Group 7-day waking average?

Long time no see. 🙂

6.0 for me.

@MeeTooTeeTwo - congrats on the HS.

Very dull day here in my part of Essex, going to do morning yoga, work then evening yoga with a bit of food thrown in somewhere.

Have a nice day one and all and hope someone gets to see the sun.
Morning all!

Back after a few days away with a 6.8

Hope everyone has been keeping well 🙂

Congrats on the HS @MeeTooTeeTwo
Morning folks. 6.1 on this going back to school ( for some) day. We’ve got three grandchildren going back today and one on Monday. The three going back today are raging! 😛 What a fast six weeks it’s been, where is the time going.

Cooler again today in South Devon, might consider lighting the wood burner tonight, that’ll be fun!

Had a good day yesterday at a fabulous beach, privately owned so you pay a premium to park, but it was spotless and they played Classic FM in the loos! That made me laugh. There was a breeze so we trudged to the very end of the beach and got ourselves tucked up in a lovely sheltered bay and just watched the waves crashing. Last night we went to Babbacombe Model Village, I’d quite forgotten how big it was. It was just as amazing as the first time we visited.
Today we are definitely doing the SWCP to Torquay, it’s six miles and probably “ undulating”. I will be taking my old lady walking poles. The plan is fish and chips when we arrive, and walk back via the road, two miles ( up hill)! I’m going to Norfolk or The Netherlands next time for my holidays. These hills are killing me! 😱

Have a great day, good luck to the school workers going back. @SueEK hope you haven’t put your self back laughing about my bikini hitching a ride on Mr Eggy’s tripod! 🙂


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7.2 for me today. Still the same old grey skies in Poole this morning, wish it would just rain and get it over with and get some sunshine back.
@eggyg The model village is lovely at night too, even more effective, we were there just before lockdown.
Yesterday I did a wash, hung it on the clothes airer in the cottage living area. Got ready to go for our daily walk. Mr Eggy, as per, had his whole camera kit and kaboodle. We had a 10 minute walk through the village, across the main road and down by the side of Torquay Golf Club until we came to the SWCP. We passed houses, people and lots of traffic. Just before the entrance to Petit Tor Point, the path narrowed. I stepped behind Mr Eggy. Imagine my surprise when I spotted my bikini top hanging from his tripod! 😱 Apparently he collided with the clothes airer just as we left, I was already outside. I was mortified at first and then we laughed, in fact we were still laughing last night! Think that’s one memory we’ll remember.🙂
Hahahahaha - brilliant! 😱 :D

Morning all.:D 5.4 here.

Nipped over to Tenby yesterday, thinking “it won’t be as busy now that the school hols are almost over”. Der, it was rammed. o_O🙂
Good morning a more respectable 5.4 today

hope everybody has a great day

9.4 for me

The ghostbusters have been going round since just after 8am (council lads spraying weedkiller but their attire makes them look like ghostbusters lol)
7.2 for me today. Still the same old grey skies in Poole this morning, wish it would just rain and get it over with and get some sunshine back.
@eggyg The model village is lovely at night too, even more effective, we were there just before lockdown.
We went at 7pm, lights started coming on at dusk. Was fabulous, we liked it that much we walked round twice!
Well I had another of my porpoise graphs on the Libre last night, just skimming under the surface of my upper level for most of the night. Can't decide if I am going to post (admit to 🙄 ) the 11.2 with an upward sloping arrow as my waking reading because whiulst it is in the log, it doesn't seem to be showing on my graph now or the 9.3 I got shortly afterwards. I'm not overly happy with either of them but at least one isn't in double figures! Not sure if it is my body or this Libre sensor but I seem to be having some rather erratic readings. Definitely not feeling as confident of this sensor as previous ones as it completely missed a nasty hypo on it's first day and yesterday I plummeted from 9.7 with an upward sloping arrow to 3.2 with a downward sloping arrow in 3/4 of an hour with a 1.5 correction which was not nice! Especially as I was loading MeMe into the trailer to take her out. Worse still, finger prick said 2.9! I am so used to all my other sensors reading lower than I actually am by at least 1mmol, this one is taking some mental adjustment. Thankfully my sister was there to take over, both the loading and the driving, but, by gum, it was a nasty one! Still got 12 days to go so hopefully we will start to get along better soon. Hope my next sensors are from an old batch and things are back to normal.

