose Oil (1300mg tablets)
2. R-Alpha Lipoic Acid (apparently the R is important) + Biotin
3. A type of Vitamin C tablet called Friendly-C (500mg tablets) - a sort of multi mineral/vitamin

I take one of each per day early in the morning 30 mins before breakfast. It was recommended to take them on an empty stomach.

A word of note regarding Biovea. Their communication seems very poor, delivery is quite slow (took 2 weeks to arrive) but they are legit. However, there are a few poor reviews on the internet (and good ones too) which almost put me off.

The results for me have been very encouraging and surprisingly quick. The tingling and numbness are significantly reduced but not completely gone (after just one week). However, this is an experiment by me on me and may not suit or work for anyone else. If anyone considers trying it then please consult your doctor first and look it up on the internet.

It could be all just a load of hogwash, but I am keen to try anything to stop the neuropathy. I am none too keen on amputations either.

I will post any results as they come along, good or bad.

One other point. If this can help others at all then that would be very good. The NHS's stock response that neuropathy is permanent and irreversible is a bit too stark and discouraging.
What one are you thinking of doing? I am doing the London Landmarks in April, but running for Tommys, was supposed to do it in 2020, but got postponed 3 times, then I couldn't make the 1st August date. If it is a different one I'll come and join you.

7.5 for me this morning, a lovely day out at Southend yesterday, did 26,000 steps walking but also with my evening run.
London Landmarks Half - but for DUK

And I've just signed up and paid for the space.
10:04 BS 8.4 Hmm! Could be better but, had a case of the munchies late last night as I watched the last Bond film & interrupted just after 1am by my BT hub going offline for an hour: periodically does this every so often around the early hours for some reason; had a couple of 25g Walkers Fish & Chips crisps without any bolus! I know I don’t need bolus for 1 bag & should have bolused a wee bit for 2 but, too late at night to think about how much & left it! So, finished the whole Bond film journey, finally, & went to bed around 4am! I enjoyed The Spy Who Loved Me the most, nostalgic 1st Bond for me, & Skyfall which REALLY stood out at the time & still packs a punch now! 😛

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

PS:- haven’t watched The Great British Bake off in years since the move to channel 4 but, decided to give it go again. Crikey! There were some very MESSY mini rolls! :D