Group 7-day waking average?

I totally sympathise with you there @eggyg . I've something similar and crying babies or announcements over tannoys really do my head in. 😱 I have an app that plays white/pink noise which I find helps, especially if I can't sleep. Strangely enough it doesn't trouble me so much these days or maybe I'm just going deaf.
Mine’s Mr Eggy’s whistling, pots and pans being bashed together, cutlery being dropped, certain TV programme music, too bassy/bassie (sp?) and it’s painful.
What a brilliant, in-depth appointment @eggyg. I’d never heard of hyperacusis, and trying to describe tinnitus o_O - helicopter flying over the house, old-fashioned kettle boiling, Bloden’s tummy rumbling (oh no, hang on, that’s real). How did you describe yours? I hope they get to the bottom of it all asap.

Hahahaha @MeeTooTeeTwo. You have the craziest dreams. 😛 Floppy disks - that makes me feel ancient!
Whooshing, train rumbling slowly along the tracks and buzzing, amongst others. It is difficult to explain but she seemed to understand! I think it’s my misspent youth in nightclubs dancing too close to the speakers which is the culprit! Although apparently 90% of cases are due to hearing loss. I never realised I was “deaf” but Mr Eggy does tell me to turn the sound down on the TV, and he’s started to mumble a lot! 😛
Mine’s Mr Eggy’s whistling, pots and pans being bashed together, cutlery being dropped, certain TV programme music, too bassy/bassie (sp?) and it’s painful.
And mine is a hissing "white" noise. One of the most irritating things is the disappearance of the "cocktail party" effect, the ability to pick out and focus on a specific sound source from amongst many sources. It is absolutely impossible to have any sort of conversation with anybody in a crowded pub and background muzac can be an absolute nightmare.

Don't think mine is anything to do with listening to loud music - something I have never done. More likely related to the other neurological malfunctions in my head which may or may not be related to diabetes. Mononeuropathy multiplex is what the neurologist has come up with. As far as I can work out that is Latin for something I knew already, that there is something annoyingly wrong with the sensory system in my face and that he is not prepared to commit to any explanation of why it is happening.
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My OH has had tinnitus on and off for years but can't pin down what causes it to be off rather than on, though if other things pain him the less he is aware of the tinnitus. It seems to be a single frequency high pitched sound.
He did work in a noisy environment as a youth but of course in those days nobody wore ear defenders.
A BIG GIGANTIC WHOPPER! 😱 10:01 BS 13.5😱😱😱 But, it matched how I felt! Absolutely ROTTEN! Self induced, & I’ll certainly won’t be doing THAT again in a hurry, Ventolin, along with Clenil, asthma inhalers just before going to bed!o_O It not only turned out that I didn’t need the Ventolin but, it actually set my heart racing so much it was pounding SO loudly in my ears all night that I couldn’t sleep! At times it felt like my heart was pounding out of my chest! But, at some point it DID wear off & I dozed off eventually for me to be annoyed by my, now in recent mornings, 10am alarm for LR: been getting up consistently around that time so, kept the LR doses at 10am & 10pm!🙄 All because I’ve been feeling a bit panty at night while sleeping & I felt short of breath when turning in last night too but, not actually wheezing: I only take Clenil, the preventer, normally & only take the Ventolin, I’m afraid that Salbutamol will never stick in my mind & SOME of the younger doctors have been puzzled by it, when wheezing or having an attack! But, I’ve always been sensitive to it as I’ve always felt the slight increase in heart rate after it!🙄

Tried going back to sleep but, can’t & I’m throwing in the towel to have breakfast! With just LR & no bolus, yet, upon waking earlier my BS is already starting to go down: suspected as much as it was mainly stress induced; sometimes my waking levels have been elevated by stress like that before & then, drops afterwards! 🙄 A quite hefty chunk in this case even though it was only 47 minutes after LR 10:53 BS 10.3 but, I was HIGHLY STRESSED this time with my heart pounding all night! I WILL NOT TAKE VENTOLIN AGAIN IF I DON’T NEED IT!!! Jabbing My Finger Into My Thick Skull emoji!

