Group 7-day waking average?

10:04 BS 8.4 Hmm! Could be better but, had a case of the munchies late last night as I watched the last Bond film & interrupted just after 1am by my BT hub going offline for an hour: periodically does this every so often around the early hours for some reason; had a couple of 25g Walkers Fish & Chips crisps without any bolus! I know I don’t need bolus for 1 bag & should have bolused a wee bit for 2 but, too late at night to think about how much & left it! So, finished the whole Bond film journey, finally, & went to bed around 4am! I enjoyed The Spy Who Loved Me the most, nostalgic 1st Bond for me, & Skyfall which REALLY stood out at the time & still packs a punch now! 😛

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

PS:- haven’t watched The Great British Bake off in years since the move to channel 4 but, decided to give it go again. Crikey! There were some very MESSY mini rolls! :D
They were generally horrendous on GBBO! They looked more like cakes from Nailed It! rather than GBBO.
Good morning everyone. Dark and gloomy out there but I have to go out to exercise in a while.

BG 5.1 soooo close

Nothing much planned for today.

Did an experiment yesterday afternoon. Eating some high carb food and testing 2 Hrs later. The high carb food was 2 slices of home made multi grain flapjack. 52.4g carbohydrate. BG result 2Hrs later was 5.3. This is very encouraging to me, but I will not push the limits like that very often. I was just curious. Today it's back to normal meals again, except that I have switched my lunch and special afternoon test foods. I want to see if my prawn salad affects things at all.

Anyway, I hope you all have a great day today

Oh oh, I forgot, it's the weekly shopping this morning. Odd day to have it on. Hmm
Bonjour! 6.1 this morning for me.
Little package arrived in the post yesterday and it was the replacement drums from Roche for the FastClix and they fit. So that’s all primed and ready to use later today. Also bought the Carbs&Cal app yesterday (and used it to log everything I ate yesterday) and today two of their books are arriving (the main one plus the Salad one). I’m hoping they’ll help me get a grip on portion size and will give me a better grasp of carb consumption because I know I’ve yet to really nail that one.
What else to report….? Cycled to work yesterday which was lovely and I’ll definitely be doing that again as it’s through really wide leafy Islington streets and was a good way to start the day, tomorrow I’m 99% certain I’ll do a ParkRun and tonight I’m off to see the folks and that’s always nice.

Erm that’s the Colin Report over for the morning. No doubt I’ll pop in later though but have a great day folks and folkesses!
Good morning everyone. 7.9 this morning which I’m happy with as I didn’t go hypo during the night. Early urgent appointment with high risk podiatry because a little bit of my toe nail seems to have become embedded in my skin. Then home to finish a rag wreath for one of my best friend’s birthday - I’m absolutely loving the beautiful batik materials that I’ve used for it.
Good morning world 6.2 on waking today

I cheated on the diet yesterday (went to Greggs had a sausage roll late & free cake)
used to eat from there to much haven’t even opened their app since last February, I’m not slipping but I think the occasional visit will be OK.

Looking forward to the weekend, but work today first
Have a great day everybody 😎 😎
Morning all. 6.9 for me. Its been an odd week really, had a fair few hypos and extremely tired. Down to that maybe? Who knows anymore.
So glad its Friday. Have a good day
4.7 on my Libre this morning which I am delighted with but that was with 5 units of Levemir last night. So the last 5 days have been 6 units, 0 units, 6 units 0 units 5 units (evening doses) along with 22units in the morning which is keeping me pretty steady during the day. I am having to set a couple of alarms through the night when I am injecting evening Levemir to make sure I am safe... I'm on the original Libre still. Last night my levels dropped very gently from 7 at bedtime but no carb top up needed and I am very happy with the morning reading, so it was obviously the right amount. I did go to bed later last night at 11.30pm as oppose to 8pm when I have not injected any Levemir, but I am starting to find the night time dose a bit stressful with such a big variation for no apparent reason, so it is largely intuition as to how much.... ie guess work 🙄 I only needed 5.5units of Fiasp yesterday as well (no corrections) and I didn't get out for any formal exercise (just that well known BG lowering activity of shopping!) so something has dramatically changed and I have no idea what, especially as I would expect my insulin needs to increase at this time of year. It is just weird!
5.9 today. Covid booster booked for Sunday. Popped into work yesterday, it felt weird, I felt weird and didn’t stay long.
Have a good day all x
Morning all. :D 4.1 here.

