Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 6.2 here. Our 37th Wedding anniversary today. I can still remember vividly the rain hammering down on the vestry roof while we were signing the register, and after we came back down the aisle we cowered in the doorway until it had stopped. The poor organist got to the end of Widor's Toccata and manfully played it all over again, his fingers must have been dropping off. Luckily at that point the sun came out for the photos.
@Robin - many congratulations on your anniversary. Enjoy your day x
Morning all. :D 6.7 here.

Oo, Oo, what is this mysterious gift @Kaylz - do tell. Congrats on your 12 years (and 1day) together.

Off to catch up with my mum’s news today. She’s been on her annual trip to the Lakes with her 3 sisters, so there’ll be lots of funny stories. The inhabitants of Hawkshead are still reeling...😳😛

Congrats @Robin - I hope you’ve got something nice planned.
Morning everyone 🙂 5.3 today after a random 11.9 last night

Bowling was great even though I lost both games (123 vs 82 and 111 vs 77). He was beaten at pool and Pac-Man air hockey though so I think we’re even 😛

Watched Bake Off last night and it definitely feels different when you’re diabetic. I still want tleat everything though lol.

My diabetic appointment was moved to today so have that to look forward to, followed by trip to nans and a meal out later 🙂

Wishing everyone a pleasant day 😎
8.2 today for me. A bit high, wondering if it was the KFF (Kentucky fried fish from M&S basa fillets covered in batter stuff - bloomin' delicious) with the cheese sauce and veg I had last night or the 21 mile bike ride yesterday. I thought exercise was supposed to reduce your levels, well I was pretty knackered afterwards too. Had a good night's kip too so not sure what's going on.
Another beaut day here in Poole, off to Men's Shed later.
5.3 for me today. 🙂
And congratulations to @Robin and @Kaylz on your respective anniversaries.

Morning all. 6.5 for me today.
It’s not a very nice day, just nondescript. No big plans again, it’s great. No news on BIL funeral yet, hoping to hear soon as it’s a long way from us and we may need to stay over.
Bake Off was great, I like them all at the moment, but Jürgen and Giuseppe stand out so far, very precise. I really like the young vegan girl, she’s really quite funny. Pru’s doppelgänger is also very likeable. Good show. @Telemóveis it’s too early to want to eat the cakes, most of them are too messy! I’ll give it a couple of weeks before I start drooling! 😉

Happy anniversary @Robin. Hope you both have a lovely day. It’s also my bother in law’s and sister in law’s anniversary, their 20th. They had lovely autumnal weather if I remember rightly. They are currently in West Yorkshire celebrating, without the children!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday everyone. 🙂

8.5 for me today

@Bexlee @MeeTooTeeTwo and @Bloden thanks 🙂 and the gift is nothing too special or exciting to anyone else but I wanted a glass block with an old photo of us (from 2010 on our first weekend away together) but engraved too, plenty of places offer one or the other but not both but the company still haven't gotten back to me :( he got me a lovely glass ornament engraved so thinking along the same lines lol

@Robin congratulations and Happy Anniversary xx
6.1 for me this morning after a trip into the teens last night for no good reason, but at least it helped me make a decision on my evening Levemir and I bunged in 6 units plus a total of 3 stacked corrections (I'm so naughty 😱) and managed to get things nicely back under control by 5am with regular 2 hourly alarms through the night.
That said, I have deviated from my normal low carb breakfast and thrown a big bowl of jumbo oats porridge down my neck just now because I am out of yoghurt for my usual breakfast.. trip to the shops on the cards for today. May need to get the pen out for some more corrections soon!

@Telemóveis So pleased you had a good day with your Dad and that you evened the scores up at air hockey and pool. Hope all goes well with your diabetes appointment today.

@Gwynn So pleased your wife was better yesterday and hope that continues into today.

@Robin Happy Anniversary. Hope you have a lovely day.

And congrats to @Kaylz on your 12 years together yesterday.

We seem to be having a bit of a dearth of HSs at the moment. I wonder if that is a sign of the seasons changing. Anyone want to step up to the mark? @adrian1der perhaps??
And well clear of the mark here this morning with an 8.0
Feel a little rough today so probably connected. Also Alexa has decided to unpair all of the group speakers at home today so gotta figure out why and reset them.
WFH today and that’s sometimes fine and sometimes not. If I’m feeling a little out of sorts it’s tougher because it’s just me on my lonesome but I’ll plod through and will head out for a long walk afterwards I think.

@Robin congrats on the anniversary!
. . . . Alexa has decided to unpair all of the group speakers at home today so gotta figure out why and reset them. . . . .
It's a pain isn't it. It's only started happening recently, so probably as a result of an upgrade. There is a FB support group you can join that are very helpful if you need it.

7.3 here - a little bit up from what it has been. Had chips from the chippy last night (first spuds from the start of July) so suspect those might be playing a little part as I have been mostly in the 5’s lately.
Not sure what happened to my post just now. It seemed to just dissapear.

Ahh found it in the wrong topic. I hope that's not a foretaste of how things are going to go today....

And now I can't paste it in here!!!

I have odd days when silly little things constantly go awry.

Anyway BG 4.8 which is excellent.

My feet tingling and numbness continues to reduce which is encouraging. I hope it goes away completely.

Nothing planned for today and the cold wind has picked up too, so I am not sure if I will go out for a walk either. Not keen on 'cold'.

My weight is just under my goal but I am struggling to eat enough without breaking the carb limit which is already raised for weight maintenance to 150g a day. I preder it to be under 100g.
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4.2 for me this morning after another early night (in bed by 8pm...probably asleep by half past) with no evening Levemir.
4.8 at bedtime and a beautiful flatfish all night on the Libre.
Just had my normal 22units of Levemir this morning and a couple of Fiasp for FOTF but that is 6 units of Levemir I didn't need last night again because I was in bed early and slept a long time. I should also say I skipped tea/dinner apart from a mini sausage roll and a few chips (about 5) which I injected 1.5 units of Fiasp for and I didn't really have any lunch just a chunk of cheese with piccalilli, but the food or lack of it should not impact the Levemir. It has to be the early sleep as sleeping always reduces my levels. I will be experimenting more with this although not sure I could sleep every night at 8pm!