Group 7-day waking average?

Ouch, @eggyg ! These bras are dangerous things, they should come with a health warning. When they’re not scraping off Libre sensors they’re doing all sorts of other damage. Hope it settles soon!
I know, I’m going all 70s women’s lib today! No running for buses will be taking place! 😱
Sounds horrible, and painful. Hope things ease up soon and of course hope you haven’t caught Covid xx
Thanks Sue. Hope you’re ok after your surprise procedure.
Grandson has had his PCR first thing this morning. He feels ok apart from sore throat. The trouble is mum and dad will have to isolate too as they only had their second jab a week ago! Farmers…. never “ have the time”. I have nagged them for months to get sorted! No good crying over spilt milk now, we need now to do a 50 mile or so round trip to get them shopping and drop it at the top of their farm lane!
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Thank you for your reply. True this diabetes is progressing very slowly. Perhaps the authorities may start believing me when I say I’ve had symptoms for years, although I did not connect them and came up with various explanations.
1. Extra urination but put it down to being away from toilet facilities for 4 or 5 hours. Doctors even tried to explain it with the valve at the end of bladder being inflamed.
2. Tiredness but put it down to working shifts, a bit like jet lag.
3. Very itchy feet. Put down to washing powders or type of sock or shoes.
4. Bad mood swings but put down to all sorts of things, divorce, tiredness etc.
5. Lack of concentration put down to the shift changes. Jetlag Etc.

Before bed last night. 12.9
On waking this morning 07:30. 6.6
So there must, at times, be loads of insulin in the system then at other times ……..
Disappointing 8.8 for me this morning on my new sensor.
Just realised that I haven't checked it with a finger prick yet after reading @Kaylz post, so got my meter kit out..... 8.8 from a finger prick, despite 2.5units of Fiasp whem I woke up to that reading ages ago. I must be battling a strong DP/FOTF tide this morning. Libre now says 8.3 as a double check, so I am pretty happy with that accuracy at the moment but not the number itself. It's my own fault though as I ate too much cheese and piccalilli late last night. Haven't had Piccalilli for years and treated myself to a jar when I was at the show the other day for a ridiculously inflated price. 😳 It's nice though but didn't half soak up more insulin than you would expect. I will confess that I didn't read the label for carbs as I was only going to have a single teaspoonful, but it was just too nice to stop at one and I had to get more cheese to carry it. Half a jar and lots of cheese later....I was injecting corrections to try to keep a lid on it. The protein from the cheese is likely responsible for the inflated overnight and waking readings. Managed to keep it under 10 though with 2 corrections before bed so it hasn't harmed my TIR figures. I had to up my Levemir by another unit last night as I haven't had a chance to walk/run for the last few days. Must get out today for some exercise to burn the calories from that cheese off.

@eggyg Hope your arm/shoulder is feeling easier soon. Sounds really painful. I would blame the ironing. Sorry and worried to hear that Covid is still running rife in your family. Makes you realise that it must be pretty widespread amongst school children at the moment which is concerning so early in the term/season. Hope they don't suffer any serious ill effects.
Thank you for your reply. True this diabetes is progressing very slowly. Perhaps the authorities may start believing me when I say I’ve had symptoms for years, although I did not connect them and came up with various explanations.
1. Extra urination but put it down to being away from toilet facilities for 4 or 5 hours. Doctors even tried to explain it with the valve at the end of bladder being inflamed.
2. Tiredness but put it down to working shifts, a bit like jet lag.
3. Very itchy feet. Put down to washing powders or type of sock or shoes.
4. Bad mood swings but put down to all sorts of things, divorce, tiredness etc.
5. Lack of concentration put down to the shift changes. Jetlag Etc.