It’s actual in-person in the classroom Welsh today...feeling a bit twitchy, I must admit, especially since Covid boosters are definitely not on the horizon (according to my surgery’s website). Oh well, if I’m not happy with the arrangements today, I’ll have to come up with a Plan B! 🙂
Wow! What a night. I dreamt I was back in my younger days and I was modifying a payroll program to allow for new tax codes and NI rates. After that I had to copy the changes on to 200 5¼-inch floppy disks, for distribution to our clients. No wonder I was totally cream crackered when I awoke. Strangely enough, 5¼ is just a wee bit over 5.2 which I didn't score this morning. I got an unusual 6.0.

Thank goodness I hadn't dreamt about 8-inch floppy disks, 😱

Our younger viewers who may not know what a 5¼-inch floppy disk is can find out more here

Morning all. Into Fiveland with 5.9.

Yesterday’s hospital appointment was “interesting”. Called in for my hearing test, had it, first time for me. Then told to sit down and I would see someone else for the results. Wasn’t really expecting that. Top and bottom of it, I definitely have tinnitus and hyperacusis ( sensitivity to loud, high pitched noises etc), I’ve hearing loss in my right ear, left is fine, and I’m to have an MRI to make sure I don’t have a tumour. The balance problem, if not a tumour, could be to do with my continually aching shoulders, neck and hips. If that’s the case, next step the muscular skeletal team. To me it makes more sense than a tumour which is very rare. I must say it was worth the long journey as they were very helpful and explained things very well. I’ve been pointed in the direction of a website to cope with the tinnitus, and I just felt they listened and understood what I was saying even though it’s very hard to explain the noises you hear in your head! The MRI is classed as non urgent ( which is good in my eyes) so will be in about 12 weeks.

Baby Zara day today so must dash. Have a fab Friday.🙂
Barfly, I am running an experiment after reading someone elses thoughts on neuropathy and they seem to have helped themselves. It might have been on this forum.

I have started taking three new supplements from a company called Biovea

1. Evening Primrose Oil (1300mg tablets)
2. R-Alpha Lipoic Acid (apparently the R is important) + Biotin
3. A type of Vitamin C tablet called Friendly-C (500mg tablets) - a sort of multi mineral/vitamin

I take one of each per day early in the morning 30 mins before breakfast. It was recommended to take them on an empty stomach.

A word of note regarding Biovea. Their communication seems very poor, delivery is quite slow (took 2 weeks to arrive) but they are legit. However, there are a few poor reviews on the internet (and good ones too) which almost put me off.

The results for me have been very encouraging and surprisingly quick. The tingling and numbness are significantly reduced but not completely gone (after just one week). However, this is an experiment by me on me and may not suit or work for anyone else. If anyone considers trying it then please consult your doctor first and look it up on the internet.

It could be all just a load of hogwash, but I am keen to try anything to stop the neuropathy. I am none too keen on amputations either.

I will post any results as they come along, good or bad.

One other point. If this can help others at all then that would be very good. The NHS's stock response that neuropathy is permanent and irreversible is a bit too stark and discouraging.
Thanks for this, I'll wait for your results before trying it myself! All the best, Tony.

I was 7.something today, will try to remember it tomorrow lol xx
7.3 today. I have reduced my finger-pricking regime to one in the morning before breakfast and one at night before bed. The erratic ups and downs I have during the day were not conducive to a calm approach to my diabetes as there seems to be absolutely no correlation between what I've eaten and exercise done to the massive spikes the testing was showing.
So I figured the best approach is to ignore them and if the morning and evening tests are within cooee of where they need to be, then I'm ok with that.
I'll see what the diabetic nursie has to say about my strategy when I eventually get to see her sometime in October after her honeymoon, hopefully she'll have had a good time and will be well rested after her holiday. She's a lovely young lady and has helped me a lot.
4.4 and a little disappointed with weight loss it's just that last stone and a bit that's hard.
@eggyg sounds like the team were very thorough and listened to you. Hope your MRI is clear and they get to the bottom of the problem. Hugs x
. . . . I definitely have tinnitus and hyperacusis ( sensitivity to loud, high pitched noises etc), . . . .
I totally sympathise with you there @eggyg . I've something similar and crying babies or announcements over tannoys really do my head in. 😱 I have an app that plays white/pink noise which I find helps, especially if I can't sleep. Strangely enough it doesn't trouble me so much these days or maybe I'm just going deaf.
What a brilliant, in-depth appointment @eggyg. I’d never heard of hyperacusis, and trying to describe tinnitus o_O - helicopter flying over the house, old-fashioned kettle boiling, Bloden’s tummy rumbling (oh no, hang on, that’s real). How did you describe yours? I hope they get to the bottom of it all asap.

Hahahaha @MeeTooTeeTwo. You have the craziest dreams. 😛 Floppy disks - that makes me feel ancient!