@freesia Congrats on a full 24hrs in target. I love it when that happens! Hopefully it gave you a bit of a mental boost after the frustrating levels you have been struggling with recently. Hope today goes smoothly for you and @Bexlee

@MeeTooTeeTwo Congrats on your House Special today. Hope this signals a return to form. Maybe it is just an indication that the seasons are changing.

@eggyg Will you be meeting up with Ted whilst you are down there and if so, I hope you packed plenty of cotton wool and bubble wrap. Photos are fab, even if the beach looks a little cool!
Morning everyone 🙂 Been quite busy and forgetting to post😳

4.4 today (4.4 yesterday too, then 4.2, 5.4 and 4.3) so kinda just stuck there in the 4s atm

Currently staying with friends in Cardiff before a big meet-up in Cheltenham :D so away from home until Sunday

Hope everyone has a good day 🙂
@Bexlee and @freesia good luck with your return to school, hope all goes well
Do you both work in schools? If so what is your job and what type of school do you work in ie infant, primary.....?

I'm a midday assistant in a nursery/infant school so ages from 3 (nursery) to 6/7 (Yr 2) then after year 2 they move on to year 3 at junior school.
Morning all and it was 5.1 for me @ 6:30 had another hour in bed and 5.3. Perhaps if I'd only had half an hour I might be claiming a house special?

Time to get the sander out, there's be a door to be prepped for painting.

Have a good day everyone.
Congrats to @MeeTooTeeTwo on the HS. I'm joining you with a 5.2 at 06:45 this morning. Still grey and overcast in West Berks this morning but looks like we could have better weather from Sunday onwards
Good morning 🙂

I will welcome any comments 🙂

at 6:30am it was 12.4 for me so I had 2.0 units of humalog for correction - also had 16.0 units of tresiba.
- at 9:50am bef breakfast I'm happy to say I was back down to 5.2 so had 36g of carbs and 3.5 units of humalog for food

23:30pm bef bed 13.8 - I didn't have a bedtime snack with carbs in - instead I had some tuna and cheese and also I didn't do a correction dose because I was going to bed.

Re the highs it was maybe not enough insulin for a millies cookie I had after my tea - I weighed it at 36g of weight and 18g of carbs - but maybe it was the wrong type of cookie from looking at the website
- another reason for the high might be that I had a night out with my son and had 3 gin and diet cokes and 1 jaegermister

- you have missed a dose of your insulin
- not enough insulin
- you have eaten more carbohydrates than either your body or insulin, or both, can cope with
- you're stressed
- you're unwell from an infection
- you have over-treated a hypo
- your body is reacting to something you may not be aware of.
4.5 for me.
Am taking a break from Diabetes so forgive my absence, just have been living and enjoying things so been out alot and not thinking about my T2 which is a good thing.
Congrats to @MeeTooTeeTwo on the HS. I'm joining you with a 5.2 at 06:45 this morning. Still grey and overcast in West Berks this morning but looks like we could have better weather from Sunday onwards
Glad you could join me. 🙂
Good Morning, or lunchtime
I’m back having had a couple of days not posting, being totally lazy but failing with higher glucose levels. Any food just seems to push levels upwards and fails to drop by next meal.
Even phoned diabetes team wondering if my insulin dose should increase, but they said it’s still within bounds. 10’s to 12’s much of time. It still dropped to a 6.4 this morning on waking but even with 5km run in 31 mins went up to 10.6 by 9:30.
Another 5km with nothing to eat and it’s now 5.7 at 13:27.
Suppose it’s going to be a case of eating food with another cut in carbs and see what happens!

Well done @adrian1der and @MeeTooTeeTwo on your HS’s.

At least with a higher BG my hypo recognition may improve.
Oh well have a good day and stay safe.