Oops! 😳 Better stick a warning at the top of the post!😱

Anyways, enough of THAT! 🙄

Saw the first episode of the third series of Ru Paul’s Drag Race UK & really enjoyed it! 😛:D I like the double lip sync’s: to win the weekly badge & to avoid elimination; thought it hampered Davina, from the first series, that she only did one to win in the final & didn’t have the experience of fighting for it! Now, you have to fight to win the badge too but, I really thought that Victoria Scone had the edge over Kystal Versace in both runway outfits!😛

Stomach eruptions becoming seismic now so, breakfast & I’ll catch up on this thread! 😳🙄:D😉
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Morning all and 5.8 for me
Been gardening and trimming the remnants of my golden flowing locks. Nearly took it down to the wood but remembered just in time to put the number 4 guard on the clippers.

Have a good day everyone.
Good Morning
A few days missing but this morning was 6.6.
Levels have been a little varied this last week but generally good.
It has suddenly spiked to 11.6 2 hours after breakfast of 40g porridge oats and a pint of water.
Is this the start of another failing of pancreas or just one of those things?
Have a great day
Forgot to mention that I used the FastClix this morning and it's a delight compared to the one I have been using. They're not lying when they say it's relatively painless!
Afternoon everyone, 6.9 today, hoping I will settle back into the 5s ASAP :confused:

Appointment with dietitian went well, been told to reduce morning Levemir to 6, and no -1 to my breakfast NovoRapid to stop me dropping between breakfast and lunch.

Also discussed my weight (or lack of) because I’ve never been happy with it. Have a BMI of 17 so been given some tips on raising that. Would be nice to feel a lot more confident with my body.

Wishing everyone a good afternoon/evening/night 🙂
Good Morning
A few days missing but this morning was 6.6.
Levels have been a little varied this last week but generally good.
It has suddenly spiked to 11.6 2 hours after breakfast of 40g porridge oats and a pint of water.
Is this the start of another failing of pancreas or just one of those things?
Have a great day
If you started on 6.6 (or possibly higher if that was a waking reading) as your levels may well increase due to FOTF then going up to 11.6 2 hours after 40g porridge doesn't seem too unreasonable to me. I know you are on a mixed insulin which is different and your pancreas is probably contributing quite a lot of endogenous insulin, but I went from a reading in the 5s up to just under 10 the day before yesterday at about the 1.5 hr point before dropping back down very slowly with 40g carbs from porridge/berries.... Or do you mean 40g of porridge oats which would be about 25g carbs.... plus whatever you make it with ie milk/fruit?
12.5 this morning.

Ended up feeling very low before lunch. Was 14.1 so not low at all but I was shaking and tearful and burst into tears when husband snapped at me. Woo.

I am however on day 25 of a bad period, and had just got back from a DSN appointment that I'm not entirely sure went well. Just felt overall out of sorts I think.
12.5 this morning.

Ended up feeling very low before lunch. Was 14.1 so not low at all but I was shaking and tearful and burst into tears when husband snapped at me. Woo.

I am however on day 25 of a bad period, and had just got back from a DSN appointment that I'm not entirely sure went well. Just felt overall out of sorts I think.
Seems wrong somehow to "like" this post but wanted to say I hope you're feeling more you soon.
12.5 this morning.

Ended up feeling very low before lunch. Was 14.1 so not low at all but I was shaking and tearful and burst into tears when husband snapped at me. Woo.

I am however on day 25 of a bad period, and had just got back from a DSN appointment that I'm not entirely sure went well. Just felt overall out of sorts I think.
Oh, I'm so sorry you are feeling low and your appointment with the DSN didn't go as well as you had perhaps hoped. They are there to give you support and it sounds like they failed if you came away from it feeling low. Have you upped your basal insulin recently? There is no reason why you can't increase it just because of your period and in fact I believe that adjusting basal for different times of the month is necessary, both upwards and downwards again, so don't feel you have to put things on hold in that respect. I am just thankful I didn't develop diabetes until I was menopausal.

