Group 7-day waking average?

@duncan Lord
Unfortunately those readings are unlikely to help your case very much. The before bed and waking readings of 8.5 and 7 are within range and the pre lunch reading is really good at 5.6. Your DSNs will not really be interested in the 2 hrs after eating numbers just the premeal readings, waking and bedtime. I don't see much there to warrant an increase in insulin with those readings. You don't itemize exercise in your log but I am guessing that the exercise is probably bringing the levels down for premeal readings and bedtime. Is your level of exercise sustainable when you start driving again? If not, then your levels will likely shoot up when you start driving and you may lose the tight control you are currently aiming for, especially as you will likely have more stress with timetables and traffic problems to contend with.
When you speak to your DSN I think it is important for her to know how much exercise you are doing to keep a lid on things. I just pick up snippets from your comments, so I don't know the whole story but you should not need to exercise daily to keep control, but they are unlikely to authorize increasing your insulin with your levels as good as they are, even if you don't like them.

I have said before that I think you are trying to manage things too closely. I understand that you are worried about your license but the powers that be and certainly the consultant, understand that perfect diabetes control isn't possible and in the early days even moderate control can be very difficult. I think it is your perception of good control which may be awry and I am worried that you are setting yourself up with an unsustainable regime and that sooner or later you will be unable to continue it or the honeymoon phase will come to an end and your insulin needs will dramatically increase and I worry how you will cope with that.

I think part of the problem is the very slow onset nature of your diabetes because with managing on such tiny insulin doses they are reluctant to start you on a basal/bolus insulin regime. I really am quite surprised that it has remained as stable as it has for so long. You might be best relaxing your efforts to manage with diet and exercise for a while, which I believe would mean you would need more insulin, in order to try to get onto a basal/bolus system and then you will be able to inject insulin for as much or as little as you want to eat and be able to inject correction doses of quick acting insulin if you need to. You will also need half unit pens since you are very insulin sensitive. When you are driving will you be able to maintain regular meal times and exercise as you do now? If not, then how do you expect to manage things?

It takes time to learn this new regime and how your body responds and you will find it more difficult to do that once you go back to work so it might be best relaxing your restrictive regime now in order to get better control for later. You can't be criticized for poor control when you are going "above and beyond" what is reasonable (like a midnight run) to control your levels because you don't have the right insulins and support.

Hope some of that makes sense.
Just tested myself before bed, after my evening meal which is usually carby and I seem to go up to 10 or 11 before bed usually.

It was 4.6! Realised I'm probably not having a bad anxiety evening but it's a low blood sugar response. Lowest ever reading, and I know it's technically healthy I decided to have a slice of toast with peanut butter to try and get it up again. Was worried about it dropping further overnight - if it did, would it wake me? So many unknowns!
I think we all worry about "Will we wake up if we hypo through the night". It is an understandable concern/worry.
I had a spate of nocturnal hypos about a year ago and although it isn't what you want to happen, it certainly did reassure me that I would wake up and I now sleep more soundly with that extra experience and the confidence that it gave me. Surprisingly I don't seem to feel particularly hypo when I wake up through the night low, I just seem to feel a bit restless or wonder why I have woken up and then when I test I see why. It has reassured me so much that I actually don't want the new Libre 2 with alarms because I don't want the potential false alarms that will come with it, when I feel that I can trust my body to warn me. Of course we are all different and your body may respond differently to mine but with your levels being quite high for a while I would be surprised if you don't have good hypo sensitivity. It was the right idea to have a slice of toast and peanut butter though. 4.6 is too low a reading to go to sleep on.
Yessss. First up this morning.

Getting blood out of my fingers getting blood out of a stone.

Good morning this rather chilly morning. I didn't get out to exercise yesterday as it was a persistent rain. Today I will wander out the other way towards our lake. A longer walk but I gotta make up for yesterday. It was good to have a rest though.

Did some cooking and photographing. A new batch of flapjack and fruit jellies. I discovered that my wife is very good at photographing food and that I look old. Oh dear. I never used to look old. 50 years ago I positively looked a lot younger !

Today I will cook another pizza at a request from my wife. I must have got something right then. Actually it did taste very good and I discovered Mozzarella cheese!!!

Not sure what today will bring. Nothing planned...yet...
Good morning 6.8 today

I had my appointment at eye department yesterday (retinopathy for the last 4 years)
aa relief, as only had to have treatment on one eye
currently I’m under their care (every 8 weeks for retinal scans /eye injections)
having been under their care for to long - I’m so looking forward to the day that treatment isnt required

have a great day everybody
A nice round 5 for me this morning. 🙂

7.7 today, odd as I didn’t eat after 12.30 yesterday. Weather is matching my mood. Still, friend visiting this afternoon.
Have a good day all x
Morning all on this damp day. 6.5 for me.

