Group 7-day waking average?

Rewatched a couple of Schitt's Creek episodes last night including the one where Patrick buys David a massage to calm him down before their wedding. Was yours like that??!!

And yes I know this means nothing to you if you've not seen Schitt's Creek!
Well funny you should mention that, my go to Thai massage lady on my last visit did ask if I wanted a happy ending so that was a No Thank you and I never went back. I have managed to find a good one, not Thia, but more sports masseuse so no pants off with this one and she was brilliant and cheaper, almost fell asleep. Feel a little disappointed with the last one because she was very good but if I needed a helping hand I would do it myself if you get my drift 😉
Would you believe it. I posted up this morning and actually forgot to write my BG

AND it was a 5.2 too

Ahhh well. Getting old.

It could be your explanation or perhaps you’ve managed so many of the HS’s that you were being generous and giving others a chance of glory.

Well done on the House Special.
And today, bright and early, 4.4

Such variation.

Thanks DuncanLord, that was a kind thought. I would like to think I was being kind rather than scatter brained. Hmmm however....

This morning, early on I have a hospital appointment for some rather unpleasant checks. It has been on my mind a lot. Not looking forward to it. There must be something to be concerned about because when I originally rang the GP they saw me within the hour and I was immediately referred to see a consultant.

Still, I will use the opportunity to walk back from the hospital. It is quite a way but very good exercise.

Wish me luck.
Good morning. After a not too low but stubborn hypo last night, i woke to a 12 this morning and have been out of target all night. Hmmm...a slight over treatment methinks. Its down to 8.6 now but i've a feeling its going to be an up and down day today.
@Gwynn, good luck today.
4.3 Happy Wednesday
7.7 today. Off from work now until 4th October. Nice visit with my friend yesterday. I’m allowed to drive now, have double checked as suggested with ins co.
@Gwynn congrats on the HS yesterday and wishing you well for your appointment today.
Have a good day all x
7.3 today. Been up and down like a yoyo lately, had a 12 midmorning yesterday. Just as it was all starting to level out a bit too. Never mind, lovely day in Poole, sun shining birds singing all is well with the world. Off to Bromley tomorrow to visit the wife's rellies and old haunts. Should be exiting in the EV Leaf, range of 90 miles and a trip of 120 odd miles. Wonder where I'll get a recharge on the way?
Thanks for that @Maca44 - I need cheering up! :D

Morning all.😛 9.4 here.

Oo, the sun’s shining, so I’ll risk shorts for this morning’s walk. I live life on the edge, me.😉😎
@Bloden A gentleman should only show his knees when the temperature rises above 28degC. Really old chap, it's just not cricket.
4.3 for me today. 🙂

Morning all on this sunny day. I was beginning to think that was it for the year. Anyhoo, a nice 6.4 after a whopping 12.4 before bed! No correction though, I think it was possibly due to feeling really rotten yesterday with my collarbone/ shoulder/ neck pain. I feel tons better today, decent sleep and just a bit of tenderness in my neck. Thank goodness. The over the shoulder boulder holder will be put to good use today! 😉The original plan for today was to bag a Wainwright but I don’t want to put any undue strain on my shoulder so fell walking is out. Maybe a trip to the coast? We’ll see.

Grandson’s PCR test came back positive this morning, it’s what we expected.:( He is utterly fed up and has a really bad throat. The rest of the family ( not three year old) are going for PCR tests today. We did their shopping for them yesterday so they’re ok for a few days, it doesn’t help that they live at the far end of the far end!

Belated congrats @Gwynn for your HS and good luck at the hospital.
@Bloden what a bummer. Hope hubby gets well soon and you get away, get those shorts on!
@SueEKglad you had a nice visit and enjoy your new found freedom.

Have a good day everyone. 🙂

7.7 today xx
Well I was stubbornly in the 8s and 9s all day yesterday despite numerous corrections. No idea why that happens to me sometimes. Anyway I upped my evening Levemir by another unit thinking that might sort it for today and it kind of did but a little too much as I dipped into the red a tiny bit earlier this morning. Anyway I'm reporting a Fizzy Worm induced 4.7 this morning.
Going to the theatre this afternoon to see Dirty Dancing with my friend for her birthday treat. Thought a matinee performance should be a reasonably safe way of easing ourselves back into some sort of normality. First real social event since this whole crazy pandemic started. Excited and a bit anxious!

Congrats to @Gwynn on your HS yesterday. So cool forgetting to mention it! 😎 Good luck with your hospital appointment today.

@eggyg Pleased to hear your pain has eased a bit. Hope you have a more comfortable day.
Morning all. Finally ordered some strips off ebay, really must try and extend my life, peoples need me. 🙂

Why are yellow jelly babies bad for you, even if having a hypo? Saw something on DUK yesterday. 4 jelly babies is the best thing for a hypo, but not the yellow ones even then so I was wondering.
6.1 this morning.

And going to treat myself to an Accu-Chek Mobile I think. I know test strips are a little more money than the CodeFree ones but I like the idea of everything being contained in one device and not actually having to fuss with the test strips at all. I find it a bit depressing to get to pot out, get the strip out, pop it in, then throw it away afterwards. Over the week the number of strips in the bin grows and I grow to resent the diabetes. That’s not healthy so I’m hoping that this, with the less fuss and the inclusion of the fast clix and automatic logging in mysugr, might actually increase the testing frequency.
Unless anyone’s tried the accu-check mobile and wants to tell me it’s utter crap of course!