Group 7-day waking average?

8.6 this morning after another hypo in the night. I am so looking forward to getting back into auto mode, which eliminated these.

Good to hear that you have already managed a walk @SueEK
Glad the film was good @Grannylorraine . I shall look out for that one.

Doing some dyeing for a weaving project this morning.
Cooler today so looking forward to a walk this afternoon.
Good morning and 5.8 here. I am feeling very grateful for the alarm in my Libre 2 as I am now sleeping so much better.

I now have invitations for my yearly check up at my doctors and my yearly appointment with my consultant who is based at a hospital. After a very long gap with no one seeing me, now everyone wants to see me!! I better get my bloods done.

I wish you all a good day.
Morning all, 5.1 here. I swap one child for another today. Daughter (and cat) are going back to her house, now she’s finished the decorating, and son is coming for a few days as he has holiday spare (he was supposed to be attending a friend’s wedding in Turkey, but it’s still on the red list).

9.6 today, probably lack of sleep and stress but we'll get to those reasons after a funnier story

Bruce ordered mobile phones on Thursday that were due to be delivered by DPD yesterday, he wasn't going to be in so spoke to a neighbout who kindly said they would take it in so he set that up on Friday night via the link, yesterday he got a "sorry we missed you text" and told it would be attempted again today but then got a picture of the stuff at his door, worried as someone may have tried to enter his flat on Friday he ran down the road (seeing the DPD van at the traffic lights at the bridge on his way) to get there and find nothing, checked with the neighbour and the driver hadn't even attempted to deliver it there! So very angry he started to come back up the road, he looked up a street and saw a DPD van so ran up the street and caught the driver coming out a gate, on seeing the confirmation on his phone and his VERY old provisional as ID he agreed to hand them over! He must've looked like a mad man! LOL

On to the lack of sleep and stress, neighbour from up and across the landing spent half an hour hammering on next doors door last night goodness knows why, the local pub had a band until midnight that was quite loud AND I've been worried about my grandad, phoned him as usual last night for it to be answered by my auntie and was told they were taking him to the infirmary as they suspect he had another chest infection, asked her to let me know how things went, 3 hours later I still hadn't heard a thing so text her to be told he'd been admitted to hospital and was being kept in! Absolutely raging that she didn't get in touch to tell us! Anyway I phoned the switchboard earlier, was put through to the hospital, the guy at main desk was great and gave me the number to the ward he is in (as I didn't know where he was) and he said to try then but if it went to the voicemail to leave it until after 11 and it did so more anxious waiting to find out whats going on :( xx
Good morning everyone 🙂 hope you're all ok.

Had a night out last night at Haven Primrose Valley which is probably a 5 minute drive from us - we went in the showbar and sat upstairs where the caravan owners can sit - there was a great band on. While I was out I had 1 gin & diet coke, 1 jaegermister, 1 large bag of quavers and maybe 4 papa John's chicken poppers - the chicken poppers were actually hubby & son's but I kept dipping into the bag for them - I feel so guilty now

7:28am 4.2 and 16 units of tresiba taken
00:01am 9.7 bef bed - no bedtime snack - no insulin
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Morning folks. 6.3 today. Thankfully I’m not hungover but didn’t sleep very well, heart racing. Wine is the devil’s work, it’s not big and it’s not clever. 😉 But we had a jolly good day/night. Lots of laughs and hugs. Home by 10, cup of tea and a slice of toast, I was 7 on the Richter scale but took into account the gallon of Pinot Grigio I drank.

Having a quiet day today, it’s wet up here anyways, reading of books, making of a curry, and possibly a nana nap.

Have a great day. 🙂

@SueEK glad you’re up and about, but please don’t overdo it.
@HenryBennett enjoy your BBQ, hope the weather is better than ours.
@Grannylorraine I’m exhausted just reading your post. Superwoman!
Morning all. After a lovely day yesterday, last night before bed i didn't feel right so scanned. Libre said ok but finger prick said i'd dropped to 3.6! Spent 40 minutes trying to bring it up then subsequently shot up high overnight with a crashing 3.9 at breakfast. Ended up having a JB then eating first before injecting. We had a busy day yesterday so had a meal in the apartment where i used the carbs off the packet. Must have miscalculated somewhere/didnt take into account exercise properly. Eating out tonight, will hopefully get the carbs right.

@SueEK, try aiming for a lamppost a day, if you can't quite manage it, it doesn't matter, just try again another time. Well done getting up and out. Keep resting as well.
@Kaylz, i can imagine Bruce chasing down all the DPD vans lol!! I hope your grandad is ok.
@Grannylorraine i shall be going to see the film. Glad you enjoyed it.

Have a good Sunday everyone.
9.6 for me today - I had run out of strips and waited ages on them being delivered - so glad they are here now
4.6 for me have a good one peep's
@Kaylz, i can imagine Bruce chasing down all the DPD vans lol!! I hope your grandad is ok.
With being such a small place we usually only get 1 driver to cover the town but as he was at the lights at the bridge Bruce thought he was heading out the town but he must've been waiting to get round the corner, I'd told Bruce to leave getting back here until half 4 so maybe a good job I did that as he might not have caught up with him otherwise! lol

Thanks, grandad is getting home today armed with antibiotics, I haven't spoken to him as he didn't have his phone and didn't get to speak to the nurse as she was busy when I phoned but the guy I spoke to says he was in good spirits laughing and joking with the nurses, I'll phone him tonight xx
Thanks, grandad is getting home today armed with antibiotics, I haven't spoken to him as he didn't have his phone and didn't get to speak to the nurse as she was busy when I phoned but the guy I spoke to says he was in good spirits laughing and joking with the nurses, I'll phone him tonight xx
Good to hear that your grandad is coming home today.
I hope he continues to feel better.
@Kaylz glad your grandad is well enough to come home, albeit with the antibiotics, one less thing for you to worry about xx
Thanks guys! Not long off the phone to him and he has a touch of pleurisy xx
I’m cream crackered but the bbq was good. The meat from my local farm butcher really is second to none. I did two roasts (butterflied half leg of lamb & an end of rump), big fat 92% meat pork sausages and peri peri chicken thighs. And, oh, some salad and garlic bread.
23:32 BS 5.0 & I’m quite happy with that! 🙂 A wee bit later than yesterday by a few hours as I stayed up a bit longer: moving my day around a few hours each day; hopefully be back to usual by the next day or day after?🙄

Yesterday was a slowly getting my BS down bit by bit with just a little bit extra, +2, NR while LR was back up to 78 & I’m pleased to get my BS back in range to start of MY day tonight! 🙂

Incidentally, my weekly averages, from my meter, have kept coming down this from 9.2 to 8.0 now & it gladdened my heart to see it go down bit by bit! 😛 It’s still too high, I know but, I’ve been moving it down in the right direction & hopefully get it down further?:D

A Very Weirdly timed Very Good Morning to you all, coming up for you Normal lot, & have a Wonderful Day from a still Weird me! o_O:D😉

Now going to have breakfast! 😛