I’m in the wars at the moment. I popped my left clavicle bone out yesterday morning, putting my bra on! Agony all day, from my left shoulder right into my hand. I couldn’t raise my arm higher than elbow height. This is a recurring problem since my frozen shoulder/ bursitis 10 years ago. Had a rough night and although it feels a bit looser it’s still painful and now I have pain across the middle of my back! I’m tempted to phone osteopath but worried any manipulation might aggravate it at the minute. Do I wait a day or two? Or hope my hot pummelling shower helps? I’m popping pain killers every four hours, haven’t had the big guns out yet though ie Tramodol, that’s serious stuff.😱

In other bad news, my 14 year old grandson now has Covid, granddaughter only went back to school yesterday ( different schools and not siblings). He complained of a sore throat yesterday, did LF and positive, got PCR booked for this morning. Couldn’t get an appointment last night, “ technical problems”. One week back at school! My concern is we had his sisters after school yesterday, and his mum for a short while too. She has tested negative as has 8 year old, she hasn’t tested 3 year old. Oh joy, I’m going back to Devon! 😉

Have a better day than me folks. I’m going for my hot shower, fingers crossed it helps a wee bit. 🙂
Morning all on this damp day. 6.5 for me.

I’m in the wars at the moment. I popped my left clavicle bone out yesterday morning, putting my bra on! Agony all day, from my left shoulder right into my hand. I couldn’t raise my arm higher than elbow height. This is a recurring problem since my frozen shoulder/ bursitis 10 years ago. Had a rough night and although it feels a bit looser it’s still painful and now I have pain across the middle of my back! I’m tempted to phone osteopath but worried any manipulation might aggravate it at the minute. Do I wait a day or two? Or hope my hot pummelling shower helps? I’m popping pain killers every four hours, haven’t had the big guns out yet though ie Tramodol, that’s serious stuff.😱

In other bad news, my 14 year old grandson now has Covid, granddaughter only went back to school yesterday ( different schools and not siblings). He complained of a sore throat yesterday, did LF and positive, got PCR booked for this morning. Couldn’t get an appointment last night, “ technical problems”. One week back at school! My concern is we had his sisters after school yesterday, and his mum for a short while too. She has tested negative as has 8 year old, she hasn’t tested 3 year old. Oh joy, I’m going back to Devon! 😉

Have a better day than me folks. I’m going for my hot shower, fingers crossed it helps a wee bit. 🙂
Sounds horrible, and painful. Hope things ease up soon and of course hope you haven’t caught Covid xx
7.4 at 8:15 today. Had some rain overnight, not enough to do much good though for our parched gardens. Bit overcast but looks like the rest of the day will be fine in not-so-sunny Poole.

11.7 today

Hoping my sensor picks up as it was only applied Saturday, was about 1mmol out from bloods Sunday but yesterday was reading 6mmol lower :( really getting fed up with them now xx
9.9 this morning, so my peanut butter toast obviously did the trick last night.

Finding myself on occasion simply avoiding eating in order to get better BG results. I think I'll be relieved when I can start adding in a rapid acting insulin.
5.7 first thing, same as when I went to bed. Although I'm always disappointed when I see it in the high 5s in the morning, I haven't been above 8 at anytime for a week or two, so not all bad.

Raining buckets here, just starting to ease off after an hour of it. It's a very nice cosy feeling being indoors looking at it.
4.0 this morning and having a lovely week so far as my wife and daughter are in Crete and I have the house to myself doing what I just dam well want. Had amazing massage last night I found a new masseur who is brilliant so slept like a baby. Just my son & his girlfriend at home evenings and he is no bother so just like the time to myself and a rest from work & people. More tattoo's tomorrow even though I promised my wife the last 2 were it so a nice surprise for her when I pic her up from airport Sunday :D .
@stackingcups please don't avoid eating, although you say you'll be relieved when you can add a rapid acting insulin to your regime your mind set of seeing better numbers without eating now could turn into an eating disorder later as even with a rapid acting you'll still see spikes, I just hate to see people possibly end up the way I spent a couple of years after my diagnosis xx
4.0 this morning and having a lovely week so far as my wife and daughter are in Crete and I have the house to myself doing what I just dam well want. Had amazing massage last night I found a new masseur who is brilliant so slept like a baby. Just my son & his girlfriend at home evenings and he is no bother so just like the time to myself and a rest from work & people. More tattoo's tomorrow even though I promised my wife the last 2 were it so a nice surprise for her when I pic her up from airport Sunday :D .
Rewatched a couple of Schitt's Creek episodes last night including the one where Patrick buys David a massage to calm him down before their wedding. Was yours like that??!!

And yes I know this means nothing to you if you've not seen Schitt's Creek!