Before bed last night. 12.9
On waking this morning 07:30. 6.6
So there must, at times, be loads of insulin in the system then at other times ……..
That's interesting for me to read because I had symptoms for years that I failed to connect (and so did the GPs), but hindsight now tells me there were flags all over the place. Many minor ailments I used to suffer are now all gone since BG is under control.
Disappointing 8.8 for me this morning on my new sensor.
Just realised that I haven't checked it with a finger prick yet after reading @Kaylz post, so got my meter kit out..... 8.8 from a finger prick, despite 2.5units of Fiasp whem I woke up to that reading ages ago. I must be battling a strong DP/FOTF tide this morning. Libre now says 8.3 as a double check, so I am pretty happy with that accuracy at the moment but not the number itself. It's my own fault though as I ate too much cheese and piccalilli late last night. Haven't had Piccalilli for years and treated myself to a jar when I was at the show the other day for a ridiculously inflated price. 😳 It's nice though but didn't half soak up more insulin than you would expect. I will confess that I didn't read the label for carbs as I was only going to have a single teaspoonful, but it was just too nice to stop at one and I had to get more cheese to carry it. Half a jar and lots of cheese later....I was injecting corrections to try to keep a lid on it. The protein from the cheese is likely responsible for the inflated overnight and waking readings. Managed to keep it under 10 though with 2 corrections before bed so it hasn't harmed my TIR figures. I had to up my Levemir by another unit last night as I haven't had a chance to walk/run for the last few days. Must get out today for some exercise to burn the calories from that cheese off.

@eggyg Hope your arm/shoulder is feeling easier soon. Sounds really painful. I would blame the ironing. Sorry and worried to hear that Covid is still running rife in your family. Makes you realise that it must be pretty widespread amongst school children at the moment which is concerning so early in the term/season. Hope they don't suffer any serious ill effects.
Thanks Barbara. It’s a real worry. Shoulder a tiny bit looser after hot shower but just had two codeine, just took paracetamol yesterday and ibuprofen didn’t touch it.
It’s not the ironing as I’m right handed! But I could make it an excuse for next week!
Little Miss Slugabed reporting in late this morning with 10:40 BS 8.0 🙂 I’m ok with that.

Finally with the new box of LR I got my BS down to 6.3 after my breakfast of greek yoghurt yesterday with just a slight increase of NR from 18 to 20: adding in that 40 from the new pen seems to have been the right thing to have done; didn’t seem so, though, as in the first hour without anything to eat my BS had risen from 11.1 to 12.6!o_O But, DP busted with half oatcake & half dose of 20 NR & it stated going down from then: down to 10.5 in about 90 minutes when I decided to eat; only went up a tiny bit to 10.6 in 90 minutes & dropped to 8.7 an hour after that to finish on 6.8 after 4 hours of active NR!🙂

The rest of the day, however, didn’t go quite as well. Ate my 2nd, & last meal of the day, straight after active breakfast bolus & didn’t use enough bolus, still a bit ill, & went from 6.3 to 14.5 after 90 minutes so, bunged in a correction, that brought me down to 11.7 after another 90 minutes & went to bed on that; just too tired to keep testing & was reassured it IS going down.

Woke very briefly at 6am for LR & went straight back to bed. Will now need to take my pills & inhalers after I post. Then, wait for GP’s phone call.

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉
@stackingcups please don't avoid eating, although you say you'll be relieved when you can add a rapid acting insulin to your regime your mind set of seeing better numbers without eating now could turn into an eating disorder later as even with a rapid acting you'll still see spikes, I just hate to see people possibly end up the way I spent a couple of years after my diagnosis xx
Thanks for this Kaylz. I already have a long disordered eating history so am a bit wary but its so hard not to just want perfect numbers. I'm naturally a bit of a grazer. If I find myself feeling in need of a snack I'm clock watching worrying if it'll affect my next pre meal blood glucose testing. Overall I'm eating better and more balanced than I was, but things always appear to trip me up!
I think we all worry about "Will we wake up if we hypo through the night". It is an understandable concern/worry.
I had a spate of nocturnal hypos about a year ago and although it isn't what you want to happen, it certainly did reassure me that I would wake up and I now sleep more soundly with that extra experience and the confidence that it gave me. Surprisingly I don't seem to feel particularly hypo when I wake up through the night low, I just seem to feel a bit restless or wonder why I have woken up and then when I test I see why. It has reassured me so much that I actually don't want the new Libre 2 with alarms because I don't want the potential false alarms that will come with it, when I feel that I can trust my body to warn me. Of course we are all different and your body may respond differently to mine but with your levels being quite high for a while I would be surprised if you don't have good hypo sensitivity. It was the right idea to have a slice of toast and peanut butter though. 4.6 is too low a reading to go to sleep on.
Thanks for this 🙂 and for explaining how night time hypos feel for you.

