Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Finally ordered some strips off ebay, really must try and extend my life, peoples need me. 🙂

Why are yellow jelly babies bad for you, even if having a hypo? Saw something on DUK yesterday. 4 jelly babies is the best thing for a hypo, but not the yellow ones even then so I was wondering.
I'm going to guess that the person that wrote that is not a fan of the flavour of the yellow ones and is being a bit tongue in cheek.
I thought maybe they had tartrazine in them or something. 🙂
Missed yesterday after a shocking evening on Monday and a busy day yesterday. I got to bed just after 04:00 on Tuesday morning and was up with the baby at 05:15. Completely forgot to test and then had a truly manic day so didn't manage to get online.

Anyway a 5.8 for me at 06:51 this morning. Been out for a walk and got the baby to sleep in the pram so just catching up.

Congrats to @Gwynn on the HS yesterday
I thought maybe they had tartrazine in them or something. 🙂
Just checked the website and no tartrazine in the ingredient list.

Personally I can’t eat things like Jelly Babies or Fruit Pastilles as I’m allergic to something which is used in their manufacture and they give me a pounding headache within seconds.

Just found out that all of the babies have man’s and that the green one is “a bit sensitive” (according to Maynards Basset website) and that’s why he’s crying.
Maybe don’t let him witness the mass murder of all of his friends and family then if he’s that sensitive!
I thought maybe they had tartrazine in them or something. 🙂
As far as I know, the yellows use circumen (turmeric) for colouring. They are all gelatin so they are all ruled out for vegans.

My problem with jelly babies was always that one packet is one unit, and I I don't do halves. Same with allsorts.
And a box of jaffa cakes is a single snack. Anyone else wants to share, then we need multipacks.
Morning All
An 8.2 for me this morning after another trip up to the 13’s at bedtime.
There seems to be a pattern. Starts in the high green. Goes amber by lunchtime or just after then red by bedtime.
Once it’s into double figures feel tired and by the 12-13’s and above urghhhh not worth thinking about.
All they say at the doctors is that I have to watch my diet. Everything I eat pushes up BG. Perhaps they don’t want me to eat? I know that wouldn’t work so don’t worry I’m going to keep eating. Doctors have to find some way round it.
At least ketones last night had only gone to 0.1.
6.1 this morning.

And going to treat myself to an Accu-Chek Mobile I think. I know test strips are a little more money than the CodeFree ones but I like the idea of everything being contained in one device and not actually having to fuss with the test strips at all. I find it a bit depressing to get to pot out, get the strip out, pop it in, then throw it away afterwards. Over the week the number of strips in the bin grows and I grow to resent the diabetes. That’s not healthy so I’m hoping that this, with the less fuss and the inclusion of the fast clix and automatic logging in mysugr, might actually increase the testing frequency.
Unless anyone’s tried the accu-check mobile and wants to tell me it’s utter crap of course!
I’ve got the Accu-Chek Mobile. I love it. As you say, everything contained in one machine. I’ve got the “ pink to make the boys wink” version. What colour are you going for? 😉


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I'm going to guess that the person that wrote that is not a fan of the flavour of the yellow ones and is being a bit tongue in cheek.
That’s correct. Although I’m a yellow and green fan and hate the black and red ones, but I’ve never conformed! 😉
I’ve got the Accu-Chek Mobile. I love it. As you say, everything contained in one machine. I’ve got the “ pink to make the boys wink” version. What colour are you going for? 😉
Didn’t realise there were different colours!
I’ve got the Accu-Chek Mobile. I love it. As you say, everything contained in one machine. I’ve got the “ pink to make the boys wink” version. What colour are you going for? 😉
Those look really good, but as I pay for my own testing, the cost of the cartridges is double the cost of the test strips I use so I will not be upgrading.
Just found out that all of the babies have man’s and that the green one is “a bit sensitive” (according to Maynards Basset website) and that’s why he’s crying.
Maybe don’t let him witness the mass murder of all of his friends and family then if he’s that sensitive
It’s crying because it’s the least popular colour: read quite a few posts, & jokes, about when posters get to a point when there are only green ones left; THAT prompts ME to buy a new box of them! I’m of the “green jelly babies are VILE!” school of thought & they ARE a sickly colour! A sickly Green Throwing Up emoji! :D😉
Those look really good, but as I pay for my own testing, the cost of the cartridges is double the cost of the test strips I use so I will not be upgrading.
I pay for my own strips etc too. I’ll look on Amazon and eBay etc and see what I can find them for before committing but certainly won’t be buying them from boots!
Didn’t realise there were different colours!
I got offered pink or blue. Looked on website and they just show black. How boring! Also saw the price of the cassettes! £30! But Amazon appear to do them at £15. Glad I don’t pay for them. There’s 50 tests in each cassette and they get some getting used to, so you may waste a few! Read the instructions carefully!
I got offered pink or blue. Looked on website and they just show black. How boring! Also saw the price of the cassettes! £30! But Amazon appear to do them at £15. Glad I don’t pay for them. There’s 50 tests in each cassette and they get some getting used to, so you may waste a few! Read the instructions carefully!
They’re between £10-£15 a cassette generally I think. Other than Boots which is a whopping £23.
How many do you waste? There’s usually some waste in a normal pot anyway I find.
And I can decorate the meter I guess!
They’re between £10-£15 a cassette generally I think. Other than Boots which is a whopping £23.
How many do you waste? There’s usually some waste in a normal pot anyway I find.
And I can decorate the meter I guess!
Out of 50, maybe half a dozen or so, it just depends. If the meter gets too cold or too hot it goes a bit dolally! As I do sometimes too! 😛
They’re between £10-£15 a cassette generally I think. Other than Boots which is a whopping £23.
How many do you waste? There’s usually some waste in a normal pot anyway I find.
And I can decorate the meter I guess!
Under a tenner for a cartridge including delivery and I would be in. Currently I'm paying less than £7 for 50 strips.
A little while ago I was asking questions about heart rate and hypo’s in Type 1’s.
What I had noticed, rather unscientificly with the Apple Watch, was that when doing exercise and having BG’s going low the heart rate did not recover as quickly as normal or showed higher rates.
I also asked this question on the My Desmond site as I couldn’t find information on the internet. (I was on My Desmond as had started life as a type 2. )
This is the reply I have just received, and think it may be useful to everyone.

“ Hypoglycaemia will increase your heart rate (in addition to exercise if you happen to be doing that at the time), if you’re not hypo your HR will return to normal as it recovers from exercise. If you are hypo your body will initiate a stress response, releasing epinephrine and other hormones that increase your heart rate, so it won’t return to normal until the hypo is recovered. “

Is this one of the triggers for hypo response so we wake up in the night or the body making us aware for the need of Green and Yellow Jelly Babies
Under a tenner for a cartridge including delivery and I would be in. Currently I'm paying less than £7 for 50 strips.
I’ll let you know the cheapest I can find
@Bloden A gentleman should only show his knees when the temperature rises above 28degC. Really old chap, it's just not cricket.
Bloden is a girl’s name LOL! :D
As for men showing their knees, my hubby agrees (poetry!) - he wouldn’t be seen dead in shorts, not even when it’s hot. Don’t know where he gets some of his opinions from. o_O😛