Group 7-day waking average?

Wow, it was great on the beach this morning. Sand blowing everywhere. It looked like I was on the surface of mars. !!!

88 minutes exercise, sorted. Hard work it was too. Back home now with a cup of tea.
5.8 at my usual 6 o’clock. At my bbq yesterday my great nieces were tempting me with Coke floats. With some difficulty I resisted. I’ve not had a single sugary drink since diagnosis (ditto with crisps and other carb laden snacks) and want to keep it that way.

I’ve a horrible feeling I’m going to have a frustrating time on the phone today. I’m registered for alerts with the credit reference agencies and have received an alert to say that I’ve applied for a loan (I haven’t) along with two other “soft searches”. It tells me that if I haven’t applied for this loan I should contact Next Finance Ltd, but doesn’t tell me how to do so. Google hasn’t been much help. Ho hum.
Wow, it was great on the beach this morning. Sand blowing everywhere. It looked like I was on the surface of mars. !!!

88 minutes exercise, sorted. Hard work it was too. Back home now with a cup of tea.
Complete with sand blasted face?
Robin- This got me thinking. When my annual bloods were taken for my HbA1c reading of 59, I had just come out of A&E after a nasty fall a couple of weeks earlier. X-rays showed no bones broken but for weeks afterwards I was in such severe pain I was given morphine by the hospital and some for home use aferwards. Three months later I am still in pain if I move wrongly and just catch it at the wrong posture.
Would this have impacted the HbA1c readings negatively?
Cheers Tony.
Edit-no not the booze, I was at a kiddies playground with my little gddaughter!
HbA1c gives an approximate three month average, but it is weighted towards the last 6-8 weeks, I think. (It also depends from person to person how long your red blood cells last before your body scraps and renews them) So something that happens in the last few days before a test would be unlikely to impact it, but anything going on for a couple of weeks would certainly make a difference. Pain is one of the things that can certainly cause elevated BG levels. How much difference is anybody’s guess though!
6.3 for me yesterday and 6.6 this morning but I was battling a high last night which ate up several stacked corrections before I got it settled and ended up going to bed, as I often do, with insulin on board. ie I broke some of the basic diabetes management rules yet again but sometimes you just have to do what you know works for you.

Had a great weekend. Trip to Selkirk was a big success. People were really friendly and welcoming and we all had a good laugh at our collective failure to individually navigate a 5 mile course through the estate tracks and woodland and collect shells which had supposedly been placed at strategic points..... we are convinced the shells were either never placed at the points indicated or someone moved them! Then we did some cone driving and then some "difficulties" (obstacles) We managed 3rd place and Ian won first for best turned out, plus we got a lovely green tartan rosette just for turning up, so came home with 3 rosettes and some lovely memories of a great day! Then yesterday we went to our club drive which was over an hour's drive south of us, so the old Range Rover has clocked up a few miles over the weekend. Poor Zak was supposed to get the day off yesterday as we had decided that it was Arthur's turn to go out for the club drive but he managed to pull a shoe off overnight (You would think he knew. He is such a slacker!), so Zak got roped in to doing a second trip in 2 days. He was very up for it though!

@Michael12421 Great decision! I sometimes get the impression you are really reluctant to adjust your basal dose but it really is the mainstay of good diabetes management and basal needs seem to change for all sorts of reasons, but heat is a major factor. My basal needs doubled between Feb and May this year from 17units to 35units and I just had to keep increasing it every few days or weeks. Then it dropped back to about 25units and I am now having to increase it again so it can vary quite significantly.
You need what you need and getting the basal dose right is key to everything and adjusting it downwards is really important especially when you are waking up badly hypo and readings in the 2s are bad even if you don't feel it. Hope the new adjustment improves things for you.
Just caught up after a weekend off line. 5.9 Saturday, 5.1 Sunday and a 6.1 this morning for me.

Have a great week everyone
Good morning 5.3 today

following blood test week my HbA1c results came back @ 50

Had good news on the sale of our Mums house yesterday evening,
we’re exchanging contacts this week then complete next Friday,
so will be spending a few days in Newbury over the weekend.

busy day at work today,

have a great day everybody 😎
06:02 BS 5.4 🙂 Ok, I’m a little bit tired from a little less sleep than I’d like but, I’m back to normal: staying up longer yesterday backfired on me a bit when I fought through my sleepiness around lunchtime to about 2pm; ended up a bit wired for hours afterwards & only went to bed, finally, around 2am!🙄o_O Bunged in LR already & will take pills right after I finish this post: still having to TRY & remember that; cultivating the morning habit of doing the whole lot together!😳

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Once the pills are in I may go back for a bit more of a snooze but, won’t allow myself TOO much! 🙄

Oh yes! My weekly average, from my meter, has gone down a bit again to 7.8! :D Definitely going in the right direction!😛
Morning 4.1
Morning all. 5.4 today, not often in the fives. What did I do different? I haven’t the foggiest!

Got an extremely busy day coming up. The farmers’ children arrive at 9.30, Mum doing an extra day at work this week. They will be gone 3.30ish, then we will have to walk to pick the car up after her MOT/ service. Was expecting her back yesterday but got a phone call to say two tyres needed replacing. One has a nail in it and the other one has a large nick out of it ( Mr Eggy did clip a kerb a week or two ago!). More expense. :( Back home for a quick and simple early tea, then off to look after baby Zara as it’s her daddy’s 30th birthday and they are going out for a meal. Have to be there for 6 o’clock. Think we’ll be cutting it fine.

Have a great day everyone. 🙂 Roll on bedtime I say!😛
2 good days in a row. Let's hope the trend continues.

Oh and BG at 4am this morning was 4.8

Nothing planned, not even a walk as it looks horrible out there but I do have to go out for a small amount of shopping a bit later on.

I have an appointment with the diabetic nurse tomorrow afternoon.
7.1 after a hypo yesterday just before I was going running, I felt suddenly tired, dizzy and an overwhelming desire to eat something carby, said to my son I don't feel great, he asked me what my blood sugars were, tested and 3.8, despite only occasionally having a hypo, I know these are the signs, yet just did not think about it yesterday. Anyway had a couple of jelly babies and number rose, but later in the evening just found my hand in the jelly baby packet and ate about 6 in one go for no other reason than they tasted good. Needless to say I didn't run.

Also think I have a cold as a bit sneezy and a stuffy nose.

Dull and grey here in South West Essex today.

Have a nice Tuesday everyone.
Morning all, 5.6 here, reduced basal by half a unit and managed to stay out of the red overnight, after an 8mile walk yesterday. Who was a complete numpty, though? Stopped for a lunchtime bite at the cafe in the next village half way round the walk, and discovered I’d forgotten to put my insulin pen into my bumbag. Luckily my BG was on a downward slope with the exercise anyway, and a salmon and cream cheese bagel didn’t do too much damage, and I was just brushing the 10s by the time I got home and able to bung some insulin in.

9.2 for me

Congratulations and well done @rebrascora to you, Ian and Zak for taking rosettes back down the road with you!

Grandad had an ambulance out yesterday morning, couldn't breathe very well and had chest pain, the Pleurisy is only in one lung, it was 2 female paramedics that showed up and one of them had it in both lungs last year, they made sure he was ok and told him to take Nurofen for the pain, I'm a bit flabbergasted that they didn't tell him to take painkillers when he was discharged from the hospital! I'm feeling very emotional and down and keep bursting into tears as the way the current situation has made me means I can't just walk out the door and go check on him to make sure he's ok or help him :( I feel like I'm being selfish