What sort of reading should I be hoping for before bed in the end?
I don't normally go to bed below 7 unless I have been eating a lot of protein (meat/nuts/cheese) before bed (I'm also a disordered eater and grazer) and I don't like to be higher than 9 at bedtime. I am not saying that will be right for everyone and I can't specifically recall being told to make sure I was above a set level although many people are given guidance on that by their DSN, You gradually learn to find what works for you but I would say that going to bed on 4.6 without a snack would be risky for most people because sleeping usually drops levels to some extent.
Morning folks. :D 5.9 here.

What a busy morning! We were meant to be going to Spain tomorrow, but hubby wasn’t feeling too good, so I put the dogs in the car and drove off to the kennels, while he stayed home waiting for the GP to ring. I’d just pulled into the kennels when him indoors rings to say he’s been advised not to travel! 😳 Oh b*g* least the sun’s shining here today, and the dogs look very happy.o_O😛

Hope your shoulder improves asap @eggyg.
That's interesting for me to read because I had symptoms for years that I failed to connect (and so did the GPs), but hindsight now tells me there were flags all over the place. Many minor ailments I used to suffer are now all gone since BG is under control.
Yes, with hindsight I can also look back and see warning signs/symptoms over the past few years before my pancreas actually got to breaking point. For me, pins and needles in my legs after a short period of hunkering down was something that I just thought was trapped00 nerve. Hot flushes that I put down to menopause.... some definitely were but others correlated to after a meal or a bag of sweets etc. Falling asleep, I put down to stress. I am one of the lucky ones that my brain and body shut down when I can't cope and I sleep. Natures way of trying to fix the problem I guess, but maybe the copious amounts of chocolate and ket that I comfort ate was causing a sugar high that was putting me to sleep. I believe I had an HbA1c test the year before my diagnosis though as a routine health check which came back normal so maybe I am reading more into it than the stress and bad eating and menopause that it was.
I know I feel much fitter and healthier now though since I changed my lifestyle.
Morning folks. :D 5.9 here.

What a busy morning! We were meant to be going to Spain tomorrow, but hubby wasn’t feeling too good, so I put the dogs in the car and drove off to the kennels, while he stayed home waiting for the GP to ring. I’d just pulled into the kennels when him indoors rings to say he’s been advised not to travel! 😳 Oh b*g* least the sun’s shining here today, and the dogs look very happy.o_O😛

Hope your shoulder improves asap @eggyg.
Oh no what an awful shame, hope hubby gets better very soon xx
Waited all day for GP call & just off the phone! Most was already covered by nurse in yesterday’s call but, my GP says the full fat greek yogurt is fine as it hasn’t made an impact on my fatty liver & the other benefits far outweigh the extra bit of far: was amazed by the reduction in NR for it; it’s only for meal though but, ANY reduction is good! I’m referred for an echo sound scan of my liver & will get an appointment for that through the post. Now eating a very late lunch & probably bed after IF I get the bolus right? Hopefully I will or I’ll need to stay up for corrections! 🙄
That's interesting for me to read because I had symptoms for years that I failed to connect (and so did the GPs), but hindsight now tells me there were flags all over the place. Many minor ailments I used to suffer are now all gone since BG is under control.

I agree, even though mine eventually turned out as Type 1.
I first noticed the new non itchy feet within 24 to 48 hours of going on insulin
The others gradually came to light over the first few weeks.
Would you believe it. I posted up this morning and actually forgot to write my BG

AND it was a 5.2 too

Ahhh well. Getting old.
Thank you. I'm feeling a bit silly right now. Too much going on. Getting ready for a hospital appointment tomorrow. Not looking forward to it.

My evening BG was 4.4 very low for me.

And, yes, first up this morning too. 🙂
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