Hope you are feeling more positive soon. It does take time to get to grips with insulin use and it doesn't help when the goal posts keep moving, particularly due to other hormones messing your system up. Hang in there! It will get better. (((HUGS)))
The appointment didnt go how I expected, and I realised after it's because she's treating me like I'm type 2. She was talking about getting me into remission and it didn't click til after that she was assuming type 2 despite my mentioning 3c

She almost put me on metforming but decided on a SGLT2 inhibitor first. Lots of mentions of trying to reduce and stop insulin, asking about family history of diabetes and lots and lots of focus on my weight and explaining the very basics of nutrition to me. She wants me to fill out a food diary so she can advise me on carb cutting.

I did manage to get her to change my basal insulin however, so I'm starting on tresiba next week.
The appointment didnt go how I expected, and I realised after it's because she's treating me like I'm type 2. She was talking about getting me into remission and it didn't click til after that she was assuming type 2 despite my mentioning 3c

She almost put me on metforming but decided on a SGLT2 inhibitor first. Lots of mentions of trying to reduce and stop insulin, asking about family history of diabetes and lots and lots of focus on my weight and explaining the very basics of nutrition to me. She wants me to fill out a food diary so she can advise me on carb cutting.

I did manage to get her to change my basal insulin however, so I'm starting on tresiba next week.
With something like that you feel they have got somebody else's notes in front of them. It doesn't fill you with much confidence.
If you are able to e-mail her, you could say you were confused by some of the things she was suggesting as it didn't seem appropriate for you.
The appointment didnt go how I expected, and I realised after it's because she's treating me like I'm type 2. She was talking about getting me into remission and it didn't click til after that she was assuming type 2 despite my mentioning 3c

She almost put me on metforming but decided on a SGLT2 inhibitor first. Lots of mentions of trying to reduce and stop insulin, asking about family history of diabetes and lots and lots of focus on my weight and explaining the very basics of nutrition to me. She wants me to fill out a food diary so she can advise me on carb cutting.

I did manage to get her to change my basal insulin however, so I'm starting on tresiba next week.
Gosh! No wonder it didn't take much to tip you over into tears after an appointment like that! Was this really a Diabetic Specialist Nurse rather than a Diabetes trained nurse at your GP practice?
I sometimes wonder if the Type 3c category is perhaps less helpful than it should be and you would be better just diagnosed Type 1. How very frustrating to have your appointment more or less wasted by the nurse not reading the notes or understanding the condition she is treating. It was her failure not yours but as you get more experienced you will go into these appointments more prepared for what you want out of it and have the confidence to steer the direction it goes in a bit more and be prepared to correct them when they get things wrong or don't fully understand the situation. I used to be in awe of medical professionals and a little bit frightened to speak up for myself, but this forum has helped to give me the confidence to take more control and show that I know what I am talking about and be prepared to fight for what I want from the appointment, rather than it perhaps being a box ticking exercise for them.

Hope the Tresiba works out well for you and you start to feel more in control soon.
Sorry about rubbish DSN appointment @stackingcups. I feel your pain, I had that for a long time I’m afraid, being treat as if I was Type 2, and I had had my pancreas removed! It beggars belief. My advise is to learn as much about Type 3c as you can, go back armed with the info and challenge her. It took me a long time I’m afraid ( 8 years) but don’t give in, I didn’t and I think they got sick of me in the end and they gave in!
If you started on 6.6 (or possibly higher if that was a waking reading) as your levels may well increase due to FOTF then going up to 11.6 2 hours after 40g porridge doesn't seem too unreasonable to me. I know you are on a mixed insulin which is different and your pancreas is probably contributing quite a lot of endogenous insulin, but I went from a reading in the 5s up to just under 10 the day before yesterday at about the 1.5 hr point before dropping back down very slowly with 40g carbs from porridge/berries.... Or do you mean 40g of porridge oats which would be about 25g carbs.... plus whatever you make it with ie milk/fruit?

I agree. The 40g porridge oats is purely 40 g of oats made just with water. No sugar No milk just tasteless porridge. About 22 carbs and 148 calories.
Admittedly it had dropped to 4.3 before lunch at 13:45. ( just caught it in time)