Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 2.7

At the start of this year my basal was 14. I have gradually reduced it to 11 based on the advice given on here, Last nights dinner was a modest amount of pasta followed by a quarter of a large water melon given to me by my neighbour. This morning I am reducing my Toujeo to 10.
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Good morning. Looks very dark out there this morning.

4.7 for me this morning at 5am.

Weight is stable too

We had a good, settled day yesterday, thankfully.

Nothing planned for today. I want to go out for a walk but it doesn't look too good out there right now.

I did 213 minutes of walking on the beach yesterday which was good but a bit tiring.
4.5 Another week of work and one of the team has tested positive for covid but I still have to go in just hope they all have masks on I am the only one who wears one.
Good morning Monday 5.8 today
I haven’t looked back through all the comments, this morning I’m needing to rush around a bit
as have a teams videocall before work, right now about to take my wife into work,

@Gwynn it’s a relief to read your wife had better day yesterday keep up the walking

Have a great day everybody.
A whooping 7.5 for me this morning, hoping it is because I gave into temptation, and ate one of the baked doughnuts I had made last night. Today's activities including work, running and yoga, oh and making dinner which is spinach and ricotta cannelloni, I onky have one cannelloni tube.

Getting exited about having my tattoo done on Wednesday, I'll post a pic afterwards, already planning more before I know if I can tolerate having this one done.

@Kaylz - sorry only just seen about grandad being taken to hospital, I hope he is improving now.

@Gwynn - pleased to hear you had a calmer day.

Have a nice Monday everyone, I have some sunshine hear in my part of Essex, although a bit breezy.
Morning all. :D 6.7 here.

Sounds like a good idea @Michael12421 🙂 especially with the high temperatures you’re experiencing in Andalucía. A whopping 47 degrees according to yesterday’s weather report! o_O I’m thinking of raising my basal cos the weather here’s autumnal to say the least, boo hoo.
7.7 today. Difficult balancing the need to rest and my longstanding problem with my coccyx , normally I sit very upright to take pressure off it but not possible to do that at the mo so rather uncomfortable to say the least, however not feeling too bad. Yet another day of not doing anything, very boring, didn’t even manage a walk yesterday.
Have a good day all x
Good morning, autumnal here too @Bloden. 6.7 for me. Suspect that’s the courgette, lime and ginger cake I made yesterday. A tiny slice slipped into my mouth about 8 o’clock last night! 😳 It was very, very nice even though I say so myself. As Paul and Pru might say, it was a good bake. Two courgettes down, ONLY 16 left to go, until tomorrow and there’ll probably be 20!

Busy morning, car in for MOT and service so I’ll go with Mr Eggy to take it to the garage first thing, and we’ll walk back, about three miles, at least I’ll get some walking in, haven’t had a walk since Thursday. Then I’ve a huge pile of ironing to do and I really need to run the Shark around the house. Oh what fun! 😉 Oh and I’m going to chop and freeze some courgettes!

Have a Happy Monday, however mundane it is. We’re still here and that’s what counts. 🙂
8.3 for me. Had a bit of a shock today, got on the scales the first time since diagnosis, and I've lost 4-5 kg. My BMI was 26 at diagnosis, so I can't afford to lose too much. The lovely Jane says my arms and legs are too thin---she doesn't say anything about my tummy though......
19 and sunny in Poole today
5.5 this morning for me. 🙂

I don't measure B G but was 8 at 5am after an accident. Should I worry. Only diagnosed with T2 in April so trying to get my head around this whole thing. 10% weight loss so hoping hba1c has improved
If you’d just had an accident, and there had been any shock, or any trauma to the body, you'd have had a release of adrenaline which would push your a blood Glucose up.
Welcome to the forum, by the way, do introduce yourself on the Newbies section where you’ll get a wider section of the forum seeing your posts, or start a thread on the General Messageboard with any questions you have, and members will be along to help with anything you want to ask.
If you’d just had an accident, and there had been any shock, or any trauma to the body, you'd have had a release of adrenaline which would push your a blood Glucose up.
Welcome to the forum, by the way, do introduce yourself on the Newbies section where you’ll get a wider section of the forum seeing your posts, or start a thread on the General Messageboard with any questions you have, and members will be along to help with anything you want to ask.
Robin- This got me thinking. When my annual bloods were taken for my HbA1c reading of 59, I had just come out of A&E after a nasty fall a couple of weeks earlier. X-rays showed no bones broken but for weeks afterwards I was in such severe pain I was given morphine by the hospital and some for home use aferwards. Three months later I am still in pain if I move wrongly and just catch it at the wrong posture.
Would this have impacted the HbA1c readings negatively?
Cheers Tony.
Edit-no not the booze, I was at a kiddies playground with my little gddaughter!

6.8 blood, 6.0 new sensor, it's a tad uncomfortable so hoping it settles down
Thanks so much robin - I fell and broke my shoulder (still painful) and after 5 hours on floor B G was measured in ambulance who said it was fine. But a friend worried me at weekend by saying it was bad. Your words make sense and are very reassuring. Had blood test last week so hoping hba1c improv as but realise this is lifelong.
I have done the newbies lost but thanks for that
Good morning 🙂 at 8:01am it was 5.9 within target for me oops I've not done my tresiba yet 8:53am! #feelingtoolazytogetoutofbed
4.8 this morning (an improvement on yesterday’s 4.4)

Started carb counting on Friday and results have been interesting 😛 It’s early days yet ofc but generally on the low side including 2 hypos (both 3.8) at lunch and evening meal yesterday, so probably taking too much.

Took a bit of a psychological hit last night as well due to a family member accusing me of making life at home miserable (again)... because apparently being diagnosed with a lifelong health condition is nothing to worry about 🙄
Good morning everyone. A JB induced 5.1 after alarm woke me with a 4.4. We're doing lots of walking while we're away and i'm struggling to balance the increased exercise/insulin/carbs. Had a slight high overnight followed by it crashing down to the 4.4. Oh well, i'll firefight it this week as next week we'll be back to normal.
Have a good day all, whatever you are planning to do.